Unit 1 Advertising language points(译林牛津版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)

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1. advertise vi & vt 为……做广告,宣传……
I advertised my car for sale. 我登广告买车子
Jobs are advertised in the papers. 在报纸上有招聘广告
advertise a new product on TV 在电视上宣传新产品
advertise for 为征求……而登广告
He advertised for a secretary/ a job. 他登广告招聘一位秘书/谋求一份工作。
advertising 【u】广告,广告业
an advertising agency 一家广告商/公司
advertisement 广告宣传,简称为 adv.
put an advertisement 登广告
answer an advertisement 应征广告
advertiser 登广告者,广告商
2. aware adj. 察觉到的(不置于名词前)
be aware of
He was not aware of the danger. 他没有察觉到危险。
be aware that/wh---
Are you aware that you have hurt her feeling?
3. used to do 过去常常
be used to do/be used for/ be used as 被用来…………
be/get used to doing 习惯于
4. research vi&vt 调查,研究
research on/ into…… 调查……
n 【u】【c】
do research on/in/into…… 研究……
carry out a research
5. share vi & vt (与…/在…之间)共同使用,分享(感情),分担(费用)等
share sth with/amony/between
The boy shared his toy with other children.
Why don’t we share to expenses among us/between us?
We have shared (in) our sorrows as well as joys.
6. persuade vt
persuasion 【u】 说明,说服力
I made him change his mind by persuasion , not by force.
persuasive adj a persuasive opinion 有说服力的意见
persuasiveness 【u】 具说服力的
7. produce vt 生产,制造;创作,制作
producer n 生产者
product 【c】 产品 agricultural product 农产品
production 【u】生产;产量 Production has increased/decreased.
8. service 【u】【c】 服务 social service 社会服务
do sb a great service 帮某人大忙
in service 在服兵役
at one’s service 随时为某人服务的(地)
I’m at your service. 我随时为您服务。
9. believe 相信,认为……
believe in 信仰,信赖(人格等)
I believe you. = I believe what you say.
believe in God
10. promote vt. 促销,宣传
promote sb to sth 使某人晋升为……
promote a new product 促销新产品
promoter (事件等)推动者,(公司等)发起人
promotion 升级等,商品促销,宣传产品
11. place=put放,搁置,与表示地点场所的副词/短语连用
place the vase on the table
place the books in the right order
he was placed in an embarrassed position. 处于困窘的境地
12. for free adv.免费,无偿地
for nothing/ free of charge/ without payment
13. intended adj.(为……而)打算的(或做什么的)
be intended for / as 愿意要……
This dictionary is intended for children. (be meant for) 是给孩子们用的。
be intended to do
This was intended to be a picture of a cat. 这幅画本来是要画猫的。
14. educate v. 教育(人)
educate sb
educate sb to do 教育某人做……
educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的
she is a well- educated lady.
education n. get/ receive high education
educational adj. educational system 教育制度
educateor 教育家
15. protect……from/ against…… + 名词
He is wearing sun glasses to protect his eyes from the strong sun light.
protect the crops from the storm
protection 【u】
under the protection of …… 在……的保护之下
The hat will give you protection against the sun.
protect……from…… 阻止……做……
16. complete vt. ①使……完整/完善
One more volume will complete my set of Shakespeare.
②完成= finish
The bridge isn’t completed yet. 尚未完工
adj. ③全部的,齐全的
the complete works of Hemingway 海明威全集
a complete victory/ failure 全胜/ 彻底失败的
My work will be complete next week.
17. breath 【u】 呼吸, 气息 【c】一口气
hold one’s breath 屏息
take a (deep) breath 深呼吸
lose one’s breath 喘不过气来
out of breath adv./ adj. 喘不过气来
take breath =draw breath 呼吸
save one’s breath 不要浪费口舌
breathe v.
breathe in 吸入
18. cure vt. cure sb/ sth 治疗(病人,疾病)
This medicine will cure your handache. 治疗你的头痛
I was cured with this medicine. 我吃这药病就好了。
cure sb of sth 治疗(改掉)某人的疾病(恶习)
Moving to the country cured her asthma(哮喘).
He was cured of his habit of drinking.
an effective cure for cancer
have a rest cure 去疗养
19.. comment C / U 评论,评语 (=remark)
与on / upon /about 连用,“关于。。。。的”
Do you have any comments (to make)? 你有意见吗?
He made several comments on the book? 对于这本书他作了若干评论。
No comment! (对于询问)无可奉告
Vi. / Vt.评论,批评,解释,与on / about 连用,与that 连用
The critics commented favorably on his book.评论家对于新书给予好评。
She commented that he was not much of a pianist. 她评论说,他称不上是个好钢琴家。
20.. connect Vt. / Vi. 连接; 联系
connect….. with / to….. 把。。。与。。。连接 / 联系
Please connect the metal ring with / to the tap. 把铁圈套在龙头上。
This corridor connects with / to the living room. Vi. 走廊与客厅相连接。
connect sb. with sb. /sp. (将)电话接通给。。。
Please connect me with New York.
I was connected to the wrong person. 我的电话接错了人。
connect with …. (交通工具)与。。。衔接
This train connects here with another for London.
be connected with 与。。。有关系, 与。。。有亲戚关系
She is connected with the Smiths.她与史家有亲戚关系。
21.. fall for Vt. 受。。。欺骗
Customs shouldn’t fall for some dishonest advertisers. / untrue advertisements.
22.. trick C 计谋,恶作剧
play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人
trick Vt. 欺骗,哄骗
trick sb. into doing sth.
They tricked me into signing the contact. 他们欺骗我在那份合同上签字。
23. be meant to be 旨在。。。
mean sb. to do / be meant to do 打算使。。。做。。。
be meant for 为。。而有;注定要成为。。。
PSAs are meant to be helpful to the country.
I mean you to work as our spokesman. 我想让你做我们的代言人。
The magazine was meant for young girls.
He was meant for a painter. 他注定要当画家。
比较:mean to do / mean doing
24. lead Vt. 过(某种)生活;使(某人)过(某种生活)
lead a happy / busy / quiet life = live a … life
He led his family a dog’s life. 他使家人过着穷困潦倒的生活。
复习:lead to / lead sb. to do / lead sb. + Prep.
25. deal with Vt. 对待(人、事),处理,论及
He knows well how to deal with children. 对待
How to deal with rubbish is a problem. 处理
This book deals with the ancient history of China. 论及
Vt. 与。。。交易 (不用被动语态)
We have dealt with that store for ten years.
26. commit Vt. 犯(错),做(错)
commit a crime 犯罪
commit murder 杀人 commit suicide 自杀
A robbery was committed near here. 这附近发生了抢劫案。
27.. satisfy Vt.使满意
satisfy sb.
The girl satisfied her mother by cleaning up the kitchen.
比较:satisfying / satisfied adj. 满意的
be satisfied with 对。。。感到满意
I was not satisfied with the result.
be satisfied to do 对做。。。感到满意
He was satisfied to win the race.
satisfaction U. 满意,满足
satisfactory adj. 令人满意的




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