高二上unit 3 语言点教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

1. .prefer v.更喜欢…..
prefer sth to sth prefer to do sth prefer doing sth; prefer doing sth to doing sth
I much prefer dogs to cats.与猫比起来,我更喜欢狗。
Many people living in cities would actually prefer to live in the country.许多住在城市的人实际上更愿意住在乡村。
Peter prefers traveling by train.彼得更喜欢乘火车旅行。
I prefer staying home to going out today.我今天宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去。
preference n.偏好
I must admit I have a preference for romantic movies.我必须承认我更喜欢浪漫电影。 .
I asked her where she wanted to go on vacation,but she didn't express any preference.我问她想到哪儿去度假,但她没表示自己的偏好。
In allocating housing,preference is given to those who have young children.在分配房子时,那些有小孩的人有优先权。
Many people choose the train in preference to driving.许多人宁愿选择火车也不愿选择自己驾车。
2. furniture n. (总称)家具,作不可数名词。例如:
   一套家具 a set of furniture   一件家具 a piece of furniture;an article of furniture
   This old French table is a very valuable piece of furniture.
3. convenient adj.方便的;近便的opp. inconvenient 不方便的
   Is it convenient for you to come out this evening?   你今天晚上出来方便吗?  
   不可写为:Are you convenient to come out this evening? (2)作表语时后接主动不定式。
   The furniture is convenient to move.
   家具搬起来很方便。      派生词:convenience n.方便;便利
4. stand vt.承受;经受;承担(to accept successfully; bear)
This work will hardly stand close examination.这种作品很难经得起仔细的检验。(stand sth.)
Could you stand to go there again tomorrow?明天你还有能耐上那里吗?(stand to do sth)
He wants to marry me but I can't stand the sight of him. 他要娶我,但我一见他就受不了。(can't stand sth /doing sth)
5. Architecture looks at the man-made living environment.(P.19) 译文:建筑学关注的是人造生活环境。
[讲解]本句采用了拟人的修辞方法(personification),把architecture人性化。look at在本句中意为“考虑、关注(consider)”;此外还有“看待(regard)”、“对待(judge)”、“检查、察看(examine to see if it is good or correct)”等意思。
I won't look at such a simple matter. 我不愿考虑这样简单的事情。
We must look at the question from all sides. 我们应该从各个方面考虑这个问题。
You should look at your work attentively.你应认真对待你的工作。
You ought to have your bad teeth looked at. 你应去检查一下你的坏牙。
6. ...who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people's feeling of beauty.(P.19) 他们希望用背离人们审美标准的建筑改变社会。
[讲解]go against有三个意思。①违背,反对(to act in opposition to);②对(某人)不利(to be in favorable to sb.)③与……相反;与……不符。
She went against her own wishes.她违背了她自己的意志。
The opinion is going against us.舆论对我们不利。
The case may go against you这个案子对你不利。
It went against my principles to work for this company. 为这家公司工作违背了我的原则。
be against a plan(反对计划)/sail against the wind(逆风行船)/stand against the door(靠门而立)/go against the law(违背法律)/be against one\'s will(违背心愿)/protect(defend)sb. against(from)...(保护……免受)/warn sb. against doing sth...(警告……不……)/Her red clothes stand out clearly against the snow.(她的红色衣服在白雪中格外显眼)/The rain beat against the window.(雨点打在了窗户上)。
7. impress vt.因此impress原意为:压入;按入→vt.①(具体)印、压(盖)印;②(抽象)给……深刻印象;使感动;使佩服;③铭记;铭刻。
I was very impressed by /at /with his performance. 他的表演令人难忘。(sb be impressed by /at /with sth)
My father impressed the value of hard work on me. 我父亲使我铭记勤勉的重要。(impress sth on sb /one's mind; impress sb with sth)
The country impressed me with the high speed of its development. 这个城市给我留下高速度发展的深刻印象。(impress sb with sth)
派生词:impression n.
8.Most of Gaudi's works were constructed in and round Barcelona.(P.20) 高迪的大部分作品都建筑在巴塞罗那及周围。
[讲解]construct v. build(sth);put or fit together;form建筑;建造(某物);形成。
[例词]construct a factory/an airplane/a sentence/a modal建工厂;造飞机;造句子;制作模型
9. Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.   无论是在选材,还是在外形上,古代建筑都比较贴近自然。
(1)in the choice of意为“在选择……方面”。choice n.①选择(可数或不可数名词);②被选出的人或东西(可数名词),常和for,as连用;③可供选择的品种。
I bet we've made a good choice.我确信我们做了一个好的选择。
As to language learning,he was given a choice between English and France.至于语言学习,他被提供了两项选择——英语或法语。
I didn't work all night.—I did it by choice.
He was a very good choice as chairman.他是作主席的最好人选。
 (2) 句中的stand close to 原意为“站得与……靠近”,这里指“与……相适”,“与……相一致”。例如:He stands close to the hive to have a close study on their dance. 他站在靠近蜂房的地方仔细观察蜜蜂的舞蹈。
His conclusion stands closer to the facts than yours.   他的结论比你的更与事实相符。
10. Looking at the architecture by Gandhi is like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.
(1)句中的“looking at…”是动名词短语,在句中作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,在英语中,此类用法很常见。例如:
   Missing the bus means waiting for another hour.   错过了这班车意味着再等一个小时。
   Mary's coming late made her teacher angry.   玛丽迟到了使她老师很生气。
(2)句中的“full of…”为形容词短语,相当于一个定语从句“which is full of…”。又如:
   We visited many palaces, old and beautiful.   我们参观了许多古老而又美丽的宫殿。
   (相当于:…,which are old and beautiful.)
11. despite= in spite of prep.不管,不顾
Despite all our efforts to save the school,the headmaster decided to close it.不管我们花了多少努力来挽救这所学校,校长还是决定关掉它。
She went to Spain despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.不顾医生告诉她要休息(这个事实),她还是去了西班牙。
Despite herself, she found his attention rather enjoyable.情不自禁地,她发现他的关注相当令人愉悦。
12. Frank Lloyd Wright,who built an art museum in New York,found himself inspired by Japanese seashells.(P.20) 弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特设计了纽约的艺术博物馆,是日本的海贝壳激发了他的灵感。
[讲解]inspire v. in 根义:注入。①注入精神→鼓舞,激励;②注入灵气→给……灵感;启迪;启示。
His noble example inspired the rest of us to great effort.他的高尚的榜样激发了我们大家更加努力。
It inspired him with courage.这事鼓起了他的勇气。My father inspired me with a love of knowledge.
The beautiful scenery of the West Lake inspired him to write this famous poem.西湖美景给了他灵感写出了这首著名的诗篇。
12. fill up with把…灌满,使充满
Brad just kept filling up everyone’ glass with champagne.布莱德一直给每一个人的杯子灌满香槟。
11. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches.从顶上看,仿佛体育场覆盖着灰色的钢网,非常像树枝搭成的鸟巢。
(1)…look as if“看起来好像”,后面可接真实可能发生的事,也可指与事实完全相反的假设。例如:
   It looks as if it is going to rain.   看样子要下雨了。(真实语气,有可能发生)
   If you put the chopsticks in the water , it looks as if they were broken.   如果你把筷子放进水中,他们看起来仿佛断了似的。
13. belong to 属于;是……成员。
(1)此词组不可用于进行时,例如:   The car belongs to her.这车属于她。
   Does the tape belong to Mary?  这磁带是玛丽的吗?  
(3)是……成员(to be a member of an organization)
   What party do you belong to?   你是哪一党的党员?
(4)与……有关系(to be connected with)
   As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century. 以作家而言,他其实属于18世纪。
They are decorated with small round windows that remind us of ships,bent roofs,...(P.23)
[讲解]decorate v.装饰、装修(make sth. more beautiful or attractive by sth.(not because it is necessary)。常用句型decorate...with sth.;如宾语是人,意为:授予某人荣誉标志(勋章)。
a Christmas tree decorated with colored lights装饰着彩灯的圣诞树
He was decorated for his bravery.他因勇敢而被授予勋章。
[讲解]remind v.①使某人想起,常用remind sb. of sth.句型②提醒某人做某事,常用remind sb. to do sth.句型。
He reminds me of his brother.他使我想起了他哥哥。
This song reminded me of my childhood.=This song recalled me of my childhood.=This song called up the memory of my childhood.这首歌使我想起了我的童年。
Do I have to remind you?我必须提醒你吗?
That(what you\'ve said)reminds me.I must feed the cat.对啦!我该喂猫了。
14. set aside
   He set aside all objections and changed the plan.  他不顾一切反对改变了计划。
   We should set aside enough grain.   我们应该留出充足的粮食。
   The decision of the court set aside the new law.   法院的判决使得那条新法律无效。
   This is a room set aside for playing card games.   这是一间专供纸牌游戏的房间。
15. so that people in the neighborhood are not disturbed when rock musicians move in and practice for a concert.(P.24) ……目的是当乐师们搬进来为音乐会排练时,邻居不被打扰。
[讲解]disturb vt.①焦虑不安,常用于be disturbed to do sth.(由于做了某事而焦虑不安);②扰乱、惊动、搅乱;interrupt vt.打断、中断。因此disturb强调“扰”;interrupt强调“断”。
He was disturbed to hear of your illness.听到你生病他焦虑不安。
Don\'t disturb the papers on my desk.不要把我桌上的文件弄乱。
She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.她轻轻打开门为的是不把睡梦中的小孩弄醒。
Don\'t interrupt the speaker now;he will answer questions later.现在不要打断他的话,他稍候再回答问题。
We interrupt this programme to bring you a new flash.我们中断节目,报告新闻快讯。
三 词语学习:
5.sale n.销售 for sale 待售 on sale 廉价销售
--Excuse me, are these for sale? 请问这些卖吗?
--No,the particular item is just on show.不,这个只供观赏。
Peter's department store is having a sale this week.这星期彼得百货商店大减价。
Stephen King's new novel will go on sale next week.史第芬•金的新小说将会卖到下星期。
I could only afford to buy the CD player because it was on sale.我只买得起CD机,因为它在降价大甩卖。
6.Stuff n. [u] 东西;材料;事情
What's that stuff you're drinking? 你在喝什么东西?
What kind of stuff do you like to read? 你喜欢读什么样的材料?
I've got so much stuff to do this weekend.这个周末我有许多事情要做。

Unit 3 Art and architecture 知识清单
1. .prefer v.__________.
(prefer sth to sth prefer to do sth prefer doing sth; prefer doing sth to doing sth )
I much prefer dogs to cats. Many people living in cities would actually prefer to live in the country.
Peter prefers traveling by train. I prefer staying home to going out today.
preference n._____________
I must admit I have a preference for romantic movies.
I asked her where she wanted to go on vacation,but she didn't express any preference.
In allocating housing,preference is given to those who have young children.
Many people choose the train in preference to driving.
2. furniture n. (总称)_____,作_____________名词。例如:
   a set of furniture   a piece of furniture;an article of furniture
   This old French table is a very valuable piece of furniture.
3. convenient adj.______________ opp. inconvenient ___________
   Is it convenient for you to come out this evening?   
可不可以写为:Are you convenient to come out this evening? 
   The furniture is convenient to move.      派生词:convenience n.____
4. stand vt._____________(to accept successfully; bear)
This work will hardly stand close examination.(stand sth.)
Could you stand to go there again tomorrow?(stand to do sth)
He wants to marry me but I can't stand the sight of him.(can't stand sth /doing sth)
5. Architecture looks at the man-made living environment.(P.19)建筑学关注的是人造生活环境。
本句采用了拟人的修辞方法(personification),把architecture人性化。look at在本句中意为“____________”;此外还有“看待(regard)”、“对待(judge)”、“检查、察看(examine to see if it is good or correct)”等意思。
I won't look at such a simple matter. We must look at the question from all sides.
You should look at your work attentively. You ought to have your bad teeth looked at.
6. ...who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people's feeling of beauty.(P.19) 他们希望用背离人们审美标准的建筑改变社会。
[讲解]go against有三个意思。①_______(to act in opposition to);②___________(to be in favorable to sb.)③______________
She went against her own wishes. The opinion is going against us. The case may go against you
It went against my principles to work for this company.
be against a plan(____)/sail against the wind(____)/stand against the door(____)/go against the law(____)/be against one\'s will(____)/protect(defend)sb. against(from)...( ____)/warn sb. against doing sth... (____)/Her red clothes stand out clearly against the snow.(____)/The rain beat against the window.(____)。
7. impress vtvt.①(具体)________;②(抽象)___________;③______________。
I was very impressed by /at /with his performance.(sb be impressed by /at /with sth)
My father impressed the value of hard work on me.(impress sth on sb /one's mind; impress sb with sth)
The country impressed me with the high speed of its development.(impress sb with sth)
派生词:impression n.
8.Most of Gaudi's works were constructed in and round Barcelona.(P.20) 高迪的大部分作品都建筑在巴塞罗那及周围。
[讲解]construct v. build(sth);put or fit together;form_____________。
[例词]construct a factory/an airplane/a sentence/a moda___________________-
9. Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.   无论是在选材,还是在外形上,古代建筑都比较贴近自然。
(1)in the choice of意为“________________”。choice n.①选择(可数或不可数名词);②被选出的人或东西(可数名词),常和for,as连用;③可供选择的品种。
I bet we've made a good choice. As to language learning,he was given a choice between English and France.
I didn't work all night.—I did it by choice. He was a very good choice as chairman.
 (2) 句中的stand close to 原意为“站得与……靠近”,这里指“______________”。
例如:He stands close to the hive to have a close study on their dance.
His conclusion stands closer to the facts than yours.  
10. Looking at the architecture by Gandhi is like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.
(1)句中的“looking at…”是动名词短语,在句中作_________,谓语动词用_____数形式,在英语中,此类用法很常见。例如:
   Missing the bus means waiting for another hour.    Mary's coming late made her teacher angry.  
(2)句中的“full of…”为形容词短语,相当于一个定语从句“which is full of…”。又如:
   We visited many palaces, old and beautiful.  (相当于:…,which are old and beautiful.)
11. despite= in spite of prep.__________
Despite all our efforts to save the school,the headmaster decided to close it.
She went to Spain despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.
Despite herself, she found his attention rather enjoyable.
12. Frank Lloyd Wright,who built an art museum in New York,found himself inspired by Japanese seashells.(P.20) 弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特设计了纽约的艺术博物馆,是日本的海贝壳激发了他的灵感。
[讲解]inspire v. in①____________-;②________________
His noble example inspired the rest of us to great effort.
It inspired him with courage. My father inspired me with a love of knowledge.
The beautiful scenery of the West Lake inspired him to write this famous poem.
12. fill up with__________________
Brad just kept filling up everyone’ glass with champagne.
11. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches.
(1)…look as if“________”,后面可接真实可能发生的事,也可指与事实完全相反的假设。例如:
   It looks as if it is going to rain. 
If you put the chopsticks in the water , it looks as if they were broken.  
13. belong to _____________。
(1)此词组不可用于________时,例如:   The car belongs to her.这车属于她。
   Does the tape belong to Mary?  这磁带是玛丽的吗?  
(3)是……成员(to be a member of an organization)
   What party do you belong to?   你是哪一党的党员?
(4)与……有关系(to be connected with)
   As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century. 以作家而言,他其实属于18世纪。
14. They are decorated with small round windows that remind us of ships,bent roofs,...(P.23)
decorate v.____________(make sth. more beautiful or attractive by sth.(not because it is necessary)。
常用句型decorate...__________ sth.;如宾语是人,意为:授予某人荣誉标志(勋章)。
a Christmas tree decorated with colored lights. He was decorated for his bravery.
[讲解]remind v.①_____________,常用_________句型②______,常用________句型。
He reminds me of his brother.
This song reminded me of my childhood.=This song recalled me of my childhood.=This song called up the memory of my childhood. Do I have to remind you?
14. set aside
(1)__________;   He set aside all objections and changed the plan. 
(2)________   We should set aside enough grain.  
(3)________   The decision of the court set aside the new law.  
(4)为了某种特殊目的而搁置一旁   This is a room set aside for playing card games.  
15. so that people in the neighborhood are not disturbed when rock musicians move in and practice for a concert.(P.24) ……目的是当乐师们搬进来为音乐会排练时,邻居不被打扰。
[讲解]disturb vt.①________,常用于_________(由于做了某事而焦虑不安);②________;
interrupt vt.打断、中断。因此disturb强调“扰”;interrupt强调“断”。
He was disturbed to hear of your illness. Don\'t disturb the papers on my desk.
She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.
Don\'t interrupt the speaker now;he will answer questions later.
We interrupt this programme to bring you a new flash.




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