新目标第5单元示范教案(全单元)The Second Period(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects
(1)Key vocabulary
Organize ,bike , you’ll=you will
(2)Target language
If we have it today, half the class won’t come.
I think I’ll ride my bike.
If you do, you’ll be late.
(3)Listening practice
Pair work
(4)Grammar focus
2.Ability Objects
To train students’ ability of speaking and listening.
To train students’ ability of communicative.
3.Sensibility and Value
To enable to help each other in communication.
Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
Key vocabulary.
Target language.
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficulties
Pair work.
Grammar focus.
Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
Listening and speaking methods.
Communicative approach.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
A projector.
A recorder.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ
Greet the class and check the homework.
Step Ⅱ
Learn the new words.
Show the three new words on the screen.
organize v.组织;安排
bike /baIk/,/baIk/ n.自行车;单车
you’ll=you will
Read the words to class and ask them to repeat.
Step Ⅲ 2a
Activity 2a encourages students for key words in an exchange.
Read the instructions.
Play the recording, asking students to complete the task.
Check the answers, playing the tape again. Stop at the answers.
Step 3 a.3 b.1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.5
Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?
Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you .So when shall we have the party?
Andrea: Let’s have it today after class.
Mark: No, today is too early. If we have it today ,half the class won’t come.
Andrea: Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.
Mark: Hmm...There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for their tests. Let’s have it on the weekend.
Andrea: Okay, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.
Mark: No ,I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.
Andrea: Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?
Mark: Sure ,I can do that. And can you make some food for us?
Andrea: Yes, that’s no problem.
Step Ⅳ 2b
This activity provides practice in listening for specific information.
Read the instructions. Ask better students to answer some of the questions from memory.
Then play the tape again.
Ask students to complete the task on their own.
Check the answers. Encourage students to give their answers in full sentences.
Half the class won’t come.
Students will leave early to study for their tests.
Some students will be bored.
Mark is going to organize the party games.
Andrea is going to make some food.
Step Ⅴ 2c Pair work
This activity gives students a chance to use prompts to role play the conversation.
First ask two students to read the sample dialogue.
Sa: OK, when is a good time to have the party?
Sb :Let’s have it today.
Sa: If we have it today, half the class won’t come.
T: Good. Thank you. Now work with your partner .Look at the chart above and role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend.
After a while, ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class.
Step Ⅵ Grammar Focus
Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the statements and the response.
Tell students when they talk about consequences, they can use the word will to show what is going to happen.
Step Ⅶ Optional activity
Ask students to work in small groups. Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the Grammar Focus as they can. See which group can think of the most sentences. Count how many each group has. Have the groups read their sentences to the class. Write original sentences on the board and discuss the sentences with the class.
Step Ⅷ Summary
This class we learnt the target language .And we did a lot of listening and writing practice.
Step Ⅸ Homework
Preview the new words on the next page.
Step Ⅹ Blackboard Design
Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!
Students’ sentences:



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