外研高中必修3 Module 2 辅导教案(periods1&2)(外研版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Teaching aims:
hunger, income, poverty, development, position, figure, similarity, location, tourism, transport, entertainment, exchange, measure, educate, homeless, crowded, unfortunate, industrial, polluted, smart, vast
at the bottom of, at the top of, make effort, be connected with, be close to, agree to/on/with, make sure
Sentence pattern
1.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.
2.The UK is the 13th position, while China is in the middle of the list.
3.The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone at the bottom of the list.
Oral English
1. How do you find it?
2. It’s totally fascinating!
3. As you see them.
4. I didn’t get them.
5. Let’s find some of the action.
1. The usage of while/however/but
2. as many as, as much as, fewer than, less than
Words and its usage
1. hunger, hungry, hungyily
Thousands of people in Africa are dying from hunger every day.
the hunger for something means a strong desire or need for something
the West’s hunger for material wealth(西方对物质财富的渴望)
If you are/get hungry between meals, have a piece of fruit.
the hungry means the hungry people
go hungry/mad means become hungry or mad
be hungry for something means to want or need something very much
Young people are hungry for adventure and excitement.
After work, he often eat hungrily.
2. income
What is your income from your job?
I have an income of $200 a week.
My income isn’t enough to support my family.
be on a high/low income高/低收入
Most of my income goes on my rent.
income tax (收入所得税)
辨析:income, pay, wages
3. poverty不可数名词
In developing countries many people live in poverty.
More than 20% of American families live below the poverty line/level. (贫困线以下)
Poverty prevented the boy from continuing his education.
4.human, humans, human being, human beings
a human being人, human nature人性,human rights人权
5. develop, developing,developed, a developing/developed country
an undeveloped country一个欠发达国家
China is a developing country, while the USA is a developed one.
China is a developing country, belonging to the third world.
The huge increase in oil prices in the 1970s had great influences on the development of many developed and developing countries, still less(何况) the undeveloped countries.
Can do me a favor to measure the height of the wall/the width of the wall/the length of the wall?
She was being measured for her wedding dress.
take measures to do something (采取措施做某事)
The government is now taking measure to reduce the poverty and hunger.
A centimeter is a measure (度量标准)of length.
7.goal means aim
We should make great efforts to achieve the long/short-goal.
The government is now taking measures to keep the unemployment figure down.
She is on the diet in order to keep her slender figure. (保持苗条的体形)
the great figures in history 历史上的伟大人物
I figure that he will be back soon.我估计他很快就回来。
A figure of queen in marble女王的大理石雕像
There was a large crowd of people in the hall.
The street is crowded with people.
It was two weeks before Christmas and the mall(商场) was crowded with shoppers.
People crowded into the bus.人们挤进公共汽车。
be similar to
My opinions on the matters are similar to yours.
We have similar tastes in music.我们在音乐方面有相似的口味
These two signatures are so similar that it’s very difficult to tell them apart.
Can you tell the similarities and differences between the two?
11.fortunate/ fortunately
be fortunate to do something
He was fortunate enough to escape unharmed.
You are fortunate that you’ve got the chance to do the work with him.
Fortunately/Luckily, he caught the last bus.
Unfortunately/Unluckily, he failed the exam again.
12.tour, tourist, tourism
13.transport, transportation, public transport(公交系统),means of transport
14.industry, industrial pollution, heavy/light industry, agriculture,agricultural
15.pollute, pollution, the polluted river
16.entertain, entertainment, entertain sb. with sth.
Memorize the new words and its usage
Language points in Introduction and Reading
1. developed countries,发达国家 developing countries发展中国家
boiling water 滚开的水 boiled water凉开水
sleeping baby 熟睡的婴儿 retired worker 退休工人
setting sun 下落的太阳 improved conditions 改善了的状况
2. From this agreement came The Human Development Report.
Here comes the bus.
Out of classroom rushed the children.
Here he comes. Here you are. Away they went.
3. The index has some surprises.
surprise 为一可数名词,属于抽象名次的具体化,类似的词还有success, youth, beauty, power, necessity
Your coming is a pleasant surprise. 你的来到是一个惊喜。
If you follow the teacher, you will be a success.如果你听老师的话,你将成为成功者
China has a great power. 中国已跨入大国行列。
4. The UK is in the13th position, while China is in the middle of the list.居于13位的是英国,而中国位于中游水平。
while 在此意为“然而,可是”具有轻微的转折和对比的含义。
Mother is busy cooking while Father is watching TV after work.下班后,妈妈忙于做饭而爸爸却在看电视。
The bottom ten countries are all from African countries, with Sierra Leone at the bottom of the list. 倒数的十个国家都来自非洲,塞拉利昂位居倒数第一。
Cubist artist painted objects or people, with different aspects of them showing at the same time.
With a book in his hand, the teacher came into the room.
The teacher came into the room, book in hand.




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