Lesson 9 Unit 3 Teaching plan

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Pre-class: Enjoy the Number Song
Step 1 Greeting
 Good morning. What’s your name, please? Can you spell it, please?
Nice to meet you!
 Introduce me to your friend. (This is …. How do you do? )
Step 2 Numbers in our life
 Display my mobile phone number and room number.
 List and share more numbers in our life.
 Learn to say the numbers in English. (投影学生写下的数字)
 Sing the number song.
 Memory game.
Step 3 Talk about Ss’ rows and numbers
 Present row and number.
 Demo. What’s your number? I’m Number ….
What row are you in? I’m in Row ….
 Listen and imitate. Part 3.
 Closed pair work.
 Act it in open group. (A—B and C)
 Ask and answer: Ask 2 Ss to come to the front and ask: Are you …? Are you in Row …? (Yes/ No)
 Listen and answer: What row is Lin Tao/ Liu Ying in?
 Act in pairs.
Step 4 Make a survey
Step 5 Self-assessment and feedback
1. Read and copy the new words.
2. Sing the Number Song for your parents or friends.
3. Do the WB exercises.
上海外国语大学附属浙江宏达学校 314400
罗敏江 haipaijohn@163.com
September 20, 2003



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