高二上unit 7语言点教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Warming up
1. infect verb [vn] ~ sb/sth (with sth) 感染, 沾染上
It is not possible to infect another person through kissing. 接吻不可能把这种疾病传染给其他人。 people infected with HIV 感染爱滋病毒的人
Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class. 玛丽振奋的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子。
All the tomato plants are infected with a virus. 所有的西红柿植物都感染上了一种病毒。
Infected 感染病毒的, infection n. 传染,感染; infectious adj. 传染性的,感染的
an infected water supply 受污染的水系统;to be exposed to infection 暴露于易受感染的环境 an ear / throat, etc. infection 耳部/喉部感染
2. by swimming 通过游泳
相关词组:by accident=by chance 偶然地;by means of 借助,靠;by turns 轮流;by mistake 由于疏忽;by no means 决不
3. Live with 和。。。住在一起;忍受
As a boy, he lived with his parents but now he has his own house. 小时侯,他与父母一起住,现在有了自己的家了。
I can’t change the situation so I’m going to have to learn to live with it. 我无法改变形式,因此我不得不学着去忍受。
相关词组:live by 以…为生 ;live on 以…为主食
4. get tested for HIV进行艾滋病毒检测
get/be lost 迷路; get/be married 结婚; get/be separated 分离; get/be injured 受伤
5. via a 经由,经过(through a place) We flew home via Dubai. 我们乘飞机经迪拜回国。
b 通过,凭借( by means of a particular person, system, etc)
I heard about the sale via Jane. 我从简那里知道了大减价。
The news program came to us via satellite. 新闻节目是通过卫星传送到这里来的。
Listening Part 2
6. take/make notes of 记下,记录
take note of注意到;将。。。铭记在心 take note of what he says. 牢记他说的话。
take no notice of没注意到
7. be born dying 天生快要死去
be born+adj/n be born a musician/a poet=a born musician/poet天生的音乐家/诗人
Para 2
8.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses.  艾滋病是一种破坏人的免疫系统,使人体对感染疾病没有抵抗能力的疾病。
break down意为: 打倒;破坏; 把。。。分类,划分; 使分解为。。。。。出故障;崩溃;如:
Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。
The robbers broke the door down.强盗把门砸开了。
The peace talks are said to have broken down.据说和谈破裂了。
The car broke down halfway to the camp.车子在去营地的半路上抛锚了。
break the law 犯法     break out (战争、灾害)突然爆发
break into 破门而入     break up 打碎;拆散;(物理)分解
break the silence 打破沉寂  break in 打断(谈话);突然闯入
break through 突破
break away from 摆脱(束缚);克服(习惯);脱离(政府)
break up 粉碎,破碎,结束,散开,解散,break sth up 拆开,打散,结束(关系等)关闭,
  The window was left open. 窗子开着。
They went back home, leaving the work unfinished. 他们撂下未完成的工作回家了。
9. help (to)keep
相关词组:can’t help doing 忍不住干…can’t help to do sth不能帮忙做某事can’t help but do不得不干help sb with sth帮某人干help oneself to sth随便,自取…with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下
10. living, alive, live, lively用法辨析:
  A living language should be learned orally.   一种活的语言应该通过口语来学习。
  Shelly was still living when Keats died. 济慈死时,雪莱还活着。
  He's the living image of his father. 他跟他父亲长得一模一样。
  Is she still alive? 她还活着吗?
  They are the happiest children alive. 他们是当代最幸福的孩子。
  An enemy officer was caught alive. 一名敌军官被活捉了。
  ③live作形容词时读作\[laiv\], 只用于物,作定语,表示“活的;活着的”、“现场直播的”。如:
  This is a live fish. 这是一条活鱼。
It was a live broadcast, not a recording. 那是实况广播,不是录音广播。
It was your way of keeping your marriage alive. 这是你保持婚姻不崩溃的办法。
(7)Ancient traditions are still very much alive in rural areas. 传统的习俗在农村地区仍很流行。
  He has lively imagination. 他有丰富的想象力。
  What lively colours! 多么鲜明的色彩。
  He gave a lively description of the football game. 他对这场足球赛进行了生动的描述。
11. survive vi. 存活,生存 vt. 幸存,挺过 比。。。活得长
Para 3
12. People get AIDS after having been infected with HIV. 感染了HIV之后就会得爱滋病。
这里having been done 是动名词被动式的完成式。表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。如:I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
We are too young to have seen the old society.
I apologize for having made such a terrible mistake. I regret not having told her the truth.
The man in the corner confessed to ____a lie to the manager of the company.
  A have told   B be told  C being told   D having told
13. 动词contract的用法
He contracted an awful stomach complaint while he was traveling. 他旅游时患了严重的胃病。
He contracted huge debts by buying luxuries he could not afford. 他因购买买不起的奢侈品而债台高筑。
The city council has contracted with White Company for the new library. 市政会已与怀特公司立约,由其承建这座新图书馆。
The builders have contracted for three new bridges this year. 建设者立约承建三座新桥。
Iron contracts as it gets cooler. 铁冷却时收缩。
Our business has contracted a lot recently. 我们的买卖最近萎缩了不少。
14. wish 引导的从句中的虚拟语气
I wish I knew the answer to the question.我希望知道这个答案。
I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around.但愿我的家乡四季如春。
I wish I were a bird但愿我是只小鸟。
1. I wish I hadn't wasted so much time.我后悔不该浪费这么多时间。
2. He wishes he hadn't lost the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。
例题分析:I wish I ______ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.
A. could have slept   B. slept  C. might have slept   D. have slept
动词wish后面接从句,表达不可能实现或与事实相反的情况时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用过去式(表示现在发生的动作)或过去完成式(表示过去发生的动作)。本题后半句谓语动词have用的是过去时had to get up and come, 所以前面要用过去完成时表示过去发生的动作。所以, 选项A)could have slept是答案
从句动词"would/should/could/might + 动词原形"(时间上较后)。 用wish表示对将来事情的愿望。例:
1. I wish it would stop raining.我希望雨能停止。
2. I wish you would be quiet.我希望你安静一些。
3. You wished she would arrive the next day你希望她第二天会到。
4. I wish she would change her mind.我希望她会改变主意。
四)、注意:如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求
I wish he would answer my letter. I wish prices would come down.
I wish you would help me. I wish you would stop asking silly questions.
15. lack一词的用法
Lack of rest made him tired. 缺乏休息使他疲劳。
I’ve got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep. 我睡眠不足,眼眶都发黑了。
I lack words with which to express my thanks. 我找不到话来表达我的谢意。
What you lack is perseverance. 他所缺少的是毅力。
They lacked a clear understanding of the problems. 他们对这问题缺乏清楚的认识。
16. as with 就象如同...的情况一样,如同...一样
As with the other production areas in the plant, safety and ecology are very important.
As with credit cards there is usually a 1.5% fee for obtaining cash, but no fee is added for purchases.
As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes. 正如远足一样,你应该总是想到安全,穿好合适的衣服。
17. available可用到的”、“可利用的”、“有用的”、“接受探访的”,常与介词for连用。如:
 Is the manager available? 经理在不在?
 These tickets are available for one month. 这些票有效期一个月。
I'm sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size. 对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。
Attention, please. These tickets are available on the day of issue only. 请注意,这种车票仅仅在发售当天有效。
Nowadays there is a lot of information available on the internet. 如今,可到因特网上获取大量的信息。
18. persuade vt. 说服;劝服;使某人相信((常与into, to或out of连用)。 (常与convince 换用, 不过persuade 的主要意思为“说服,劝说”; convince 主要意思是“使确信,信服”) 例如:Try to persuade him to let us go with him.试着说服他让我们跟他一起去。(persuade sb. to do sth.)
I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. 我搁不住人家的劝说,就参加了比赛。 (persuade sb into (doing ) sth)
It will be difficult to persuade them than there’s no other choice. 很难让他们相信别无选择。 (persuade sb that )
Persuasion(n. ) , persuasive (adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的)
19. as if或as though引导的状语从句
as if或as though引导方式状语从句,意为“好像”,在这种状语从句中,常用虚拟语气,具体用法是:当从句所述的情况与现在事实相反时,动词用过去式,与过去事实相反时,用过去完成时。如:
(1)He looks as if he were a football player. 他看上去好像是足球运动员。
(2)He talked about Paris as if he had been there. 他谈起巴黎来好像他去过那里。
(3)The room looks as if it had been empty for years. 这房间看上去好几年没人住了。
(4)It seem as if it were spring already. 现在仿佛已经是春天了。
(5)I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 这一切我记忆犹新,就像是昨天发生的事似的。
(6)He spoke to me as if he were an expert. 他对我讲起话来好像是专家似的。
【注】as if(though)从句的动作发生在主句动作之后时,用would+动词原形。如:
(7)It seems as if it would rain. 天似乎要下雨了。
Para 7
20. 注意这段中存在由that 引导的同位语从句和why 引导的定语从句
Integrating skills
21. Two weeks ago, Dr Richards had asked me a great many questions and taken samples of my blood. 两周前,Richards 医生问我许多问题并抽取我的血样。
a great(good) many相当于many,修饰名词复数形式,意为“许多;大量”。如:
I have a great many things to do today. 我今天有许多事情要做。
After a great many loud explosions, the race began. 在一连串喧闹的爆炸声之后,比赛开始了。
区别:(1) a great deal用作代词或副词,在句中作主语或状语。如:
A great deal has been said on this point. 关于这一点已经说很多了。
They still need a great deal more money to finish the project. 他们还需要一大笔钱来完成这个工程。
(2) a good deal of修饰不可数名词,意为“许多;大量”。如:
She spends a good deal of her time in Glasgow.   她的大部分时间是在格拉斯哥度过的。
Para 4
22. On the contrary, I now feel as if that was when my life really began. 相反,我现在觉得好像那才是我的生命真正开始之时。
on the contrary意为“与此相反”、“不是……而是”、“反之”。如:
  — You must be tired. 你一定很累了。
  — On the contrary, I feel wide awake. 相反, 我感觉很清醒。
(1) contrary 用作形容词,意为“相反的”、“相对的”、“格格不入的”。如:
Contrary to all advice he gave up his job and left for the south.   他不听任何劝告,放弃工作,去了南方。
Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船因逆风耽搁了。
(2) contrary用作名词,意为“反面”、“反义词”、“相反的事物”。如:
Cruelty is the contrary of kindness. 残忍是仁慈的反面。
He is neither tall nor the contrary. 他不高也不矮。
23. The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment, but I know that I will never be completely free from it.   我体内的癌症暂时被打败了,但是我知道我永远不会彻底摆脱它。
for the moment意为“暂时, 目前”,在句中作状语。如:
Let's carry on with what we agreed for the moment. 咱们继续执行目前达成一致的部分吧。
in a moment 立刻,立即; for a moment 一会儿;at any moment 随时;在任何时候;at the last moment 在最后关头;at the moment  此刻; (正当)那时;the moment 一……就
for the moment, for a moment, at the moment和in a moment
▲for the moment作“暂时”“目前”解释。如:
Stop discussing for the moment, please. 请暂停讨论。
We have to stay in the inn for the moment as the hotels around are full. 由于周围的旅馆都已满了,我们暂时只能待在小客栈里。
▲for a moment意为“片刻”“一会儿”。如:
For a moment I thought of playing truant. 我一时起了逃学的念头。
I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name. 我想了一会儿才记起他的名字。
▲at the moment,用于现在时中,意为“此刻”;用于过去时中,意为“那时”。如:
I’m busy at the moment. 我此刻很忙。
Our manager is having an interview with a newspaper reporter at the moment. 我们经理此刻正在接受记者来访。
▲in a moment意为“立即”“立刻”。如:
You go first. I’ll come in a moment. 你先走,我马上就来。
It was done in a moment. 一会儿就完成了。
Don’t go away, the bus will start in a moment. 别走开,汽车马上就要开了。
▲of the moment (人,工作,议题等)红极一时,盛行一时
She is the fashion designer of the moment. 她是目前最红的设计师。
be free from 意为“解除;没有……的”。如:
The old lady is never free from pain. 老妇人一直在受苦。
The secretary was free from all blame for the errors. 这些失误完全不能怪秘书。
Free 意思很多,请看以下例句:
Please feel free to interrupt me if you don’t understand anything. (无限制的,无约束的)
He gave me free access to his library. (无限制的,无约束的)
The prisoner wished to be free again. (自由的)
All the books were given away free. (免费的)
Free of charge 免费
The doctor will be free in 20 minutes, can you wait that long?(空闲的)
He’s free with his money. (慷慨的,大方的)
  ①Can you wait ____ a moment?  ②I'm afraid she's not here ____ the moment.
③This organization is free ____ tax worldwide.
24. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. 癌症使我认识到了生命的可贵,认识到了抓紧时间充实生活的重要性。
(1)Living with cancer是动名词短语作主语
What strange clothes he was wearing. 他穿的衣服多么怪异呀!
She said how nice it was of us to meet her at the airport. 她说我们到机场去接她真好。
(3)take chance意为“利用机会”、“碰碰运气”、“冒险”。如:
We will take the chances. 我们要冒这个险。
He is taking a chance by driving his car so fast. 他把车开得这么快是在冒险。
There is a chance that... 有……的可能; by chance 偶然地;chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机;by some chance 不知为啥;leave things to chance 听天由命, 听其自然
(4)to the full意为“充分地”、“十足地”。如:
She certainly lives life to the full. 当然她的日子过得很充实。
25. 语法
表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用"过去式(be的过去式用were)",而主句中的谓语动词用"would(should, could, might)+动词原形."例如:
If I were you, I should study English. If he had time, he would attend the meeting.
表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用"had +过去分词",主句中的谓语动词用"would(should, could, might)+have +过去分词".例如:
If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't have failed in the examination.
表示与将来事实相反的假设时,条件从句和主句所用的谓语动词怀"表示与现在事实相反的假设"的谓语动词相同,或者条件从句中用"were to(should)+动词原形".例如:
If you come tomorrow, we would have the meeting. If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.
If you had worked hard, you would be very tired. (从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在.)
  Would you be kind enough to open the door? 请您把门打开,好吗?
Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?I would rather not tell you. 我倒宁愿不告诉你。
  3.用“may+动词原形”表示“祝愿”,may 必须置于句首。如:
  May you be happy! 祝你幸福!  May you succeed! 祝你成功!
  在It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc) that...和It is desired (suggested, decided, ordered, requested, proposed, etc.)句型中,谓语动词的虚拟语气结构用“should+动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇,不相信,惋惜,理应如此等。如:
It is necessary that we should clean the room every day. 我们每天打扫房间是有必要的。
It will be suggested that she should finish her homework this afternoon. 建议她今天下午完成她的作业。
  1.“I wish+宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望。如:
  I wish you could go with us. 我倒希望你们和我们一起走。
  We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier. 我们倒希望早两小时到那里。
  2.动词command, demand, insist, order, request, require, suggest等后面的宾语从句中用“(should)+动词原形”。如:
  I suggest that we (should) have a meeting. 我建议我们开个会。
  We insist that they (should) go with us. 我们坚持要他们和我们一起走。
  注意:只有当insist作“坚持(认为)”,“坚持(应该)”,suggest作“建议”解时,从句的动作发生在谓语之后,宾语从句才用虚拟语气。当insist作“坚持”,suggest 作“暗示,表明”解时,宾语从句通常不用虚拟语气。如:
  Mike insisted that he had never stolen anything.   迈克坚持说他没有偷任何东西。
  The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 他脸上的表情说明他很生气。
  advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词与表语从句和同位语从句连用,其谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的结构“(should)+动词原形”。例如:
  We agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to Beijing for sightseeing. 我们同意他的建议,去北京观光旅游。
  My idea is that we (should) do exercises first. 我的看法是我们先做练习。
  在It is (high) time (that)...句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式,或should+动词原形(should不能省略,be 用were)来表示,意为“早该”。例如:
It is (high) time we left (should leave). 我们该离开了。
It is high time we went to bed. 我们该睡觉了。
六、虚拟语气用于if only 引导的感叹句中
If only I had taken his advice. 我要是听他的话就好了。
If only I were a bird. 我如果是一只鸟就好了。

Unit 7 Living with disease 知识清单
Warming up
1. infect verb [vn] ~ sb/sth (______ sth) ______
It is not possible to infect another person through kissing. people infected with HIV
Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class.
All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.
Infected ______, infection n. ______; infectious adj. ______
an infected water supply______;to be exposed to infection ______ an ear / throat, etc. infection ______
2. by swimming _______________
相关词组:by accident=by chance ______;by means of ______;by turns ______;by mistake ______;by no means ______
3. Live with ______;______
As a boy, he lived with his parents but now he has his own house.
I can’t change the situation so I’m going to have to learn to live with it.
相关词组:live by ______ ;live on ______
4. get tested for HIV进行艾滋病毒检测
get/be lost; get/be married; get/be separated; get/be injured
5. via a ______(through a place) We flew home via Dubai.
b ______( by means of a particular person, system, etc)
I heard about the sale via Jane.
The news program came to us via satellite.
6. be born dying 天生快要死去
be born+adj/n be born a musician/a poet=a born musician/poet
Para 2
7.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses.  艾滋病是一种破坏人的免疫系统,使人体对感染疾病没有抵抗能力的疾病。
break down意为: a ______;b ______; c ______ d______;如:
Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.
The robbers broke the door down.
The peace talks are said to have broken down.
The car broke down halfway to the camp.
break the law ______   break out ______break into ______    break up ______
break the silence ______ break in ______break through______break away from ______
break up ______,break sth up ______
  这里leave是使役动词,意为“______”,后接______, ______, ______作宾语补足语。如:  The window was left open. They went back home, leaving the work unfinished.
8. help (to)keep _________
相关词组:can’t help doing _________…can’t help to do sth_________can’t help but do不_________; help sb with sth_________help oneself to sth_________…with the help of sb _________
9. living, alive, live, lively用法辨析:
  A living language should be learned orally.  Shelly was still living when Keats died.
  He's the living image of his father.
  ②alive多用作表语, ______定语或宾语补足语,多用于______,表示“______”。如:
  Is she still alive?
  They are the happiest children alive.
  An enemy officer was caught alive.。
  ③live作形容词时读作[laiv], 只用于______,作______语,表示“______”、“______”。如:  This is a live fish. It was a live broadcast, not a recording.
It was your way of keeping your marriage alive.
(7)Ancient traditions are still very much alive in rural areas.
  He has lively imagination.
  What lively colours!
  He gave a lively description of the football game.
10. survive vi. ______ vt. ______
Para 3
11. People get AIDS after having been infected with HIV. 感染了HIV之后就会得爱滋病。
这里having been done 是动名词被动式的完成式。表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作______。如:I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
We are too young to have seen the old society.
I apologize for having made such a terrible mistake. I regret not having told her the truth.
The man in the corner confessed to ____a lie to the manager of the company.
  A have told   B be told  C being told   D having told
12. 动词contract的用法
▲动词contract在本课中作“______”“ ______”“ ______”解释。如:
He contracted an awful stomach complaint while he was traveling.
He contracted huge debts by buying luxuries he could not afford.
The city council has contracted with White Company for the new library.
The builders have contracted for three new bridges this year.
Iron contracts as it gets cooler. Our business has contracted a lot recently.
13. wish 引导的从句中的虚拟语气
I wish I ______(know) the answer to the question.
I wish it ______(be ) spring in my hometown all the year around.
1. I wish I ______ so much time.我后悔不该浪费这么多时间。
2. He wishes he ______ the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。
从句动词"would/should/could/might + 动词原形"(时间上较后)(请注意:主句和从句的主语不相同)。用wish表示对将来事情的愿望。例:
1. I wish it would stop raining. 2. I wish you would be quiet.我希望你安静一些。
3. You wished she would arrive the next day 4. I wish she would change her mind.
四)、注意:如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求
I wish he would answer my letter.
I wish prices would come down.
I wish you would help me.
I wish you would stop asking silly questions.
Para 4
14. lack一词的用法
Lack of rest made him tired. I’ve got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep.
I lack words with which to express my thanks. What you lack is perseverance.
They lacked a clear understanding of the problems.
15. as with ________
As with the other production areas in the plant, safety and ecology are very important.
As with credit cards there is usually a 1.5% fee for obtaining cash, but no fee is added for purchases.
As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.
Para 5
16. available可用到的”“可利用的”、“有用的”、“接受探访的”如:
 Is the manager available?  These tickets are available for one month.
I'm sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size.
Attention, please. These tickets are available on the day of issue only.
Nowadays there is a lot of information available on the internet.
Para 6
17. persuade vt. ________ (常与convince 换用, 不过persuade 的主要意思为“说服,劝说”; convince 主要意思是“使确信,信服”) 例如:
Try to persuade him to let us go with him.(persuade sb. to do sth.)
I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. (persuade sb into (doing ) sth)
It will be difficult to persuade them than there’s no other choice.(persuade sb that )
Persuasion(n. ) , persuasive (adj. ________)
18. as if或as though引导的状语从句
as if或as though引导方式状语从句,意为“好像”,在这种状语从句中,常用虚拟语气,具体用法是:当从句所述的情况与现在事实相反时,动词用________,与过去事实相反时,用________。如: (1)He looks as if he were a football player. (2)He talked about Paris as if he had been there.
(3)The room looks as if it had been empty for years. (4)It seem as if it were spring already.
(5)I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. (6)He spoke to me as if he were an expert.
【注】as if(though)从句的动作发生在主句动作之后时,用would+动词原形。如:
(7)It seems as if it would rain. 天似乎要下雨了。
Para 7
19. 注意这段中存在由that 引导的同位语从句和why 引导的定语从句
Integrating skills
Para 1
20. Two weeks ago, Dr Richards had asked me a great many questions and taken samples of my blood. 两周前,Richards 医生问我许多问题并抽取我的血样。
a great(good) many相当于many,修饰名词________数形式,意为“________”。如:
I have a great many things to do today.
After a great many loud explosions, the race began.
区别:(1) a great deal用作代词或副词,在句中作________语或________语。如:
A great deal has been said on this point.
They still need a great deal more money to finish the project.
(2) a good deal of修饰不可数名词,意为“________”。如:
She spends a good deal of her time in Glasgow.
Para 4
21. On the contrary, I now feel as if that was when my life really began. 相反,我现在觉得好像那才是我的生命真正开始之时。
on the contrary意为“________”、“不是……而是”、“反之”。如:
  — You must be tired.  — On the contrary, I feel wide awake.
(1) contrary 用作形容词,意为“________”、“________”、“格格不入的”。如:
Contrary to all advice he gave up his job and left for the south. Hot and cold are contrary terms.
Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds.
(2) contrary用作名词,意为“________”、“反义词”、“相反的事物”。如:
Cruelty is the contrary of kindness. He is neither tall nor the contrary.
22. The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment, but I know that I will never be completely free from it.   我体内的癌症暂时被打败了,但是我知道我永远不会彻底摆脱它。
for the moment意为“________”,在句中作状语。如:
Let's carry on with what we agreed for the moment.
in a moment ________; for a moment________;at any moment________;at the last moment ________;at the moment  ________;the moment ________
for the moment, for a moment, at the moment和in a moment 辨析
▲for the moment作“________”解释。如:
Stop discussing for the moment, please.
We have to stay in the inn for the moment as the hotels around are full.
▲for a moment意为“________”。如:
For a moment I thought of playing truant. I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.
▲at the moment,用于现在时中,意为“________”;用于过去时中,意为“________”。如:
I’m busy at the moment.
Our manager is having an interview with a newspaper reporter at the moment.
▲in a moment意为“________”。如:
You go first. I’ll come in a moment. It was done in a moment.
Don’t go away, the bus will start in a moment.
▲of the moment (人,工作,议题等)________
She is the fashion designer of the moment.
be free from 意为“________”。如:
The old lady is never free from pain. The secretary was free from all blame for the errors.
Free 意思很多,请看以下例句:
Please feel free to interrupt me if you don’t understand anything. (____________)
He gave me free access to his library. (____________)
The prisoner wished to be free again. (____________)
All the books were given away free. (____________)
Free of charge ____________
The doctor will be free in 20 minutes, can you wait that long?( ____________)
He’s free with his money. (____________)
 ①Can you wait ____ a moment?  ②I'm afraid she's not here ____ the moment.
③This organization is free ____ tax worldwide.
23. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. 癌症使我认识到了生命的可贵,认识到了抓紧时间充实生活的重要性。
(1)Living with cancer是动名词短语作________
(2)感叹句本来应用陈述语序,在宾语从句中仍然用陈述语序。 如:
What strange clothes he was wearing. 他穿的衣服多么怪异呀!
She said how nice it was of us to meet her at the airport. 她说我们到机场去接她真好。
(3)take chance意为“________”。如:
We will take the chances. He is taking a chance by driving his car so fast.
There is a chance that...  ________; by chance ________;chance of a lifetime ________;by some chance ________;leave things to chance ________
(4)to the full意为“________”。如:
She certainly lives life to the full.
24. 语法
1. 表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用"________",而主句中的谓语动词用________"例如:
If I were you, I should study English. If he had time, he would attend the meeting.
If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't have failed in the examination.
If you come tomorrow, we would have the meeting.
If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.
If you had worked hard, you would be very tired. (从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在.)
  Would you be kind enough to open the door? 请您把门打开,好吗?
Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? I would rather not tell you. 我倒宁愿不告诉你。
3.用“may+动词原形”表示“祝愿”,may 必须置于句首。如:
  May you be happy! 祝你幸福!  May you succeed! 祝你成功!
  在It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc) that...和It is desired (suggested, decided, ordered, requested, proposed, etc.)句型中,谓语动词的虚拟语气结构用“should+动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇,不相信,惋惜,理应如此等。如:
 It is necessary that we should clean the room every day.  
 It will be suggested that she should finish her homework this afternoon.
1.“I wish+宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望。如:
  I wish you could go with us.  We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.
2.动词command, demand, insist, order, request, require, suggest等后面的宾语从句中用“(should)+动词原形”。如:
  I suggest that we (should) have a meeting.   We insist that they (should) go with us.
  注意:只有当insist作“坚持(认为)”,“坚持(应该)”,suggest作“________”解时,从句的动作发生在谓语之后,宾语从句才用虚拟语气。当insist作“________”,suggest 作“________”解时,宾语从句通常不用虚拟语气。如:
Mike insisted that he had never stolen anything. The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry.
  advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词与表语从句和同位语从句连用,其谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的结构“________”。例如:
  We agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to Beijing for sightseeing. 我们同意他的建议,去北京观光旅游。
  My idea is that we (should) do exercises first. 我的看法是我们先做练习。
  在It is (high) time (that)...句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式,或should+动词原形(should不能省略,be 用were)来表示,意为“早该”。例如:
  It is (high) time we left (should leave).  It is high time we went to bed.
  六、虚拟语气用于if only 引导的感叹句中
  If only I had taken his advice.   If only I were a bird.




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