Unit 1 Advertising教案学案练习一体化(译林牛津版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

1. 词汇: advertise, share, persuasive,product, service, promote, place, intended, educate, welfare, complete(ly), lie, claim, aware, toothpaste, breath, cure, customer, connect, trick, creative, public, lead, nationwide, campaign, drug, deal, social, commit, smart, satisfied, publisher, unique, senior, choice, recommend, purchase, copy, sweet, sales, bar, packaging, update, design, unforgettable, fashionable, convenient, continuously, functional, filling, available, various, particular, goal, target, media, mailing, determine, appeal, react, gather, approach
2. 词组、短语:be used to,be satisfied with, encourage sb. to do sth., post sth. on the school website, learn about, do some research on, have information to do sth., share sth. with sb. pay for, do sth. for free, be intended to do sth., educate sb about sth., tell sb. the truth, protect sb. from, be aware of, even if, be proud of, feel good about, connect sth. to, play trick on sb., serve the public, be meant to do sth., lead(live) a …life, deal with,believe in sth., publics service projects, Project Hope, school every child, be smart about, be supposed to do sth., persuasive language, exciting images, be popular with, market share, sales targets, market leader, be of high quality, sales figures, for the benefit of, have a goal, get sb. to do sth., create the right message, care about, be concerned with, affect one’s life, get the message across, depend on, come up with,
3. 语法、结构:direct speech and reported speech 直接引语和间接引语
4. 技能指导 :
1) read expository writing
2) write an advertisement and develop an advertising campaign
Welcome to the unit
I. Read the following and tell what they are for:
1. Home-care helper for disabled woman in her downtown home, provide personal care and recreation, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., five days a week.
824-3174 between 4 and 7 p.m.
2. Large bedroom in shared house, close to downtown and University, off-street parking, on bus route, park with tennis courts across the street.
824-2723 or 823-0236.
3. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Pasta Dinners
Tel: 422307
4. Tent--£35
Nylon, blue and green; lm high, 120cm wide,
190cm deep (for two people)
Portable CD player--E60
With radio, stereo headphones, case. No batteries.
16cm x 13cm x 6cm. Weighs 2kg
5. Save 25%
II. We have two basic types of advertisements. One is A commercial advertisement (CAs商业广告), and the other is Public service advertisement (PSAs公益服务广告) . Read and enjoy the following advertisements and decide which are PSAs and which are CAs.
1) Make it possible with Canon. 佳能数码相机广告
2) The daily modern 日产(尼桑)汽车广告
3) Planned Parenthood
Children by choice, Not by chance
4) There’s no better way to fly. 德国汉莎航空
5) The power of dreams 本田汽车广告
6) Make Poverty History
7) Like no other 索尼产品广告
8) Take TOSHIBA, take the world.
9) One by one they step forward: a nurse, a teacher, a homemaker. And lives are saved.
10) We can beat extreme poverty, starvation, AIDS. But we need your help
11) The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。——百事可乐
12) Ask for more 渴望无限——百事流行鞋
13) Impossible made possible 使不可能为可能——佳能打印机
14) We're not asking for your money; we're asking for your voice.

CAs:______________ ________________ ________________
______________ ________________ ________________
______________ ________________ ________________
PSAs: ______________ ________________ ________________
______________ ________________ ________________
______________ ________________ ________________
Reading & discussion
Read the passage of Reading and decide the main ideas for each paragraph after discussion.
Para1 __________________________________________________________
Para2 __________________________________________________________
Para3 __________________________________________________________
Para4 __________________________________________________________
Activities and discussion
I. Learn to design some questions,express your opinion and state the views.
Q1: _________________________________________________________________
Q2: ________________________________________________________________
Q3: ________________________________________________________________
Q4: ________________________________________________________________
II. Try to join your main ideas together with some other sentences to form a summary of your Reading.
Words and expressions
1. share n. 一份(报酬、责任、权利等),股份,
If you want a share of the pay, you’ll have to do your share of the work.
She owns 5000 shares in the company. 她拥有公司的五千股份。
Children should have a share in deciding which subjects they study.
Vt. to join with other people in owning, using , or doing something 分享,共有,分担
Everyone in the house shares the same bathroom.
He’s sure we’ll win the match, but I don’t share his faith in the team.
also 又作share out , to divide and give out in shares 分配,均分
His property was shared between his children.
2. be used to,
有用句型:be(get) used to sth; be used to doing sth 习惯于 (某事)的;
She gets used to English food.
I’m not used to getting up so early.
[相关链接]:be used to do sth
used to do sth
would do sth
A computer can be used to do all its accounts.
I don’t play tennis much these days, but I used to.
We used to work in the same office and we would often have coffee together.
注意:used to do sth 表示过去经常、总是或有规律地发生的事,但现在不一定还那么做。 usedn’t to 否定缩略形式,used to 也常常被看作情态动词。
3. advertise,vt.做广告:为…做公开启事,尤指赞扬(某一产品或企业)的质量或优势以促销
1). to make known; call attention to: 引起注意:使变得著名;引起对…的注意:
I advertised my intention to resign.
2). to warn or notify: 告诫,告知:
This event advertises me that there is such a fact as death.
1). to call the attention of the public to a product or business. 做广告:引起公众对产品或企业的注意
We advertised through the newspaper for the products of our factory.
2). to inquire or seek in a public notice, as in a newspaper: 登广告:在公告,如报纸上询问或寻找:
He advertised for an apartment when he just arrived in this city.
4. recommend, vt.(及物动词)
1). to praise or commend (one) to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse: 推荐:向另外一个人称赞或推荐(某人或物),认为其有价值或合人心意;担保:
They recommended him for the job.
He recommended a sedan instead of a station wagon.
2). to make (the possessor, as of an attribute) attractive or acceptable: 使受欢迎:使(其拥有者,如其品质之拥有者)具有吸收力或使之可取:
Honesty recommends any person.
Your plan has very little to recommend it.
3). to commit to the charge of another; entrust. 托付:将……交给另一个人掌管;信托
She recommend a child to her friend when was away.
4). to advise or counsel: 劝告:建议或忠告:
She recommended that we avoid giving offense.
1). to give advice or counsel: 建议:给以劝告或忠告:
He recommended against signing an international agreement
5. determine, vt.(及物动词)
1). to decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.
He determined to go.
I am determined to do better than Mike.
He determined to go [that he (should) go] at once.
2). to cause (someone) to come to a conclusion or resolution.
He has not determined what he will study.
His advice determined me to drink and smoke no more.
3). to be the cause of; regulate:
Demand determines production.
4). to give direction to:
The management committee determines departmental policy.
1). to reach a decision; resolve.解决,决定:作出决定;
They determined on an early start.
I have determined on [upon] going to the countryside after graduation.
6. appeal, vi.
1). 呼吁;恳求
The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.
2). (常与to连用)吸引;引起兴趣
She appeals to me.
Bright colours appeal to small children.
Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?
3). n. 呼吁;恳求
an appeal for forgiveness
The teacher listened to his appeal.
4). (常与to连用)上诉;诉诸于
appeal a decision to a higher court
He appealed against the judge's decision.
7. approach vt., vi.
1). 走近;靠近
We approached the museum.
2). (首次)接洽
Did he approach you about a loan?
3). 开始考虑;开始着手
He approached the idea with caution.
He approached the new job with enthusiasm.
4). 接近,近似
The population of our city is approaching 5 million
It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.
The time is approaching when we must be on board.
at the approach of
be approaching (to)
与...差不多, 大致相等
be difficult of approach
(指地方)难到达的; (指人)难于接近的
be easy of approach
(指地方)容易到达的, 交通方便的; (指人)容易接近的
make an approach to
make approaches to sb.
设法接近某人, 想博得某人的好感
approach sb. on sth.
approach sb. about sth.
approach to
接近, 近似, 约等于; (做某事)的方法[途径]
8. satisfy vt. 使幸福; 使愉快; 使满足,使满意
This work does not satisfy me.
"I wasn't satisfied with our treatment at that hotel, so I shall complain to the proprietor."
(常与of, that连用)使确信;使消除疑虑
I am satisfied that he is guilty.
I satisfied my employer that I had finished.
adj. satisfied; 感到满意的 satisfying令人满足的, 令人满意的
The story had a satisfying ending. 那个故事的结局令人满意。
9. intend vt. 想要, 打算; 企图 ;设计; 计划; 意指, 意思是
He intends his child for a doctor 他打算让孩子以后行医
He intends no harm. 他没有恶意。
I intend to go home. 我想回家。
The book is intended for beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。
What do you intend by that remark? 你说这话是什么意思?
Is that what you intended? 这是你的原意吗?
I intend it as a stop -gap. 我想拿它凑数。
[相关链接] intend 系正式用语, 指“心里已有做某事的目标或计划”, 含有“行动坚决”之意, 如:
I intended to write to you.
mean 可与 intend互换, 但强调“做事的意图”, 较口语化, 如:
I mean to go to bed earlier tonight.
今晚 我想早些睡觉。
propose指“公开明确地提出自已的目的或计划”, 如:
I proposed to speak for an hour.
be intended to (do) 意思是使; 是用来
be intended to be 规定为, 确定为
it is intended that 企图, 意图是
intend for 打算供...使用; 打算送给;打算使...成为; 想让...从事某事
10. protect vt. 保护; 保卫; 准备支付(汇票)
protect home industries 保护国内工业
protect sb. from danger 保护某人免遭危险
A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.
在边界沿线构筑了堡垒, 以防国家受到攻击。
He raised his arm to protect his face.
He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.
11. aware adj. [用作表语]知道的; 意识到的
He wasn’t aware of the danger. 他没意识到有危险。
I didn’t become aware of his arrival. 我没注意到他的到来。
注意:后接从句时of 要省略。
Are you aware that you have hurt her feelings?
I became aware how she might feel.
[相关链接] aware; conscious; sensible 都含有“意识到的”意思。
aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”, 如:
Everybody is aware of the importance of the Four Modernizations.
conscious 侧重“心理感知”, 如:
He is conscious of a sense of quilt. 他感到内疚。
sensible 指“可用感官察觉到的(较复杂或抽象的事物的)”, 如:
I was sensible of her solemn grief. 我知道她很悲哀。
unaware 不知道的,没察觉到的 unconscious不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的
12. trick n. 诡计, 欺骗, 骗术, 奸计; 谋略; 恶作剧; 卑鄙的手段; 轻率愚蠢行为; 习惯怪癖; (贬意)秘诀, 窍门; 手腕, 手法; 技艺, 巧技; 戏法, 幻术; [口语]逗人的孩子; 俏姑娘
He exposed all the tricks of the enemy 他揭露了敌人的一切阴谋诡计。
a double -dealing trick 两面派手法
Tom can see through the magician's tricks.
I can do magic tricks.
He has learned the tricks of the trade
He got the money from me by a trick.
The children played a trick on their teacher.
Tom has the trick of frowning.
a mere trick of the light
a night trick
a pretty little trick
13. deal with,vt. (dealt [delt]) 分配, 分派(out); 分, 分给, 授给, 发(纸牌)
给以(打击); [常用于被动语态]对待, 对付
deal sb. hard blows 狠狠打击某人
deal the cards 分牌
You have been well /badly dealt by him. 你受到了他的优/虐待。
vi. 交易; 经营(in) 应付, 处理, 考虑, 安排(with),与...有关; 论述, 涉及(with)
从事, 参与; 生产; 使用,交际, 打交道, (和...)来往,对待, 处分, 惩处,分发(尤指分纸牌)
deal in tea 经营茶叶
deal with the cards 发牌
He is easy to deal with.
The committee will deal with this complaint.
The book deals with this problem.
The teacher deals fairly with his pupils.
How would you deal with an armed burglar?
14. believe in 信仰;信任; 相信; 认为(某事物)有价值
to believe in God 信仰上帝
I don't believe in the story.
We believe in him.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Some people believe in everlasting life after death.
He believed in telling the truth.
He believed in homeopathy
I don't believe in letting children do whatever they like.
15. be supposed to do sth.,
I suppose you are right.
Let's suppose (that) the news is true.
Suppose your father saw you now, what would you say?
假设你父亲现在看到了你, 你该怎么说?
Creation supposes a creator.
I should suppose him to be about twenty.
Suppose we go for a walk.
be supposed to (do)
被期望或要求; 应该; (用于否定句中)不被许可; 据说
16. be of high quality,
be of +抽象名词=be+该名的形容词形式
be of great (much) value/ importance/ use/ help/ interest = be very valuable /important/ useful/helpful/ interesting
The dictionary is of great help to my translation but that one is of no use.
The reference book is of great importance to my writing.
be of +the same/different size/height/age/colour/weight/type /class etc.
We are of the same class.
The coins are of different sizes, shape sand metals.
以上这两种of 结构还可以用作宾补和名词的后置定语。
Do you think the book of any interest to middle school students? (宾补)
Old factory buildings have many halls and workshops of different sizes. (定语)
17. benefit n. 利益, 好处; 恩惠; 退休金; 津贴; 救济金; 保险抚恤金 义演; 义赛
a public benefit 公益
be of benefit to the people 对人民有好处
disability benefits 残废抚恤金
a benefit match 义赛
This dictionary will be of great benefit to me. 这部字典将对我有很大裨益。n.
vt. 有益于
Exercise benefits our health. 运动有益于我们的健康。
vi. 受益
We benefit by [from] daily exercises. 每天做操对我们有益。
for the benefit of 为了...的好处
give sb. the benefit of one's experience 用自己的经验[知识]帮助某人
in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病、失业等津贴)
out of benefit 没有资格得到救济金
sick benefit 疾病津贴
18. concerned n. 所关切的事; 涉及(某人)利害关系; 焦虑;商行, 公司; 企业; 康采恩, 财团; 股份; 小玩意儿, 小东西
have concern about the matter
express /show deep concern for sb.
have concern over a friend's misfortune
a going concern
开着的商店; 发展中的事业
joint stock concern
paying concern
a petty concern
What concern is it of yours?
There is some cause for concern but no need for alarm.
是有点令人忧虑, 但不必惊慌。
She has a concern in that company.
Her ring is an odd little concern fitted with blinking diamonds.
as concerns 关于
as far as... be concerned 关于; 至于; 就...而言
be concerned about 关心
be concerned over (at) sth. 为某事忧虑
be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连
be concerned with 牵涉到, 与...有关, 参与
everyday concerns 日常事务
feel concern about 忧虑, 挂念
give oneself no concern (about) 不关切, 对...冷淡
have a concern in 和...有利害关系
have no concern for 毫不关心
have no concern with 和...毫无关系
it is no concern of mine (yours) 这不关我[你]的事
of much concern 很重要, 很有关系
of no concern 无关紧要, 没有意义
with concern 关切地
concern oneself about sth.忙于; 从事; 关心, 关切
concern oneself in sth. 忙于; 从事; 关心, 关切
concern oneself with sth. 忙于; 从事; 关心, 关切
19. depend vi. [通常与 on, upon 连用] 依靠, 依赖; 相信, 信赖; 取决于, 由...而定
That depends.
It all depends.
You may depend upon it.
[口]肯定无疑; 放心好了。
depend on
依靠; 由...而定, 取决于; 从属于; 依赖其维持
depend upon
依靠; 由...而定, 取决于; 从属于; 依赖其维持
depend upon it
[口]肯定无疑,保管没错, 我敢说(用于句首或句末, 不必加主语)
20. come up with, 找出, 想出(答案,计划等)
You’ve come up with a good idea.
They might come up with a plan.
He couldn't come up with an answer.
He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.
direct speech (direct narration) 直接叙述的话语,即直接引语。the style used in writing to report what someone said by repeating their actual words.
reported speech (indirect speech) 转告引述的话语,即间接引语。the style used in writing to report what someone said without repeating their actual words.
1. 引述一般疑问句或附加疑问句时,通常用whether或if引导,而引述选择疑问句时,一般只能用whether引导。
E.g.: “Does he really mean it?”
---- I wondered whether/if he really meant it.
“They live in groups, don’t they?”
---- He asked whether/if they lived in groups.
“Is this book yours or his?”
---- She asked me whether this book was mine or his.
2. 引述特殊疑问句时,用原句中的wh-词引导。
E.g.: “Why didn’t you stop her?”
---- He asked why I hadn’t stopped her.
3. 引述陈述句时,用连词that引导(that在口语中常被省略)。
e.g.: He said, “I like it very much.”
---- He said that he liked it very much.
“I’ve left my book in your room.”
---- He told me that he had left his book in my room.
3. 引述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变成带to 的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order 等动词,如果祈使句为否定句,在不定式的前面加上not。
She said to us, “Please sit down.”
---- She asked us to sit down.
He said to him, “ Go away!”
---- He ordered him to go away.
He said, “Don’t make so much noise, boys.”
---- He told the boys not to make so much noise.
1) 人称的变化: 间接引语是转述别人的话,说话时由于角色的不同,人称代词要根据实际情况作相应的变化。
e.g. Mr Black said, “I’m busy.”
---- Mr Black said that he was busy.
“Do you mind my opening all your windows?” he asked us.
---- He asked us if we minded his opening all our windows.
2) 时态的变化:如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变成间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化。中主句的谓语动词是现在时,从句的时态则无需变化。
直接引语转换成间接引语时时态的变化 例 句
直 接 引 语 间 接 引 语
过去将来时 He said, "I'm afraid I can't
finish this work."
He said, "I'm using the
She said, "I have not heard
from him since May."
He said; "I came to help
He said, "I had finished my
homework before supper."
Zhou Lan said, "I'11 do it
after class." He said that he was afraid he
couldn't finish that work.
He said that he was using the
She said that she had not
heard from him since May.
He said that he had come
to help me.
He said that he had finished
his homework before supper.
Zhou Lan said that she would
do it after class.
2) 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化
直接引语转换成间接引语时的变化 例 句
直 接 引 语 间 接 引 语
this that
these those
now then
today that day
the day before
the next (following)day
here there
come go
She said, "I will come this
He said, "These books are
He said, "It is nine o'clock
He said, "I haven't seen her
She said, "I went there
She said, “I'11 go there
tomorrow. ?“
He said, "My sister was
here three days ago."
She said, "I will come here
this evening." She said that she would go that
He said that those books were
He said that it was nine o'clock
He said that he hadn't seen her
that day.
She said that she had gone
there the day before.
She said that she would go there
the next (following) day.
He said that his sister had been
there three days before.
She said that she would go there
that evening.
A.单项填空 20题
1. The newly published book, which refers _______ basic English grammar, is _________only for beginners.
A. as; meant B. for; intended C. to; planned D. to; intended
2. The middle-aged couple intends their son, who is in senior three now, __________a doctor.
A. for B. in C. as D. after
3. The 3-storyed-building, newly built _________, the sports field of our school, is intended __________a multi-functional language lab.
A. on; as B. behind; as C. in; for D. beyond; for
4. The official, who had much ________ at dealing __________ troublesome affairs, was shot to death by a terrorist.
A. experiment; with B. experience; with
C. experiences; for D. experienced; for
5. The popular musician was asked ___________ she should intend to be her partner in the next concert.
A. what B. whom C. how D. when
6. -------- Was the judge _________ with the result?
--------- I don’t think so. But perhaps no judge is easy __________.
A. satisfying; satisfied B. satisfied; to satisfy
C. satisfactory; to be satisfied D. satisfaction; satisfactory
7. Wind __________ electricity widely in any parts of the world.
A. is used to produce B. is used to producing
C. used to produce D. used to producing
8. When he was there, he __________go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.
A. would B. should C. had better D. might
9. Mother _________ us stories when we were young.
A. was used to tell B. was used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling
10. More and more people nowadays have come __________ taking exercise every day.
A. believe B. believe in C. to believe D. to believe in
11. I _________ what he’s said because I __________him.
A. believe; believe B. believe in; believe in
C. believe; believe in D. believe in; believe
12. They picked the town of Tobermory on Mull because the brightly colored houses appeal ________children.
A. to B. for C. against D. with
13. They tricked the pretty girl _________stealing money from the store.
A. into B. to C. with D. against
14. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ________his boss.
A. serves B. satisfied C. promises D. supports
15.-------You ________part in the party in time.
--------Sorry, I was delayed by the accident.
A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take
C. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to take
16. He was persuaded __________a college graduate but he knew nothing about history.
A. to be B. being C. to have been D. having been
17. There _____ a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed or are _____ be closed.
A. use to having; about to B. used to be; to
C. use to having; going to D. used to be; supposed to
18.Your suggestion is _______to us.
A. of very value B. great valuable C. of great value D. very value
19. He left the place, _______never ________back again.
A. determined; to come B. being determined; to come
C. determined; coming D. determining; coming
20. Can you tell me __________________________?
A. What life will be like in the future B. What will life be like in the future
C. How life will be like in the future D. How will life be like in the future
What makes a good a 1 ? There have been major changes in a____2_____ in the past sixty years. People read advertisements partly for i 3 and partly because they are interesting. Today’s advertisements often start with a question, or a puzzle, with the purpose of a 4 the reader’s a 5 . Of course, most advertisements contain information. But this is usually contained in a text that is interesting and often funny. Humour is very important. Sometimes advertisements tell a s 6 , or the story may be c 7 over a number of advertisements. However, there is a danger in this. It is possible that the reader or viewer will p 8 the advertisement but not the name of the r 9 .
There are other d 10 . If you are selling your product in a foreign market, you must check that the t 11 is correct. A company that sold hair cream wanted to say “X puts life into dry hair.” They took some p 12 of a handsome actor, and the advertisements a 13 on large boards by the side of the road. Nobody bought the product, however, because when translated it meant “X puts living things into dry hair.”
In the 1960s a British car company which made very expensive cars was about to sell its latest car in Germany. However, the c 14 had to change the name of the car at the last moment. A German speaker at the factory pointed out to the s 15 manager that the British name of the car meant “animal waste” in German.
1. ------- Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?
-------- Sorry, I’m too busy and I haven’t even a minute to __________.
A. spend B. share C. spare D. stop
2. -------Does he work hard at his lesson?
-------Yes, he ________ no efforts, I dare say.
A protects B determines C spares D wastes
3. You don’t have to _________the umbrellas; I’ll give you one each.
A. advertise B. be used to C. share D. persuade
4. We have to __________ the practical measures.
A. come out B. come up with C. come up D. come out
5. The crowd is too noisy, but anyway I have to make myself ______ to them because the news
is so important to them.
A. supposed     B. understood   C. heard     D. known
6. I was looking through China Daily when an __________ for a second-hand car attracted my attention.
A. advertise B. advertising C. advertisements D. ad
7.We _________ him to stop surfing the internet, but he wouldn’t.
A. persuaded B. tried to persuade C. suggested D. demanded
8. Would you __________ me a good dictionary?
A. command B. demand C. recommend D. recommendation
9. The mother is _________about her son’s future.
A. cared B. known C. concerned D. impressed
10. _______is a highly developed twentieth-century industry.
A. Advertisement B. Advertising C. Advertise D. Advertiser
D.改错题 1篇 10题
例1. I remembered her words and calm down.(NMET'00)根据上文中的 remembered 得知 时间是在过去,所以 calm 的时态应与上文保持一致,应该改为 calmed。
例2.Time passes quickly. Evening came. (NMET'03)通篇的时态是过去时,所以应把passes改为passed.
例1.Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.(NMET'00)my picture and the prize是 复数 ,其谓语也应该用复数。这里的is 应改为are。
例 2.Their word were a great encouragement to me.(NMET'03)
此句的主语word与谓语明显不一致,应将 word改为words. 此题也是由谓语反过来判断主语,是不是现在出题的一种趋向,笔者不敢妄下结论 。
not only…but also…, either…or…, neither…nor…,not …but…以及and, but, or 等并列连词或词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。在平行结构中,词性、时态、短语等形式须保持前后一致。
例1. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. (NMET'02)依据平行一致原则,此处非谓语动词 visiting应与前后文的fed ,told保持一致,改为visited.
例2.I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. (NMET'03) 此句中的should应删除,并列连词and前后的形态应该一样,与前文followed 保持时态上的平行一致。put过去式和原形一样。
例3.I liked it very much and reads it to the class.(NMET'03)此句and前后应一致,read 和like的时态是一样的,应改为 read
例 1.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.(NMET'02)
由上下文得知拍了许多照片应该用take pictures ,应把 picture改为pictures.
例 2.She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.(NEMT'00)
my schoolmate应该不止一个。所以要把schoolmate改为schoolmates.
例 1.…so that I'll get good marks in all my subject.(NMET2001)
all 修饰可数名词时,其后名词应为复数。subject该为subjects。
例 2.What things are in other homes, I wonder.(NMET'01) 这里应该找一个词作状语,修饰整个句子,意为“我想知道其他家庭是怎样的?”此时应 找副词How才可保持一致。
六). 代词数、性、格的一致
例 1.The three of them were arrived at the foot of the mountain. (NEMT'02)
此短文以第一人称叙述,三个人指my parents and I, 所以不应该用 them 而要用us.
例 2.It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. (NMET'02)
这里考查限制性定语从句。先行词noon在从句中作时间状语, 应加when指代上文的noon .
例1.Books may be keep for four weeks. (NEMT'94)
与其主语Books相对应,此处应为被动语态,故keep应改 为kept。
例 2 . My father has little time for films .But one day as he was finished his work, he found a film ticket under the glass on the desk. Father 与finish之间是主动关系。应把was 去掉。
例1 . I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. (NMET' 00) 后跟从句,保持一致须用so…that结构这一固定搭配。as改 为that.
例2 . My teacher advised me to keep my diary. (NMET'03)
keep a diary 是固定搭配, 应把改为 a。
例 3.Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English.(NMET'03)
enjoy doing\express oneself是固定搭配。应把talk改为 talking; me 改为myself
例 4.I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow.(NMET'02)at the moment为固定搭配,学生误认为是正确的,其实 the moment是名词短语引导的状语从句。所以要把 at 去掉。
同理:We may be one family and live under the same roof ,but we do not seem to get much time to talk about together(MENT'01) 应把about去掉。
The time passed quickly .Evening came down.把down去掉。
这是一种隐蔽性较强且常考的考点之一,检查时应通篇考虑,重点在连词、代词,肯定与否定,及相对应的动词如 come 与go 等。
例 1.She was smiling but nodding at me.(NMET'00)
上下文看,应为She---my English teacher微笑且点头鼓励 我,but 应为and。
例2.I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English(NMET'03)
从上文可知, 我总是用汉语思考再把一切译成英语。所以应把 anything 改为everything.
Today is No Tobacco Day. I hoped that smokers will give up 1. __________
smoking from now on. Smoking cigarette can lead to heart 2. __________
disease, cancer and the other health problems. As we know now, 3. __________
it does great harm only to smokers themselves, but to those 4. __________
who doesn’t smoke. It is reported that at least three hundred and 5. __________
twenty thousand Americans killed by smoking each year. 6. __________
And about 40 million of Americans continue to smoke cigarettes today. 7. __________
Fortunately, more and more people have come to realize the dangerous 8. __________
of smoking and begin to stop it. As a student, you shouldn't form 9. __________
such a bad habit. Do make your mind to stop smoking if you have 10. _________
started smoking.
1. 这个学校时的所有的人都一个餐厅里吃饭。(share)
2. 我们以前在同一个办公室工作,但我三年前就离开那儿了。(used to )
3. 我们通过广播、电视宣传我们厂的产品。(advertise)
4. 他推荐Tom在那个学校当教师。(recommend)
5. 我决心把英语学得更好。(determine)
6. 市政府号召所有的市民要节约用电。(appeal)
7. 开会的时间快到了。(approach)
8. 我使老师相信我已经完成家庭作业。(satisfy)
9. 他穿着一件厚厚的大衣以便御寒。(protect)
10. 家长要公平地对待他们的孩子。(deal)
We can see advertisements and posters everywhere. Companies, shops, hotels and so on advertise in newspapers, in magazines, on TV...Advertisements influence our daily life.
A. Work with your partner and write two advertisements for:
1. A person to help with your spoken English.

2. A second-hand bike.
B. Collect as many English advertisements as possible and bring them to the class to share with your partners.
F. 阅读文章。
AN advertisement which says “No stopping on the way” carried on the Route No. 185 buses in Guangzhou has caused some controversy, according to the Web site of the Nanfang Daily on Tuesday.
A number of passengers complained that the wording left them puzzled while they were waiting for Route No. 185 buses.
But a spokesman with the express postal service company which created the advertisement said the advertisement referred to international postal express services.
The spokesman said the advertisement would not be misleading because of the words: “Arriving in the U.S. in two days” following the “No stopping on the way.”
A reporter from the Nanfang Daily went to the Tianhenan Bus Stop Tuesday to see how passengers responded to the advertisement.
As soon as a Route No. 185 bus arrived, five or six passengers rushed to get on the bus while two seemed to be confused with the advertisement, asking themselves: “So what are the stops where they won’t stop.”
The bus driver said the words on the bus were just advertising language.
“Residents should not be troubled because a bus has to stop at every stop on its route.”
But some passengers said the advertisement was confusing and should not appear on buses, although it could be understood on closer examination.”
A Miss Zhang, who works with an established advertising company in Guangzhou, said an advertisement with this type of special wording was well done.
Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle which cost £50,so he went to the shop which had put the advertisement in and asked to see one of their wonderful bicycles.
The shopkeeper was very happy to show one to Tom, who examined it carefully and then turned to the shopkeeper, saying ,"There isn't a lamp on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement." "Yes, sir," answered the shopkeeper," but the lamp isn't include in the price of the bicycle. It's an extra."
"Not include in the price of the bicycle? " Tom said angrily, "But that not honest. If the lamp's in the advertisement, it should have been included in the price you gave there."
"Well, sir," answered the shopkeeper calmly, "there is also a girl on the bicycle in our advertisement, but we don't supply one of them with the bicycle either."
Young people who are exposed to multiple anti-tobacco advertisements on television and who can describe these ads accurately are less likely to take up smoking than their peers, study findings show.
What's more, their likelihood of remaining nonsmokers appears to increase with the number of television ads they view and are able to correctly describe.
The findings are based on telephone responses from12 to 20-year-olds involved in a follow-up survey 20 months after the April 2001 start of the Florida ″truth″ anti-tobacco media campaign.
This campaign included 11television ads that aimed to prevent youth from starting smoking by informing them about strategies used by the tobacco industry to popularize smoking.
Those who were able to describe, in detail, at least one of the11ads were23%more likely to remain nonsmokers at follow-up. The almost40% of youth who were able to accurately describe four or more ads were68%more likely to remain nonsmokers, the report indicates.
In contrast, young people who were unable to accurately describe any of the television ads were more likely to say that the campaign theme did not influence their smoking in any way.
C. 展示你所收集的广告,并进行描述,说明自己的观点。
D. 多彩世界
1. 完形填空
 At the time when Bill and Rose got married, neither of them had much money. So they were 1 to buy a house or flat. For the first years of their 2 life, they, therefore, 3 in rented (租凭的) flats. Then Bill’s father died and 4 him some money, so they bought a house. When they moved into it for the first time, one of Bill’s 5 sent him a bottle of wine as a present to celebrate his entry (住进) into the first house he had owned. Bill and Rose had a lot of work to do, getting their things 6 , arranging the furniture, getting curtains and all the rest, so they 7 about the bottle of wine. In fact, they 8 it away in a cupboard without even unpacking (拿出) it. Bill and Rose already had two 9 when they moved into their new house, and a few months later, the third was born. When Rose came home from the 10 with the baby. Bill 11 some friends round to 12 its arrival, and they had a wonderful 13 , with plenty to eat and to drink. After the party had been on for some time, however, Bill found that the wine was 14 . 15 , he remembered the bottle which his friend had given him when they had moved into the new house and which was still lying unpacked in a 16 somewhere in the house. He found it with some difficulty and 17 it into the living-room where his 18 were sitting. When he had unwrapped the bottle, he saw a card tied to it, so he took it and read it 19 to others. 10 said “Bill, take good care of this one—it is the first one that is really yours.”
1. A. unable B. trying C. advised D. expected
2. A. happy B. married C. sad D. bitter
3. A. moved B. succeeded C. lived D. gave
4. A. carried B. brought C. sent D. left
5. A. nieces B. workers C. friends D. classmates
6. A. unpacked B. prepared C. tied D. sold
7. A. forgot B. thought C. looked D. cared
8. A. sent B. put C. took D. kept
9. A. fathers B. daughters C. children D. dogs
10. A. prison B. police station C. shop D. hospital
11. A. demanded B. expected C. invited D. wished
12. A. join in B. celebrate C. attend D. drank
13. A. party B. time C. day D. rest
14. A. served B. finished C. prepared D. bought
15. A. And B. Therefore C. Luckily D. Although
16. A. cupboard B. box C. table D. living-room
17. A. sent B. brought C. fetched D. led
18. A. family B. wife C. guests D. workers
19. A. silent B. loud C. aloud D. calm
20. A. He B. Which C. They D. It
2. 阅读理解:
  Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services. Today’s advertisements , or ads, try to get consumers(消费者) to buy certain brands(品牌) . Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can. sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing, eat a special kind of cereal(麦片) , or see a movie. Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.
  For example, you probab1y do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket. There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves. You may not have space on a shelf for another. But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra-tasty and has a free prize in the box, you may want it.
  Advertising must get attention. To be effective, it must be exciting, entertaining, or provide some pleasure. The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product. The idea is what the ad is really selling. One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports. That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.
1. What is discussed in this passage?
  A. The content of modern advertising.   B. The skills of modern advertising.
  C. The results of modern advertising.   D. The writing of modern advertising.
2. According to the passage, a good advertisement should .
  A. be both persuasive and effective   B. give people useful information
  C. show people a product   D. show people a new idea of a product
3. From the passage, we know that .
  A. modern advertising has less effect on customers   
B. once customers see ads about a new cerea1, they are sure to buy it
  C. cereal can make people strong
  D. cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people
4. What can we infer from the passage?
  A. Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.
  B. Customers should be persuaded by advertisements.
  C. It’s impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.
  D. Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.
Are you worried by the rising crime rate? If you are, you probably know that your house, possessions and person are increasingly in danger of suffering from great rise in the cases of burglary and attack.
Figures show an ever-increasing crime rate, but it is only too easy to imagine "It will never happen to me". Unfortunately, statistics show that it really can happen to you and, if you live in a large city, you run twice the risk of being a victim.
Fortunately, there is something definite which you can do. Protect Alarms can help to protect your house with a burglar alarm system which is effective, simple to operate and easily affordable.
You must remember that owning a burglar alarm is no indication that your house is packed with valuable possessions. It quite simply indicates to unwelcome visitors that yours is one house they will not break into easily, so they carry on to an unprotected house where their job is made a lot easier.
Send now for our free leaflet telling you how we can Protect Alarm your house quickly, easily and cheaply. Complete and tear off the slip below and post it to us. Postage is free. Also, telephone us on 327 6721 where we have a round-the-clock answering service. It costs nothing to find out about Protect Alarm.
1. Anyone who takes an interest in the crime rate will, according to the text, be aware that___________.
A. more burglars are being caught than ever before
B. people have more possessions to worry about nowadays
C. burglars are more at risk than they used to be
D. homes are more likely to be broken into nowadays
2. It seems that people who live in cities are ____________
A. more often victims than those living in other areas
B. of the opinion that statistics are wrong
C. twice as well as people living in other areas
D. of the opinion that burglars only rob unprotected homes
3. The writer of the text wants to give the impression that the Protect Alarm system is _____.
A. elementary B. everlasting C. experimental D. economical
4. The article claims that possessing an alarm system will _________.
A. show burglars that you have something worth stealing
B. persuade burglars not to break into your house
C. make the burglars' job less complicated
D. persuade burglars to try again another time
5. In order to find out more information about this alarm system one can _______.
A. buy a leaflet B. write enclosing a stamped, addressed envelope
C. sign a contract D. phone at any time of day or night
6. The underlined word "Figures" in the second paragraph can be replaced by" "
A. Illustrations B. Fingers C. Numbers D. Statistics
7. He was unlucky that his house was __________ last night.
A. smashed into B. burst into C. broken into D. transported into
8. He shouldn't run the ____________ of losing his life crossing the road
with the green light on.
A. risk B. danger C. threat D. fright
  Ambassador Hotel
  Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities to the full.
  Dining Room
  Breakfast is served in the dining mom from 8 a. m. to 9: 30 a.m. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed.
  Lunch: 12:00a.m. to2:30p.m.
  Dinner: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  Room Service
  This operates 24 hours a day; phone the reception desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.
  To make a phone call, dial 0 for Reception and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths near the Reception Desk.. Early calls should be booked with reception.
  We have a laundry in the hotel, and will wash iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to collect them
  The hotel bar is open from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.
1. You would see this notice _________ .
  A. in a hotel bar
  B. in a hotel dining room
  C. in a bedroom of a large international hotel
  D. in the entrance of a small family hotel
2. What should you do if you have arrived to stay at the hotel at 2 a.m. and want something to eat?
  A. Go to the hotel shop.   B. Go to the hotel bar.
  C. Hang a message outside your door.   D. Phone Reception.
3. What should you do when you come back to the hotel to make an important call and see a lot of people around the Reception desk?
  A. Go to your room and phone from there.
  B. Ask at the Reception desk.
  C. Use one of the telephones in the entrance hall.
  D. Go out again and look for a public phone box
4. What do you think a room staff’s last job is before he goes off duty at 6 p.m.?
  A. Lay the tables in the dining room.
  B. Check the bedroom doors.
  C. Start preparing the breakfast.
  D. Wake any of the guests who have asked for early calls.
  Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains, if a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Contrary to what many people believe, if you don’t eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
1. The results of the test show that ______
  A. breakfast has great effect on work and studies.
  B. breakfast has much to do with people’s health.
  C. a person will work better if he has simple breakfast
  D. breakfast only affects those who work with their brains .
2. The passage mentions that many people believe that if you don’t eat breakfast, you will____.
  A. not lose weight   B. be healthier
  C. gain weight    D. lose weight
3. We can infer from the passage that _____
  A. one can work better without breakfast.
  B. morning diet will do good to your health.
  C. reducing lunch and supper will help lose weight.
  D. breakfast is more important than lunch and supper.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
  A. Good Breakfast   B. Why Eating Breakfast?
  C. No eating, No gaining D. What is breakfast
A. 学会利用英特网收集一些有关英语学习的经验、体会。如:
1. BIG!
  我刚来美国时,在肿瘤研究所研制一种肿瘤疫苗,已在病人身上试用了,我自认为我的实验技术是很好的。所以有一次我的老板对我说:"The experiment's very big."我随口答道:"No,It's very small for me."老板用奇怪的眼光看着我说:"The vaccine have been tested by patient."(疫苗已给病人试用了)
2. Have a turkey on one's back
  感恩节在美国朋友Bob家聚会。Bob 夫妇每年都会邀请亲朋好友去他们家,大家互相都很熟了,要是谁没来,大家都会问为什么。有个朋友Audun能吃能喝能说,大家都很喜欢他。可是这次Audun 迟迟未到,我建议是否打个电话过去催一催。 Bob说不必了,"He's got turkey on his back."
3. You Have Matches?
  一次, 我有机会上豪华游轮观光,自酒吧台拿两杯鸡尾酒想回房间享受,途中遇到一位女士,她看看我后笑着说:"You have matches?"我一愣,答复她说:"很抱歉,我15年前就戒烟了,我没有火柴。"她立该会意到我误解了她的意思,好像是有点抱歉地说:"It's a joke."双方就相互尴尬一笑分开了。
B. We often use abbreviations for advertisements. Please read the following and translate them into Chinese:
exp. Experience __________________
f.t. full-time __________________
h. p.w. hours per week __________________
Mon-Fri Monday to Friday __________________
p.t. part-time __________________
qual. qualified __________________
sal. salary __________________
wgs wages __________________
avail, available __________________
fem. female __________________
flt. flat __________________
furn. furnished __________________
p.w. per week __________________
col. colour __________________
exc. excellent __________________
Unit 1
II. CAs: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 PSAs: 3, 6, 9, 10, 14
Reading: the main ideas
P1. Advertisements are important and popular in our daily life.
P2. We have two types of advertisements in all kinds of media.
P3. We should not believe all the advertisements.
P4. Public service advertisements always tell us the truth.
A.单项填空1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. B 13.A 14. B 15. C 16. A 17.B 18.C 19. A 20. A
1. advertisement 2. advertising3. information4. attracting5. attention6. story7. continued
8. product 9. remember 10. dangers11. translation12. photographs13. appeared 14. company
15. sales
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8.C 9. C 10. B
1. 时态错误,应该用一般现在时,将hoped 改为hope
2. 名词单复数错误,cigarette应改为cigarettes
3. 冠词错误,the other表示另一个或其余所的,所以要去掉the .
4. not only……but also,不但对抽烟者自己有害而且对其它一抽烟的人也有害。
5. 将doesn’t改为don’t因为主语who代表的是those, 应为复数。
6. 语态错误,kill应改为被动语态 are killed.
7. 数词修饰名词一般不加of , 只有hundreds, thousands, millions等后才能用of.
8. 词性错误,dangerous为形容词,不能作realize的宾语,应为danger.
9. 此行没有错误。
10. make 的后面应加上 up构成短语make up one’s mind to do sth.此句意为“如果你养成吸烟的习惯,务必要下决心
1. Everyone in the school shares the dinning hall.
2. We used to work in the same office, but I left three years ago.
3. We advertised through the air for the products of our factory.
4. He recommended Tom for the job of teaching in that school.
5. I am determined to learn English better.
6. The government of our city is appealing everyone in the city to save electricity.
7. The time for the meeting is approaching.
8. I satisfied my teacher that I had finished my homework.
9. He is wearing a thick overcoat to protect himself from the cold.
10. The parents should deal fairly with their children.
D. 多彩世界
1. 完形填空
1. 文章说“他们刚结婚时谁也没钱”,因此买房子是不可能的,根据意思选择unable。答案:A
2. 文章没有提起他们的生活如何,所以,描绘生活好坏的词语应加以排除。答案:B
3. 答案:C
4. “leave him some money”, “给他留了一笔钱”。 答案:D
5. 答案:C
6. 由下文“In fact, they put it away in a cupboard without even unpacking it.” 可知。答案:A
7. 答案:A
8. put away“收拾好”,take away“拿走”。 答案:B
9. 答案:C
10. 根据意思推测,刚生完孩子,应该从医院归来。 答案:D
11. 好事应该予以庆贺,邀请别人来,体现了当时愉快的心情。  答案:C
12. 答案:B
13. 由下文可知。  答案:A
14. 就是因为酒已喝完,才想起朋友送来的那瓶酒。答案:B
15. 答案:C
16. 答案:A
17. brought 指带客人们到吃饭的地方。答案:B
18. 答案:C
19. 在此只有aloud, loud为副词,排除A, D, read aloud, “大声读”。答案:C
20. it指“卡片”。  答案:D
2. 阅读理解:
A. Key: BADA
C. Key: CDCB
D. Key: ADCB
A. 学会利用英特网收集一些有关英语学习的经验、体会。
1. 我突然感到不好意思,赶快回去问美国技术员,他们告诉我这是很重要的意思(important),老板只是告诉我要仔细,我却误会了。
  我再去查了字典才知道,这个简单的小字在美国俚语中用法很多,如:big men(重要人物)、make big(飞黄腾达)、go over big(走红)等。
2. 原来Bob已打过电话,知道Audun那天已喝多了点,恐怕来不及了。Have a turkey on one's back是喝醉酒或吸毒成瘾的意思。当然我们都知道Audun只是贪杯而已,他可不会去吸毒的。
3. 事后在晚餐桌上聊天,趁机问一位美国朋友,他解释说:"因为她看你两手都忙,就故意开玩笑跟你要火柴,是个非常普通的笑话,不但没有恶意,还有问你需不需要帮忙的意思。




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