
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Period 1 Welcome to the unit
Teaching Objectives:
1)Get students to conduct a free discussion about ancient civilizations.
2)Encourage the students to share their ideas with each other.
Important points and difficult points:
1)Students are expected to describe what they have known about the ancient civilizations.
2)Encourage the students to communicate with classmates.
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Lead in
Quiz: How much do you know about the ancient civilization?
1)What are the four ancient civilized nations?
2)What are the seven wonders of the world?
Step2 Talking about the pictures
The Statue of Zeus:
1.Who is Zeus? (A god of Greek mythology, Cronus and Rhea’s youngest son, the supreme ruler of both Mount Olympus and the Pantheon of gods residing there)
2.What does the name Zeus mean? (It is said to be related to the Greek word “dios” with ‘bright’ as its meaning.)
3.Where was the Statue (雕像) of Zeus once located? (On the western coast of Greece)
The Taj Mahal:
1.Who built it? (Shah Jehan, the fifth Mughal Emperor.)
For whom and why was it built?
(It was built by Shah Jehan for his beloved wife as a monument of eternal love.)
2.When was it built? (From 1631 to 1648)
3.Where is it? (On the banks of India’s most sacred river, the river Yamuna in Agra)
The Hanging Gardens:
1.Who built it? (King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled ancient Babylon for dozens of years)
2.Why did it appear to be ‘hanging’ in the sky? (It looked so because it was constructed entirely on the roofs of a building, with a lot of trees surrounding it.)
3.Why was it built? (To cheer up Nebuchadnezzar 尼布甲尼撒二世(古巴比伦国王,攻占耶路撒冷,建空中花园)wife who was said to be very homesick)
The Potala Palace:
1.Where is it located? (On the Red Hill in the Lhasa Valley of Tibet, China)
2.When was it rebuilt? (In the 17th century)
3.What was it used as? (The residence of the Dalai Lamas since the 7th century, as well as the religious and political centre of old Tibet)
Step3 Group discussion
1. What do you think of the structures you saw just now?
2. Do you think it is important to protect cultural heritage? Why or why not? Do you have any suggestions on how to protect it?
Step 4 Homework : Preview reading.
(1)Some of them have disappeared ,while others remain today .
a. remain不及物动词,“留下”“剩下”;还可意为“逗留”,其后通常接介词或副词。如:
After the fire ,very little remained of my house .火灾之后,我家所剩无几。
In the early days , some lived in tents and hunted wild animals. Others remained in one place and started farms of their own.
The children remained out because of the good weather. 由于天气晴朗,孩子们继续呆在室外嬉戏。
He has to remain in hospital until he is better. 他不得不住院,直到身体好转。
[注]表示“留在某地”时remain 和stay 同义。如remain/stay there(呆在那里),但只能说stay at home ,不能说remain at home。另外remain 既可指人逗留在一定场所,也可指物逗留在一定场所或保持原来的形状或状态,stay 只表示人逗留在一定场所。
b. remain用作连系动词,意为“保持”“仍然是”“还是”“剩下”,接形容词、名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词或介词短语作表语,如:
He remained silent . 他保持沉默。
She remains unmarried.她仍然单身。
Man remained a hunter for thousands of years .人类的狩猎时期有数千年之久。
A lot of work remained to be done.许多工作还没做完。
After the earthquake ,very few houses remained standing .地震后几乎没有房子没倒塌。
[注]remain 接动词不定式表示将来动作,接现在分词表示正在进行的主动动作,接过去分词表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。如:
This remains to be proved . 这有待证实。(将来的被动动作)
Whether it will do us good remains to be seen. 这是否对我们有好处,还要看一看。(将来的被动动作)
They remained listening. 他们一直在听。(正在进行的主动动作)
She remained sitting when I came in .我进来时,她仍然坐着。(正在进行的主动动作)
The book ,however ,remains unfinished.但这本书一直没完成。(表示主语所处的状态)
They remained locked in her room. 他们仍然被锁在房子里。(已经发生的被动动作)
c. remains是名词,表示“遗物”“遗址”“剩余物”,其单、复数同形,如:
the remains of an old castle 古城堡的遗址
They paid their last respects to her remains. 他们对她的遗体告别。
The remains of the meal are/is in the refrigerator. 剩饭在冰箱里。
d. remaining 意为“剩下的”“余下的”,修饰单个名词时,前置,如是修饰短语则应后置。如:
She returned home with the remaining 10 dollars. 她带着剩下的十美元加了家。
You may have the remaining ones. 剩下的你可以拿去。
We had a number of duties to perform during the short time still remaining .
[注] left也可意为“剩下的”“余下的”,多放在被修饰的名词之后,如:
How much time is there left? 还剩有多少时间?
There are no books left in the room。房间里没剩下书。
The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ______.
a. 20 dollars remained b. 20 dollars to remain c. remained 20 dollars d. remained 20 dollars
(2)The hanging Gardens 空中花园
a. hanging 为现在分词作定语,hang此处为不及物动词,意为“悬”“挂”,(hang, hung, hung )
He remained hanging in the midair ,saved by the belt .他悬在半空中,安全带救了他。
A full moon hung in the sky. 一轮满月挂在天空。
Big lights hang from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。
b. hang作及物动词,意为“悬”“挂”,仍是不规则动词,如:
Let’s hang those pictures on the wall. 咱们把这些画挂在墙上。
My mother is hanging out the washing. 我妈妈在晾洗好的衣服。
Slogans were hung in the hall. 大厅里悬挂着标语。
[注]有时表示“上/里面挂着”着be hung with。如:
The hall was hung with pictures by workers .大厅里挂着工人创作的画。
The trees were thickly hung with fruit. 树上果实累累。
c. hang作规则动词,意为“吊死”“绞死”,既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。如:
The last Ming emperor hanged himself from this tree. 明朝最后一个皇帝就是吊死在这棵树上的。
Mussolini was hanged by the Italian people . 墨索里尼被意大利人民绞死了。
The man was hanged for what he had done to the peasant family.那人因对那农家所干的一切被绞死了。
At that time you could hang for stealing .那时犯盗窃罪就可能会被绞死的。
d. hang所用于的一些短语:
hang about 逗留,闲荡 hang back 踌躇不前
hang (down) one’s head低下头 hang on坚持下去;赖着不走
hang over使忧心忡忡;担心可能发生 hang up 挂断电话
hang upon靠……决定 hang by a hair/thread命悬一线,危在旦夕
(3)Have you ever been to a museum and seen things from ancient civilizations?
a. civilization 在本句中为可数名词,意为“文明国家”。如:
These are acts that will horrify civilizations. 这些是令文明国家震惊的行为。
These are inventions from civilizations. 这是些来自文明国家的发明。
b. civilization作可数名词,意为“文明”“文化”。如:
Do you know the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Babylon and Persia?
Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. 中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。
c. civilization 作不可数名词,意为“教化”“开化”“文明环境”“文明社会”。如:
The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years. 人类的开化经过了数千年。
They still live far from civilization. 他们仍然生活在远离文明世界的地方。
It’s good to get back to civilization after living in a tent for two weeks.
(4)Do you have any suggestions on how to protect it? 你有关于如何保护它的什么建议吗?
a. suggestion作可数名词,意为“提议”“建议”。如:
I want suggestions about what to do today. 今天做什么我想听听有何意见。
My suggestion is that we put off the meeting. 我的建议是推迟会议。
[注] at/on one’s suggestion或at/ on the suggestion of 意为“按照某人的建议”,其中suggestion作不可数名词。如:
On/At your suggestion, I bought the more expensive printer. 遵照你的建议我买了较贵的打印机。
b. suggestion作可数名词还可意为“些微”“迹象”。如:
He speaks English with a suggestion of a French accent. 他讲英语带一点法语口音。
There is no suggestion that she should resign. 没有迹象显示她要辞职。
c. suggestion作不可数名词,意为“联想”“暗示”。如:
Most advertisements work through suggestion. 大多数广告都是通过暗示起作用。
There is much suggestion in what he has said. 在他的话中暗示了许多东西。
You won’t get well unless you follow your doctor’s advice. 如果你不遵医嘱,你将不会痊愈。
If you take my advice and study hard, you will pass the exam. 如果你听我的劝告用功读书,你就会考及格。
Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language. 马克思就如何学外语提了一些建议。
[注]advice不可数,不说an advice, a piece of advice(一条忠告;一项建议)或some advice(一些建议)。
Period 2 Reading
I. Teaching Aims:
1. To improve the reading ability and help the students understand the text wholly.
2. Learn some useful words and expressions.
II. Teaching Important Points:
1. Help the Ss to understand the text.
2. Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.
III. Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to help the Ss improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.
2. How to master some important language points in this passage.
IV. Teaching Methods:
1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the story.
2. Careful reading to understand the story better.
3. Discussion to help the Ss understand what they’ve learned better.
4. Explanation to help the Ss master some language points.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. Fast reading:
Read the following diary entries quickly and answer these questions.
1. What country is the author from? Canada.
2. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan?
Both of them became lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago.
3. Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860?
The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli.
4. Who is Professor Zhang? An archaeologist from the local cultural institute.
Step 2. Reading for details (C1)
Reading the letter again carefully and then choose the best answer:
How well did understand the details in the diary? Read it again carefully and answer the following questions.
1. What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79?
Most Vesuvius erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it into the surrounding countryside. All the people in Pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.
2. How was the buried city discovered?
It was discovered in the 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it. People started to dig in the area for treasure, with caused much damage. So in 1860, the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli was made director of the Pomeii dig.
3. What were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for?
With these stones, people did not have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days.
4. Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago?
Because it was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.
5. How do many people think Loulan disappeared?
It was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to 500.
6. According to the last sentence, how did the author feel about the loss of Loulan?
She felt that it was a pity.
Step3. More details: (C2)
The writers of diaries often record feelings or opinions (emotions) as well as what they have done (actions).Do the sentences below express emotions (E) or actions (A)?
1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip. (line2) E/A
2. This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii. (line7) E/A
3. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city! (line 11-12) E/A
4. How amazing! (lines14--15) E/A
5. People started to dig in the area for treasure. (line16--17) E/A
6. When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been. (line 19) E/A
7. I am so excited to be here! (line35) E/A
8. Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand. (line 39) E/A
Find out the facts and historical information about the two cities.
Pompeii time event
in the 8th century
in 89 BC
on 24th Aug. AD 79
in 1860
Loulan 2000 years ago
from AD 200 to AD 500
100 years ago
Step 4.
Meaning of words (D1)
Look at these new words from the diary entries and match them with their definitions.
1. represent (line2)__b___ a. threw out lava and ash
2. took over (line8)__g___ b. acting or speaking for a group
3. erupted (line9)__a____ c. sadly, unluckily
4. unfortunately (line11)__c___ d. rich
5. houses (line26)__h____ e. parts of a building that remain after it has been badly damaged or destroyed
6. wealthy (line32)__d____ f. huge
7. ruins (line42) ___e_____ g.took control of
8. enormous (line44)____f______ h provides space for
Step5. Summary and Homework
Both Pompeii in ________and Loulan in China became ____ ________ about 2000 years ago. Pompeii was ________ in the 8th century BC and was _____ _______ by the Romans in 89BC. On 24th Aug.AD79, Mount Vesuvius _________ and the city were _______ __________. Loulan was a _________ _________ on the Silk Road. It disappeared under the ________. There are just a few _________ left. Some _________, such as coins and painted pots, was found.
Language points:
1.similarity n 相似点;相似,类似 similar adj. 相似的,类似的
be similar to 与……相似 similarly adv. 相似地; 类似地
the similarity of a cat to a tiger 猫和虎的相似
The two coats are similar but not the same. 这两件大衣是相似的,但不同。
2. arrange v. 安排,筹划,整理,布置
arrange + n. 整理;布置;排列
arrange + (for) + n. 安排……;协商……
arrange +for + n. + to do 安排……做……
arrange + (with + n.) + to do (与人)约定干……
arrange + that 商定……;安排…… (that从句用should + v. , should 可以省略)
I’ve arranged for him to meet her. 我已经安排好他跟她见面了。
I arranged to meet him at 6 o’clock. 我约定在6点钟跟他见面。
He arranged that the meeting be put off for a week. 他安排把会议延后一星期召开。
3. represent vt. 表现;描写;描画;代表;声称
representative n. [c] 代表
represent oneself as/ to be 自称是;声言
represent sth. (to sb.) 向……说明;阐述;表达
represent sth. 代表……,代理……
He represents himself as an expert in English. 他自称是英语专家。
He represented our school at the meeting at the meeting.他代表我们学校出席会议。
The pigeon represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。
4. take over 继承,接管,接替,接任
take away 拿走,使离开 take hold of
take back 退回(某物),收回(所说的话)
take care 小心,谨慎 take --- for 把---误认为
take care of 照顾,照料 take --- for granted 认为--- 理所当然
take down  取下;记下 take after 相似
take in 接待,吸收 take to 喜欢
take off (飞机)起飞;取消,脱下
take on 呈现,雇佣 take along 随身带着
take out  取出;拿出
take up 开始;从事;占去(时间)等
The large company has taken over many small ones.  这家大公司吞并了许多小公司。
You watch the house until 10 and then I’ll take over.你监视这所房子到10点,然后我接替你。
He opened the drawer and ___ a notebook.
A. took on B. took over C. took up D. took out
He expects to ___ the business when his father retires.
A. take down B. take over C. take up D. take out
5. alive/ living/ live/ lively
alive “活着的”,是表语形容词,可修饰人,物,用作表语(可与living互换),宾补和后置定语,不能用作前置定语。
living “有生命的,活着的”,多作表语和前置定语,可修饰人或物,如a living plant 活的植物
live “活生生的,现场直播的,实况直播的”,只用作前置定语,只修饰物,不指人
a live tiger 一只活老虎 a live show / broadcast /TV programs
lively “活泼的,生动的”,可用作表语、定语、指人或物。
a lively child 活泼的孩子 a lively description 生动的描述 a way of making one’s classes lively 使课堂生动的方法
Keep him alive, please. 请让他活下去。
He is the only man alive in the accident. 他是事故中惟一活着的人。
6.so + 情态动词/助动词/ + sb./sth 是一个倒装句型结构,表示上文中某人/物怎样,下文中的某人/物也怎样,其中情态动词、助动词和系动词在人称、数上要与下文的主语保持一致,在时态上与上文相一致。表否定时用neither或nor.
If you can do it, so can I. 如果你能做,我也能做。
If you go there, so will I. 如果你去, 我也将去。
If you don’t go to the cinema tonight, nor shall I. 你今天晚上不去看电影,我也不会去。
注意:So it is with … 和It is the same with … 既用于肯定句,也用于否定句,陈述两种(以上)的情况。
I have already seen that interesting film.____.
A. So does he B. So has he C. So he does D. So he has
7. damage
1). 损害;损失。不可数名词,常接介词to
2). 赔偿金
A torrent of rain came down and damaged the crops.
He had not got any damages.
hurt/ injure/wound/ destroy/ damage/ ruin
<1> Laughing at others will hurt their feelings.嘲笑别人会伤害他们的感情。(精神,肉体上的伤害,强调疼痛)
<2> Although his hand was injured, he continued to operate the machine.(损害,毁坏容貌,强调丧失机能)
<3> A lot of soldiers were wounded in the battle.(强调暴力引起的创伤)
<4> This new evidence will completely destroy his argument.(完全的,不可修复的毁坏)
<5> Exposing to sunlight will damage the colored photo. (部分的,尚可修复的毁坏)
<6> He has ruined his health through drinking heavily. (毁坏,弄坏)
A bomb ____ tow buildings and damaged several others.
A. destroyed B. damaged C. harmed D. injured  
“If you go on stealing, you will ____ your bright future, young man!” said the judge.
a. destroy b. damage c. ruin d. break
a. damage 和destroy都可作动词表示“破坏”,但在破坏的程度上,damage 要小于destroy, damage 可以指不同的程度的破坏损坏,而destroy 则一般指毁灭性的破坏。作为动词两词许多的时候要通用。如:
In Germany ,over 50%of the country’s trees had been damaged /destroyed by the year 1986.
But this “chemical rain” gradually destroys /damages trees in the forests and kills the fish in the lake.但这种“酸雨”渐渐地损害了森林中的树木,导致了湖中的鱼的死亡。
You have destroyed my life and all my hopes.你毁了我的生活,同时也毁了我所有的希望。
b. damage 可作不可数名词,而destroy 不能用作名词,destroy的句词形式为destruction.如:
The storm caused great damage /did a lot of damage to the crops.
8.house 在此用作动词,意为“给(某人)房子住,储存,覆盖,遮蔽”
We can house you if the hotel are full.
house 用作名词,意为“房子,家庭,建筑物,家族”
as safe as a house 绝对安全
keep house管理家务
eat sb out of house and home把某人吃穷
put/ set one’s house in order 把自己的事情处理的井井有条
9. too ….to…..一般译作“太---而不能”,但是当too后的形容词为ready(轻易), glad(高兴), kind(善良), pleased(高兴), anxious(急切), eager(渴望), willing(愿意)等, too 前有not, only, but, all, never等词时,too相当于very.
can’t (can never)…..too……怎么---也不过分
too ready to do sth 总爱做某事
too + adj. +for sb (sth) to do 太。。。而不适合于干。。。
--- I wish Bill would drive us to the station.
--- He has ____to take us all.
a too small car B. too small a car C. very small a car D. such small a car
too +adj. +a/ an +名词
--- I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.
--- You can never be _____careful in the street.
A. much B. very C. so D. too
Never…too+ adj.+adj. 在…也不为过
●Teaching objectives:
1.Develop the students’ability of using the target language in real situation.
2.Enlarge the students’vocabulary by learning some words about archaeology.
●Teaching methods:
2.Teacher and students’interaction
3.Multimedia way.
Task 1. Teach the pair nouns and group nouns
Step 1. Help the students to get the idea about pair nouns and group nouns by looking at some pictures.
e.g. a pair of sacks
a flock of birds
a herd of horses
Step 2. Label each picture, using an expression including a word in the box.( p.46)
Step 3. Help the students to summer up pair nouns and group nouns.
Task 2. Learn some words and information about archaeology.
Step 1. Students read Part A carefully, paying attention to the word in blue.
Step 2.Students read and fill in the blanks of Part B.
Step 3. Students have a group discussion and find out words related to the subject on archaeology.
Step 4. Ask the students to write out as many words as possible.
Task 3. Homework
1.Remember the pair nouns and group nouns.
2.Preview the grammar.
a pair/two pairs of binoculars一架/两架双筒望远镜
a pair/two pairs of socks一双/两双短袜
a pair/two pairs of stockings一双/两双长筒袜
a pair/two pairs of shoes一双/两双鞋
a pair/two pairs of boots一双/两双靴子
a pair/two pairs of chopsticks一双/两双筷子
a pair/two pairs of trousers一条/两条裤子
a pair/two pairs of glasses一副/两副眼镜
a pair/two pairs of scissors一把/两把剪刀
My trousers are worn out. 我的裤子穿坏了。
There is a pair of/are two pairs of shoes under the bed. 床下有一双/两双鞋。
a herd /two herds of cows ,elephants ,deer 一群/两群牛/大象/鹿
a bunch /two bunches of flowers ,bananas ,grapes ,keys 一束/两束花,一串/两串香蕉/葡萄/钥匙
a pack /two packs of dogs ,wolves ,cards 一群/两群狗/狼,一盒/两盒牌
a flock /two flocks of sheep ,goats ,swallows 一群/两群绵羊/山羊/燕子
a swarm / two swarms of been ,ants ,flies 一窝/两窝蜜蜂/蚂蚁,一群/两群苍蝇
a crowd /two crowds of people ,children ,guests 一群/两群人/孩子/客人
a team /two teams of players ,salesmen ,workers 一队/两队球员/销售员/工人
an army /two armies of workers ,ants ,volunteers 一大群/两大群工人/蚂蚁/自愿者
A group of soldiers was /were marching towards the city. 一群士兵正向城市进军.
1. listen for 用心听,留神听着…的声音
The boys are listening for the bell at the end of a lesson. 上课结束时,孩子们都在等着听铃声。
Listen for the postman. 注意听着邮递员的声音。
2. add…to… 把…加到…
She added sugar to her tea. 她把糖加到茶里面。
add to… 增强,增加
This adds to our difficulties. 这增加了我们的困难。
This adds to our information. 这增加了我们的信息。
3. open 开放的,开始…的
The hearing is open to the public. 这次听证会是公开的。
The movie star is now open for reporter’s questions.
4. audience 观众,听众(可数)
The large audience enjoyed every word Mr. Jackson uttered.
There was a large audience at the pop concert. 有大量的观众杂听流行音乐会。
It was late, but the audience was increasing. 天晚了,但是观众还在增加。
The audience are dressed in a variety of ways. 观众们穿着打扮多种多样。
The audience was/were very excited by the show. 演出使观众非常激动。
5. be located (in/on) 位于…
Where’s it located? 它位于哪儿?
The house is located next to the river. 那房子位于河边。
locate作动词时表示把…放在…, 让…呆在某处:
The company located its branch office in the suburbs. 那家公司把分公司放在了郊区。
He located his new store on Main Street. 他把他的新店设在了缅因街。
6. declare 动词,表示“宣布,宣称,声明”,后面可跟名词、从句、复合结构、介词短 语等。
Bulgaria declared its independence in 1908. 保加利亚于1908年宣布独立。
She declared that she didn’t want to see him again. 她宣布她不想再见到他。
At 3:30 the chairman declared the session closed. 三点三十分时,主席宣布全会结束。
He declared against the proposal. 他宣称反对那个提案。
7. in memory of 纪念,为了纪念..
He wrote the book in memory of the fallen officer and soldiers in the war.
In memory of the massacre carried out by Japan in Nanjing, the citizens built a memorial in the city.
8. distinguished 形容词, 著名的,卓越的,突出的
He is the most distinguished chemist in the country. 他是这个国家最著名的化学家。
He has made distinguished services in his diplomatic career. 在他的外交生涯中他功勋卓著。
Can you distinguish cotton cloth from linen? 你能把棉布和亚麻区别开来吗?
People who can’t distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind. 不能区分颜色的人叫作色盲。
9. be honored 感到荣幸,跟不定式或从句
I’m honored to be here with you. 与你一起感到荣幸。
I’m honored that you should notice me. 我感到荣幸,你竟然注意到了我。
honor 作动词用法如下:
You honored us by being with us today. 你今天与我们呆在一起使我们感到荣幸。
Lenny honored him as a teacher. 兰妮把他尊之为师。
(3)对…表示敬意, 纪念
Our government gave him a state banquet to honour his visit to china.
10. point out: The teacher pointed out my mistake in the way of doing the problem.
I must point out that further delay would be unwise. 我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏。
Point at 指着(人或物) point to ( 强调方向,并不一定指该物体)
Make a point 证明论点正确 to the point 正中要害 off the point 离题的
On the point of 正要--- There is no point in sth.(doing sth.) 做--- 没有道理(必要)
I would see him pointing at me and then telling something to other guests.
The hand of the clock pointed to twelve.
The is no point in getting upset with him. 跟他生气没有必要。
The lawyer was brief and to the point. 律师说话简明扼要,直截了当。
I was on the point of leaving when the telephone rang.
Project Creating an illustrated time chart
Part A
Step I Reading
Read the article and try to get the main idea of each paragraph
:Paragraph 1 Main events in Rome and China between 753 BC and 479 BC.
Paragraph 2 Similarities between China and Rome during the Han Dynasty.
Paragraph 3 Both Rome and China influenced areas between 212 BC and 100 BC.
Paragraph 4 Rome and China had a difficult time in the following hundred years.
Read the article again and answer the following questions:
1. When did Rome become a republic and what happened in China then?
2. When was China united and by whom?
3. Which city did Han Dynasty have as its capital? Where is it now?
4. What did China and Rome have in common during the Han Dynasty?
5. When was Silk Road was in use? And what was it used for?
6. When did the trade between China and Rome begin? What goods were traded?
7. When did Han Dynasty fall and what did it result in?
9. When was Roman Empire ended? Was it the same story for China?
Step 2 Time chart
Read the time chart carefully and answer the following questions:
1. What happened in both China and Rome in the year 509 BC?
2. What about the year 27 BC?
3. When was Confucius born?
4. How long did the Han Dynasty last?
What is a time chart?A time chart should be a chart marked with time periods and important events that take place in certain time periods.
Part B Creating an illustrated time chart
Steps for creating an illustrated time chart
Work in small groups and do the following:
1. Discuss and research time periods in history you are interested in.
2. Choose one as the time period you will illustrate in your time chart.
3. Discuss the tasks for each member.
Research ________________
Write the outline _________________
Illustrate the time chart ____________
Present the time chart ______________
1. Find information from various sources on the time period.
2. Sort the information by date.
3. Discuss the information and decide what to include in the time chart and what to leave out.
4. Write an outline, paying attention to the time period and its significance.
Producing5. Design the time chart based on the outline.
6. Proofread it and add new ideas, if any.
Complete the time chart
Do Parts B1, B2 on page 101 and D1, D2 on page 103 in the workbook.
Language points:
1. influence:
影响 v. My teacher influenced my decision to study science.
My father influenced me to accept this job. (促使)
权力,势力 n.(over, with 连用)use one’s influence with sb. 利用(与某人的关系的)影响力
You have a curious influence over me. 你对我有一种全新的影响。
Will you use your influence to get me a job? 你能利用你的权力为我找个工作吗?
影响力;感化力(on,upon 连用)Many a woman has influence upon her husband.
Under the influence of 在--- 的影响下
an active influence 积极的影响
Have a bad influence on 对--- 有不良影响
a far-reaching influence 深远的影响
He is an influence for good in the town. 他是这城里能影响他人行善的人。
effect 着重强调所造成的结果
Hibernating animals can sleep throughout the winter without any ill effects.
Punishment has very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么用。
2. trade
n. 交易、买卖、贸易 a trade agreement between England and France
v. 进行贸易 The early settlers traded copper for corn
Expressions: trade gap 贸易差额 trademark 商标
trade price 批发价 trade people 零售商
3. in return (for)
I don’t know what to do in return.
Mike, in return, told me his history.
When will you return me the book I lent you?(归还)
He suddenly returned on a rainy night. (回来,回到)
I shall return to this point later in my lecture. 我还要回来讲这个问题。
Not long after, he returned to his old habit. 没过多久, 他又故态复萌了。
What will you do ______for his kindness?
A. in honor B. in return C. in name D. in general
4. unite (力量上或利益、目标等方面的)联合,侧重(无形的、精神上的)团结
It is the common interests that unite our two countries. 是共同的利益使我们两国联合起来。
Let’s unite in fighting poverty and disease. 让我们同心协力摆脱贫困、战胜疾病。
The teacher united our group to another one. 老师使我们组与另一组合并。
a united family 一个和谐团结的家庭 make a united effort 作一致的努力
5. no more
Such a practice was no more. 这种习俗已经不存在了。
He couldn’t lift the table and no more could I. (也不)
no more --- than He is no more capable of speaking English than I am. (都不会)




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