高二unit 1 语言点教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Warming up
1. Make a/no/some difference 有作用,关系,影响
The rain didn’t make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没多大影响。
Your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not. 你能否得到工作与你的年龄无关。
Changing schools made a big difference to my life. 转学对我的一生有重大影响。
I don’t think it makes a lot of difference what color it is. 我认为颜色无关紧要。
2. undertake(undertook,undertaken) vt.承担 ,从事,负责;(允诺,答应 undertake to do )
例:He undertook the difficult task willingly.他欣然承担那项困难的工作。
1 will undertake the responsibility for you.我会为你负起责任。
He undertook to finish the job by Friday. 他答应星期五或之前完成这项工作。
3. There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问 ..
例:There is no doubt that our team will win.我队获胜是毫无疑问的。
I don't doubt that we will win the game.(否定句用that)我不怀疑我们将会赢得这场比赛。
Do you doubt that he has passed the final examination ? (疑问句用that)你怀疑他已通过期末考试了吗?
I doubt whether he is the best man for the job.(肯定句用whether)我怀疑他是否是担任那项工作的最适当人选。
4. imagine 用法 (imagine (sb) doing, imagine that …. )
5. promising (形) 有希望的,有前途的,前途光明的
例:a promising actress有前途的女演员
6. give up
7. dream of /about /that
8. hope for / to do /that
9. There didn't seem much point in working on my PhD—I didn't expect to survive that long•
1)PhD(Doctor of Philosophy ) 指“博士学位”
2)There is no point in doing sth.表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。
例:There is no point in arguing further. 继续争执下去没有意义了。
There is no point in protesting.It won’t help much.抗议没有什么用处,于事无补。
Expect 预料,预计,期待,盼望;期望 常用搭配:expect (sb) to do, expect that
3)Survive vi. 生存,存活 vt. 幸存,挺过,艰难度过
She was the last surviving member of the family. 她是这家人中仅存的一员。
Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. 因车祸受伤的6人中, 只有2人幸存。
The company managed to survive the crisis. 公司设法度过了危机。
Many birds didn’t survive the severe winter. 许多鸟死于这次严冬。
例:I didn't expect he was that rude. 我没料到他会那么粗鲁。
10. In fact,things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl,Jan Wilde.事实上,事情发展得还挺顺利。我和一位非常好的女孩简•怀尔得订婚了。
get/be engaged to sb.“与某人订婚”
Did you hear they have got engaged last month? 你有没有听说他们上个月订婚的消息?
Be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.从事(工作)的,忙于……的
例:She was engaged in protecting wild birds.她从事保护野生鸟类的工作。
He is now engaged on his second novel. 他正埋头写他的第二部小说。
be engaged (电话等)通话中的,占线中的,相当于美国英语的busy.
例:The line/number is engaged。线路被占用。
engagement n.订婚(to)
例:announce one's engagement to…宣布与…订婚
break off one's engagement解除婚约,解约
engagement ring订婚戒指(戴在左手无名指上)
11. Since then,Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe.从那时起,霍金就继续寻求关于宇宙特征的问题的答案。
seek+(for after)+名词 搜寻,寻找;寻求,探求;追求
例:They sought shelter from the rain.他们找寻避雨的地方。
He found it worthless to seek fame.他发现追求名声是不值得的。
We must seek (for) a solution to the problem 我们必须寻求解决问题的方法。
Seek to do 试图,设法
They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protester. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。
12. Scientists,on the other hand,Hawking writes,know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.
Turn out to be“结果是”“最后的情况是”+副/+形/+to do/+that..
The weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely.天气预报说今天下午有雨,其实今天天气非常好。
Despite our worries everything turned out well. 尽管我们很担心, 一切都很顺利。
The lecture turned out to be very dull.讲座结果很无聊。
The rumor turned out (to be) true.那谣言后来证明是真的。
It turned out (that) two travelers had been killed 后来证实(查明)有两位旅客丧生。
turn out vt. (可分开用 ) 生产 (产品),出产
The factory can turn out l000cars a day. 这家工厂一天能生产1000辆汽车。
13. observe vt.观察,看到,注意到
She has observed the stars all her life. 她一生观察星体。
They observed the thief stealing /steal the money. 他们看见这个小偷偷了钱。(observe sb do /doing sth.)

vt. 遵守(规则,法律等)
language study
14. use sth up 用光
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. 把剩下的蔬菜全部用来做汤是个好主意。
Integrating skills
15. Everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.
例:Only at that time did I realize its importance. 直到那时我才意识到它的重要性。
Only in this way can you make progress in your English study. 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。
例:Only you understand me.只有你了解我。
例:She only eats vegetables.她只吃蔬菜。
I only lent you the money.那笔钱我只是借给你(不是给你)。
He only works when he’s got homework. 他只在有家庭作业时才做功课。
I’ve only seen him once. 我只见过他一次。
1) 不定式动词在介词but,except,后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么,这些介词后的不定式不带to,否则要带to。
例如: She could do nothing but cry.她只会哭了。
I have no choice but to go.我不得不走。
He is looking for a room to live in . 他在找一个房间住。
There is nothing to worry about. 无什么可担心的。
Please give me a knife to cut with. 请给我把刀子来切东西。
A)Have you anything to send?你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式tosend的动作执行者是you)
B)Have you anything to be sent?你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗?(不定式to be sent的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else)
Have you got a key to unlock the door? 你有开门的钥匙吗?
I have got a letter to write. 我有封信要写。
He needs a room to live in. 他需要间屋子住。
6)不定式作表语形容词的状语,和句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式多用主动形式,这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了for one或for people.例如:
He is hard to talk to.很难跟他交谈。
The book is difficult to understand.这本书很难懂。
The handwriting is very difficult to be read. 这字太难认读了。
The box is to heavy to be lifted. 这箱子太重举不起来。
7)在there be结构中,当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某件事时,不定式用主动形式,如果说话人强调的是事情本身必须完成,则用被动形式。
There is a lot of work to do. (Somebody has to do the work.)
There is a lot of work to be done.(The work has to be done.)
There is nothing to do.意为无事可做,感到十分乏味。
There is nothing to be done.意为某东西坏了,无法使之恢复正常。

Unit 1 知识清单
Warming up
1. Make a/no/some difference 意义是什么?
The rain didn’t make much difference to the game.
Your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not.
Changing schools made a big difference to my life.
I don’t think it makes a lot of difference what color it is.
2. undertake过去式和过去分词形式是什么?两个常用意思是什么?
例:He undertook the difficult task willingly.
1 will undertake the responsibility for you.
He undertook to finish the job by Friday.
3. There is no doubt(毫无疑问 ..) 后面的同位语从句的连词是什么?.
There is no doubt_______ our team will win.我队获胜是毫无疑问的。
I don't doubt_______we will win the game.(否定句用_______)我不怀疑我们将会赢得这场比赛。
Do you doubt_______ he has passed the final examination ? (疑问句用that)你怀疑他已通过期末考试了吗?
I doubt_______ he is the best man for the job.(肯定句用_______)我怀疑他是否是担任那项工作的最适当人选。
4. imagine 用法是什么?
5. promising (形) 是什么意思?
例:a promising actress
6. give up是什么意思?
7. dream 常用搭配有哪些?
8. hope for / to do /that 分别是什么意思?
9。 PhD(Doctor of Philosophy ) 指“__________”
10. There is no point in doing sth.表示“__________”。
例:There is no point in arguing further.
There is no point in protesting.It won’t help much.
11. Expect 有哪些意思? 常用搭配有哪些?
12. Survive vi. ________ vt. _________________
She was the last surviving member of the family.
Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.
The company managed to survive the crisis.
Many birds didn’t survive the severe winter.
13. There didn't seem much point in working on my PhD—I didn't expect to survive that long• 这里that 用法是什么?
14. get/be engaged to sb.意思是“_____________”; 而 Be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.意思是_____________________.
Did you hear they have got engaged last month?
例:She was engaged in protecting wild birds.
He is now engaged on his second novel.
be engaged (电话等________________,相当于美国英语的busy.
engagement n. (to) 是什么意思?
例:announce one's engagement to; break off one's engagement; engagement ring
15. seek+(for after)+名词 意思是什么?
例:They sought shelter from the rain.
He found it worthless to seek fame.
We must seek (for) a solution to the problem
Seek to do 意思是什么?
They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protester. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。
16. Turn out to be+副/+形/+to do/+that..是什么意思?
The weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely.
Despite our worries everything turned out well.
The lecture turned out to be very dull.
The rumor turned out (to be) true.
It turned out (that) two travelers had been killed
turn out vt. 还有什么意思?
The factory can turn out l000cars a day. 这家工厂一天能生产1000辆汽车。
17. observe vt. 意思是_____________ 作为感官动词常用的搭配是_________
She has observed the stars all her life.
They observed the thief stealing /steal the money.
vt. ______________ 如:observe the law
18. use sth up 意思是___________
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.
19. only 在句子中的位置一般在哪里?另外,只要在句首就倒装吗?
20. 语法:不定式易错点
1) 不定式动词在介词but,except后面时,要注意哪些问题?
例如: She could do nothing but cry.
I have no choice but to go.
He is looking for a room to live in . 他在找一个房间住。
There is nothing to worry about. 无什么可担心的。
Please give me a knife to cut with. 请给我把刀子来切东西。
A)Have you anything to send?
B)Have you anything to be sent?
如:Have you got a key to unlock the door?
I have got a letter to write.
He needs a room to live in.
如: He is hard to______.A talk to B be talked with 很难跟他交谈。
The book is difficult to. A understand B be understood 这本书很难懂。
7)在there be结构中,to do 做定语要注意些什么?
There is a lot of work to do. (Somebody has to do the work.)
There is a lot of work to be done.(The work has to be done.)
There is nothing to do.
There is nothing to be done.




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