unit 14 freedom fighter 教案(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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课题:《Unit 14 Freedom fighters》
一、 Teaching Content
The First Period :Warming up& Listening & Speaking
二、Teaching Aims:
1.To learn the new words and expressions
2.To make sentences with some key words and useful expressions
3.To know about some famous freedom fighters
4.Improve the students’ speaking ability by talking.
三、Teaching Important Points:
1.Teach the students the new words and expressions
2.Improve the students’ listening ability by listening.
四、Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to finish the task of speaking.
2.How to improve the students’ listening ability.
五、Teaching Methods:
1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
2.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
六、Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia2.the blackboard
七、Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in
T: As we all know, in the world, many great men devoted themselves to the revolutionary work.. They fight for people’s freedom and happiness. Do you know these fighters( show the pics)
T: They all have a dream: People have freedom and live happily. We know everyone has their own dreams, especially this man(show the picture of Martin Luther King.)He has a dream.. What’s the dream? Listen carefully! (play the tape)Do you know his name?
T: Yes , he’s Martin Luther king.
Step Ⅱ Warming up
T: As we know, Martin Luther king is a famous freedom fighter. Do you want to know more about him?
Look at the photos and the notes.Not only Martin is a famous fighter, also this man is. Who knows his name?(Nelson Mandela)
T: why is he called a freedom fighter. Please read the notes first.
T: From above, why do you think they’re great man?
Why was struggling an important part in their lives?
Step Ⅲ Listening
T: Next, let’s do some listening.Listen to the tape again and complete the following sentences or parts of sentences. What are some of his famous words?
a.I say to you today, my friends, that I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply _______ in American dream.
b.I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former _______and the sons of former _______ ________ will be able to sit down together at a _______ of brotherhood
When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every _______ and every ______,from every ______ and every _____, we will be able to ______ _______ and _____ in the words of the old _______ song, _______ _____ ______! ______ ____ ______! Thank God, we are _____ _____ ____.
c. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a country where they will not be judged by the ______ of their skin but by the ________ of their character.
d. One day the leader of the state, whose lips were dripping with promises, would make it possible for little black boys and black girls to ______ ________ with little white boys and white girls and walk together as ________ and _________.
Step Ⅳ Speaking
T: Show the notes and pictures on the book to introduce John brown and Harriet Tubman.
Make desk mates to be A-- John brown and B.-- Harriet Tubman. They interview each other with the question:
When were you born?
What do you do?
What is your opinion of the slavery?
How can we help the slaves?
What are your actions against the slavery?
2. Listen and learn the song.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
T: In this period, we have talked about two distinguished freedom fighters Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. And we have also listened to the famous speech—I have a dream. There is no doubt that civil right is very important for everyone, to know more things about is surely necessary.
八、The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 14 Freedom fighters What happened first was that …… happened as a result of …
You could expect …because… That led to …
One of the reasons why…is ……is often followed by …
九、 Record after Teaching
2 Unit14.3.(1)
课题:《Unit 14 Freedom fighters》
一、Teaching Content Grammar
二、Teaching Aims:
1.Summarize and review the different forms of the Passive Voice in the Present Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Present Perfect.
2.Help the students master how to turn the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.
3.Make sure the students know how to change sentences with modal verbs into the Passive Voice.
二、 Teaching Important Point:
1. Review and learn different form of the passive voice.
2. Master how to use the different forms of some useful words.
三、 Teaching difficult Point:
How to choose proper forms of some useful words
四、Teaching Methods:
1.Review method to help the students remember all the Modal Verbs they have learnt before and use them correctly.
2.Individual work or group work to make every student work in class.
五、Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
六、Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision
Step Ⅱ Word Study
1.Change the forms of the following words.
(1) law---(n.)lawyer (2) separate(v.)-----(n.) separation (3) politics(n.)----(adj.) political
(4)marry(v.)---(n.) marriage (5)equal(adj.)---(n.) equality (6) achieve(v.)-----(n.) achievement
Step Ⅲ Grammar
The Passive Voice
The Present Indefinite—am/is/are+p.p.
The Past Indefinite—was/were+p.p.
The Future Indefinite—shall/will be+p.p.
The Present Perfect—have/has been+p.p.
The Past Perfect—had been+p.p.
The Present Continuous—am/is/are being+p.p.;
can/may/must be+p.p.
1.表示现在时刻正在进行的被动动作。The classroom is being cleaned by students.
2.表示现阶段正被进行的动作,但动作不一定发生在此刻。She is being taught computer.
3.表示一种经常的被动行为,常和always, constantly等词连用
He is always being praised by the leader.
She may be being interviewed at the very moment.
1.The book sells well. 2.This kind of cloth washes very well.
3.This pen writes quite smoothly. 4.The fish tastes good.
5.This flower smells very sweet. 6.Her cloth feels smooth and soft.
(1) The police found that the house ______ and a lot of things ______.(D)
A. has broken into ; has been stolen B. had broken into; had been stolen
C.has been broken into; stolen D. had been broken into; stolen
(2) ---- Have you moved into the new house? ---- Not yet. The rooms ________.(A)
A.are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting
(3) If city noises ________ from increasing, people ______ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.(A)
A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept ; have to
C. do not keep; will have to D. do not keep ; have to
(4) I need one more stamp before my collection________.(D)
A.had completed B. completes C. has completed D. is completed
(5) ----______ the sports meet might be put off. -----Yes, it all depends on the weather.(A)
A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told
(6) The maths problem _______ among the students soon.(B)
A. is about to be discuss B. is going to be discussed
C. is to discuss D. is going to have been discussed
(7) ---- Harry ! You ______ on the phone.-----Oh, _______. Thank you.(B)
A. are wanted ; I come B. are wanted; I’m coming
C. are being wanted ; I come D. are being wanted; I’m coming
(8) My sister wants to work in a power plant which ______ still _______.(A)
A. is; being built B. is; building C. is; to be built D. has ; been built
Step Ⅳ Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we’ve reviewed the usage of some useful words and we’ve also done some exercises to review the Passive Voice. You should pay attention to the verb forms in the Passive Voice and learn them by heart. After class, you need to practice as much as possible to use them freely. Practice makes perfect, you know. Today’s homework: find as many useful words and expressions as you can in the text and make sentences with them.
八、The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 14 Freedom fighters
一般 进行
现在 am/is/are done am/is/are
being done
过去 was/were done was/were
being done
将来 shall/will be done /
过去将来 should/would
be done /
九、 Record after Teaching
1.The company going from bad to worse, the workers____ hardly enough to make a living.
A. are paid B. are paying C .have paid D. paid
2.----What _____over there?
------A boy ___run over by a car a moment ago.
A. was happened ;was to be B .happened; was seen to
C. had happened; was seen to D. happened; was seen to
3.The boat sank quickly but fortunately everybody_____.
A. rescued B. had rescued C. are rescuing D. was rescued
4.would you like to go to Shanghai?
Yes. In the last ten years ,great changes ________in shanghai.
A. has taken place B. have happened
C. have taken place D. have been taken place
• 5. The pupils here ______all kinds of exercises every day in past four weeks.
A . kept busy doing B. keep on doing
C. have kept busy doing D. have been kept busy doing
• 6. What’s wrong?
Do you think the cake ______a bit funny?
A. is smelling B .smelt C .smells D .is smelt
Answers: ADDCDC
2 Unit14.4.(1)
课题:《Unit 14 Freedom fighters》
Integrating skills
一、Teaching Aims:
1.let students know how freedom fighters fight for the rights.
2.let students practise argumentative writing.
3.Make students understand and use some useful expressions .For examples :race discrimination、in one’s choice of 、start with、in all ways、at first sight and so on.
4.Learn the ways of getting interesting ideas and image for the writing.
二、Teaching Important Points:
1.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading a text.
2.Improve the students’ writing ability by reading and writing.
三、Teaching Difficult Point:
1.How to improve the students’ integrating skills.
2.How to write an essay.
四、Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading to go through the reading material.
2.Inductive method to help students write a paragraph successfully.
五、Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
六、Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision
T: Now class ,please look at these pictures .Do you know who they are ? Can you name them?
S: Yes. They are Harriet Tubman、Martin Luther king、John Brown。
T: DO you know why they are so famous?
S: They are famous as freedom fighters .
T: Yes. This class , we will learn the history of the struggles for the rights .
Step Ⅲ Fast Reading
T: Now, we’ll begin a new text. Please turn to Page 30 and read the passage fast and answer
1. What did the freedom fighters fight for from 16th century to now?
2.Which country was the first in the world to give women the right to vote?
3..Who wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and vegetables in a novel? And when?
ANSWER: 1. For the rights of people and things. 2. New Zealand was the first country to give women the right to vote. 3. Samuel Butler wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and the right of vegetables in a novel in 1872.
Step Ⅳ Discussion and Explanation
T: Read the passage carefully and finish the chart below:
Time What they fought/fight for
From 16th to 18th century
From 18th to 19th century
In the 19th century
In the 20th century
In modern times
Make sentences with the phrases ( language points)
in modern times: In modern times many peasants are very rich.
believe in: You can believe in him; he’ll never let you down.
start with: The school started with 300 pupils; now there are double that number.
a time: I don’t care for the place at first ,but after a time I got to like it.
have…in common: Real friends should have everything in common.
with respect: We should treat everybody with respect.
in all ways: All the people should be treated equally in all ways.
ask for: She entered it, asked for a cup of tea, and sat down. There’s been a gentleman here asking for you.
Step Ⅴ Writing
T: Is it necessary to fight for the rights of animals? Why? How are they treated? What rights should they have ?What would happen to mankind and animals if they got the equal rights ?
Get the students to collect the facts from the discussion
Rights Animals
Health and care
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
T: Today, we’ve done some reading and writing. We’ve also reviewed some useful expressions in this unit. After class, go over all the important points we have learnt in this unit. That’s all for today. Class is over.
八、The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 14 Freedom fighters
in modern times believe in start with a time
have…in common with respect in all ways ask for
九、Record after Teaching
家长会是学校、老师和学生为了学生的进步进行沟通的一种方式。 但学生们对此有不同的观点。 有的赞同,有的反对,有的无所谓。
原因: 1. 家长可以了解老师的要求和自己孩子的学习情况
2.对学生学习没有帮助, 因为成绩不太好,会受到家长的责备。
要求: 适当增加;100词左右; 不要 翻译;要有好的开头和结尾.




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