高二上Unit 9 语言点教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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1. You'll attend the meeting and discuss the issue. 你将出席这个会议并讨论这个问题。
 1) attend用作及物动词,意为“出席;参加; 上(学, 教堂);陪伴”,用作不及物动词,构成下列短语:
attend on/upon服侍, 照料; 陪, 随从;   attend to倾听, 注意, 留心
attend a meeting /lecture/school 出席会议/听演讲/上学
May good luck attend you! 祝你幸运!
2) n. issue 1)论点, 问题, the issue of something …的问题
raise an issue 提出问题complex issue 复杂问题sensitive issue 敏感问题
2) 出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, issue of
the January issue of Newsweek the current/latest issue Have you seen the latest issue?
3) [transitive]官方的发布命令,警告等
Silva issued a statement denying all knowledge of the affair.
attend,join,join in,take part in用法辨析:
(1) attend是正式用语,一般指参加会议、典礼、婚礼、葬礼及去听课、听报告等。
(2) join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动。如:
(3) join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。如:
(4) take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一定作用,有时与join in可互换。如:
  Will you take part in the English evening? 同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗?
如:a. I will never forget the day when I _______ the Party.
b. Will you_______ us for dinner? 请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?
c. May I _________ the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?
d. I hope you'll all ________ the discussion. 我希望你们大家都参加讨论。
e. Would you ____ (和我一起去散步)?
f. We should ____ (积极参加) school activities.
g. She didn't come to the party because she had to ____ (出席一个会议).
a. joined b. join c. join in/ take part in d. take part in/ join in e. join me in a walk f take an active part in g attend a meeting )
2.Summarize v.概述, 总结 The authors summarize their views in the introduction.
3. content: 1). n. 内容,目录 (常作 ~ s ) ; 容量,容积
the contents of a book a table of contents Look up the contents at the beginning of the book.
a bucket of more than usual content
2). Adj. 满足的,满意的
be content to do sth be content with sth content oneself with sth
He is quite content to watch TV for hours. I’m very content with my life at present.
As there’s no butter we must content ourselves with dry bread.
4.representative cn. 1)代表
a union representative 协会代表 representative of …的代表 an elected representative of the people
2) typical of a particular group or thing 典型的;有代表性的
representative of The latest incident is representative of a wider trend
a representative collection of ancient Greek art 古希腊艺术代表作品集
5.have access to access用作名词,意为“通路;访问;接近;入门”,常与to连用。
1)have access to a car/a computer etc 有可供使用的车,电脑等
2) gain/get access (to something) t能够得以见到某人/某物或进入某地
The police managed to gain access through an upstairs window.
6.Violence 暴力
physical violence 身体暴力 domestic violence 家庭暴力 racial/ethnic violence 种族暴力 use/resort to violence 使用暴力
7.All too 意为“实在太… ” “太过… ” 后常接形容词或副词,主要用来表达遗憾之意。
Eg. It was all too early when we reached the top of the hill. The sun hasn’t risen yet.
Only too + adj./adv. 也含有此意。表示“极为”“非常”“遗憾地”
eg. I’d be only too pleased to help, but I’m busy now
8.Stress vt. 1)着重,强调 也可说为lay/place/put stress on sth 2) 重读
The report stressed that student math skills need to improve.
Crawford stressed the need for more housing downtown.
She stressed the importance of a balanced diet.
The word 'machine' is stressed on the second syllable.
9.equality [uncountable] 同等,平等
equality of 。。。的平等,均等 All people have the right to equality of opportunity.
equality with 与… 平等 Women have yet to achieve full equality with men in the workplace.
equality between 在… 之间的平等 equality between men and women
racial/sexual equality 种族/性别平等 The government must promote racial equality.
10.responsibility (plural responsibilities)1)un. 责任,责任感
Kelly's promotion means more money and more responsibility.
responsibility for (doing) something
The Minister will have responsibility for coordinating(调整)childcare policy.
with responsibility for something 具有,带有对… 的责任
a manager with responsibility for over 100 staff
it is somebody's responsibility to do something 做某事是某人的责任。
It's your responsibility to inform us of any changes.
take responsibility for (doing) something 负责某事
Who do you trust to take responsibility for Britain's defence?
Be careful you don't take on too much responsibility
claim responsibility (for something) 声称对… 负责
No one has yet claimed responsibility for yesterday's bombing.
11.take action 1) 采取行动 2)开始生效
The government must take action now to stop the rise in violent crime
They took action to stop him.
The police took action to deal with this thing immediately.
The medicine will not take action for several hours.
使用take 的其他短语
take notes: 作笔记,记录
Eg: Do you takes notes of the lectures?
He sat quietly in the corner taking notes carefully.
takes effect 开始起作用,见效,生效
The pill takes effect as soon as you swallow it.
take turns 轮流 take measures/steps 采取措施
take place 发生 take care 照顾
take medicine 吃药 take time从容进行 take cold感冒, 受凉, 伤风
take notice 注意 take sides 偏袒
12.willing to do something
How much are they willing to pay?
13. put an end to 结束,毁掉
Eg: Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.
The discussion was put an end to by his sudden arrival.
The wind put an end to the pier.
Sth come to an end 结束了 make an end of终止, 结束, 除掉
bring sth to an end 结束, 完成, 终止
on end 1)直立,竖立 2)连续地 They argued for two hours on end
His hair stands on end.
14.harmony (plural harmonies)
in harmony with意为“与……和谐相处”、“与……协调”。如:
My cat and dog live in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。
We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.
be out of harmony with与。。。 不相和谐
15. put an end to意为“结束”、“终结”。如:
How can we put an end to the fighting? 我们如何才能结束这场战斗呢?
16.wipe out phrasal verb 彻底的除掉,除去,抹去
Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.
Nothing could wipe out his bitter memories of the past.
2)wipe somebody ↔ out 使某人感觉非常的疲劳 The heat had wiped us out.
17.alternative 1) [only before noun]选择性的, 二中择一的
alternative ways/approach/methods etc alternative approaches to learning
Have you any alternative suggestions?
2)Alternative cn. 可供选择的办法,事物。常指在两者之间做出选择。 choice 常指一般意义上的选择
alternative to Is there a viable alternative to the present system?
have no alternative but 除...外别无选择; 只有; 只好
I had no alternative but to report him to the police.
18.defend vt./vi. 保护,防卫
a struggle to defend our homeland
defend something against/from something 使某物免受侵害
the need to defend democracy against fascism(法西斯主义)
defend yourself (against/from somebody/something) 是某人免受侵害
advice on how women can defend themselves from sex attackers
defend against 抵抗,防卫 We need to defend against military aggression.
2)vt. 辩护 She was always defending her husband in front of their daughter.
Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.
19.Affect vt. 1)影响 2)感动
the areas affected by the hurricane a disease that affects the central nervous system
decisions which affect our lives We were all deeply affected by her death.
20.advise somebody to do something 建议某人做某事 advise doing ;
Evans advised him to leave London.
You are strongly advised to take out medical insurance when visiting China.
advise somebody against (doing) something 建议某人不做某事
I'd advise you against saying anything to the press.
advise that 接虚拟语气
Experts advise that sunscreen be reapplied every one to two hours.




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