
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

A: Hi Wang Ling, how are your studies going?
B: Well exciting, but sometimes I find them very difficult. Most of the other students can understand the lectures without d _____1_____, but I have to listen carefully and take lots of notes.
A: Yes, I know what you mean. Have you c____2_____ recording the lectures?
B: No, I didn’t think we were a____3_____ to.
A: Oh it’s no problem, you just have to ask the lecturer’s p____4_______.
B: Oh, that’s a good idea. And I don’t get used to the teaching m____5_____. We are often asked to have discussions. You know we seldom did this in China.
A: Well, discussions are really difficult for you at the b___6_____,but they are really a good way of learning. The other students have different o____7_____ and you can learn much from them.. So during a discussion listen carefully. If there’s something you don’t understand, you can raise q____8_____.
B: I see.
A: Anyway, don’t always worry about your studies. You need to r___9____ yourself. Say travel to some places in Britain.
B: That sounds a good idea. I am so glad to have a f___10 ___ like you in Britain. Thank you very much.

A: Miss Dermott, let me ask you straight away. Do you think, within a few years, many people could work at home i___1___ of working in offices?
B: Oh, yes. It’s happening now. You see, the communication industry has made much p___2___ in the last ten years.
A: And how do these people manage to work? I mean, what e____3____ do they have at home?
B: Well, they have a television set, a computer, a printer, and a telephone to c___4___ with other computers.
A: Oh, I see. But surely there’re some a_____5_____ in being able to work at home.
B: Yes. Working at home, people don’t have to spend a lot of time getting to and from their work places. The rush hours, as everyone knows, are the worst time of day to travel. Millions of people have to get up early to a___6___ the rush hours.
A: Ah yes, I see. What do you think about the c___7____ of home-workers?
B: Oh, let me tell you what might h___8____. In the future a British firm in, for example, London, might e___9____ clerks in Belfast, or a Paris c____10____ could have their secretaries in Spain, and then they just use a telephone to call around for the labour.

A: Why don’t we go a___1___ for a change? Where I’d like to go is France, Spain, or Italy.
B: Mm, I’m not at all that i____2____ really. I’d rather stay at home.
A: Oh, come on, Simon. Think of the sun!
B: Yes, but think of the cost! Going abroad is very e___3____. The best thing about having a holiday here in Britain is that it’s cheaper. And a___4____ thing, the traveling would be easier. No boats, planes or anything else.
A: Even so, we’ve been to most of the interesting places in Britain already. There’s no p___5___ in wasting our summer holiday here.
B: Mm, I suppose you’re right. However, what I hate is the t___6____ in changing money abroad.
A: Oh, don’t be silly, Simon.
B: And what’s more, I can’t speak any of the languages—you know that. It’s all right for you. You can speak f____7_____ languages.
A: Exactly. You see, what I’d really like to do is to p____8____ my French and Spanish. It would help me a lot at work.
B: Mm, but that’s no use to me.
A: But just think of the new p___9____ we’d see, the people we’d meet!
B: But, look, if we s___10____ here, we wouldn’t have to plan very much.
A: I’m sorry, Simon. I just don’t want another cold English summer.

A: Excuse me, do you know where the chemistry lab is?
B: Yes. It’s just on the fifth floor of this b____1____.
A: How often do you do c___2____ experiments there?
B: Twice a week.
A: Can you go there without a t___3____?
B: No. That’s not allowed.
A: What does the teacher often tell you to do when you are doing an e____4____?
B: He often tells us to look c____5_____ and follow the i____6____.
A: What will you do when you finish the experiment?
B: We must put e____7_____ back in the cupboards and wash our hands.
A: Right. It is very i___8____ to keep the lab clean.
B: Yes, safe as well. We must turn off the e____9____ before l___10___ the lab.

A: I’ve got two t___1___ for the rock concert tomorrow evening. Would you like to go with me?
B: Sorry, I don’t like rock music very much.
A: What k___2____ of music do you like?
B: Pop music, e____3_____ country music.
A: Why do you like l___4____ to country music?
B: Well, the country singers often play the guitar while s___5___. And I like to play the guitar.
A: What’s country music about?
B: It’s about c____6____ things for everyone.
A: How a____7____ rock music?
B: It e____8_____ true feelings about society, friendship and even war.
A: What’s the greatest d____9____ between pop music and rock music?
B: Most pop singers make music their c____10____ while rock singers make music their life.

A: Hello! This is Li Ping. May I s___1___ to Wu Dong?
B: Yes. Speaking.
A: Hi! Thank you for the m___2____ about the meeting. But I’m sorry I won’t be there next Week, because I will be away then. Can somebody e___3___ go to the meeting for me?
B: Yes, I think so. Please make s___4___ one of your office workers will be p___5____ at the meeting.
A: OK. But I don’t know what the meeting is about. Could you tell me something about it?
B: Certainly. It’s about how to i___6____ our service.
A: When and where will the meeting be h___7___?
B: The meeting will begin in Room 304 at two o’clock next W____8____ afternoon.
A: How l___9___will it last?
B: For about an hour.
A: Who will conduct the meeting?
B: The m____10____ of our company.

A: Can you tell me something about the Earth Summit?
B: Yes. It’s a meeting held by the UN to discuss e____1____ issues.
A: When and where was the l____2____ Earth Summit held?
B: In Johnnesburg in 2002.
A: What was the main t___3____ of the summit?
B: Sustainable d_____4______.
A: What did e____5____ from all over the world discuss in Johnnesburg.
B: They discussed the three biggest k___6___ in the world: contaminated drinking water, poor sanitation and air p___7____.
A: What else did many speakers speak about at the meeting?
B: They also spoke about poverty, war and violence.
A: Why are c___8____ like the Earth Summit important?
B: Because they help us understand that there exist serious p___9___ facing the earth and that only by c___10___ the way we live can we save the earth.
一. 1.difficulty 2. considered 3. allowed 4. permission 5. method 6. beginning 7. opinions 8. questions 9. relax 10. friend
二.1. instead 2. progress 3. equipment 4. connect 5. advantages 6. avoid 7. conditions 8. happen 9. employ 10. company
三.1. aboard 2. interested 3. expensive 4. another 5. point 6. trouble 7. foreign 8. practice 9. places 10. stayed
四.1. building 2. chemical 3. teacher 4. experiment 5. carefully 6. instructions 7. everything 8. important 9. electricity 10. leaving
五. 1.tickets 2. kind 3. especially 4. listening 5. singing 6. common 7. about 8. expresses 9. difference 10 career
六. 1. speak 2. message 3. else 4. sure 5. present 6. improve 7. held 8. Wednesday 9. long 10. manager
七.1. environmental 2. latest 3. theme 4. development 5. experts 6. killers 7. pollution 8. conferences 9. problems 10. changing




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