选修8 unit 4 Pygmalion language points(新课标版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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1. work out 计算出,设法弄懂,精心制定出,逐渐解决,按某种方式发展。
1) You can work out the answer by adding all the numbers.
2) I’m not telling you the answer-----work it out for yourself.
3) I haven’t worked out who is going to look after the kids tonight.
4) I hope it all works out between you and me.
5) We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it worked out very well.
2.…an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his/her position in society.
(1) Convince vt. to cause to believer or feel certain; to persuade 说服;使相信,说动 (某人)
We convinced him to go by train rather than plane.
2)(be) convinced + of 短语/ that 从句意思是“坚信…”;“确信…”。例如:
I am convinced of his guilt.
=I am convinced that he was guilty.
3) convince (vt.) sb + of 短语/that 从句,“使…坚信…”; “使…确信…”。
I don’t think her forced smile will convince her father that she lives happily on that small lonely island.
Convinced adj.坚信的,意志坚定的Convincing adj.令人心服的
3. set
(1) vt. 安排;布置(岗哨);定(时间、标准);创造(记录);专心于
1) Set guards around the gate.
2) The time and date of the meeting have not yet been set.
3) He set a new record.
4) Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
(2) vt. 使――做某事;使――处于某状态
5)I opened the cage and set the bird free.
6) A spark set the soods on fire.
(3) vi.(日、月等)下落;下沉
7) It will be cooler when the sun has set.
(4) n. 一套,一组;电器设备
8) I bought a set of LuXun’s short stories.
9) I need a radio set.
短语: set off 出发,动身 set out 出发,着手
Set about 开始,着手 set up 建立,成立
Set sb. a good example 为某人树立好榜样
4. Hold up
1) raise; keep up举起
Hold up your right hand.
2) show as an example 提出(作为榜样)
The teacher always holds up Tom as a model of hard work.
3) to delay 阻滞
The building of the new road has held up by bad weather.
短语:hold back 使固定;阻挡 hold down 压制
Hold to 遵循;坚持 hold together (使团结;连接在一起)
5.Hand over 移交;让与;交给某人照料
1)The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship. 军舰的指挥权
2)The thief was handed over to the policeman.
短语: hand down 传给 hand over 传递
Hands up 举手 hand out 分发,分给
6. But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.但每次一张嘴说话,他们就原形毕露。
betray oneself 无意中露出本性;背叛
Quite a lot of people will betray themselves when tempted by money.
1)vt. give away or make known泄露(秘密)她不会把他的秘密泄露给我。
He betrayed the news to all his friends.
2)vt. to be disloyal or unfaithful to 出卖;背叛
His best friend betrayed him.
He betrayed his country to the enemy
(3) to be a sign of (sth. One would like to hide)显露;显示
His face betrayed that he was angry.
betray + n. + to 出卖,背叛
betray +n.+ (to be)/-that 表示“无意中显示,暴露”
名词形式betrayal 如an act of betrayal 背叛的行为
Every time 每一次;下列名词词组可作为连词使用:the moment, the second, the minute, the instant, any time, the first time, the last time等。例如:
The moment I heard the news that she had been admitted into Oxford University, I sent an e-mail to congratulate her.
7. Condemn vt.谴责
(1)condemn sb. / sth. 谴责某人/某事
Most people condemn any sort of violence.
(2)be condemned to death / be sentenced to death被判死刑
The criminal was condemned to death.
(3) condemn sb. to do sth.使——注定
His illness condemned him to be in bed all the time.
8.acquaintance n. 相识; 了解
I have some acquaintance with the language.
I made his acquaintance long ago.
make one’s acquaintance / make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人
be familiar with / be acquainted with对…熟悉
acquaint sb. with使某人了解
9. a handful of 一把,少数的(人)
I gave the boy a handful of sweets.
We invited 12, but only a handful of them came.
a basketful一篮子 a bagful of一书包
a mouthful of一口 a pocketful of一袋
10. in amazement 惊讶地
We watched in amazement as she tore up the contract and threw it.
to one’s amazement 使某人惊奇的是
To my amazement I got the first prize.
11.a fortune! 一笔财富
(1) [U] success; good luck 成功;好运,幸运
1) Fortune smiled on him. 他事事顺利.
2) By good fortune he was not hurt.
(2) [C] 未来的命运;运道;运气
3) What will be our fortune?
4)One day good fortune befell him.
(3) [C] 财富
5) He received a large fortune when his father died.
Fortunate adj. 幸运的 fortunately adv. 幸运地
短语: make a fortune 发财 seek one’s fortune 外出找出路
try one’s fortune 碰运气
be fortunate to do sth./ in doing sth. 幸运地做某事
12. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those whom they think are of higher social class.
(1)本句中的of 表示”从属”关系。例如:
Birds of a feather flock together.
(2) be of + 形容词+抽象名词=be +副词+与该抽象名词同根的形容词。例如:
What I said is of great importance.
= What I said is very important.
可用于以上结构的抽象名词及相对应的形容词有:ability-able, help-helpful, importance-important, interest-interesting, significance-significant, use-useful, value- valuable
superior 作为形容词有两大用法:
1) 作为普通形容词,意为“傲慢的”。例如:
我讨厌他那傲慢的态度。I hate his superior manner.
2) 作为暗含比较级的形容词,意为”较高级”、“较好的”、“较…为优秀的”。由于superior本身隐含着比较意义,因此不能在前面再加more。在与另一事物进行比较时,与之搭配的介词要用to,不能than。例如:
Johnson is superior to Mr. Wang in mathematics.
与superior用法相同的词还有inferior, senior, junior, prior等。比…优越,不屈服于be superior to 低于be inferior to 比…年长be senior to 比…年轻be junior to例如:
青铜不如金子。Brass is inferior to gold.
He is junior to me by many years.
Prior to her marriage, my mother was an electrician.
14. in terms of 有两个意思:一个意为“根据”、“依照” “从—角度”;另一个意为“以…的措辞”。例如:
In terms of money we’re quite rich but not in terms of happiness.
Let each child read in terms of his own tastes and choices.
He referred to your work in terms of high praise.
15. in disguise 意为“乔装”(1)我以为你是便衣警察。
I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.
(2)这位皇帝喜欢微有私访。The emperor liked travelling in disguise.
联想:in need of 意思是“需要”。
他需要理发了He is in need of a haircut. 
in need 意思是“在困难(穷困)中”。例如:
We should help those in need.
16. bet n.&vt. 打赌
I’ve made a bet that our team will win the first.
He has just lost a bet.
I bet you($5) that they will win.
短语:I bet 我敢肯定 win/lose a bet 赌赢/赌输
Make a bet on 就-----打赌
17.Deep in sth. 专心;全神贯注;深陷
1)They are deep in prayer.
2) He was deep in thought when I saw him.
3) He is often so deep in his books that he forgets to eat.
形容词短语deep in sth. 可用在句中作状语。
Deep in thought,he didn’t notice the car running towards him.
同样用法还有:lost, determined, absorbed, interested 等。
18.Treat 对待;看待(以某种方式对待和处理)(常与as连用);治疗;款待;享受;
1) She treated me all right.
2) Don’t treat this serious matter as a joke.
3) Are they able to treat this disease?
4) I’m going to treat myself a vacation in the mountain.
Treatment n. 治疗;疗法 treatable 可治疗的
19.I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds.
1) fancy oneself (as) 自以为是――;自命不凡。例如:
She fancied herself (as) a famous actress.
2) fancy doing 表示“想不到会做某事”常用于祁使句,表示惊叹。例如: Fancy meeting so many old friends!
And fancy you talking like that!
3)想象,设想 We cannot fancy a life without electricity.
4) 爱好,喜欢。 What do you fancy for supper?




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