unit 12 what's the best radio station section a(人教版八年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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Section A
1. 学习一些单音节形容词,多音节形容词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级形式;
2. 学习进行简单的比较,并表达自己的好恶;
3. 学习进行简单的调查。
语言目标:what’s the best cinema? Showtime cinema. It’s the cheapest.Jason has good quality clothes. It’s better than Trendy Teens.
Where do you usually have lunch? Why?
学生活动 设计意图
Sample 1.
1.Oh, it’s 11o’clock.I’m hungry. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat lunch? Where do you have lunch? Why do you choose this place? Sample 1
1. Yes, I’m hungry. I usually eat at ……because I think it’s……
1. In wenzhou there are many restaurants.What do you know? Which one do you like to eat best? Why?
2. After dinner, what do you like to do?
3. which cinema do you like to go? Why?
4. open your books turn to Page 71.1a. in a cinema which is important which is not important? Sample2
1.I know huangchao hotel; huaqiao hotel and so on. I like huaqiao best.Because I think the qualities there are the best. And the waiters are the friendliest. The foods are the most delicious.
2. I like to take a walk. I like to watch TV. I like to go to a movie.
3. I like to go to bailu cinema.because I think…….
1)it has the biggest screens.
2)it’s the most poputer
3)it’s the closest to home
4)it’s the cheapest.
5)it has the friendliest service
6)it has the most comfortable seats.
4. important: comfortable seats; big screen; in a fun part of town; popular; new movies
not important:
friendly service; close to home; cheap;
1. This evening I’m going to see a movie with my friends. There are three cinemas :Town ciname, Screen City, Movie Palace. But we can’t decide to choose which one. The best ciname I think it depands on the quality.YES? OK,now let’s listen to the tape then try to find out the differences of the three cinemas. Sample3.
The qualities about Town Cinema are:it’s the closest to home; it’s the cheapest, it has the friendliest service,
The qualities about Screen City are: it has the biggest screens, it’s the most popular.
The qualities about Movie Palace are: it has the most comfortable seats. 通过听录音进一步巩固句型。
ok, now practice in pairs talk about the movie theaters you know and then tell us why do you like it.
1.After watching movie what do you like to do?
2. which store do you like to go?
3. which store do you think is the best?
4. why do you think so?
A: What’s the best movie theater?
B: Showtime Cinema.it’s the cheapest.
1.I like to go shopping.
2. Times square
3.I think…is the best.
4.because …has the best quality. It’s also cheaper.

1. in my friend’s hometown there are four clothing stores,which one is the best? Jason’s, jeans corner, trendy teens or Funky Fashions? (各自解释店名)
2. listen to the tape and circle the correct answer.
3. what is best radio station?listen and circle. Sample6.

通过采访提问同伴提高兴趣,曾强对对方的了解,又达到 熟练句型.
Recipe game
Recipe game

1. copy the new words for three times, then write from memory for twice.
2. make a survey, then give a report.
3. finish the exercise1 of section A
4. write down the context of listening.
unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?
Cut up
Turn on




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