新目标 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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整个单元以谈论“生日”为主线,将12个月份的名称、序数词的学习融入到一系列的小任务中,学生通过询问对方的生日来完成一个最终的目标,即学会应用日期的表达方法。其中Section A 主要以When is your birthday?为线索,重点呈现日期的表达,包括12个月份的名称及序数词的学习。第二部分扩展到When is Nick's birthday? 继续学习与巩固日期的表达法,最后以“The Birthday Game”结束。所以A部分的教学设计以循序渐进的教学方法,兼顾了听、说、读、写各种能力的培养,但重点放在听和说上。Section B是在已有的基础上拓展和延伸。如:When is the school trip? 同时从听说训练转向读写能力的培养上。Self check是课后的自我检测,首先是对本单元所学字汇的检测,其次是文化知识的拓展,了解一些国内外名人的生日等。
a、掌握十二个月份的名称、序数词1到31的表达法、单词date, happy, age, old, birthday, party, trip, art, festival, Chinese, music, year,了解speech, contest, how, old, basketball, game, volleyball, game, school day, year old及八个人名。
When is your birthday? My birthday is … / It’s …
When is Vera’s birthday? Vera’s birthday is … / It’s …
及扩展句型 How old are you? I am thirteen.
1. 以问句When is your birthday?为线索引出单词12个月份、序数词(first ~thirty-first)的学习。
2. 通过pairwork、groupwork、writing等形式使学生熟练运用关于“日期”的问答。
Period 1:Section A: 1a, 2a, 1b, 1c
Period 2: Section A: 2b, 2c, 2d; Self Check 3
Period 3: Section A: 3a, 3b; Section B: 1, 2a, 2b
Period 4: Section B: 3a, 3b, 4; Self Check 1.2
Period One
一、教学目标(SectionA:1a、2a 、1b 、1c)
1、Sub Topic: Talk about the dates
2、Language focus: When is your birthday?
3、Vocabulary: January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third ~ thirty-first when birthday month year
When is your birthday? My birthday is ….
二、 教学用具
1、录音机 2、日历 3、磁带 4、生日歌带 5、一张12个月的图片或幻灯片 6、一张序数词的first到thirty-first的幻灯片
Step 1: Warming up
1. Listen to the birthday song.
2. Sing together
3. Ask when is my birthday?
Step 2: Presentation
T: When is my birthday? My birthday is March 12th. And when is your birthday? You may answer it in Chinese.(引出12个月的单词的教学,可用12个月的图片或幻灯片进行教学。)
T: There are 12 months in a year. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.(逐个教学后,然后听、跟读 ,直到学生能流利地朗读。)
生日除了讲月外,还要有具体的几号,我们已经学过基数词one, two, three 到thirty-one。那么我们是否就用这些基数词呢?No.我们还有把这些数词稍微改变一下。然后引出序数词的学习,教学日期的表达法。
a 复习from one to thirty-one。
b 教学序数词,再教学生几句基数词变序数词的几句口诀,以便学生记忆。
-th 从四加起,
遇到ve, f替,
c Listen and repeat 2a(Section A)
d Do some practice about the date
e Practice(每组派一个同学到黑板上写出四个你喜欢的日期,然后让另外小组的成员用英语说出你写的日期,每个同学说一个,如果错了,就让同一组的同学纠正,看看哪一组同学能一次就说正确,那么就是获胜者。)
f Ask and answer
When is your birthday? My birthday is….
Step 3: Practice
a Listen and repeat 1a 2b 1c
b Pairwork
Student A: When is your birthday?
Student B: My birthday is …
c Ask some pairs to act(目的是看看学生对日期的表达有没有问题)
Step 4: Interview
One may go out of your seat to interview anyone you like, Then do a report.(做这个task课堂看上去会有些乱,但学生们喜欢这种活动,会激起他们说的欲望。)
Step 5: Task after class
1 了解家人出生的具体日期
2 了解一下明天班里有人过生日吗
3 查寻Self check 3里人物的出生日期
Period Two
一、教学目标(Section A: 2b, 2c, 2d, Self Check 3)
1、 Sub Topic: Talk about the dates
2、 Language focus: When is your mother’s birthday? Her birthday is ….
3、 Vocabulary: some names: Vera Jeff Leila Robert
4、 Structure
When is Nick’s birthday? His birthday is ….
1、录音机 2、日历 3、磁带 4、一张12个月的图片或幻灯片 5、一张序数词的first到thirty-first的幻灯片
Step 1: Warming up
Step 2: Revision
1 Listen and repeat 1a,2a (Section A)
2 2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a(Section A)
3 Practice
1. 3 月12日 2. 8月8 日 3. 1月5日 4. 7月20 日
5. 12月1日 6. 9月9日 7. 4月3日 8. 11月2日
9. 2月14日 10. 5月30 日 11. 6月23日 12. 10月21日
4 Pairwork
T: When is your birthday?
Student A: My birthday is ….
T: What about you, …?
Student B: My birthday is ….
T: And what about you, …?
Step 3 Presentation
1 Do you know when Leila’s birthday is? Now let’s listen and match the names, months and dates in 2c
2 Practice in pairs according to2c(Section A)
When is Leila’s birthday?(板书)
Her /His birthday is ….
(让学生猜-’s 在这里是什么意思,然后引出名词所有格,老师简单讲一下名词所有格的有关内容,并且适当举例说明。如 Mick’s cat Tom’s bag Jane’s desk Robert’s CD your father’s car your mother’s name等。)
Step 3、Pairwork
Ask and answer in pairs; write down the answers on your book in 2d.(查找家人的生日,上一节课的作业已布置过。)
Step 4、Self check 3
Look at the photos of these famous people. Talk about their birthdays in groups.

姓名:刘翔(Liu Xiang)
Step 5 Task after class
4、预习3a 和3b
(课后反思:1、在这节课里,着重是通过听说来巩固上一节课所学的内容,同学之间相互了解对方及家人等的生日,了解明星们的出身日期,进一步激发学生们的兴趣。2、Self check
Period Three
一、教学目标(Section A: 3a、3b、Section B:1、2a、2b)
Sub Topic: Talk about the dates and ages
Language focus and structure: When is your birthday? My birthday is ….
How old are you? I am fifteen.
Vocabulary: date age how old speech contest party trip
1、录音机 2、一张12个月的图片或幻灯片 3、一张序数词的first到thirty-first的幻灯片 4、ID
Step 1: Warming up
1、Chatting Chat with the students about their birthdays
2、Play a guessing game Guess some classmates’ birthday(信息让学生提供到月份)
Step 2: Presentation
1、When is your birthday? My birthday is ….
How old are you? I am fifteen.(板书,目的是教新词how old, date, age)
2、Practice in pairs
3、Choose an ID card and make a conversation in 3a(Section A)
4、Groupwork 3b and 4(Section A)
a Ask and answer about your name ,your birthday and your age.
b Practice again, using your own name, age and date of birth. Then ask some pairs to act.(Four students a group)Rank your partners from the youngest to the oldest. Report about your name, your birthday and your age one by one from the youngest to the oldest.
eg. My name is ….
I’m fifteen.
My birthday is….
Step 3: Match the pictures with the events.(Section B 1)
Write the correct letter next to the word.
a Let the students match the pictures(对学生来说party, basketball以前已出现过,所以应该没问题。)
b Have them guess the meaning
c Then teach the new words.

Step 4: Listening
2a Listen and check the events above that you hear .Then listen again and fill in Joe’s calendar in 2b (Section B)
Step 5: Pairwork
Ask and answer about 2b(Section B)
Step 6: Task after class
1、 Make an ID card including sex, your name, your birthday, your age, your hobbies and your telephone number.
2、 Read and copy the new words.
(课后反思:这节课仍旧继续前两节课的主题,但扩充了句型:How old are you? I am fifteen. 这个句型对学生来说很容易,因为他们在小学时就很熟练。2、Section B的2b,填写乔的日历,因为有些词汇是新的,一下子从学、听到写,对一些接受能力慢的学生来说可能有一定困难,可以让学生用标号的办法来做,以降低难度。)
Period Four
Sub Topic: Talk about the dates and ages
Language focus and structure: When is the school trip? It’s ….
Vocabulary: Volleyball game school day art festival Chinese music
1、一张12个月的图片或幻灯片 2、一张序数词的first到thirty-first的幻灯片 3、I D 卡片
Step 1: Warming up
Chatting. Chat with partners about their own ID cards prepared the previous day.
Step 2: Pairwork 3a (Section B)
Student A read the schedule below. Student B read the schedule on page84. Then ask and answer questions to complete the schedule.
Step 3: 3b Imagine you are a school headmaster.
a、 Which of these events will you have at your school? Complete the chart below. Ask questions about your partner’s school.
A: Do you have a School Day at your school?
B: Yes, we do.
A: When is it?
B: It’s April 19th.
A: Do you have an Art Festival?
B: No, we don’t.
Step 4: Groupwork 4(Section B)
Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper. Another student will read it to the class .Can your classmates guess who the student is?
Step 5: Self check 1
Step 6: Have a dictation (要求四会的单词)
Step 7: Task after class
1. Write something about yourself and your family in your composition book
2. Prepare for Unit 9
(课后反思:1、这是这个单元的最后一课时,从前面所学的When is your birthday? 到这堂课要问到的When is the school trip ? 对学生来说接受起来是不难的。 2、至于3b里的这个对话Do you have …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 在Unit5已经学过,但有些学生会不是很熟练,通过对话也可以得到一次复习 。3、课后写一写自己或家人的一些情况 ,目的是把学的东西落实到笔头,应用到实际生活,估计学生在书写中还会出现一些书写上的错误,如日期的书写等。)




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