unit 2 Robots language points(新课标版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Warming-up and pre-reading
1. character n.人物,角色;特性,特征;性格;人格,品性;(汉)字,字体
a. It is a good story, but I find some of the character rather unconvincing(不令人信服).
b. They are twins but they have quite different characters
c. He is a man of good character.
d. A Chinese character 一个汉字
2.Fiction n. 1)小说(总称);虚构的文学作品
Fact/Truth is stranger than fiction. [谚语]事实比小说更离奇。
短语:legal fiction 法律上的假定 light fiction 通俗小说
pure fiction 纯粹的谎言;十足的谎言 science fiction 科幻小说
3.Desire vt.1)渴望;希望(做某事)desire to do sth.
3)要求【请求】某人做某事desire that—do/should do
desire sb. to do sth.
a. I desire an immediate answer of yours.
b. We desire to have a good result.
c. Please desire him to come in.
d. They desire that you should come at once.
n. 愿望;欲望;要求;食欲;情欲;向往的东西
短语:at one’s desire照某人的希望 get one’s desire 得到所希望的东西
meet one’s desire 满足某人的欲望 have/feel a great desire for 渴望―――
nurse a desire for 怀有――的欲望
leave much to be desired 有许多改进/不足的地方
leave nothing to be desired 尽善尽美;完全中意
4.satisfaction n.(opp.dissatisfaction)1)满足;满意;舒服;
I heard the news with great/much satisfaction.
He smile with satisfaction.
It will be a great satisfaction to you to know that---你如果听到――一定很满意
Feel/find satisfaction at (in) 对――感到满意
Give satisfaction to 使――满足(满意,称心)
Take satisfaction in 对――感到满足(满意);乐于――
To one’s satisfaction = to the satisfaction of 使――满意的是
Express one’s satisfaction with(at) 对――表示满意
5. test vt&n. 检验;考查;测验;考试;考验
let’s use another method to test for its pulling force.
词语搭配:an achievement test 成绩测验 a live test(火箭)载人试验
a nuclear test 核试验 a test in physics 物理测试
a test paper一份试卷 a blood test 血液检查
短语:test out 考验 take a test 参加考试
put—to the test 将――加以化验,检查
6。asent adj.(opp. Present) 1)不在的;缺席的;缺勤的
He is absent on business.
He was absent in his mind then.
Long absent soon forgotten. 离久情疏
短语: be absent from a friend 和朋友分离
be absent from (home,school,office)不在(家);缺(课);缺(席);缺(勤)be absent without excuse 擅自缺席
7.Alarm n.警报;惊慌
The fire caused much alarm.
1) give the alarm = raise an alarm 发警报;向――告急
2) take (the) alarm at 对――感到吃惊
3) a fire alarm 火警
4) in alarm 惊慌;担心
5) sound the alarm 响警报;吹警笛
vt.使警觉;惊动;使惊慌 Don’t alarm yourself.
7)be alarmed at(the news)被(那消息)吓一跳
8)be alarmed for (the safety of--) 放心不下;担心(――的安全)
8.Smooth adj. 平坦的;平滑的;顺利的
The course of true love never did run smooth.恋爱无坦途/好事多磨。
The way is now smooth.
Vt. 使――光滑,平坦或顺利
1)make smooth 弄平滑;扫除障碍 2)smooth out 弄平;铺平;解决
3)smooth away/over 使容易;排除;解决(困难等)
4)smooth the way for 铺平道路;排除障碍;使容易做
5)smooth down (使)平静下来;弄平
9.embarrass vt. To cause to feel ashamed, uncomfortable or anxious 使困惑;使局促不安
The decline of sales embarrassed the company.
Be/feel embarrassed in the presence of strangers
短语:embarrass sb. with sth./by doing sth. 做――使某人尴尬/害羞/窘迫
Don’t embarrass them with(by asking) personal questions.不要问隐私,会让他们觉得不好意思。
Embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,难堪的,害羞的
I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.
Embarrassing adj.使人尴尬的;令人难堪的
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
10.sympathy n.同情;同感;同情心
Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night.
短语:1)express sympathy for 慰问
2)feel sympathy for, have sympathy for 同情
3)in sympathy with 同情;赞成;跟着;和――一致
11.accompany 伴随;陪伴;同时存在或发生
I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.
Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain.
12. ring(sb.)up = call (sb.) up 给某人打电话
1) give sb. a call/ring 2)make a (telephone) call
3) call sb. on the telephone 4) phone/telephone sb.
挂断电话的相关短语:ring off ring off the telephone
回电话的相关短语:call bake ring back
13.turn around 转身;回转;旋转
When the teacher turned around, they began to whisper.
All of a sudden he turned around/about and saw me.
短语:trun about转身;转向;调向 turn against背叛;反抗;使对抗
turn away 把(脸)转过去;抛弃 turn off解雇;关掉;使失去兴趣
turn on打开 trun out结果是;证明是;生产(产品)
14.There stood—此句为存在结构,常用于这种结构的动词有:stand, seem to be, happen to be, be likely to be; live, come, enter, lie 等;
There happened to be nobody in the room.
Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.
15. declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;说明;宣称
1) declare + n.宣告 They will declare the results of the election soon.
2) declare + n + (to be)n./ adj. 宣布――为――
The judge declared him (to be) the winner of the competition.
I declared this conference (to be) open.
3) declare + (that)从句 宣称;声称
She declared (that) she was right.
Declare oneself 发表意见,表明态度 declare war on/upon 对――宣战
Declare against 声明反对 declare for (in favour of )声明赞成
16.Envy vt.& n.嫉妒;羡慕
1) envy +sb. (for sth.) 2)envy sb. Sth.
How I envy you! They envied us for our success.
I envy you your good fortune.
短语: be in envy of one’s success 羡慕某人的成功
Out of envy 出于嫉妒/羡慕
17.Leave--- alone 不管;别惹;让――独自待着;不打扰
Leave my book alone. 不要动我的书。
Let me alone to do it. 由我做吧。
Using language
18. explanation n. (其后常跟of, for ) 解释,注释;说明
She’s giving an wxplanation of how the machine works.
1) by way of explanation 作为说明,以解释的方式
2) come to an explanation with sb.与人交谈后消除了误会
3) In explanation of 解释,说明
I had better say a few words by way of explanation.
I’ve come to an explanation with them about the matter.
Have you anything to say in explanation of your conduct?
19.Take ---seriously 严肃对待;认真对待
You can’t take his promise seriously; he never keeps his word.
20.divorce n. 离婚;断绝关系 vt. 与――离婚; 使――离婚;脱离
1)The judge divorced the couple.
2)He got divorced from his wofe last month.
3)He is divorced from societ.
4)Life and art cannot be divorced.
短语: get/obtain a divorce 获准离婚
a divorce between thought and action 思想与行动脱节
divorce oneself/be divorced from one’s spouse 和自己的配偶离婚
Learning tip
21. set aside 将――放在一边;保留;储蓄(时间;金钱);忽视/不顾(要求、感受)
So set aside some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes.
I’ve set aside some money for the journey.
She always sets aside my feelings.
短语:set about 着手;开始 set--against 使――和――为敌/对立
Set apart = set aside 留出;拨出




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