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Welcome to the unit
1. sense
a. 感官(可数名词)
People who can’t see often have a fine sense of hearing.
My sense of sight is not so good as it used to be.
b. 感觉(不可数名词),意义
He has no sense of time.
She has a lively sense of humor.
This is a word with several senses.
c. 感到,察觉到(动词)
We sensed the tension in the conference room.
I sensed that I was not welcome.
in a sense make sense    make no sense make sense of
common sense  There is no sense in doing sth.
2. affect/effect
The change in climate may affect your health.
She was affected to tears.
The sight affected her to tears.
have an effect on/upon
take effect bring/come/put…into effect
3. fail
1. He had done his best but failed.
2. The news that Tom had failed (in) his exams surprised us.
3. The famous pop star failed to show up at the concert.
After many failures, he succeeded in the end.
He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.
4. confuse
We tried to confuse the enemies.
Don’t give me so much information—you are confusing me.
Don’t confuse the black and the white.
I always confuse you with your sister—you look so alike.
5. more than
The stone weighs more than ten tons.
Bamboo is used for more than building.
She was more than happy to see you.
She more than hesitated to promise that
She was more shy than unfriendly.
1. wonder
I wonder if you’d give me some advice.
I wonder how you came to miss your way.
We wondered at/about the speed, with which it arrived.
He looked at the picture in wonder.
do/work wonders
the seven wonders of the world
It’s a wonder that he is still alive.
(It’s) no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much.
2. this/that adv. -----so
Don’t take what she said that seriously.
Can living in a foreign country change a person that much?
Never stay out this late, or you won’t be allowed to go out in the evening any more.
that pron.
The effect teachers have on children is greater than that of parents.
The book I bought yesterday is more interesting than that he has.
3. observe
She has observed the stars all her life.         (观察)
Did you observe anything strange in the man’s conduct? (注意)
She observed a man walking in the opposite direction.  (注意)
They did not observe Christine come in and go upstairs.  (注意)
We must observe the rules of the road.         (遵守)
How many holidays do we observe every year?     (庆祝)
4. stare at/look at/glare at/glance at
The teacher stared at the class into silence.
He looked sadly at the dying dog.
“Who broke the window?” the teacher said angrily, glaring at the students.
She glanced at the face of the strange man.
5. desert
v. 丢弃,抛弃
He deserted his friends in need.
The country had been at war for many years and the temple was deserted and the houses fell to pieces.
n. 沙漠
Such animals can’t live in the desert.
adj. deserted
类似的(作明词和动词)词语:tear, record, import, increase, progress, produce
6. set off
All the family set off in search of the missing boy.
Our manager will set off for Australia next week.
They will set off on a journey to Africa.
The bomb could set off by the slightest touch. (爆炸)
set out to do sth    set about doing sth
7. beat—beat—beaten
The father beat his son black and blue.
His heart beats very fast.
The rain beat against the windows.
The bird beat its wings and flew away.
The wave beat the shore all the time.
He beat me at chess.
8. wish for
It is no use wishing for things you can’t have.
I wish that he would be well soon.
I wish to finish the job as soon as possible.
I wish him to return the book to me soon.
Wish you a good trip to Hangzhou.
Wish you all well.
9. with 的复合结构
He looked at me up and down with his eyes wide open.
They often go climbing with bags on their backs.
He left hurriedly with his little daughter crying at home.
The thief was brought in with his hands tied back.
I can’t play chess with you with so much homework to do.
10. watch out
“Watch out!” he shouted when he saw the boy standing on top of the chair.
Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.
You have to watch out for fast traffic along here.
11. pay back/pay for/pay off
I am certain that he will pay back every cent he owes you.
The man wanted me to pay him for the damage.
At last the old man paid off his son’s debts.
His efforts paid off.
12. freeze (froze, frozen)
It may freeze tonight.
They almost froze to death.
freezing air frozen chicken be frozen with
13. contact
Finally he managed to get into contact with them.
My job was to make contact with the local people.
I’ll contact Jones and get his reaction.
I shall contact you by telephone on Friday.
Word power
1. go 由好向不好,正常向不正常转化
The fish went bad.
The girl went blind at the age of 10.
Something went wrong with my motorbike.
mad, hard, pale, hungry
2. afford
a. 负担得起(……费用)
Go to stamp sales and buy whatever you can afford.
In those days they couldn’t afford to call in a doctor.
b. 抽出时间做
Are you going to afford the time for a holiday?
c. 提供,给予
Music affords me great pleasure.
The trees afford a pleasant shade.
d. 做得到,经得起
He said he really could’t afford to wait another day.
We can’t afford to offend our employer.
afford 通常与can/could/be able to连用
afford sth afford to do
afford sb sth afford sth to sb.
3. mostly
a) mainly, in most cases 主要地,大部分 b) most of the time  通常
Most of the Americans use their cars mostly for their jobs.
Our weather has been mostly warm.
4. develop
a. 发展,养成,培养
China is developing very fast.
He has developed the habit of making notes while listening to the lecture.
They provide good materials for developing the students’ reading skill.
b. 发育,成长,形成
Plants develop from seeds.
He developed into a strong leader.
c. 冲洗
I think these photos will look nice when they are developed.
Let’s have these pictures developed.
5. turn to 变成,转向,求助
They had great difficulty in turning desert to green land.
Who can I turn to when I am in trouble?
If you meet with some new words, don’t always turn to the dictionary for help.
Grammar and usage
1. reduce
A. 减少;缩减
He reduced his weight by 5 kilograms.
The price of these shoes has been reduced.
B. 落到某种境地;化为,变为
Hunger reduced them to stealing.
The bombs reduced the city to ruins.
reduce to order  使恢复秩序
reduce to silence  使安静下来
reduce to tears  使哭了起来
2. add
a. Add a few names to the list.
b. If you add 4 to 3, you get 7.
c. I should add that we are very happy to stay with you. (补充)
d. Her arrival added to our pleasure.
e. Add up these figures, please.
f. The bills add up to exactly $100.
add to 增加;扩建 add…to…把…加到…
add up 加起来 add up to 加起来总计
3. make the most of
a. We must make the most of the fine weather.
b. The students are making the most of the time to do the experiment.
make the best of   make full use of   make good use of
4. ignore 忽视,不管,不注意
They ignored traffic regulations.
Jack completely ignores all these facts as though they never existed.
5. rather than 而不是
a. I think you, rather than Mary, are to be punished.
b. Rather than fish, we’ll have fried eggs and meat for lunch.
c. The color seems green rather than blue.
d. He would rather walk than drive.
e. I’d prefer to stay indoors rather than go out.
Exercise about noun clauses
1. They expressed the hope ___they would come over to China.
A. which B. that C. whom D. when
2. The fact___ he didn’t see Tom yesterday is true.
A. that B. which C. when D. what
3. I have no idea ____he will come back.
A. where B. when C. what D. that
4. The news ___ surprised everybody yesterday now proves to be false.
A. that B. when C. what D. how
5. One of the men held the view ___ the book said was right.
A. what that B. that which
C. that what D. which that
6. Word has come ___ some American guests will come for a visit to our college next week.
A. what B. whether c. that D. which
7. The question is ____the film is worth seeing.
A. if B. what C. whether D. how
8. They received orders _____ the work be done at once.
A .which B. when C. / D .that
9. The reason ____ I have to go is ____ my mother is ill in bed.
A .why; why B. why; because C. why ; that D. that; because
10. ___ I can’t understand is ___ she wants to change her mind.
A. What; why B. Which; how C. That; why D. What; because
11. ____ his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain.
A. That B. Whether C. If D. Even if
12. It is known to us ___ where there is pollution, there is harm.
A. which B. where C. what D. that
13. I have the information ____.
A. of what he’ll come soon B. that he’ll come soon
C. of that he’ll come soon D. his coming soon
16. --- Can I help you?
-- Yes, do you know ____?
A. when comes the bus B. when will come the bus
C. when does the bus come D. when the bus comes
17. He made a promise ___ anyone set him free he would make him very rich.
A. that B. if C. what D. that if
18. They lost their way in the forest and ____ made matters worse was ___ night began to fall.
A. what; that B. it; that C. what; when D. which; what
1. This/It is the first/ last time (that) sb. +现在完成时
This/It was the first/ last time (that) sb. +过去完成时
1) 这是我第一次听她唱歌。
This is the first time that I have heard her sing.
2) 这是我们第二次见面了。
This was the second time we had met each other.
2. He was very interesting to listen to.
Your brother is pleasant to work with.
The boy is difficult to teach.
The bed is comfortable to sleep in.
difficult, easy, comfortable, fit, hard, pleasant, tiresome, interesting, nice, heavy, dangerous, light, heavy, important…
3. Suddenly, the lightening came very close and I could hear the
thunder overhead.
come 表示“达到某种条件或状态”
1) The bottle came open in my bag.
2) My family always comes first.
come true come to life come to an end
4. Mr. Liu Weihai is making good progress.
The ship made slow progress through the rough sea.
Jean has made great progress in English.
5. be grateful to sb. /for sth.
I’m extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help
We would be grateful for any information you can give us.
He was grateful that she didn’t tell his parents about the incident.
天变黑          grow dark
在远处          in the distance
起航到目的地       set sail for our destination
成功地登上救生艇     manage to get on a lifeboat
消失           go missing
听起来像         sound like
环游世界         travel all around the world
听到头顶的雷声      hear the thunder overhead
1. chance 表示“可能性;机会;冒险”
chance/chances of doing sth 做… 的可能
Is there any chance of getting the tickets at the weekend?
have/stand a chance of (doing sth) 有...的希望;有可能成功
she has a slim/slight chance of getting the driving license.
chance of sth … 的可能性
The operation has a good chance of success.
There is a chance that… 有可能=It is likely that…
There is a chance that I will be chosen for the team.
There is no chance that the mayor will change his mind.
take a chance (on sth) 冒险
we took a chance on the weather and planned to have the party outside.
2. compare… with/to…与…作比较 compare… to…把…比作
Cotton production rose by 30%, compared with last year.
Compared with the past, out life is much better.
People often compare teachers to gardeners.
The poet compared his lover to a red rose.
3. feed on 表示“以...为食, 以...为能源”
牛主要以草为食 .
Cows mainly feed on grass.
The new car feeding on solar energy is in great demand.
feed 还可表示 “喂…给…吃”,即 feed sth to sb 或 feed sb on/with sth
His daughter fed milk to the deserted dog .
4. be likely to 表示“可能”,常用以下结构:
sb. / sth. be likely to do… It’s (most / very) likely that…
adj. 很可能的,有希望的
She is very likely to ring me tonight.
Tian Liang is the most likely to be the champion.
It is very likely that the government will not support our advice.
adv. 很可能(用在most和very后)
They will very likely come by car.
注意:likely, possible, probable
5. deadly
adj. 极其危险的,致命的,极度的,非常的
The murdered man had many deadly enemies.
Cancer is a deadly disease.
adv. 非常,极其
I was a deadly boring play.
I was deadly sleepy.
die dying dead death deadly
6. jewellery (jewelry) 珠宝,首饰 n.(U)
jewel 宝石, 珠宝首饰 n. (C)
The rich lady has a great deal of gold_____________.
The family_______ are locked away in a safe(保险箱).
7. avoid表示“避开;避免”
通常用于 avoid sth avoid doing sth
In order to avoid failure, we had to work harder.
You should avoid mentioning anything that may embarrass her.
8. panic
n. 惊慌;恐慌
I got into a panic when I found a door was locked.
There was an immediate panic when the alarm sounded.
v. 受惊;惊慌 (panicked, panicked)
Don’t panic.
9. Hit the shark on the nose. 打在鲨鱼的鼻子上。
这是一种动词 + 宾语 + by (on, in) + the + 身体部位等的结构,此种类型常用的动词有:catch, pull, shake, seize, hit, take
He was wounded in the arm.
The ball hit the boy on the head.
He led the cow by the nose.
The old man shook him by the hand.
10. stick
He walks with the help of a walking stick.
Don’t stick your head out of the train window.
Don’t stick paper on the wall.
He got stuck in the mud.
The needle stuck in my finger.
stick to   坚持某种原则
If you stick to it long enough, you can fond the answer to the problem.
11. 倍数的表达方式有三种:
(1) A+ be + 倍数 + the + 长(宽,高)的名词形式+ of +B.
The new building is four times the size of the old one.
The new road is three times the width of the old one.
(2) A+ be(或其他动词) + 倍数 + adj /adv的比较级+ than +B.
The sun is a million times larger than the earth.
This boy runs three times faster than his brother.
(3) A+ be(或其他动词) + 倍数 +as + adj /adv的原级+ as +B.
The car runs three times as fast as I walk.
This factory produced three times as many cars this year as last year.
1. 独特的感官 unique senses
2. 长期的进化过程 the long process of evolution
3. 在艰苦的环境中幸存 survive hard environment
4. 400种不同种类的鲨鱼 400 different types of sharks
5. 以人类为食 feed on humans
6. 减少被攻击的可能性 reduce the chances of being attacked
7. 避开大白鲨 avoid the great white shark
8. 在海中溺死 drown in the ocean
9. 一个致命的伤口 a deadly wound
10. 添加下面的建议 add the following tips




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