高二上unit 4语言点教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Warming up
1.board n&vt.木板,甲板,膳食费用(blackboard黑板);上船;坐船,搭乘(公共交通工具);供膳宿(boarding school 寄宿)
aboard adv.&prep.在船上,在公共交通工具内
2.But whether buses or trains,or boarding aeroplanes,there wasn't a door she'd get through.(P.25)
“whether...or...”用来引导让步状语,意为“无论/不管……还……”,此外,还可说成:“no matter whether...or...”。or后可接not或与前面意义相反的词。另外有些省略了whether...or...结构,已经成为习语,如:sink or swim,rain or sunshine等。
Whether you go or not,I will go.不管你去还是不去,我都去。
I am going whether it is raining or not.无论下不下雨,我都要去。
Whether you like or not,you'll have to do it.
Whether or not it rains,I'm giving a party tomorrow?不管是否下雨,明天我都要举办一个晚会。
I'll go,whether you come with me or stay at home. 无论你跟我来还是留在家里,我都要走。
Sink or swim,I shall do it.无论成败,我都要承担此事。
The football match will be held,rain or sunshine. 足球赛定期举行,风雨无阻。
3.Poetry also calls up all the colours,feelings,experiences and curious images of a dream world.(P.27)诗歌还能汇集梦中世界的一切色彩,感情,经历和各种奇妙的意向。
call up ①ring up;telephone打电话 ②征召……入伍 ③(使)回想起;把召唤回来
I'll call you up this evening.=I'll telephone you this evening.=I'll ring you up this evening.=I'll give you a call this evening.今晚我给你打电话。
He was called up in 1999.他于1999年入伍。
This song calls up memory of my childhood.=This song reminds me of my childhood.这首歌使我回想起我的童年。
call短语还有:call for(demand,need要求、需要;来找某人),call out(呼喊),call in(叫……进来;招来),call on sb./call at a place(短暂拜访……),call back(回电话)。
4. Poems by Du Fu,Li Bai and Wang Wei among others stand out in the halls of Glory.(P.27) 杜甫、李白、王维以及其他诗人的诗歌兀立在荣光宝殿之上。
stand out[站立→鹤立鸡群]v.①突出;引人注目;②杰出;出色。同源词outstanding形容词,意为突出的,杰出的,显著的。
The new road sign is easy to read;the words stand out.新路标易辨认,上面的字很醒目。
Among writers in China,LuXun stands out as a real master.在中国作家中,鲁迅最为杰出,是一位真正的大师。
an outstanding young musician一位优秀的年轻的音乐家
5. Modern English started around the time of Shakespeare,towards the end of the 16th century.(P.28) 现代英语诗歌开始于莎士比亚时代,即十六世纪末。
What time is it by your watch?你的表几点了?
Take the medicine three times a day.服此药一天三次。
The bag is 3 times the size of that one.这个包大小是那个包的三倍。
Mao Zedong's time(s)毛泽东时代
6.Shakespeare is most famous for his plays.(P.25)
[讲解]the most放在多音节形容词前,意为“最”,是最高级的表达形式。但most前不加the,意为:“非常”,等于“very”。
This is the most difficult book I've ever read. 这是我读过的最难的一本书。
This is a most difficult book. 这是一本很难的书。(This is a very difficult book.)
7. His sonnets,however,belong to the best English poetry.(P.28)
belong to意为“属于,不用于被动语态—to be a member of...;to be connected with...”
The book belongs to me.=I own/have/possess the book. 这本书是我的。
That lid belongs to the jar.那个盖子是配这个坛子的。
What party do you belong to?你属于哪个团体?
8。Chinese readers admire their works because of their use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo.(P.28)
admire动词“钦佩、赞美、羡慕”—to think of or look at...with pleasure and respect”。
He is always looking in the mirror,admiring himself. 他常常对着镜子自我欣赏。
They admired our garden.他们称赞我们的花园。
I admired him for his success in business.我佩服他事业有成。
9. Once published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.(P.28) 发行后,他的诗作因为行尾不押韵而大获其名。
be absent from + 地点表示“不在某地” be absent in + 地点表示“外出去某地”
be absent from the meeting“缺席”
be absent in...当主语是无生命的名词时,意为“没有……”
an absent look on his face心不在焉的表情
He is absent in Europe.他现在外出在欧洲。
He is absent from Europe.他现在外出不在欧洲。
He is absent from the meeting.他开会缺席了。
He was absent from his work.他擅离职守。
Snow is absent in some countries.有些国家终年无雪。
His absence from school is worrying.他一再缺课真令人担心。
It happened during his absence.事情发生在他不在时。
In the absence of the manager,I shall be in charge. 经理不在时,由我负责。
The visitors to Venice notice at once the absence of noise.
10. Usually remembered for other work than their poetry are eighteenth century poets such as Pope and Johnson.(P.28)
Greatly loved in China,are the English Romantic poets.(P.28)
① 过去分词置于句首。如:
Also discussed was a proposal to reduce the sales tax...也讨论了减少销售税的建议……(这里倒装是由于句子主语较长)
Also said to be under consideration is a performance in Beijing.据说也考虑在北京举行。(这里过去分词与also连用,全句强调主语performance,倒装也与上下文衔接有关)
② 现在分词置于句首。如:
Covering much of the earth's surface is a blanket of water.
Attending the party were 700 students from 15 universities and colleges.
11. The style and atmosphere in their poems have often led to comparisons with poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai.(P.28)
a smoky atmosphere烟雾腾腾
The talk went on in a friendly atmosphere. 会谈在友好的气氛中进行。
There is always an unpleasant atmosphere in the office. 办公室里总有一种令人不悦的气氛。
2) comparison名词意为:相比、对比、对照。常用短语和句型有:by/in comparison with...(与……相比;相比之下);There is no comparison(between...)(没有什么可比性);bear/stand comparison with sb./sth.(比得上某人/某事)。
It's useful to make a comparison between two things. 把两件事情相比是有益的。
By/In comparison with him,you are cleverer.与他相比,你更聪明。
My garden doesn't stand/bear comparison with his. 我的花园比不过他的。
—Is he as good as her at English? —There is no comparison(between them).
——在英语上,他俩谁更好? ——他俩根本无可比性。
12. More and more people are interested to read modern poetry in English.(P.28)
be interested in doing sth.表示感兴趣的事情不太具体,是抽象概念;be interested to do sth.表示感兴趣的事情很具体。
Are you interested in playing football?你对足球感兴趣吗?
I'd be interested to hear your opinion about this.我到想听听你对这个事情的看法。
13.Reading poetry in English also opens the door to finding new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.(P.28)
[讲解]注意本句中to为介词,介词to后表示有动作的意味时,该词用其动名词形式。类似的结构还有:be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事;devote...to doing sth把……贡献给……;contribute...to doing sth把……贡献给……;look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事。
He is used to getting up early.他已习惯早起床了。
He has contributed himself to serving the people. 他把自己的一切都献给了为人民服务上。
He is looking forward to seeing you soon.他正盼望早些见到你。
Post reading
14. Modern English came into being from about the middle of 16th century.(P.28)
come into being(existence)形成、开始存在。为不及物动词短语,所以不可用被动;bring...into being(existence)使……形成、存在。
When did the universe first come into being? 宇宙是什么时候开始形成的?
Who brought the new regulation into being?这新规定是谁制定的?
15.I started with small poems,but now I most like long poems.(P.31)
start with意为:“以……开始”;start as意为“作为……开始、开始时是……”
We started our English learning with ABC. 我们是以学ABC开始我们的英语学习的。
As a VIP,he started as only a clerk. 作为一名大人物,他开始只是一名小职员。
16。Ask your teacher to recommend poems to you.(P.32) 请你的老师为你推荐一些诗歌。
recommend动词,意为“推荐、介绍、建议”,常用句型为:①recommend sth./sb.推荐某物/人;②recommend sb. sth./sb.=recommend sth/sb. to sb.把……推荐/介绍给……;③recommend sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事;④recommend + that从句(that从句谓语动词用should + 动词原形,should可省略,“建议某人做某事”;⑤recommend sb./sth. + as/for + 名词,推荐/介绍……当……
Can you recommend a novel?你能推荐一本小说吗?
The professor recommended me warmly.那位教授热忱地推荐了我。
The teacher recommended us to read novels in origin. 老师建议我们读原版小说。
They recommended that the match be held in China. 他们建议比赛在中国举办。
He recommended Lao Li as an experienced technician.他推荐说老李是一个有经验的技术员。
She recommended me for the Party membership.她介绍我入党。
My uncle recommended me to the manager.我叔叔把我介绍给经理。
I have been recommended that medicine。有人向我介绍那种药。
17。Collect your favorite poems in a notebook and ask your friends to contribute to it.(P.32)
contribute动词,意为“贡献、捐(款)、投(稿)、出(力)、起(作用)、分享(=have a share in)”。常用句型有:①contribute sth.②contribute + to-infinitive③contribute sth. to(towards)sth.④contribute to sth.。
Everybody is called to contribute ideas. 要求人人都想办法出主意。
Low wages and high prices contributed to increase the discontent of the people of that country.低工资、物价高增加了那个国家人们的不满。
He contributed all his time and energy to his work. 他把所有时间和精力都献给了工作。
Laziness contributed greatly to his failure. 懒惰是他失败的最重要的原因。
The fine weather contributed to the success of the expeditions. 好天气是这次远征的原因。
(When the metal is)Heated,the metal expands.加热后,这种金属会膨胀。(The couple took good care of the baby while(the couple was)occupied by their work.这对夫妇一边工作,一边很好地照顾这个婴儿。
(As he was)Greatly surprised,he couldn't say a word.
(Because she was)Scolded by the teacher,the girl felt unfair.
Even if(I were)invited,I wouldn't go.即使受邀请,我也不愿去。
Though(they were)defeated again and again,they went on fighting.尽管一再遭受挫败,他们仍然继续战斗。
He stared at me(he was)astonished.他两眼瞪着我,惊恐万状。
Einstein walked along the street,(he was)lost in thought.爱因斯坦漫步街头,沉浸在思索中。




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