Module 6 Chinese music has a long history Teachin(外研版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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北京市十一学校 刘笑
Subject English Teacher Liu Xiao Date 2003-12-19
Title Module 6 Chinese music has a long history
Aims 1. Knowledge:
a. To know more about Chinese traditional musical instruments.
b. To help the students to be able to use be made of.
2. Abilities:
Making an invitation
Moral Education a. Chinese music has a long history.
b. China is great.
c. Chinese people are great.
Points be made of
Points To help the students to write an invitation.
Methods Task-based language teaching method. Teaching
aids a recorder,
a computer
a blackboard
Black- board
Design Unit 22 Chinese music has a long history
一. New words 二. be made of 三 . Make an invitation
Teaching steps
Steps Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Step 1
Lead-in The teacher will ask the students to listen to a piece of music.
T: Do you enjoy the music?
T: Do you know the name of the piece of music?
What sort of instruments do they play?
Do you know some Chinese traditional musical instruments?
Ss will follow the teacher and answer T’s questions.
Ss name some Chinese traditional instruments.
Step2: Presentation The teacher will show some pictures of instruments.
Pipa; Erhu; Zheng; Sheng;
T: They are Chinese traditional musical instruments.
They have a long history. Ss look at the pictures of instruments.
Step 3
Introduction of Erhu Listen to the a piece of music played with Erhu.
T: What’s the name of this piece of music?
S: << Sai Ma>>
T: Would you please introduce Erhu to us?
The student will introduce Erhu to the students in Chinese.
The teacher will show a picture of Erhu.
T: What’s Erhu made of?

Ss will listen to the music.
The player will introduce erhu to the others in Chinese.
Ss will look at the picture of erhu and learn how to introduce erhu in English.
Step 4
Practice Make sentences with be made of.
1. an erhu / wood
2. the bow / bamboo and horsehair
3. a trumpet / metal
4. a book / paper
Ss will practice using be made of.
Step 5
Listening Practice
Step 6
Reading Practice Introduce the history of Chinese traditional musical instruments.
1. Listen and answer (Task 1)
1) How many strings does the Zheng have?
2) How many pipes does the sheng have?
Ask Ss to open book and go over the article quickly to fill the form: (Task 2)
History Material
(be made of)
Go over the 2 Qs and listen to the tape carefully to find out the answers with their books closed.
Ss will open their books and read the article again briefly to fill the form.
Step 7
an invitation: ( Task 3) The teacher will help Ss write an invitation to your class party.

Ss will learn how to write an invitation.
The students will write an invitation to invite their parents and friends to come to the party.
Homework Write a formal invitation to the class concert.



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