冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 53 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文教学设计 手机版

After this lesson, students should be able to
1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for making phone calls
3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts
or ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “ Teaching Techniques at the back of this, teacher’s guide. You may wish to have the class sing “East We Go.”
There is one reading for this lesson. While you are encouraged to use your own ways of teaching, you could follow the steps outlined below.
Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text.
Step 2: Play the audiotape, which teaches the vocabulary for this lesson. The new mastery vocabulary for this lesson is:
ring up
Hold on, please.
This is speaking.
How’s the weather in ?
Note there is no new oral vocabulary for this lesson.
Here you may want to mention some other important phrases, expressions and sentence patterns in the text, including:
a report on something
to get ready for something
May I please speak to…?
There is...speaking.
Step 3: Action! Divide the class into groups of four. Each member plays one of the four roles (Jenny, Brian, Li Ming's mother and Li Ming). The students can act out the reading in any way they choose, have one group perform for the rest of the class.
Step 4: If time allows, discuss the reading with students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate in the discussion. Ask questions such as:
What does Brian say that means the same thing as "call on the telephone"? (He says "ring up, ") What could you say instead of "Thanks a lot"? (Thanks, thank you, thanks very much, thank you very much.)
Continue unit project. Students continue to work in the same groups. They continue to work on their reports. Encourage the groups to add information to their reports that is not in the student book or reader. For example, students may know of famous places in their region or unusual animals that live there. Advise students to finish their reports in this lesson. They will be presenting their reports in the next lesson.
Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:
1. Listen to the audiotape, choose the correct answers.
1. I live in a place that is bigger than a village and smaller than a city. What is it?
2. This could hold many of my schoolbooks. But I never take it to school. I use it only when I go on a trip. What is it?
3. When l drive my car, I am a driver. When l travel on an airplane, I am one of these.
4. Bikes, cars, airplanes and busses have these.
What are they?
5. You can do this to stairs and airplanes.
Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.
the fourth reading in the reader
the remaining activity book exercises
the next lesson in the student book



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