A teaching plan for Unit 2,Module12(外研版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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一、Teaching materials:
Unit 2 We didn’t see the queen (Module 12 A holiday journey)
二、Targets for this period:
To get information from the reading material about holiday journeys
To learn how to write email
三、Key points:
Key vocabulary—hope, well, be tired, go for a walk, do some shopping, fly home, say hello to
Key structures —irregular past simple of verbs
四、Teaching methods:
Task-based approach and bottom-up approach
五、Teaching aids
OHP, handouts
六、Teaching arrangements:
Step One Pre-reading
1. To show the pictures of some places in London
Do you know these places? They are very beautiful and famous. They are in London. These places are Buckingham Palace, Chinese restaurant, Big Ben, British Museum, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge
2. To pronounce the names of these places
3. To give some phrases: the next day, be going to do, arrive by plane, take a taxi (to), go for a walk, be tired, have dinner, do some shopping, listen to a concert, come back (to), read the newspaper, write some postcards, send some emails (to sb), take lots of photos, fly home, say hello to sb.
Step Two Fast reading (Activity One)
Students read the email quickly and put the given places in the correct order :
Hyde Park – Big Ben – Buckingham Palace – British Museum – Chinese restaurant – Tower Bridge
Step Three Careful reading
1. Students check the true sentences and correct the false sentences. (Activity Two)
1) They arrived last Sunday. ( )
2) They went for a walk in Hyde Park. ( )
3) They bought lots of presents. ( )
4) On Wednesday they saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. ( )
5) On Thursday they saw the River Thames and visited Tower Bridge. (√ )
6) Today they spent the day at the hotel. ( )
7) She did some shopping on Friday. (√ )
8) Jenny went for a walk in the park. ( )
2. Students read it again and complete Gran’s diary. (Activity Three)
Monday arrived by plane, went to hotel, went for a walk
Tuesday saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, bought some presents
Wednesday visited the British Museum, had dinner in a Chinese restaurant
Thursday relaxed in the morning, went to Tower Bridge and looked at the city
Friday did some shopping, read the newspaper, wrote some postcards, sent some emails
Saturday flying home
Step Four Language points
1. I hope you’re well.
1) hope 后跟动词不定式或句子
  eg. He hopes to be a professor in the future. 他希望将来成为一名教授。
  2) well 作adj.时仅指身体好,而 good指其他方面好。
2. be tired of doing sth.  厌烦做某事
eg. I’m tired of listening to that piece of music. 我讨厌听那首曲子.
3. Jenny didn’t buy anything. = Jenny bought nothing.
4. fly to a place = go to a place by plane
eg. Yesterday Jim flew to Beijing. 昨天吉姆坐飞机去北京。
5. say hello to sb. 该句用于向别人传达问候,常用于口语中或书信、电子邮件末尾
eg. We always say hello to each other when we meet. 当我们见面时我们总是互致问候。
Step Five Students practice reading the email aloud
Step Six Students find out the past simple of some verbs. (Activity Four)
Buy – bought come – came read – read send – sent write – wrote
Step Seven Students listen and repeat the answers to Activity Five
go—went get—got have—had leave—left meet—met
see—saw spend—spent swim—swam take—took
1. To practice reading the email aloud
2. To finish Ex.1-7 on P132-133
3. To write a passage about Daming and Lingling’s holiday in A5



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