module4 unit2 整个单元教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)

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第一部分 教学设计
Aims and requirements
♦ read a speech about the history of the Olympics and an article about how a sport gets into the Olympics
♦ listen to a coach give training advice
♦ talk about the Olympic Games and athletes
♦ offer advice to a friend
♦ present a speech about entering a new sport into the Olympic
● Welcome to the Unit
Step 1 Brainstorming
At the beginning of the class, let’s first enjoy a song. Do you know what the song is about? (The theme song at the 1988 Olympic Games)
Good, do you like it? Can you sing it?
And I wonder whether you like sports. / Do you like sports?
Since you like sports, you may be familiar with some sports stars, let’s play a game, ok? I’ll give a brief description of a certain sports star and you are asked to guess who she or he is. Are you clear?
1.She is a girl from Beijing; she has once won the 2004 Olympic championship and many titles in the field of table tennis. (Zhang Yining)
2.He is from Shanghai; he is very tall; now he serves in NBA. (Yao Ming)
3.He is also from Shanghai, last year in Athens he beat his rivals and became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles. (Liu Xiang)
4.She is a black lady from U.S.A; she and her elder sister are known as the double black pearls in the field of tennis (Little Williams)

Well done! What sports can you play?
What sports do you know?
For reference
Martial arts: Chinese wushu, judo, fencing, tae kwon do, karate, etc
Ball games: volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, golf, badminton, baseball, rugby, ice hockey, etc
Track and field: long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot-put, relay race, etc.
Men’s events-----rings, horizontal bar, double bars, parallel bars, vaulting horse, pommel led horse, floor exercise, etc.
Women’s events-----balance beam, high and low bars, uneven bars, vaulting horse, floor exercise, etc.
Who is your favorite sportsperson?
Why do you admire this sportsperson?
They have good team spirit, a stronger character, mental strength and a positive attitude. They bring joy to my life. They are always challenging the limits of humans.
Do you like playing sports?
How much time do you usually spend exercising or doing sports every week?
Step 2 Sharing information
1. Sports play a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost every day. Look at the six pictures at page 21.
Are you familiar with these sports?
Do you think we can play these sports every day?
What comes to your mind first when you see pictures like these?
The International Olympic Committee (IOC),Olympic Games, sports meetings, fierce competitions, professional or amateur athletes, exercising for fun, exercising to keep fit…
Now please look at the pictures and talk about each of them.
Picture of table tennis
Can you play table tennis?
Do you like it?
When did you begin to play table tennis?
How often do you play it?
Who do you play it with?
Do you think playing table tennis is a good way to build up your body?
Is table tennis your favorite sport? Why?
It is convenient for people to play and does not require too much equipment. People have to be quick-minded and have rapid responses. It is a good way to make friends and meet new people.
Pictures of wrestling and boxing
Do you like these sports?
Do you enjoy watching them?
How much do you know about these sports?
Boxing became an Olympic sport in 688 BC and is still popular today. The boxer uses his or her fists to punch the opponent’s head and body with the aim to knock the opponent out. Boxing is popular worldwide as a spectator sport and generates millions of US dollars through ticket revenue, merchandise, TV rights and pay-per-view packages of important boxing matches. Some people view boxing as archaic and an unnecessary display of violence while its supporters emphasize its self-expression and health benefits. Boxing is a good way to keep fit, but there is much speculation about the possible injuries, particularly to the brain, that can be incurred during boxing matches. Such speculation has resulted in tighter regulations over the safety of the boxers. Wrestling is an ancient sport and often appeared as the main event in the earliest Olympic Games. Wrestling exists in many different styles but only two styles feature in the Olympics, namely freestyle and Greco-Roman. Greco-Roman wrestling allows the use of only the participants’ upper bodies; however, freestyle allows the use of legs.
In your opinion, do you think these sports are too violent and fierce?
Yes, sometimes they are. Competitors have to be aware of the safety precautions and wear protective gloves or padded helmets.
Would you like to become a professional boxer or wrestler?
Picture of kung fu
Kung fu is a traditional sport in China. Are you interested in this sport?
Do you think doing kung fu could make you fitter?
Do you enjoy watching kung fu films like those with Jackie Chan in them?
Do you think he is a good kung fu actor?
Pictures of gymnastics and diving
It is said that gymnastics and diving are two of the most beautiful sports in the world, because they both display elements of strength and beauty. Do you agree?
Can you name some famous Chinese gymnasts or divers?
To become a professional gymnast or a diver, you have to sacrifice a lot. What do you think these sacrifices would include?
2. Three or four of you form a group and discuss the questions below please.
No matter what kind of sport you take part in, what are the basic qualities you need to possess in order to be successful in that sport?
If you are part of a sports team, what kinds of things should you pay special attention to?
3. Form your own groups to discuss the three questions below the pictures, and then I will ask some groups to report your answers to the class.
Sample answers
1. As we can see, throughout the World sports enjoy such popularity nowadays. There are many reasons for it. First of all, physical exercise can refresh people if they are exhausted after a day’s work. An increasing number of people, especially those who are mainly involved in office work, are complaining about sore muscles, stiff necks and blurred vision. There’s no better way to reinvigorate yourself than working out in a gym or participating in outdoor sports. Secondly, it seems that many people want to lose weight. For women, staying slim is very important. Men like keeping fit and being muscular. Thirdly, people’s quality of life. Exercising regularly tops the list of advice that health experts offer us to improve our quality of life.
2. As a member of a health club, I play sports every week. I have access to all the gym facilities for free. On weekends, I meet my friends in the club and we have a lot of fun together. Normally, we start at 10 in the morning. We usually play squash for a few hours. In the afternoon, we go swimming
3. Jogging is my favorite sport. The reason for my loving it is that I think it has many benefits. To begin with, it enhances blood circulation and strengthens my lungs. Every evening, I jog for half an hour. Secondly, I feel totally refreshed. If I have a bad day at school and am really stressed, jogging helps me relax and pulls me out of my bad mood. Lastly, after jogging, I can concentrate better on my school work the next day.
●Reading The honorable games
Step1: Leading-in
As we all know, the Olympic Games are held every four years and it is a great honor for a country to host the Games. How much do you know about the Olympics, for example, its history, ceremonies and sporting events?
1) How many Olympic Games did you see?
2) Where were they held?
3) Do you think they are exciting? Why?
4) Who is your favorite athlete and who do you think is the greatest Olympian? Why?
Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas
Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.
1) What is the speech about?
2) Where were the ancient Olympic Games held?
3) Who restarted the modern Olympic Games?
A 1) The history and significance of the Olympic Games.
2) At Olympia in Greece.
3) Pierre de Coubertin.
Step 3: Detailed reading for important information
1. Let’s read the speech a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 at page 24 individually to check your reading comprehension and to test your analytical thinking skills.
C1 1) According to the speech, the speaker is an athlete. an IOC member
2) The first ancient Olympic Games were held in AD 776 776 BC
3) In the past, only athletes that spoke Italian were
allowed to compete. Greek
4) The aim of the modern Olympic Games is to make
countries and people compete side by side. live peacefully
5) The first modern Olympic Games were held in Rome
in 1896. Athens
6) Deng Yaping won four Olympic gold medals
for tennis. table tennis
Name Nationality Which Olympics Olympic
achievements Other information
Ali American 1960 Rome Olympics gold medal, boxing original name Cassius Clay; won his first World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in 1964; lit the Olympic flame at the 1966 Atlanta Olympics
Jordan American 1984 Los Angeles Olympics;
1992 Barcelona Olympics two gold medals, basketball the highest scorer for the USA basketball team at the 1984 Olympics
Gebrselassie Ethiopian 1996 Atlanta Olympics;
2000 Sydney Olympics two gold medals, distance running first became famous in 1992; broke world record for the 10 km run
Xu Haifeng Chinese 1984 Los Angeles Olympics gold medal won the first Olympics gold medal for China
Deng Yapping Chinese 1992 Barcelona Olympics four gold medals,
table tennis became an IOC member in 2000
Liu Xiang Chinese 2004 Athens Olympics gold medal, men’s 110-metre hurdles the first Asian to win this race
2. Now please answer some questions to check your comprehension of the passage:
What characteristics do the ancient Olympics and the modern Olympics share?
Both the ancient and modern Olympic Games were /are held every four years. Some of the sports played in the ancient Olympic, such as discus, long jump, wrestling and running, are still played in the modern Olympics.
What are the differences between the ancient games and the modern Olympic Games?
The ancient games were always held at the same place. In the ancient Olympics, only Greek men were allowed to compete and they had to compete wearing no clothes. In the modern Olympics, athletes from all over the world can take part, no matter what language they speak or what sex they are.
Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan are mentioned in the passage. What do these two sportspeople have in common?
They are both talented and dedicated
They train hard
They have contributed significantly to their sports.
They are extremely successful in their fields.
They both have passion and enthusiasm for sports.
Do you think Chinese athletes such as Deng Yaping and Liu Xiang are as great as Ali or Jordan?
3. Let’s complete Parts D and E
D 1. a 2 c 3 e 4 f 5 d 6 b
E 1) significance 2) ancient 3) compete 4) peacefully
5) athletes 6) achievement 7) gold medal 8) mentioned
4. Read the speech again and think about the criteria for a good speech and what makes a good speaker. Please discuss the following questions:
Do you think it is difficult to give a speech in front of an audience? Why or why not?
What makes a good speech and a good speaker?
What are the things a speaker should attach importance to?
Is there any relationship between the different topics the speaker mentions?
Step 4: Post-reading activities
1.Go over Part E and discuss the questions in pairs.
1. I think the Olympic Games help countries live peacefully side by side. The Olympic motto is ‘Swifter, Higher, and Stronger’. Athletes come from all around the world to compete in the Olympics. They each represent their own country and try to win medals for that country. However, it is not all about winning. Competing in the Olympic is a great honor and it is a great opportunity to meet talented athletes from all over the work. It is also a great opportunity to build relationships with other countries live peacefully, side by side.
2. I think Deng Yaping is the greatest Olympic athlete because she is unarguably the world’s greatest female table tennis player and has won virtually every female title in almost all the word table tennis competitions. The list of Deng’s accomplishments is long and impressive: four-time Olympic champion in table tennis, twice in singles at Barcelona and Atlanta, and twice in doubles with her partner Qiao Hong, in 1992 and 1996. As an experienced player she has nerves of steel and a determination to succeed. At 1.49 meters tall she is the greatest female player of all times. I admire her very much.
3. They set a great example. They work hard, are determined, strong-willed and have great confidence and perseverance. They show us that if you put your mind to something and work hard at it, you will succeed.
2. Let’s divide into several groups and discuss the following questions:
What is the spirit of the Olympic Games? What can you learn from it?
Do you think that “Swifter, Higher, Stronger” is a good motto not only for sports but also for life in general? Why?
Do you agree with the saying “The more gold medals a country wins, the stronger the country is.”? Why or why not?
Recently, there was news about athletes using drugs in the Olympic Games. What do you think of this? What can be done to prevent this kind of thing from happening again?
3. Next, let’s have a class debate on the following subject:
Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honor for a country, but at the same time it costs a lot of money. Do you think hosting the Olympics will be a good opportunity to develop the host country’s economy and tourism, or will it be a heavy burden on the economy?
●Word power
Step1: Brainstorming
Everyone knows that Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-mere hurdles. Can you think of any words to describe him?
He is a hard-working sportsperson. He is a well-trained athlete.
Please analyze the part of each part of the words on the blackboard
hard-working (adj.):hard(adv.)
working (v-ing)
sportsperson (n.): sports(n.)
person (n.)
well-trained (adj.): well(adv.)
trained (v-ed)
We can create new words by putting two or more words together, can you think about words that are created this way?
Step 2: Compound words
1. A compound word is made when two words are joined together to form a new word. Read the dialogue on page 26 and use your own words to define the compound words.
First I will give you some examples to help you understand.
handbag, a small bag carried on a person’s hand;
long-lasting, that can last for a long time;
teacup, a cup that contains tea;
sightseeing, the activity of seeing sights as a tourist;
three-day, lasting for three days
English words are derived from the combination of two different words. Think about the following questions:
When you come across unfamiliar words, do you often use the knowledge of word formation to guess the meaning of the new word? If so, can you think of some examples?
2. Read the instructions, the tables and the formation rules of compound adjectives and compound nouns. Think about the following question:
How are these words formed?
Formation Compound adj. Formation Compound adj.
adj. + n. +ed kind-hearted; warm-blooded;
old-fashioned n. +v-ed air-conditioned;
adj. + v-ing easy-going;
smooth-talking; adj. + v-ed hard-boiled;
adv. + v-ing hard-working;
far-reaching adv. + v-ed well-educated;
n. + adj.
adj.+ adj. power-free;
extraordinary n. + n.
n. + v-ing weight-loss
3. Read the instructions for the exercise on page 26 and guess the meanings of the compound words and the part of speech of each word first.
(1) brand new (2) outgoing (3) happy-go-lucky
(4) sightseeing (5) well-known (6) mouth-watering (7) suitcase
4. Look at the bold word at the beginning of each row of words. Try to make a compound word by combining the bold word with one of the words after it. There may be more than one correct answer.
news stand paper reader
news-stand, newspaper, newsreader
pig tail pen skin
Pigtail, pigpen, pigskin
sand paper storm box
sandpaper, sandstorm, sandbox
lady bug finger fish
ladybug, ladyfinger, ladyfish
eye drop brow lid
eyedrop, eyebrow, eyelid
hand bag shake book
handbag handshake handbook
Step 3: Olympic sports and events
1. How many gold medals did the Chinese team win during the 2004 Athens Olympics? In what sporting events did they win these medals?
How many different kinds of Olympic sports events can you name?
A a 3 b 2 c 1 d 4
2. Olympic events are often grouped into different categories. Some belong to track and field events, some are part of gymnastics, and others are water sports. Complete the exercise on page 27.
Track and field event gymnastics Water sports
20 km race walk
100 m sprint
discus throw
high jump
long jump
relay race balance beam
floor exercise
horizontal bar
parallel bars
individual all-round
uneven bars 200 m butterfly
platform dive
springboard dive
water polo
100 m backstroke
100 m butterfly
200 m freestyle
3. Let’s read Part A the Reading section on page 96 of your Workbook and answer the questions below it.
● Grammar and Usage
Step 1: General introduction
For reference:
1. If we talk about the ability someone has now, we use the modal verb can.
2. If we talk about the ability someone had in the past, we usually use the modal verb could.
3. If we want to talk about the ability someone will have in the future, we will use the form of the modal verb will /shall be able to.
4. Modal verbs should/ought to (sometimes have to) are always used to give advice or tell someone that he or she is under obligation to do something.
5. If we want to express that it is necessary for us to do something, modal verb must is often used.
6. Model verbs may/might, can/could are often used to ask for permission.
1. Now, many of us can speak English quite well, but a few years ago, we couldn’t.
2. Shall we be able to be admitted the famous university for further study in a year?
3.You should/ought to learn enough knowledge to serve the people.
4. Every one present at the meeting must look into the matter careful and give as much advice as possible on how to solve the problem.
5. As a student, you have to obey the rules of the school.
6. I’m sorry I am late for class. May/Can I come in?
Step 2: Practice
1. Now look at the blackboard, I’d like you to explain the meanings of the different modal verbs used in this sentence:
I might/may/could/should/ought to/will/must watch the TV programme tonight.
When might is used, it shows that the speaker is uncertain whether he or she will do something.
When may is used, it shows that the speaker is s bit more certain than when might is used.
Could is more certain than may, but less certain than should and ought to. Should and ought to are more certain.
When we use will, we mean we are quite certain that we will do something.
If we use must, we are almost certain to do something.
2. If you want to have a look at your friend’s book, what do you say? (Can I have a look at your book?)
What does your friend say to you? (‘Of course, you can.’ Or ‘sorry/No, you can’t)
So can is also used to ask for permission, especially in informal or spoken English.
3. Now read Part 1 on page 28 to find out how modal verbs are used to talk about ability, obligation, certainty and permission. Pay attention to the three arrows that illustrate the degrees of obligation, certainty and permission when modal verbs are used.
4. Read part 2 and use modal verbs to make requests, suggestions or offers, and give advice. e.g.:
Will/Can you read the sentence once more? (To make a request.)
Shall we watch a film tonight? (To make a suggestion)
I will help you if you have any problems (To make an offer)
The manager is not in now. You should come back at three o’clock (To give advice)
5. Now please read the instructions for the exercise on page 29. Then complete the article individually and I will check the answers later.
(1) must (2) has to (3) must (4) must (5) should
(6) ought to (7) could (8) may (9) could
6. Read Part 4 on page 28 and try your best to understand why the continuous form or the perfect form is used with a modal verb in the example sentences. First I’ll give you some examples:
John isn’t here to attend the party. He must be reviewing his notes for the big exam tomorrow. (The speaker thinks that John is reviewing his notes now.)
Tom knows nothing about the subject. He can’t have been at the lecture yesterday. (The speaker is sure that Tom did not go to the lecture yesterday.)
The money is gone. Who could have taken it? (The speaker does not know who has taken the money.)
Step 3: Comparison of some pairs of model verbs
comparison can, be able to shall, will need, dare mustn’t, needn’t
1. Read Part 1 on page 30 and find the differences between can and be able to.
•Be able to is more formal and less common than can when referring to ability.
•Be able to can be used in different tenses or after other modal verbs, for example, will /shall be able to , would/should be able to , have/has /had been able to, must/may/might be able to.
•Be able to can be used after the infinitive marker to.
•The past form of be able to is was/were able to.
•Can is more common and informal than be able to when referring to ability
•Can can be used to talk about a possible future action.
•The past form of can is could.
Now please make some sentences with be able to and can, using different tenses, or after modal verbs or in a to-infinitive.
2. Read Part 2 and then complete the chart below.
Shall Will
In affirmatives expressing promises expressing determinations or decisions
In questions making offers or suggestions for third person asking about willingness for the second and third person
Make some sentences using shall or will.
Let’s complete the dialogue in Part B on page 31, and then read the dialogue in pairs to check your answers.
B (1) Shall (2) shall (3) will (4) will/shall
(5) will (6) will/shall (7) shall/will
3. Read Part 3 which explains the use of mustn’t and needn’t and then make sentences with mustn’t and needn’t.
4. Read Part 4 which explains when to use need or dare as modal verbs
5. Read the instructions for Part A on page 31, and then complete the passage.
A (1) can (2) dare (3) can/could (4) may/might/could
(5) mustn’t/shouldn’t/can’t (6) mustn’t/shouldn’t/can’t (7) can (8)needn’t
For reference
Words like can, will, may, must, and a few others are called modals. Modal auxiliary verbs help other verbs express a meaning or an idea. Some common uses of the modals are these:
Ability: He can speak English now.
He couldn’t speak English a year ago.
I’m not able to come to the game on Friday.
Permission: All passengers may now board.
We can board now.
Obligation: You must fasten your seat belts. (strong)
You should pay attention.
You out to pay attention.
Possibility: It may rain.
How could I forget an import thing like that?
He can’t /must have known the result.
Meanings similar to those of the modals can often be conveyed by real verb forms:
He has to =…must…
is able to speak English. =…can…
is allowed to =…may…
is supposed to =…should…
(be) able to ability, less used than can
e.g. I’m not able to come to the game on Friday.

e.g. Can you play the piano?
asking for and giving permission
e.g. “Mom, can I go the cinema tonight?”
“No, you can’t. You have homework to do”
e.g. Can I help you?
request, instruction
e.g. Can you switch on the light for me?
e.g. The summers in England can be really unpredictable.
with be to make criticisms
e.g. Susan can be a real pain in the neck at times.
e.g. I can’t come to the game on Friday.
when you feel sure something is not possible (opposite of must)
e.g. The tennis match can’t be over yet. (I’m sure it isn’t).

possibility or uncertainty (can also use might)
e.g. He could be the one for you!
request (more polite than can)
e.g. Could you switch on the light for me?
e.g. We could go on a picnic this afternoon.
asking for and giving permission
e.g. “Could I use your phone?”
“Yes, of course you can”
e.g. I couldn’t possibly leave Tom alone while he’s in this state.
with comparative adjectives to express possibility or impossibility
e.g. I could be fitter.
e.g. He couldn’t study harder.

had better strong advice (less used than should)
e.g. You’d better do the washing up now.
e.g. I’d better not go out tonight, because I have to get up early tomorrow.

to express although in clauses
e.g. I may be married to you, but that doesn’t give you the right to treat me like dirt.
possibility or uncertainty (formal)
e.g. There may be a cure for AIDS within the next ten years.
asking for and giving permission (less usual, more formal)
e.g. “May I use your phone?”
“Yes, of course you may”

may as well/might as well describes the only thing left to do, something which the speaker is not enthusiastic about
e.g. I’m so bored, I may as well do some housework.

possibility or uncertainty
e.g. There might be a cure for AIDS within the next ten years.
unreal situation
e.g. If I knew her better, I might invite her to the ball.


when you feel sure something is true (opposite of can’t)
e.g. The tennis match must be over by now. (I’m sure it is).
necessity, personal feelings
e.g. I haven’t spoken to Liz for ages. I must give her a call.
order, strong suggestion
e.g. You must stop smoking or you’ll get lung cancer.


certainty or desire (mainly British English)
e.g. I shall give up chocolate for Lent.
in formal rules and regulations (mainly British English)
e.g. Racism or sexism shall not be tolerated in this building.
in questions to ask for instructions and decisions, and to make offers and suggestions (mainly British English)
e.g. What shall I do?
When shall we come and see you?
Shall we go to the cinema this evening?

shan’t certainty (less usual, mostly British English)
e.g. I shan’t be late for the meeting.


expectation (can use ought to)
e.g. If you like Picasso, you should enjoy the exhibition.
suggestion, advice, opinion (can use ought to)
e.g. You should have more driving lessons before you take the test.
when something is not right or as you expect it
e.g. The price on this can of beans is wrong. It should say $1.20, not $2.20.
criticism (can use ought to)
e.g. You shouldn’t shout at your mother like that.
e.g. Should I ask her out on a date?
should + words of thinking, to make an opinion less direct
e.g. I should think he could find a more compatible match.
with be and adjectives describing chance, including odd, strange, typical, natural, interesting, surprised, surprising, funny (=odd) and What a coincidence.
e.g. It’s odd that he should ask you so many personal questions.
after in case to emphasise unlikelihood
e.g. I’m not going out tonight in case she should call me.
e.g. If Jane should drop by when I am out, tell her to come back later.
polite order or instruction
e.g. Applications should be sent by 3rd January.


e.g. Oh, that’ll be John on the phone.
request (can and could are more common)
e.g. Will you go to the shop for me?
intention or willingness
e.g. “I’ll take gran’s pearls then”.
“You won’t!”
“I will!”
e.g. Will you please shut up?
e.g. “I won’t clean my room!”
“Yes you will!”
habits and typical behaviour
e.g. Sarah will sit and gaze at the stars all night.
e.g. She will drink too much when she goes out.

emphatically forbid an action, in response to a will expression
e.g. “I’ll take gran’s pearls then”.
“You won’t!”
“I will!”
e.g. “I won’t clean my room!”
“Yes you will!”


request (can and could are more common)
e.g. Would you go to the shop for me?
would like - offer/invitation
e.g. Would you like a cup of tea?
after be, followed by adjectives doubtful, unlikely, to emphasise a tentative action
e.g. It’s doubtful that he would be there in time of need.
annoying habit, typical of a person
e.g. She would ask me for money, wouldn’t she?
certainty in a suppressed conditional sentence
e.g. I would never agree to that. (even if he asked me)

wouldn’t certainty in a suppressed conditional sentence
e.g. I wouldn’t agree to that. (even if he asked me.)
Step 4: Consolidation
I. Relative items in recent years’ college entrance examination
1. I was really anxious about you. You home without a word. (NMET2000)
A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left
C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave
2. --Is John coming by train?
--He should but he not. He likes driving his car. (NMET2002)
A. must B. can C. need D. may
3. How you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? (01上海)
A. can B. must C. need D. may
4. “The interest be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,”declared the judge. (04重庆)
A. may B. should C. must D. shall
5. --I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
--You her last week. (04重庆)
A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told
6. --Excuse me, is this the right way to the Summer Palace?
--Sorry, I am not sure. But it be. ( 04湖北)
A. might B. will C. must D. can
7. I pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday. (04浙江)
A. should B. might C. would D. could
8. --I don’t mind telling you what I know.
--You .I’m not asking you for it. ( 04江苏)
A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t
9. --Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?
--No, it be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses. ( NMET2004)
A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D. may not
10. Children under 12 years of age in that country be under adult supervision when in a public library. ( 2004上海)
A. must B. may C. can D. need
11. --Who is the girl standing over there?
--Well, if you know, her name is Mabel.(04天津)
A. may B. can C. must D. shall
12. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers not like the design of the furniture. (04上海)
A. must B. shall C. may D. need
13. --Mum, I’ve been studying English since 8 o’clock. I go out and play with Tom for a while?
--No, I’m afraid not. Besides, it’s raining outside now. ( 04辽宁)
A. Can’t B. Wouldn’t C. May not D. Won’t
14. A left-luggage office is a place where bags _____ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. (NMET 2003)
A. should B. can C. must D. will
15. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _____ report it to the police? (04海南内蒙等地)
A. should B. may C. will D. can
16. I have lost one of my gloves. I it somewhere. ( 05安徽)
A. must drop B. must have dropped
C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped
17. He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside. (05北京)
A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t
18.Tom, you leave all your clothes on the floor like this! (NMET2005II)
A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not
19. - I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins. ____ I have a look?
-Yes, certainly.(2002春)
A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should
20. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ____ have taken it. (03上海春)
A. should B. must C. could D. would
II. Translation
1. 我相信当刘翔赢得男子100米跨栏金牌时,所有的亚洲人都一定非常自豪。

2. 在选择一个合适的野营地点时,我们应当首先考虑是否方便。

3. 老板做出了承诺,若你下个月工作良好,你就可得到更高的工资。

4. 没人理解他怎么敢在那种情况下跟总经理那样说话。

5. 我表弟一定非常努力,才会表演的如此好。

6. 半夜响起了敲门声,我们都纳闷儿可能会是谁呢。

I. 1-5BDADD 6-10AADA A 11-15CCABA 16-20BABBC
II. 1. I’m sure people all over Asia must have felt very proud when Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.
2. When choosing a suitable place for camping, we should first consider whether it is convenient.
3. The boss made a promise that if you work well next week, you shall get even higher wages.
4. No one could understand how he dared say that to the general manager in that case.
5. My cousin must have made a great effort so that he gave such a good performance.
6. We all wondered who it could be when there was a knock on the door at midnight.
●Task Advising a friend
Skills building 1: listening for specifics
In this part, you will learn how to listen for specifics in conversation and the words you should pay attention to.
1. First let’s read the instructions on page 32, so you will know how to select the information you want. Please pay special attention when a speaker makes some corrections, changes his or her mind or says something irrelevant.
2. Now you will listen to the conversation between Ma Yan and Yu Lei about the 2002 World Cup and complete the note sheet. Before you listen, go over the sentences on the note sheet so you will know what you are going to listen to and what you should pay attention to.
Ma Yan: Do you like football, Yu Lei?
Lu Lei: Yes, I do.
Ma Yan: Me too. What’s your favorite team?
Lu Lei: That’s easy. Manchester United.
Ma Yan: No, I mean which national team?
Lu Lei: Oh, well then that would be England. I used to like Holland, but England is now my favorite.
Ma Yan: Did you watch England play at the World Cup in Korea and Japan in 2002?
Lu Lei: Yes. I saw the games on TV, but England only played in Japan.
Ma Yan: Where was the World Cup held before that, in 1998?
Lu Lei: In the USA, I think.
Ma Yan: Wasn’t it in France, Yu Lei?
Lu Lei: That’s right! What’s your favorite team?
Ma Yan: That’s difficult. It used to be France, but now I support China.
Lu Lei: Why?
Ma Yan: Because they’re our own team, and because they played in the 2002 World Cup for the first time.
Lu Lei: Do you think the first Asian World Cup was a success?
Ma Yan: I think the 2002 World Cup was extremely well organized and the host countries provided a very warm welcome to the fans. It was definitely a success.
Lu Lei: Will you watch the next World Cup?
Ma Yan: Of course.
Lu Lei: Would you ever go to see the matches live?
Ma Yan: I’d love to, but the tickets are too expensive.
1. Yes 2. England 3.Yes 4. Japan 5. France 6.China 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. No
Step 1: completing a new training schedule
You will be able to improve your listening skills by listening to a conversation between a coach and an athlete. Try to use the skills your have learnt in Skills building 1.
1. You are to know what you are going to listen to with the help of the instruction on page33. Read the training schedule and make some predictions if possible. Any new words to you?
Do you know what the word ‘decreased’ means here? We know the meaning of the word ‘increased’, which means ‘to get bigger in size or amount. ‘Decreased’ has the opposite meaning of ‘increased’. So what does it mean? (‘Decreased’ here means ‘to become less or fewer’)
Look at the word ‘per’. Can you guess the meaning of it? We often use the word together with words such as ‘day’, ‘week’ or ‘hour’. We can use this word in the sentence: The car can travel at 79 miles per hour. ‘Per hour’ means ‘every hour’ or ‘an hour’. From this, we know that ‘per day’ means ‘every day’ or ‘a day’.
After reading the sentence ‘Sports massages help to make muscles…’ can you guess the meaning of the word ‘massage’? Here is another sentence: ‘She gave me a back massage to help ease the pain.’ What do you think ‘massage’ mean? (‘Massage’ means ‘the action of rubbing or pressing part of one’s body’.)
2. Now please listen to the recording and complete the training schedule individually, and then check your answers in pairs to see if you got the same answers.
Coach: hi! How are you today?
Athlete: I feel a bit tired.
Coach: Well, I want to talk to you about the training you need to do for the inter–schools sports competition. You must make a few changes. At the moment you’re only doing an hour of training per day, right?
Athlete: Yes.
Coach: You need to increase that to two hours a day.
Athlete: Two hours?! What will I do during the extra hour every day?
Coach: You’ll have to do some strength-building exercises twice a week.
Athlete: What does that mean?
Coach: Strength training is doing exercises with weights, in a gym.
Athlete: Ok, that’s not too bad. What else?
Coach: You ought to have a sports massage every week.
Athlete: That sounds more like it! How will the massages help me? Will they make my muscles more flexible?
Coach: Not necessarily more flexible, but certainly more relaxed. You also have to do flexibility and balance training three times a week.
Athlete: Does that mean running and working out in the gym?
Coach: No, it means exercise such as yoga. It helps you focus your mind and train your body.
Athlete: It sounds tiring!
Coach: Yes, but you do get eight hours of sleep every night. Now, about your diet…
Athlete: So what should I eat?
Coach: First of all, lots of grains. That means things like rice and cereal.
And you can only eat white meat, such as chicken and fish. Red meat is not allowed.
Athlete: What? I love fast food. Does that mean I can’t eat hamburgers any more?
Coach: I’m afraid so.
Athlete: Oh, no! And Pizza?
Coach: No, you shouldn’t eat that either. But you must eat three servings of vegetables per day and for servings of fruit.
Athlete: Okay, I can do that. And what should I drink?
Coach: You have to drink ten glasses of water a day. And no soft drinks.
Athlete: Wow, that’s lot to drink. Should I only drink water?
Coach: No, you can also drink tea. But you should make sure it doesn’t have any caffeine in it. Do you think you can follow these guidelines?
Athlete: If it will improve my performance, I’m willing to try.
Coach: Good. See you tomorrow. Bye.
Athlete: Bye, Coach.
Name of athlete: (student’s own name)
1. increased
2. 2
3. weightlifting
6. 8
3. False
9. True
10. vegetables
11. 4
12. water tea without caffeine
Skills building 2: identifying/selecting relevant information
In this unit, you will learn how to identify and select relevant information when you are reading or listening to English.
1. Read the guidelines on page 34. You will then know that when you are reading or listening to English, it is important to identify which information applies to you and the task you are working on.
2. Now read the letter and underline the information related to the topic of the report you are going to write.
Table tennis, also called ping-pong, is played throughout the world and is an Olympic sport.
The exact origin of table tennis is not known.
…it began in England in the 1890s.
Today, players from China, South Korea and Germany among others play leading roles in the international table tennis competitions.
Step 2: designing a new daily routine
1. How many hours should the athlete sleep every night? How many hours should he or she train every day?
Read the first leaflet and tell us what the leaflet is about
2. Now let’s come to the second leaflet.
Do you know what meat is red meat? (pork, beef and lamb.)
3. Please make changes on the daily routine individually, after you have finished it, I will check the answer as a class.
Sample answers
7:00 a.m. get up
7:30 a.m. breakfast: eggs, wholemeal bread, fruit and water, or tea without caffeine
8:00 a.m. school
12:00 p.m. lunch: rice, vegetables, chicken, water and fruit
3:30 p.m. 2 hours of training
5:30 p.m. homework
6:30 p.m. dinner: rice, vegetables, fish or chicken, fruit and water
8:00 p.m. watch TV/sports massage
10:00 p.m. homework
11:00 p.m. bed
Skills building 3: giving advice and making suggestions
In this unit, you will learn how to give advice and make suggestions. Different pattern are presented to you for you to practice giving advice and making suggestions.
1. Read the three points in the first part on page 36. Pay attention to the difference between advise and advice in Pattern 1. The predicate verb forms in the if–clause and main clause in pattern 2, and the usage of suggest in Pattern 3. You can use these patterns to make some sentences.
I’ll give you some examples:
I advise you to go there by bike instead of by bus.
I advise that you (should) go to bed a bit earlier, to avoid being tired.
Our teacher often gives us useful advice on how to study English.
If I were you, I would buy that dress. It fits you well.
My coach suggested that I should train six hours per day.
I suggest going there on foot.
We can also use some other patterns to give advice or make suggestions:
You’d better take off your wet shoes, or you’ll catch a cold.
Let’s not start too early. We don’t want to be tired.
2. Let’s come to the second part. We can use question forms to make suggestions. For examples:
Don’t you think it is a good idea to go out for a walk on such a fine day?
Why don’t you phone her right now and ask her to come this afternoon?
Why not wear the blue hat. You look pretty with it on.
Shall we stop and have a rest?
What about renting a car? It would be better than taking the bus.
3. Read the dialogue on page 36 in pairs and underline the sentences which give advice and make suggestions.
Andy: I’m not sure which activity to do at the sports day. Any suggestions?
John: You are good at the 400-metre race. Why not try that?
Andy: Are you joking? Do you think I can beat Mike in Class One?
John: What about the high jump then?
Andy: No. Do you think I should try the long jump?
John: Well, don’t you think it would be a better idea for me to do that one? I’m pretty good at it.
Andy: I think I am good at it too. I suggest that you run the 100-metre race. No one in our school can beat you. If I were you, I would certainly choose that.
John: But I haven’t practiced for a long time. Shall we do some training?
Andy: That’s a good idea. Will Saturday morning do?
John: Yes.
Step 3: offering advice to your friend
1. Read the instructions in Part A, write down the questions you are going to ask your partners. Then do a questions-and-answers exercise and you should take notes of your partners’ answers and complete the chart in this part.
Sample answers
Questions Notes
Sports/Exercise Do you like playing sport?
How often do you exercise?
What is your favorite sport?
What kind of exercise do you do? Yes.
Once a week.
Running and jumping.
Food/Diet Do you eat fruit and vegetables?
What do you drink with your meals?
What is your favorite food?
What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper? Sometimes, not every day.
Soft drinks, such as Coke and juice.
Meat, especially pork and beef.
For breakfast: eggs, toast with jam, milk;
For lunch: rice, chicken, coke;
For supper: rice, beef, lemonade.
Hobbies/Activities What do you do in your spare time?
How much TV do you watch?
Do you go to the cinema often?
What kind of films do you like watching? Internet café, computer games.
Half an hour every day.
No, not often.
Actions films.
Sleep Do you think sleep is important?
What time do you usually go to bed?
How long do you usually sleep every night?
What do you usually do before you go to bed? Yes.
At about 12 p.m.
About 6 hours.
My homework.
Daily Routine How would you describe your daily routine? Busy with school lessons and homework.
2. According to the chart in Part A, offer some advice to your partner. Write down your advice and then I’ll check your answers.
Possible example
B My advice is:
*I advise you to take more exercise during the week---perhaps three or four times each week.
*I suggest that you have three servings of vegetables and fort servings of fruit per day.
*If I were you, I would not drink soft drinks. Why don’t you drink water instead? You should drink ten glasses of water every day.
*I advise that you go to bed no later than 10 p.m. every night.
*I also advise that you have at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
*I suggest that you shouldn’t spend too much time in the Internet café or playing computer games.
3. Listen to the recording of Parts A and B on page 96 of your Workbook to get the information needed, and then finish Part C.
Sample answers
1. About 300 years ago.
2. Spain, Portugal, some parts of France, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela and the USA.
3. Because bulls are actually color-blind.
4. They will usually be taken away from the ring and killed after the fight.
5. Because the matador can be badly injured, or even killed.
●Project Entering a new sport into the Olympics
1. First I’d like to ask you some questions and please express your opinions freely.
What sporting events are performed in the Olympic Games?
Which of these sporting events do you like best? Why?
Do you know why these sporting events are held in the Olympics?
How can we try to enter a new sport into the Olympics?
2. If you want to get some information about how to enter a new sport into the Olympics, you can read the article in Part A on page 38. Find out how many parts there are in this article and what information each part talks about.
Let’s read the article part by part and try to find the detailed information in each part.
Part 1
What requirements must be met before a sport can be considered by the IOC?
First, a sport must have its own international association. Next, it must be practiced by men in at least 75 countries on at least four continents and practiced by women in at least 40 countries and on three countries. Besides, a current sport must be dropped.
Part 2
What sports have been removed from the Olympics? Why?
Golf, rugby, polo and power boating. Because these sports became less popular and had to make way for new, more popular sports.
Part 3
What sports have been added in the Olympics only recently? And in which year?
Tae kwon do, in 2000.
What other sports will probably be included? Why?
Rugby and golf. Because they are now very popular and are played all around the world.
Part 4
Which sport is still trying to get into the Olympics?
Wushu, a Chinese martial art.
Do you think it is possible for Wushu to become one of the sporting events in the Olympics? Why or why not?
3. Now let’s do B1 and B2 on page 89 of their Workbook. This exercise will help you become more familiar with the usage of the words and phrases learnt in this section.
4. Do D1 and D 2on page 91 of you Workbook ad homework.
Entering a new sport into the Olympics
Now let’s work in groups of four and discuss the Olympic rules for entering a new sport and choose a sport you think should/should not be in the Olympics and list the reasons why you think so. You should write down the name of the sport your group has chosen.
Entering a sport into or dropping one from the Olympics can be quite a long process. There are many requirements that must be met before a sport can be considered by the International Olympic Committee. You may look for information as much as you can in different sources.
Now you each write a draft of your part. And put what you’ve written together. Remember to proofread the speech carefully to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be added to make it more attractive.
At last, you’ve got to present your speech to the whole class. Make the best of the chance to speak with confidence and prepare to answer any questions the other students may have.
This section aims to help you determine the progress you have made. The color bar with five levels rates how confident you feel about what you have learnt in this unit.
In Part A, some items are presented to you and you are asked to check how well you think you have developed each skill. Each item corresponds with one or more parts in this unit. For example, by going over C1 and C2 on page 24, you will know whether you can finish reading the speech The honorable games for specific information by skimming and scanning successfully. You have the opportunity to evaluate your own skills and abilities in English. If you feel very confident about one item, you give yourselves a score of 5. If you feel slightly confident about another item, you get a 2. After going over all the items in this part, you need to add all the scores and divide the total amount by the total sum. This should show you how well you have achieved, and also what else you can do to improve your study. Thus, you will get a percentage, which shows your level.
In this unit, 16 items are listed with each one scored 5, with a total of 80 points possible. These items cover the main study targets in this unit, including skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, the usage of vocabulary and grammar items, as well as doing activities in English. Through accessing yourselves as learners, you will realize whether you have achieved the goal for this unit. If you feel there are some areas in which you are not confident or just slightly confident, you can think about how to improve you.
In Part B, you are asked to make an action plan, so you will know what to do.
Part Two Teaching Resources
第二部分 教学资源
Section 1: A text structure analysis of THE HONOURABLE GAMES
I. Type of writing and summary of the text
Type of writing This is a piece of narrative writing.
Main idea of the passage Some facts and stories about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.
Main idea of Part 1(paragraph 1) Greetings
Main idea of Part 2
(paragraph 2-paragraph 4) Ancient games
Main idea of Part 3(paragraph 5) Modern Olympic Games
Main idea of Part 4
(paragraph 6-paragraph 9) Some heroes in the history of the Olympic Games
Main idea of Part 5
(paragraph 10-paragraph 11) Summary
II. A tree diagram of the text
The Honorable Games
Ancient Games Modern Games The heroes of the Olympic Games
776BC Olympia 1896 Athens Greek Abroad Home
Muhammad Ali Michael Jordan Haile Gebrselassie
Xu Haifeng Deng Yaping Liu Xiang
III. A retold version of the text
The ancient games began in the year 776BC.They were held at Olympia in Greece every four years until AD 394. At the ancient games, the athletes were all men and they had to compete with nothing on. Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a separate festival in honor of the Greek god Zeus.
The modern Olympic Games were first held in 1896, in Athens. They were restarted by a Frenchman, whose dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.
There are large numbers of heroes in the history of the Olympic Games. The most famous boxer of all time was Muhammad Ali. He returned gladly to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony. Another superstar is Michael Jordan, who was the highest scorer for the gold-medal-winning USA basketball team at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia is widely recognized as the greatest distance runner of all time. Chinese athletes have also made important contributions to the Olympic Games. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles. We are looking forward to seeing more of the Olympians in the coming Olympic Games.
●Section 2: Background information about the Olympic Games
I. History of the Olympic Games
Pindar, the Greek poet wrote in the 5th century BC: “As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun, likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games”.
According to historic records, the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia. Initially they had a religious character and combined a number of ancient sporting events, many of which were based on ancient Greek myths.
The ancient Games actually occupied an important position in the life of the Greek ancestors. An Olympiad was a time unit, measuring the four-year interval between two Games. Participants came to compete from every corner of the Greek world aiming at the ultimate prize: an olive wreath and a "heroic" return to their city-states. But apart from the glorious victory, it was the Olympic values themselves which accorded special meaning to the Games: noble competition and the effort to combine body, will, and mind in a balanced whole.
As the Games developed, so did a set of procedures such as a standardized schedule of events and the practice of the Olympic Truce. They continued for nearly 12 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius decreed, in 393 AD, that all such ‘pagan cults’ be banned. He asserted that the Games placed an excessive public focus on athletic and spiritual affairs. The games were abolished until the 19th Century. Intellectuals such as Evangels Zappers and Demetrios Vikelas who believed in the spirit of noble contests and the Olympic ideals, lent their voices and efforts to the revival of the Olympic Games.
However, it was French Baron Pierre de Coubertin who orchestrated the re-establishment of the Games, by advocating the marriage of sports and Greek classicism, leading the way to the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896.
The Greek public embraced the revival, and joined the efforts to organize the Games. Any financial difficulties faced by the Greek state at the time, were met through the mobilization of people and benefactors alike. The marble renovation of the ancient Panathinaikon Stadium that hosted the first modern Games was financed by George Averoff, a Greek benefactor from Northern Greece.
With the revival of the Olympic Games, a number of symbolic Olympic Traditions were also developed and established (i.e. the Olympic Anthem, the Olympic Creed, the Olympic Flag, the Olympic Flame and Torch).
Over the years, the Olympic Games traveled to different countries and continents, and now finally in 2004, they returned to the country of their birth and the city of their revival for the hosting of the XXVIII Modern Olympic Games.
II. The list of the Olympic Games
1. 1896 Athens, Greece 2. 1900 Paris, France
3. 1905 St. Louis, USA 4. 1908 London, England
5. 1912 Stockholm. Sweden 6. 1916 Canceled due to WWI
7. 1920 Antwerp, Belgium 8. 1924 Paris, France
9. 1938 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10. 1932 Los Angeles, USA
11. 1936 Berlin, Germany 12. 1940 Canceled due to WWII
13. 1944 Canceled due to WWII 14. 1948 London, England
15. 1952 Helsinki, Finland 16. 1956 Melbourne, Australia
17. 1960Rome, Italy 18. 1964 Tokyo, Japan
19. 1968 Mexico City, Mexico 20. 1972 Munich, Germany
21. 1976 Montreal, Canada 22. 1980 Moscow, USSR
23.1984 Los Angeles, USA. 24.1988 Seoul, South Korea
25. 1992 Barcelona, Spain 26. 1996 Atlanta, USA
27. 2000 Sydney, Australia 28. 2004 Athens, Greece
III. Olympic Medals
Olympic medals are awarded to those individuals or teams placing first, second and third in each event.
The first place winner is bestowed a gold-plated medal of silver, which is commonly referred to as the “gold medal”. Second and third places receive medals of silver and bronze. The silver used in the first and second place medals must be at least 92.5% pure. The “gold” medals must be gilded with at least six grams of pure gold.
Medals also carry the name of the sport contested. All competitors receive a diploma and commemorative medals for their participation in the Olympic Games.
IV. The Olympic flame
The most revered and visible symbol of the Olympic Games competition is the Olympic Flame.
In the modern year, the Olympic Flame first appeared at the 1928 Amsterdam Games.
The tradition of the Olympic Torch Relay, which culminates in the lighting of the Olympics cauldron at the opening ceremony of the Games, dates to the 1936 Berlin Games.
The first torch relay was created to symbolize the link between the ancient and modern Olympic Games. The flame was lit in a ceremony at Olympia, Greece. From there, 3000 runners carried the torch through seven countries to Berlin. The relay was timed so that the flame arrived at the stadium at the precise moment required. Ever since the lighting of the Olympic cauldron has become the most hallowed moment of the Olympic Games.
V. The Olympic Rings
The Olympic rings are the official symbol of the Olympic movement. There are five interlacing rings of the colors blue, yellow, black, green and red. The rings are set upon a white background.
The colors themselves do not represent any single continent. The colors were chosen because at least one of these colors is found in the flag of every nation.
These five rings represent the five parts of the world. This is a real international emblem. The Olympic rings represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes throughout the world at the Olympic Games.
The original Olympic flag was made in 1913 in Paris. The flag is three meters long and two meters wide. It first flew over an Olympic stadium at the 1920 Antwerp Games. The original flag also carried the Olympic motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius” means “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.
VI. The Athens Olympic Games
108 years later, Olympic Games returned to its hometown ——Athens in Greece. It is an exciting moment for all the Greeks.
  On August 13th 2004 of local time, when the Olympic Games’ flame was lit, people all over the world were cheering. In their deep heart, they believe it would be successful. That night in the main stadium, people from different countries enjoyed the same pleasure, they knew in the following 16 days, they would live in peace and harmony, without poverty, discrimination and political problems. In other words, all they needed to do was showing themselves completely to the world.
Olympic Games had developed much, as its slogan goes “faster, higher and stronger ”. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games had the largest scale in its history. There were 202 countries and regions participating in it this time, compared with 13 countries in 1986. What’s more, more and more countries could get medals in the competition. As to China, we had had breakthrough both in gold medals and the place in medal rank, getting the second place with 32 gold medals. It attributed to the progress in our weak item, especially in the hurdle race, Liu Xiang won the first medal in China’s dash race. Of course, there were other new records were made. For example, tennis, swimming, boxing and so on. So I feel confident that our Chinese athletes will do better in 2008 Olympic Games.
Another pattern in this Olympic Games was that the real strength between the nations was getting nearer, so it valued in its watching. Sometimes, the places in a competition differed in very slight points. For the first time, I felt the competition is so intense. For example, in the final of the volleyball. I admit that we Chinese have done a perfect job, they win the game by their hard working and strong determination, but at the same time, I admire Russia team, they have done their best. I can hardly forget the stimulating moments coming one after another, I can hardly forget the tears: happy and sorrowful. I remember clearly that on that day I dropped tears for the first time. There were many other touching scenes in this Olympic Games, which is more common than former ones. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games




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