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Warming up
1. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.戴皇冠的人良心不安。
(1)此句是个全倒装句. uneasy译为“不安的”,是个表语形容词,当表语置于句首, 而谓语动词又是不及物动词时,倒装结构为“表语+助动词+主语”。 例如:
Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授和许多其他客人。
(2)lie在此的含义为“存在;在某种情况下”。故有词组lie in(在于) 如:
His success lies in his hard work.他的成功在于他勤奋的努力。
2. deny vt.否认;不承认, 拒绝 (常用搭配:deny doing, deny that …. )
I deny that the statement is true.我不承认这话是真的。
He denied attempting to murder his wife. 他否认企图谋杀妻子。
3. What makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.一部戏剧成为杰作的关键在于,戏剧的主题思想所反映的问题对不同年龄段的现代人仍是重要的。
(1)masterpiece n. 杰作;名著 如:
Which masterpiece made Mark Twain famous? 马克•吐温因哪部杰作而成名?
如: What you have done might do harm to those who are in their teens. 你所做的事可能对那些青少年有害。
(3)in modern times译为“在现代”,time作“时期、时代”讲时,是个可数名词,常用复数。 如:
in ancient times在古代
in the time(s) of the Stuarts在斯图亚特王朝治理时期
4. It sometimes happens that people are in a position where they can make an important decision about a person they hate.有时有这样的事发生,处在某个位置,这个位置可使他们对所恨的人做出重大的决定。
It (so) happens that从句表示“某事(如此)偶然发生”,其中It是形式主语,而that所引导的从句才是真正的主语。
It happened that he had left his keys in the office. 他碰巧把钥匙落在办公室了。
5. It is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.夏洛克必须要乞求公爵来挽救他的生命。
(1)“It is/was+ 被强调部分+ that(指人可用who)从句”是强调句型的基本结构,它可以强调主语、宾语、状语。如:
Was it you that/who I saw last night at the concert? 昨天晚上我在音乐会上看见的是你吗?(强调宾语)
I’ve already forgotten where it was that you put the dictionary. 我已经忘记了你把字典放哪里了。(强调状语)
(2) beg(for) (sth.) (from/ of sb.)可译成“乞求;乞讨”。 如:
He was so poor that he had to beg (for) his bread. 他非常贫穷,所以不得不乞食。
beg (of) sb. to do sth.可译成“恳求某人做某事”。 如:
They begged us not to punish them.他们恳求我们不要处罚他们。
6. Despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock, the Duck does not want to kill him.尽管没人真正喜欢夏洛克,公爵还是不想处死他。
despite(=in spite of)译为“不管”,“不顾”,后面只能接名词、代词,不能接句子。 如:
Despite (In spite of) all efforts he failed.他虽然做了各种努力,仍然失败了。
7. marry vt. & vi 结婚;娶;嫁(表示结婚的动作,它的完成时不能与for, since等表示一段时间的词连用。类似词还有:come, go, die, join, buy等;表示“结婚”的状态,与一段时间连用,要用be married) 如:
John is going to marry Jane.约翰要和简结婚。
They have been married for 10 years.他们已经结婚10年了。
8. mercy仁慈;怜悯 (常用搭配:have mercy on/upon sb./sth.(怜悯/宽恕某人/某物);show mercy to sb./ sth.(怜悯/宽恕某人/某物);at the mercy of sb./sth. (任由……摆布;在……的掌握中) 如:
They showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对仇敌毫无怜悯之意。
The ship was at the mercy of the waves.船在浪涛中随波漂流。
(2)[C]幸运;恩惠 如:
We must be thankful for small mercies.我们对小惠也应感激。
9. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.和夏洛克争论没用。
It is useless/no use/no good+ doing sth.是个主从复合句,其真正的主语是其后动词的v.-ing形式,译成“做某事没用/好处”。 如: It’s no use crying over spilt milk.(谚语)覆水难收,悔恨无益。
10. judge n.法官;评判员 vt. & vi. 审理;评判
如: the judges at a flower show花卉展览会的评判员
judge a case审理案件
注意:当judge用于非谓语作状语的情况时,要用judging(表示其他人判断)即组成词组judging from/ by “从……判断”。 如:
Judging by/from the number of copies sold, the book is a great success. 从销售量判断,这本书很成功。
11. Please be seated.请坐。
常用表示“请坐”的词组有:seat oneself; be seated, sit down; take one’s seat; take one’s place。其中seat可作及物动词或名词,意为“使……坐;容纳;座位”。sit为不及物动词。 如:
Our hall can seat 1,000 people.我们大厅能容纳1,000人。
He seated himself near the side of the river.他在河边坐了下来。
I found him seated (sitting) on the bench.我发现他坐在凳子上。
12. hope for sth 希望,盼望
After this dry weather people all hope for rain. 经过了这段干旱,人们普遍希望下雨。
13. envy vt.羡慕;嫉妒 (envy sb. sth. 羡慕/嫉妒某人某事)n.[U].嫉妒;羡慕 ,令人羡慕的东西 如:
I don’t envy him his bad-tempered wife. 我不羡慕他有个坏脾气的妻子。
He was filled with envy of me/at my success. 他十分羡慕我(我的成功)。
His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends. 他那部豪华的新车是他所有的朋友羡慕的东西。
14. accuse 控告;告发(常用搭配:accuse sb. of sth.)
The man accused her of theft.那个人控告她盗窃罪。
15. consequence n.(某事)后果;影响 (常用搭配:as a consequence) 如:
If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the consequences. 如果你这样愚昧下去,你必须准备自食其果。
Two hundred people lost their jobs as a consequence of the merger. 由于合并,200人失去了工作。
以3倍为例:1) A is 3 times larger than B. 2) A is 3 times as large as B. 3) A is 3 times the size of B.
Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。
This street is three times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的三倍长。
The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.会议室是我们办公室的三倍大。
17. tear up (把某物)撕毁;取消(合同) Let’s tear it up.让我们把它撕了吧。
18. offer up: present献出;献上 如:offer up a sacrifice 奉献;牺牲;献祭
19. surgeon n. 外科医生; physician医生(尤指内科医生)
20. on one condition意为“规定一个条件”。 如:I will let you go on one condition. 我让你去,但有个条件。
on condition (that)= provided that,条件是…… 如:
You can go swimming on condition (that) you don’t go too far from the river bank.你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才可以去游泳。
21. pay back(=repay)意为“偿还”,“报答”。 如:
He worked hard to pay back his debt.为了偿还他的贷款,他努力工作。
此外,由pay组成的其他常见词组还有;pay for付款;pay off全部还清;成功,奏效 等。
如: You must pay for what you eat and drink.你必须付你吃喝的费用。
After ten years of hard work, she eventually paid of all her debts. 经过10年艰苦的工作,她终于还清了所有的债务。
It really pays off to study abroad. 出国留学是值得的。
22. at sea表示“在茫茫大海上”,意指“离海岸很远”。
Several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane. 由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。
23. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是,我过去从来不知道有这么年轻又如此聪明的人。
在一个带有形容词的名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常放在形容词的前面。 如:a young lady一位年轻女士
但是,如果形容词前有as, so, too, how时a/an就该放在形容词后,其结构是:as/ too/ so/how+ adj. +a/an +n. 如: Did you notice that you had made so serious a mistake? 你注意到你已经犯了一个很严重的错误吗?
How wonderful a plan it would be!多好的一个计划啊!
Integrating skills
24. flesh与meat
(1)flesh n.[U]通常指人或动物身上的肉。meat指提供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽类的肉)。
Tigers are flesh-eating animals.老虎是食肉动物。
I like meat while my sister likes fish.我喜欢肉,我姐姐喜欢鱼肉。
25. be worthy of “值得”,其后接褒义名词或动名词的被动语态。 如:
The question is worthy of consideration/ being considered.这个问题值得考虑。
此外,还有be worthy to do/ to be done结构。 如:
He is a man who is worthy to have a place in the team. 他是一个值得在该团体获得一个位置的人。
“be worth”也表示“值得做某事”,但其后只能接动名词的主动语态,代替被动意义。即be worth doing。 如:The book is well worth reading.这本书很值得读。
26. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.夏洛克必须许诺,他一死,就把钱留给他的女儿及女婿。
句中“upon one’s death”译为“某人一死/死后”,即on/upon+ doing/n.表示“一……就……”。 如:: On arriving in Beijing, I’ll telephone you. 一到北京,我就给你打电话。
1. agree to, agree with与agree on区别
(1)agree to意为“同意”,后面往往接计划、安排、建议、意见、条件之类的名词或动词原形,含愿意协助工作之意。如:Do you agree to this arrangement / proposal? 对于这个安排/建议你同意吗?
He didn’t agree to her taking up the job.他不同意她担任这项工作。
(2)agree with意为“与……(意见)一致”,后面一般接人,也可接意见,看法等。但不含协力合作之意,不用于被动。 如:I don’t agree with your idea.我不同意你的主意。
(3)agree on表示“就……取得一致意见”。 如:The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations. 双方商定了谈判的日期。
2. immediately 作连词时的用法
Immediately可以做一个连词,意思是:“一……就…… ” 如:
We must act immediately.我们必须立刻行动。
You may leave immediately he comes.他一到来,你可以立即离开。
类似能引导时间状语从句的连词还有;the last time, each time, the first time, next time, the moment, instantly, the minute, the instant等。 如: You’ll be struck by her beauty the moment you see her. 你一见到她,就会被她的美丽而打动。
Every time he came to Shanghai, he would pay a visit to her. 每次他来上海,都要去拜访她。




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