Unit 19 Modern agriculture 单元整体教案(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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—. 教学目的和要求 ( Teaching aims and demands )
I: Topics 1. Talking about modern agriculture and its effects on people’s life.
II: Functions
提建议和作决定(Giving advice and making decisions)
In my opinion you should ….. I think he is right……
If I were you…… Wouldn’t it be better if …. ?
We can’t do both, so …… The other idea sounds better to me…..
As far as I can see the best thing would be to…. We have to make a choice…
III: Vocabulary
1. Words:
protection technique irrigation pump seed technical import production root insect tobacco golden method tie discovery garden gardening gardener wisdom practical guide firstly sow condition soil weed remove sunflower generation
2. Phrases:
over the years; have effects on sb./sth.; raise pigs/sheep… go against; bring in;
be harmful to; depend on; as well as; stand for; in other words; a variety of;
IV: Grammar The use of IT (2):—— 强调句中某一成份
The children often help the parents do the farm work. →
It is the children who often help the parents do the farm work.
Future agriculture should depend on high technology. →
It is high technology that future agriculture should depend on.
The farmers produce food for the whole population of China on this arable land.→
It was on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.
二. 能力训练 (Ability training )
1. 学习词组,然后让学生用自己的语言分析其意义。
三. 德育渗透 (Moral training teaching)
2. 培养学生关注农业与自然的关系。
四. 美育渗透 (Art training teaching )
五. 课时安排 (The arrangement of teaching periods )
The First Period New words and Warming Up
The Second Period Listening and Speaking
The Third Period Reading (1)
The Fourth Period Reading (2) Language points
The Fifth Period Language Study and Grammar
The Sixth Period Integrating Skills
The Seventh Period Workbook and Unit Test (Dictation on words and expressions)
The Eighth Period Unit Test (课课练讲解)
The Ninth Period Unit Test ( 英文报纸讲解)
六.教学步骤 (Teaching Procedures)
Period 1 New words and Warming Up
Teaching Aims
1. Learn the new words and expressions.
2. Learn the Warming Up and learn to read statistical graphs.
Important Points in Teaching
The use of some words: over the years; produce; cause; effect;
raise pigs/sheep/cattle; feed;
Difficult Points in Teaching
(1). the use of the words
(2). talking in English
Teaching Methods
1. Reading and speaking
2. Pair/group work, individual work, class work
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard tape-recorder, computer
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Learning
I. Learn the new words and expressions.
Ask some Ss to read the new words and expressions, then correct some mistakes if there are any.
II. Explain some uses of the words.
Step 2 Presentation
With the time passing by, people’s living standard is becoming higher and higher. As a result their eating habits have changed a lot. Today we are going to know some details about it by watching the graphs.
Step 3 Warming Up
一. Questions about the topic of modern agriculture.
1. Can you name some farm products? How many of them do you often eat?
2. What ways are usually used to increase agricultural production? Are these ways harmful to the environment?
二. Talk about the graph and try to get what it tells you. Find what people produce most and what people produce least. And why?
三. Discuss the three questions and then answer.
Step 4 Language Points:
1. over the year over prep
(1)(指时间) 在----中,度过(一段时间)
Over the years he has become much more careful.
Can you stay over Christmas ?
(2) 超过,多于(=more than)
The table is over 4 meters long. He is well over thirty.
(3) 在-----上方,从-----上方(经过)
The sky is over our heads. The bridge over the river is wide.
(4) 在------上面(越过、跳过等)
If we can’t go over the mountain we must go round it.
The dog jumped over the table.
Can you climb over that hill ?
2. produce product production
1) produce vt. 生产、产生 n. 农产品,集合名词,无复数,不与a/an 连用。
The factory hasn’t begun to produce yet.
Wheat, rice ,fruits are all produce.
2) product n. 产品,产物。比较具体。
Its main products are cattle, sheep, wheat, corn and fruits.
3) production n. 生产,产量。比较抽象。
Many men are employed in the production of coal.
Production is up this month.
3. cause reason
1) cause (造成一种事实或现象的)原因,起因。用于表示具有明显因果关系的原因。
Every effect must have a proper cause.
Cigarette ends are the usual cause of fires.
2) reason (说明一种看法或行为的)理由 the reason for sth. ---- 的原因
They are trying to find out the reason (or cause) of the terrible fire.
Give me your reasons for refusing.
4. effect affect
1) effect n. 效果、影响。 常用在 have a(n)--- effect on sb. 的词组中。
The medicine has little effect on the old man.
The children were suffering from the effects of the hot weather.
2) affect v. ①“影响”,通常指对身体、思想或情绪带来不良影响。
Some plants are quickly affected by cold.
The climate affected his health.
② “感动、触动”,相当于move.
Music affects some people very strongly. He was much affected by the sad news.
③ “感染、侵袭”,一般指感染疾病。
The disease affects millions of people in the world every year.
His throat is affected by cold.
5. raise keep support feed 这四者均有“抚养、养家、赡养”之意,但有区别:
1)raise, keep 抚养人,饲养动物,种植、栽培农作物。
He made a living by keeping/raising bees.
He had a larger family to keep.
They raised chicken, ducks, sheep and fish.
2) support 养活人口,不用于饲养动物。
She supports her old mother.
He will support himself after graduation from college.
3) feed 喂养、饲养,指具体的喂养动作(to give food to); 指养活(人)时可与keep换用。
Have you fed the baby/cow yet ? She fed meat to her dog.
This land has fed/kept six generations.
Step 4 Homework
1.Read and recite the new words and expressions.
2.Finish the Ex. in (课课练)Page 72 Ex.1.  “在空格内填入适当的词”
3.Get ready for the next period.
4. 《课课练》完形填空 P.79
Period 2 Listening and speaking
Teaching aims :
1. Do some listening to improve the Ss’ listening ability.
2. Do the speaking to train the Ss’ speaking ability.
Important points in teaching
1. the listening ex.
2. the speaking ex.
Difficult points in teaching
1. Speaking in English.
Teaching methods
1. Listening and speaking
2. Pair work , class work
Teaching aids
Textbook, blackboard, tape-recorder, computer
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework.
2. Check the new words and expressions.
Step 2 Listening
Task 1: Listen to the tape. Tick the answer (on page 43)to decide which topic(s) may be talked about in it and which of the sentences(on page 44) are true or false.
Task 2: Listen to the tape again and complete the sentences on page 44
Step 3 Speaking
I. Try to understand what to do by going through this part and the useful expressions below.
In my opinion you should ….. I think he is right……
If I were you…… Wouldn’t it be better if …. ?
We can’t do both, so …… The other idea sounds better to me…..
As far as I can see the best thing would be to…. We have to make a choice…
II. Practise making decisions in groups, using these expressions.
III Several students report to the whole class.
Step 4 Language points
1. go against 违背,违反; 对-----不利
These actions went against the will of the people
What he did went against his teacher’s wishes.
The game is going against us. 比赛情况对我们不利.
试比较 be against fight against play against
1) be against(与be for 相反)也表 “反对”, 指状态.
He has been against the decision. 他一直反对这个决定.
go against 属终止性, be against 属延续性, 二者均无被动式.
2) fight against 同----作斗争, 反对-----, 多指战场上, 强调主动进攻.
Man is fighting a battle against pollution.
3) play against 含有意识地“同----对着干/比赛”.
Who did you play against ?
2. If I were you,----- 这是表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气结构.
If 从句表示与现实相反的非真实条件句时要用虚拟语气, 从句中的谓语动词用过去式(如果是be则不论人称,一般用were),主句中的谓语动词用would/could/might +动词原形.
If I were you, I would go to the party.
If he knew the secret, he would tell me.
3. As far as I can see----
1) as far as 作“远到, 到-----为止”解.
Jack walked as far as the riverside.
2) as/so far as 后接表示程度的状语从句,意为“据----; 尽-----可能; 就----而言”.
They returned at nine, as far as we know. As far as I know, he has gone to town
They will help you as far as they can.
3) so far 表示“至今”,常用于现在完成时.
We haven’t completed the project so far.Step 4 Consolidation
1). 用适当的词填空.
1. _____ the years people’s ______ _________ are changing. That’s ____ ___________ produce has changed during these years.
2. Last year the number of the death increased by 2%~~ 3% _________ _____ the year before last.
3. The reason _____ he did not come is quite clear.
4. The desire that they wanted to make good money ______ ____ a disaster.
5. Do you think the medicine will have a good _________ _____ the boy ?
6.The villagers didn’t take care about the _________ of nature. They cut down as many trees as _______, in time, the area was ________ ______ a desert.
7. Never ____ _________ nature or you can’t escape _______ punished.
8. If I ______ a bird, I ______ fly to the moon.----- doesn’t it sound ______?
Keys:1.Over eating habits why agricultural 2.compared to/with
3.why 4.led to 5.effect on 6.protection possible changed into 7.go against being 8.were would nice
1. 我认为你不应该出国,是吗? 不,我应该出国.
I don’t think you should go abroad, do you ? Yes. I do.
2. 违背自然是不对的.
It’s not right to go against nature.
3. 假如我是你, 我会去参加晚会.
If I were you, I would go to the party.
4. 你认为他该去哪儿?
Where do you think he should go?
5. 继续跟他争论是浪费时间.
It is a waste of time to go on arguing with him.
6. 这条路通往我妈工作的工厂.
This road leads to the factory where my mother works.
Step 5 Homework
1.Read and recite the new words and expressions.
2.Get ready for the next period.
Period 3 Reading (1)
Teaching Aims:
1. Enable the students to learn sth. about modern agriculture from the text.
2. Get the students to have the ability to grasp the general idea.
3. Improve the students’ ability in reading and understanding.
Teaching difficulty: inferring according to the reading material.
Teaching methods: 阅读、归纳、推理、判断
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Pre-reading
Look at the pictures and compare traditional and modern farming [ power point]
In the past, farmers grow crops in the traditional way. Using cattle to plough the field. farmers work most of the day all year around, but they could not produce enough food for the whole population.
At present, they use modern techniques in their fields to improve agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, greenhouses and so on. Great changes have taken place in agriculture.
Step 3 Fast reading
Read the text quickly and silently and answer the following questions:1.How much land can be used for farming in China?
Only 7% of the land can be used for farming in China.
2.What should future agriculture depend on?
Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.
Step 4 Careful-reading
I: Read the text carefully and choose the best answers:
1.In China only seven percent of the land is used for farming. This is ________.
A because farmers don't need more land to produce food for the whole population
B because China needs more and more land to build cities
C because there are not enough farmers to work on the land
D because the other land cannot be used for agriculture
2. Fertilisation is a technique that is used to _______.
A.make poor soil better B.make wet land drier
C.make dry land wetter D.grow vegetables with their roots in water instead of earth3. Modern agriculture means finding ways to _____.
A. increase irrigation and stop using fertilisers
B. stop irrigation and using fertilisers
C. increase production and be friendly to the environment
D. produce the same amount while taking better care of nature
4. In the sentence"...they are protected from the wind, rain and insects", "they" means _________.
A. greenhouses B. roots
C. vegetables D. tomatoes
5. In GM "M" stands for "modified", which means "changed". What changes is _________.
A. the way in which poor soil is made better
B. the way in which Chinese farmers work on their land
C. the way in which crops develop from seed
D. the way in which farmers take care of the environment
II: Read the text again and divide the text into four parts.
Part I (Para 1) A brief introduction to agriculture and arable land in China.Part II (Para 2) How to use advanced techniques to improve agricultural productionPart III (Para 3) Scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environmentPart IV (Para 4—6) Using the latest technologies to settle the problem with the shortage of arable land
Step 5 Post-Reading Modern agriculture has developed through periods according to the text. What was mainly developed in each period ?
Period 1 : More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in the 1980s.Period 2 : Scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment from---Period 3 : Using the latest technologies to grow vege-tables, such as greenhouses, GM.
Step 6. Consolidation
Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with proper words according to the passage.
With the development of m________ agriculture, farmers are realizing more and more the importance of protecting nature. Since the early 1990s, scientists have been trying to develop new t________ to increase agricultural p_________ and protect the e_____________ at the same time. Some c________ can help to produce better crops but are very h_________to our environment. Some have a very good e__________on removing weeds but they damage crops at the same time. So new techniques should not only help increase production but also be f__________ to the environment. We should depend on high technology and t_____________ methods as well to develop our agriculture because food production and taking care of the environment are of the same i____________.
Step 7. Discussion.
How can we develop modern agriculture to meet the change of people's eating habits without destroying or damaging the environment? 1.Modern agriculture should not go against nature.
2.We can develop Eco-agriculture.
3. Use less chemical fertilizers, pesticide.
4. Protect the soil from being lost. Improve the soil conditions.
5. Grow different plants in different areas.
Summary The text tells us something about the situation of agriculture of our country. For example, its past and present, especially its future. At the same time, we also know that we must take care of the environment while we develop our agriculture. From now on, we should study hard and be ready to make greater contributions to the development of our agriculture.
Step 9 Homework
1. The text doesn't have an ending , please imagine an ending for it.
2. Preview the language points in the text.
Period 4 Reading (2) Language points
Teaching Aims
1. Improve students’ knowledge
2. Consolidate the understanding of the text
Important Points in Teaching
1. Retell the text
2. Learn some useful words and phrases
Difficult Points in Teaching
The usage of the words and phrases
Teaching Methods
1. individual work , class work
2 practice
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan
Teaching procedures
Step1 Review
1. check assignment
Step2 Language points:
1. Most farms were one-family businesses.
business (1) 生意, 行业, 营业额
It’s a pleasure to do business with you.
Our business hours are from 9 to 5 .
(2) 买卖, 店铺,商号
They sold their business for 1 million dollars.
He is the manager of 3 different businesses.
(3) 职责
My business is selling cars; yours is studying at school.
(4) 事物,事情
My personal life is none of your business.
get down to business 认真干起来, 开始谈正经事
on business 办事, 因公出差 He will go to Europe on business.
2. Over time, many farming techniques have been modernized.
在此期间, 许多耕作技术已是现代化.
有关time 的常见词组:
ahead of time 提前 behind the times 落在时代后面
all the time 总是,一直 for the first time 第一次
at a time 一次,每次 have a good time 过得很愉快
at one time 从前,曾经,同时 in three day’s time 三天以后
at all times 在任何时候,总是,始终 in no time 立刻
at the same time 同时 once upon a time 从前
at one’s(this) time of 在(这个)---时候 take one’s time 慢慢来,别着急
from time to time 有时 time and (time)again 一遍又一遍
at times 有时 time is up 时间到了
3.To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.
1) make use of 利用,使用
He is making full use of her opportunity.
2) as much/many as possible 尽可能多.
as early as possible 尽早 as soon as possible 尽快,尽早
3) where possible 是省略句,全句应为where it is possible. 类似的有: if possible,when possible
4. More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in the 1980s.
1) bring in 带来,引进,提出,争得
We should bring in new technology.
He’ll bring in an important topic. He brings in 800 dollars a month.
2) 1980s =1980’s
5. Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.
1) depend on/upon
①(=rely on for support) 依靠, 取决于, 随----而定.
②(place trust in, be sure of ) 相信, 信赖. 后接名词、代词、动名词、wh-clause 或it that clause.
Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.
You may depend on it that he will help you.
2) as well as conj. 也, 又, 以及, 和----- 一样, 除-----外还.
The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既健康又活泼.
表示“不但----而且----”, 连接并列主语时,侧重强调前者,谓语与前者一致. 而“not only ---but also” 则侧重强调后者,谓语与后者一致.
I as well as you am a lawyer. 不仅你是位律师, 我也是位律师.
Not only I but also he has been to Macao.
6.In other words, the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is changed.
1)in other words 换句话说(=that is, that is to say) 用以对上文所说的内容作补充说明.
与word 有关的常用词组:
address a few words to sb. 对某人讲几句话 keep one’s word 守信用,遵守诺言
break one’s word 失信,食言 match words with deeds 言行一致
eat one’s words 收回前言,承认说错 waste one’s words 白费口舌
get word 获得消息,听说,得知 the last words 临终遗言
give one’s word 保证,担保,允诺 sharp words 苛刻的话
have a word with sb. 和某人谈谈 soft words 甜言蜜语
have words with sb. 和某人争吵 in words 口头上,用语言/文字
in a(one) word 总之,简而言之 word for word 一字不变地
word by word 逐字地
2) grow from 生长,长成,来自,源于. 不用被动式
Both are easy roses to grow from cutting. 两种玫瑰都容易扦插成活.
His interest in writing grows from reading.
Step 3 Exercise: I: Translate the phrases into English
1.从国外引进___________________ 2.高科技以及传统方法___________________
3.缺乏耕地 ____________________ 4.各种各样的 ______________________
6.造酒的指导 ______________________
9.违背自然规律_______________________ 10.年复一年___________________
II: Put the following into English :
1. Make good use of your time. 2. Go to visit him as often as possible.
3. for a variety of reasons.
4. Many experts have been brought in to advise on the project.
5. Reading in the sun does harm to your eyes.
6. It depends on whether you are interested in the book.
7. I can speak German as well as French.
I can speak not only French but also German.
8. There are many things, such as tables, chairs and a bed in the room.
Step4 Homework
1. Read the text and try to retell it and act out the play
2 Finish off lead-learning plan
3. 完成课课练Ⅲ Ⅳ
Period 5 Language Study and Grammar
Teaching Aims
1. Raise awareness of the communicative approach to grammar.
2.Familiarize the students with the English word formation.
3.Give the students practice in the use of “it” for emphasis..
Important Points in Teaching
1.Consolidate the usage of the important words and expressions
2.Learn the use of “IT” for emphasis
Difficult Points in Teaching
The use of “It”.
Teaching Methods
1. Individual work , class work. 2. Practice
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Word Study
1. Get students to know something about word formation and some suffixes forming nouns.
2. Finish the Ex in the textbook P.47.
3. Check the answers and correct the mistakes if there is any.
Step 3 Grammar
The use of “It” for emphasis.
强调句,其结构形式为: It is/was +强调部分+ that/who + 其它. 例如:
1.It is the Party that leads us from victory to victory. (强调主语)
2. It is me that/who/whom you should help. (强调宾语)
3. It was at the gate that he told me the news. (强调地点状语)
4. It is by bus that Wang Gang often goes to work. (强调方式状语)
5. It was in order to catch the first bus that he got up earlier. (强调目的状语)
一. 强调人, 引导词用who/whom/that. 强调其它均用that.
It is I who am to visit Hangzhou tomorrow.
It must be Jim that/who will go to the concert.
二. 强调时间,地点状语时勿与定语从句相混.
It was in this room that he was born.
It was this room where he was born.
It was in 2003 that the Iraqi War broke out.
It was 2003 when the Iraqi War broke out.
三. 强调原因状语从句时, 该从句必须是because引导.
It was because he was ill that he didn’t go to school yesterday.
四. 强调not….until 句型的时间状语时, 要把not 与until 放在一起。not until置于句首时须部分倒装。
[误] It was until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts didn’t began.
[正] It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began.
It was not until that she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.
=Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.
=I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses
Step 4 Practice
I: Choose the best answer.
1.It ____people who ___ the makers of history.
A. was are B. is is C. was were D. is are
2. It is I who ______.
A. is to be praised B. am to praise.
C. am to be praised D. is to praise
3. ____ this evening _____ Mr. Wang is going to give us a talk?
A. Was it when B. Is that that C. Is it when D. Is it that
4.______ they don’t like him ?
A. Why was it that B. Why is it
C. Why it is that D. Why is it that
5. Could it be in the reading room _____ he met the new teacher ?
A. which B. whom C. that D. where
6.Which of the following is right ?
A. It is students who do not ask questions.
B. It is not stupid students who ask questions.
C. It was stupid students who do not ask questions.
D. It is not stupid students who asked questions.
7. ____ make history, but history _____ makes heroes.
A. It is not heroes that that
B. They are not heroes who that
C. It was not heroes who which
D. There are not heroes that that
8. It _____ Mary _____ the first place.
A. is who have won B. is that has won
C. was whom has won D. was whom won
9. It is not you _____.
A. who is next B. whom are next C. who are next D. who were next
10. It ____ Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wang _____.
A. is whom did it B. was who did it
C. are that do it D. were that did it
11. It _____ I helped yesterday.
A. was him B. was he who C. is he who D. is him
12. It was _____ the students came at nine.
A. to the meeting that B. the meeting that
C. to the meeting where D. the meeting which
13. It was in Washington D.C. ______ Lincoln was murdered.
A. that B. which C. where D. in which
14. It was nine years ago _____ he returned from America.
A. that B. when C. which D. since
15. When ____ you saw her in the street ?
A. was it which B. was it that C do it D. did
16. It was _____ this cow ____ he and his family depended for a living.
A. by that B. on that C. of who D. at which
17. ______ he bought ?
A. What is that B. What was it that
C. What it was that D What it was all
18. Why ____ he called on us yesterday ?
A. was it that B. is it C. was it D. it was that
19. It ____ in December 1775 _____ Mr. Manette was kidnapped.
A. can’t be when B. coldn’t be when
C. couldn’t be that D. mustn’t be that
20. Which of the following is right ?
A. It was until I saw him that I got the news.
B. It was not until I saw him that I got the news.
C. It was until I saw him that I did not get the news.
D. It was not until I saw him when I got the news.
II: Put the following into English: ( Using “it” for emphasis)
1. 是那位老人几天前在剧场丢了皮夹。
1.It was the old man that /who lost his wallet in the theatre the other day.
2. It is a TV play that they are talking about.
3.It is by often speaking it that he has improved his spoken English.
4. Where and when was it that you were born ?
5. It was not until he was in his forties that he got married.
6. Was it in France that it happened ?
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish the grammar exercises in Page 36 课课练
Period 6 Integrating Skills
上课内容:Integrating Skills
课 型:Reading and writing
课堂目的: 1.Improve the Ss’ abilities of reading and comprehending;
2.Get the students to realize the great contribution Chinese people did to the science of farming.
3.Improve the Ss’ abilities of writing;
教学重点:.Train students’ ability of writing.
教学难点:1.words and phrases:
Teaching Procedures
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework
Step 2. Lead-in
Task I: 1. Have you heard the name Jia Sixie before?
2. What was he famous for?
3. What was the great (work) book he wrote?
4. Do you know what it was about?
Task II: Encourage the students to find out any popular problems about the weather or farming they have know。
Step 3. Reading
Read the passage quietly to do the following exercise. Choose the best answer.
1. Which of the following is true according to the passage ?
A. Jia Sixie was the earliest agricultural scientist.
B. The knowledge in Qimin Yaoshu is not useful for farmers today.
C. Jia Sixie’s book is a practical guide to farming.
D. Jia Sixie’s book deals with only farming.
2.Jia Sixie’s book includes advice on the following subjects except _____.
A. making wine B. keeping cows, sheep and fish
C. growing vegetables and trees D. making food
3. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. farming in China B.gardening in China
C. the history of agriculture in China D.Jia Sixie and his Qimin Yaoshu
4 From the text we can see that ______.
A. traditional methods are still of great use.
B. traditional methods should be given up .
C. traditional methods are of no use.
D. traditional methods are out of date.
Keys: CDDA
Step 4. Listening
Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Step 5. Reading aloud
Let the Ss read the text aloud and find out something they don’t understand.
Then explain it to the Ss.
Step 6 Writing
Task I: Write a brief introduction to Jia Sixie and his work.
TaskⅡ: Imagine you own a vegetable garden on something like that, try to write a plan for it.
Step 7 Homework
1. Review the whole unit (Prepare the dictation on words and expressions)
2. Finish the Ex. in Workbook.
3. Get ready for the next period
Multiple choices
1. Air travel has many advantages ____ train travel; it can save time and be more comfortable.
A. than B. in C. over D. above
2.New safety measures are to be ______ after 3 students were killed in a car accident during their spring outing.
A. turned up B. brought in C. turned down D. brought up
3._____ are the future ! The dawn is close upon us.
A. It’s us that B. That’s us C. It’s we who D. That’s we
4.Not only _____ French correctly, but also _____ fluently.
A. did he speak he spoke B. he spoke did he speak
C. he spoke he spoke D. did he speak did he speak
5..Carl had to be called two or three times ____ he would come to his dinner, ____ made mum unhappy with him.
A. after it B. until that C. once this D. before which
6.Don’t leave the medicine ____ kids can get at it.
A. where B. which C. as D. when
7.Sorry to ____ you waiting. Let’s go inside ____ we can sit down.
A. keep which B. keep where
C. have kept which D. have kept where
8.I’d like you to ____ my name from your list; I don’t want to be involved in the matter.
A. modify B. guide C. remove D. weed
9.A college degree in agriculture is not very useful without ____ experience of working on a farm.
A. industrial B practical C. technical D. golden
10. That sports car _____ 100 miles an hour when it ran into ours last night.
A. might have done B. must do
C. must have been doing D. must be doing
11. China, ____ the largest population in the world , also ranks first in agricultural population.
A. has B. as C. with D. to have
12. Ann is patient and loves to be with kids, she has what it ______ to be a good primary teacher.
A. pays B. takes C. costs D. spends
13. _____ more money , some farmers change their focus from growing grain to fish farming or growing fruit.
A. Bringing up B. To bring in C. Bringing down D. To bring on
14. ____ I can see, the best thing to do would be to plant the field with sugarcane.
A. As long as B. As much as C. As far as D. As soon as
15. In which play of Shakespeare’s _____ the role of Viola appears ?
A. is it B. it is C. is it that D. it is that
Period 7 Workbook and Unit test
课 型: 复习课
堂课目的: 复习巩固已学本单元知识和语言点
教学重点: 单词和词组.
教学难点: 单词和词组的灵活运用.
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework .
Step 2 Workbook
Check the answers in workbook and explain the difficult points.
Step 3 Dictation on Words




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