A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module 3(外研版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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一、Teaching materials:
Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend? (Module 3 Plans)
二、Targets for this period:
To understand conversations about plan
To get special information from the listening passage
To talk about one’s plan on weekend
三、Key points:
Key vocabulary—plan to do something, revise for one’s test, have a picnic/party, have a piano lesson, do some sightseeing, go sightseeing/shopping/cycling, cook dinner, go to the beach, stay in bed
Key structures—What is he / she/ your friend going to do on weekend?
What are you / they going to do on weekend?
四、Teaching methods:
Interactive approach
五、Teaching aids
Tape recorder, OHP
六、Teaching arrangements:
Step One Lead-in
1. Students talk about the following questions in small groups:
1) Do you like weekend?
2) Why do you like weekend?
3) What do you usually do on weekend?
2. Show some new phrases and ask the students to remember them
plan to do something, revise for one’s test, have a picnic/party, have a piano lesson, do some sightseeing, go sightseeing/shopping/cycling, cook dinner, go to the beach, stay in bed
Step Two Presentation
1. Show the sentence structure “be going to” with examples and pictures.
----What is he going to do? ----He is going to…(将要做某事)
----He is going to check his email.
----He is going to do his homework.
2. Students look at more pictures and make sentences.
1) ----What is she going to do?
----She is going to have a birthday party / cook dinner / go to Sydney / take the plane / take the boat.
2) ----What are they going to do?
----They are going to eat dinner / have a party / have a picnic / go to the beach /watch TV / play soccer / go to the theater / buy some clothes / play volleyball.
3) ----What is he going to do?
----He is going to study for a test / have a piano lesson / go sightseeing / go cycling / play volleyball / play basketball / go swimming / go shopping / go fishing
Step Three Listening (Activity 3)
1. Students listen to the tape and choose the correct answers. (Activity 4)
1) What’s Daming going to do on Saturday morning?
D He is going to check his email.
H He is going to do his homework.
2) What’s Betty going to do on Saturday afternoon?
G She is going to buy clothes.
3) What’s Betty and Daming going to do on Saturday evening?
C They are going to go to the party.
4) What are Daming, Betty, Tony and Lingling going to do on Sunday afternoon?
A They are going to have a picnic.
5) What’s Daming going to do on Sunday morning?
F He is going to get up early.
I He is going to play table tennis.
6) What’s Betty going to do on Sunday morning?
B She is going to stay in bed.
E She is going to revise for her test.
2. Students listen again and complete the diary. (Activity 7)
Daming Betty
Saturday Morning Check email Do homework
Afternoon Have a piano lesson Buy some clothes
Evening Go to a party Listen to some music Go to a party Listen to some music
Sunday Morning Get up early Play table tennis Stay in bed Revise for her test
Afternoon Meet Lingling and Tony in the park Have a picnic Meet Lingling and Tony in the park Have a picnic
3. Students ask and answer in pairs according to the diary.
e.g. ----What’s Daming going to do on Saturday morning?
----He’s going to check his email and do his homework.
Step Four To practice reading aloud the conversation in groups of two.
Step Five Detail explanation (Activity 3)
1. Would you like to come? = Do you want to come?
2. revise sth = go over sth
e.g. I must revise my English notes for my exam.
Step Six To act out the conversation.
Step Seven To listen and repeat (Activity 5&6)
Step Eight Summary: be going to do sth. 表示自己打算或计划做某事.
be 的形式要根据主语来确定。
I’m going to check my email.
He/She is going to have a picnic.
We/They are going to get up early.
What are you going to do at the weekend?
What is he/she going to do at the weekend?
Step Nine To play guessing games: 两人一组,选好题号,一人面向屏幕,表演图中内容,另一人猜测:What is he going to do at the weekend?
1. To recite the dialogue of Unit1, Module 3
2. To make a dialogue in pairs about one’s plan at this weekend.
2. To finish Unit1, Module3, 点中典



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