Unit 18 New Zealand 单元整体教案(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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—. 教学目的和要求 ( Teaching aims and demands )
I: Topics 1. Talking about New Zealand
II: Functions
表达位置与方向(Describing location and direction)
It is in the north /south/ east/ west of …
It is to the north /south/ east/ west of …
It is in the northern/ southern/eastern/western part of…
northeastern/ northwestern/ southeastern/ southwestern Sichuan…
III: Vocabulary
1. Words:
Fisherman, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, northeastern, central, coast, surround, mild, bay, harbor, volcano, spring, heat, surface, rat, settle, settler, mainly, voyage, possession, bold, paragraph, grassland, mountainous, surprising, secretary, percent, wedding, conference, relation, agricultural, cattle, export, lamb, ship, sail, cottage, camp
2. Phrases: take possession of, make up, turn to, go sailing, go camping
IV: Grammar The use of IT (1):—— 形式主语和无人称代词等
1. 能够用英语表达做某事的重要性,难易程度、可能性或个人感受-----形式主语it
It is interesting to visit New Zealand.
It is a good thing the New Zealand helps the Maori to keep their own language and culture.
2. 能够用英语谈论时间、距离和天气----无人称代词It
It is winter here but summer in New Zealand.
It was getting dark.
It is some 3500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand.
It is April 1st today.
二. 能力训练 (Ability training )
1. Through the learning of Warming Up, Listening, Speaking, and Reading, let Ss know to talk about location and direction.
2. Through the learning of the passage, let Ss know more about New Zealand
3. Improve the Ss’ abilities of analyzing and settling problems
三. 德育渗透 (Moral training teaching)
四. 美育渗透 (Art training teaching )
五. 课时安排 (The arrangement of teaching periods )
The First Period New words and Warming Up
The Second Period Listening and Speaking
The Third Period Reading (1)
The Fourth Period Reading (2) Language points
The Fifth Period Language Study and Grammar
The Sixth Period Integrating Skills
The Seventh Period Workbook and Unit Test (Dictation on words and expressions)
The Eighth Period Unit Test (课课练讲解)
The Ninth Period Unit Test ( 英文报纸讲解)
六. 教学步骤 (Teaching Procedures)
Period 1 New words and Warming Up
备课时间: April 9th
上课时间: April
Teaching Aims
1. Learn the new words and expressions.
2. Learn the Warming Up to arouse the Ss’ love in talking.
Important Points in Teaching
1. The use of some words: surround, settle, possession, relation, sign, cattle, turn to,
2. Talk about the four great women mentioned in the textbook.
3. Difficult Points in Teaching
(1). the use of the words
(2). talking in English
Teaching Methods
1. Reading and speaking
2. Pair/group work, individual work, class work
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard tape-recorder, computer
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Learning
I. Learn the new words and expressions.
Ask some Ss to read the new words and expressions, then correct some mistakes if there are any.
II. Explain some uses of the words.
1. surround [v]. be, go all round ,shut in all sides 包围;围绕
They live in the house surrounded by tall trees.
We are surrounded by with dangers. 我们危机四伏。
*surrounding [adj] 仅用作前置定语,周围的,附近的
Oxford and the surrounding area 牛津及其周遍地区
*surroundings [n] everything that is around or near sb/sth (同义词 environment)
I like to work in pleasant surroundings.
The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.
2. settle[v] --①make one’s home in 定居,安家于
They plan to settle in Hong Kong.
The couple decided to move to London and settle there.
②come to rest (on), stay for some time (on)停留,暂时栖息
The bird settled on a branch.
The dust settled on the desk.
③solve 解决
They had all the problems settled at the meeting.
④settler [n]定居者,殖民者
⑤settlement[n] 新殖民地,定居地
3. possession n.
The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. 这个人被逮住,人赃俱获。
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.出国旅行必须持有护照。
On her father’s death, she came into possession of a vast fortune.
② [c. usually pl.]something that you own or have at a particular time= belongs 个人财产,私人物品
The ring is one of her most treasured possessions.
③ take possession of 拿到,占有,占领
You can’t take possession of the house until the papers have been signed.
4. relation [n]
US-Chinese relations
Relations with neighboring countries are under strain at present. We seek to improve relations between our two countries.
~ between A and B / ~ to sth
the relation between rainfall and crop yields
the relation of the farmer to the land
③ in relation to
I have some comments to make in relation to this matter.
Its brain is small in relation to its body
④ 亲戚,亲属= relative
He is called Brady too, but we are no relation.
5. cattle [n] 牛,家养牲畜(集合名词,任何情况下都后接动词复数形式,同类词还有 people /police)
He has fifty cattle on the farm.
All the cattle are in. 所有的牛都入栏了。
Ten cattle/ ten head of cattle
6. turn to转向,转而去做 后接名词和动名词
Some farmers have turned to keeping deer.
His attention turned to the pretty young girl.
After he left the university he became a teacher, but later he turned to journalism.
7. sign [v]
She forgot to sign the check. 签名(于),签署,签字雇佣
She signed with the company.
He signed to them to be quiet. 打手势,示意
The police signed for me to stop.
[ n] 标记,符号,征兆
Can’t you see the sign?
A red sky at sunset is a sign of good weather.日落时的晚霞是好天气的前兆。
All the signs are that she is getting better.
as a sign of 作为 ……的象征
Step 2 Presentation
Show the students a map of China and ask them to find out several places and tell the others the location of these places. →{powerpoint}
Step 3 Warming Up
I. Get the Ss to look at a map of China and name the countries , islands and seas beyond China. Divide the students into groups of four and talk about the positions of the different places and waters in relation to China.
Step 4 Homework
1.Read and recite the new words and expressions.
2.Finish the Ex. in (课课练)Page 59 Ex.1.  “在空格内填入适当的词”
3.Get ready for the next period. 4. 《课课练》完形填空 P 65-66
1. 这个学校周围原来围着一道篱笆。( fence)
The school used to be surrounded by/ with a fence.
2. 他们来自周围的村庄。
They came from the surrounding villages.
3. 咱们把下次开会的时间定下来吧。
Let’s settle the date of the next meeting.
4. 他在农村安了家。
He settled his house in the countryside.
5. 拥有财富就会有幸福吗?
Does the possession bring happiness?
6. 他在乡下有一栋别墅(villa)
He is in possession of a villa in the country.
7. 那个岛上没有生物存在的迹象。
There is no signs of life on the island.
8. 政府当了5年职员后, 他转而去开公司了。
After working as a clerk for 5 years in the government, he turned to running a company.
Period 2 Listening and speaking
备课时间: April 9th
上课时间: April
Teaching aims :
1. Do some listening to improve the Ss’ listening ability.
2. Do the speaking to train the Ss’ speaking ability.
Important points in teaching
1. the listening ex.
2. the speaking ex.
Difficult points in teaching
1. Speaking in English.
Teaching methods
1. Listening and speaking
2. Pair work , class work
Teaching aids
Textbook, blackboard, tape-recorder, computer
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework.
2. Check the new words and expressions.
Step 2 Listening
Ask the students to look at the map on page 37.this is the map of Dolphin island. Play the tape for the first time for the students to finish exercise 1. Play the tape again. This time the students are required to do Exercise 2.
Step 3 Speaking
Describe the location of China
India/Russia/ Mongolia/Pakistan/Nepal/Thailand/Vietnam/Japan
Philippines/Taiwan/ Jiangsu/
To/on/in the east/west/south/north of
Step 4 Consolidation
1. He lives in a town ___ on _ the east coast.
2. Hainan Island id ___ to _ the south of Guangdong province.
3. Henan province lie _ in ____ central china.
4. The ship hi t rock __ off _ the west coast of the pacific:
1. 我父亲出生在这个城市以西30公里处的一个小村庄。
My father was born in a small village, which is about 30 kilometers west of this city.
2. 我来自安庆,安徽西南部的一个小城市。
I’m from Anqing a small city in southwestern Anhui province.
3. 安徽省位于江苏省的西边,河北省的南边。
Anhui province lies on the west of Jiangsu, but to the south of Hebei.
(B)Do some Ex. in Workbook Page 91 .Ex.2 .
Step 5 Homework
1. Write out the advantages and the disadvantages of computers.
2. Get ready for the next period.
Period 3 Reading (1)
备课时间: April 10th
Teaching Aims:
General reading: Understanding of the reading material.
Develop the students’ reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.
Enable the students to know something about New Zealand.
Teaching difficulty: inferring according to the reading material.
Teaching methods: 阅读、归纳、推理、判断
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Pre-reading
Show some pictures of New Zealand and at last show the map of New Zealand to let the students talk about the country and its location.
Today we are going to read about New Zealand, as we know, New Zealand is an island. Do you know where it is? Now, well look at the map and New Zealand and the seas surrounding it, (the Pacific and Tasman Sea)
Step 3 Fast reading
Ask the students to read the text silently and fast to get general idea of each paragraph
Paragraph 1 geography Paragraph 2; climate
Paragraph 3: natural resource Paragraph 4 history
Step 4 Careful-reading
(A) What does the word in bold refer to
It : New Zealand
Which :Hot springs
This heat :The heat near the earth’s surface
These settlers European & British settlers
It England
(B)Answer the following questions:
(1)How many islands is New Zealand made up of?
Two islands: the North Island &the South Island
(2)What do you know about weather in New Zealand?
A mild sea, subtropical climate in the north.
(3)What animal do you think only lives in New Zealand?
A little bird---Kiwi
(4)Who were the earliest people of New Zealand and how did they get there?
The Maori; in narrow boats
III Read the text for the third time to fill in the forms below.
location off the eastern coast of Australia
Size the same as Japan
Capital Wellington on the North Island
Key cities Auckland, Christchurch, Queenstown
Ocean/sea the Pacific Ocean
A mild sea subtropical in the north
rainfall rain a lot
season two: summer (Dec -- Feb)
winter ( June-- Aug)
seas deep blue
cities lie on a bay with a natural deep island
beaches clean
mountains be famous for their beautiful natural landscapes
Hot springs in the North Island
Plants /animals a national bird : Kiwi
Earliest settlers the Maori
discoverers Chinese sailors (1421);
the Dutchman Abel Tasman (1642);
Captain James Cook (1769)
Later settlers Europeans (British)
National Day 6th.February
Step 5. Read the text again and then fill in the blanks:
New Zealand is an island made of two main lands in the Pacific Ocean, with its capital Wellington .The Maori ,the earliest people brought plants, dogs and rats with them. They settled mainly in the North Island. Europeans, mainly British had come to New Zealand. And the Maori signed an agreement with the settlers, that day is still celebrated as a national holiday. New Zealand has a warm climate and many animals and plants living there ,eg, the national bird called–--Kiwi .The North Island is famous for hot springs and some of this heat is used to make electricity.
Step 6. Discussion.
Compare the climate in China with that in New Zealand.
What is the same and what is different ?
Can you explain the differences?
the North Island; Southern China ;rainfall ; subtropical; mild ;south-western China; the South Island ;the northern hemisphere(半球)
Ask one from each group will be asked to give a presentation.
Step 7 Homework
1. Read the text fluently and try to recite paragraph two and three
2. Get ready for the next period.
2.台湾是我国最大的岛屿,面积36,000 平方公里,人口两千多万主要城市有台北、台中、台南和基隆。
New words: 古代 ancient time南海 South China Sea台湾海峡 the Taiwan Strait统一 unite

Period 4 Reading (2) Language points
备课时间:Apr. 11th
Teaching Aims
1. Improve students’ knowledge
2. Consolidate the understanding of the text
Important Points in Teaching
1. Retell the text
2. Learn some useful words and phrases
Difficult Points in Teaching
The usage of the words and phrases
Teaching Methods
1. individual work , class work
2 practice
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan
Teaching procedures
Step1 Review
1. check assignment
Step2 Language points:
1 beyond prep. 在(到)… 较远的一边,超过,那一边。 adv 在远处 n 远处、未知之事(未知的事物或达到高于知识或经验之外的东西)
如: The boy threw his basketball beyond the fence.
She wanted her share but nothing beyond.
Putnik was the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space.
2 water/ waters
不可数名词的复数形式表示 (1)数量之多; (2)若干类
如:water水; waters海域;河水;湖水 ( the distant waters 远海海域; the waters of the Huanghe River 黄河河水)
sand 沙 sands 沙漠、沙滩
sea 海 seas 海域
wind 风 winds 大风;季风
rain 雨 rains 大雨;季雨
3 relation n.
The relation between mother and child is the closest in the world.
We have no business relations with them.
He is a near relation/relative of mine.
One of my relations/ relatives is coming for dinner.
注意: 1 在表示“亲戚,亲属”时,既可以用relation也可以用relative,现在用relative更多些。2 be related to : “和……有关”; in relation to “关于,涉及,与……相比”
4.It id made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island. 新西兰是由两大岛----南岛和北岛组成的。Make up 的被动语态结构是 be made up of
These three stories make up the whole book.
The whole book is made up of these three stories.
5.It is about the same size as Japan
The same …as… 中as后接从句,从句中谓语常省略,如:
In area Australia is about the same size as the USA ( without Alaska), which has more than thirteen times as many people.
6.The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air.北岛是著名的温泉胜地,其中有些温泉的热水能高高地喷向半空。
Some of which throw hot water into the air 是非限制性定语从句。 Of which 表示“其中的…(整体中的部分), 用来修饰springs一词。在定语从句中,基本属于意义上的
需要,可在some,any ,few,several,many,most,all,both,none,nither,each,enough,half,one,two等词和形容词最高级之后接of which或of whom,例如:
New Zealand has a population of about 3.8million people, of which about 14percent are Maori.
He told us many stories about Long March, of which this is an example.
The car ran into a crowd of people, several of whom were sent to hospital immediately,
The oranges, half of which were bought by Uncle Wang, have gone bad in the basket.
7 .When they discovered it about 1000 ago, they called it Ao-tea-roa, which means “ Land of the long white cloud”. 在约一千年前发现新西兰时,他们把它叫做奥蒂蜀,意思是“长白云之乡”
Step 3 Exercise: I: Translate the phrases into English
1.日本以西150公里处__________________ 2 在澳大利亚东海岸的海里_____________
3 温和的海洋性气候 ____________ 4 占领,拥有 _______________
5 与……签署协议 _________ 6.与…… 有关的 _____________
7.保持自己的生活方式 ______________ 8. 在节日里 ________________
9 转而养鹿 _________________ 10 高质量的 ________________
II: Correct the mistake
1. New Zealand, which is made of two large islands, lies off the eastern coast of Australia.
2. Some of this heat near the earth’s surface is used to making electricity.
3. They settled mainly in the North Island on where the weather is warmer.
4. Many people still call England “ the home country” , though it is a place where they have never been to.
5. New Zealand, with Wellington as its capital, is about the same size like Japan.
6. This was not surprising that he failed his maths exam.
7. It has a population of 3.8 million people, of them about 14 percent are Maori.
8. All street signs and names of cities and places must be writing in both language.
9. The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae, an area of lands with a meeting house.
10. Maori children are taught at an early age what to do it when they come to the marae.
Step4 Homework
1. Read the text and try to retell it and act out the play
2 Finish off lead-learning plan
3. 完成课课练Ⅲ Ⅳ
Period 5 Language Study and Grammar
备课时间:Apr. 12th
Teaching Aims
1. Review the important words and expressions in this unit
2. Learn one word formation——compounds.
Important Points in Teaching
1. Consolidate the usage of the important words and expressions
2. Learn the use of “IT”
Difficult Points in Teaching
Teaching Methods
1.Individual work , class work 2. Practice
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Word Study
Look at the word webs below and make sentences with all of the words. Can you combine the nouns and the adjectives into sentences.
Step 3 “ It”
一 it 作指示代词
1 it可作指示代词代替上文中提到的事情或情况。如:
My pen is missing, I can’t find it anywhere
Tom has failed in the exam. Have you heard about it?
2 it 的这种用法要注意和关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句用法的区别。关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句与被修饰的主语之间要用逗号分开,且不用连词连接;而it作替代次时,it所在的句子与被替代的句子分别为两个独立的句子,或者用并列连接词加以连接。试比较:
He failed in the exam, and it worried him.
He failed in the exam. It worried him.
He failed in the exam, which worried him.
二 it作形式主语或形式宾语
1 it作形式主语或形式宾语,代替不定式 、动名词、主语从句、或宾语从句。It这一用法一直是高考命题的热点。如:
It is interesting to listen to the popular music.
It is no use learning a theory without practice
It is not yet known where she has gone.
I find it very easy to surf the Internet.
I think it my duty to serve the people.
I think it necessary that students should master a foreign language at school.
2 it 作形式主语所构成的某些惯用句型是高考的常考考点,如:
It doesn’t matter …, It looks as if …, It seems that/ as if …, It appears that…, It happened that…, It makes no difference…
It looks as if it is going to snow.
It doesn’t matter whether you will come or not.
It happened that I had seen the film.
It seems that he is learning Russian,
3 it 作形式主语,代替主语从句是,要注意和as引导的引导的定语从句的区别。试比较:
It was reported that the US was under the terrorist attack.
As was reported, the US was under the terrorist attack.
as 引导一个定语从句,先行词为 the US was under the terrorist attack. 整个句子所表达的内容,中间有逗号隔开。
Step4. Practice…
1.Was it during the Second World War_____ he died?
A.that B.while C.in which D.then (88)
2.Is ____ necessary to complete the design before National Day?
A.this B.that C.it D .he (89)
3.I don't think ____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
A.this B.that C.its D.it (91)
4.Does ______ matter if he can't finish the job on time?
A.this B.that C.he D.it (91)
5.It was not _____ she took off her glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.
A.when , that B.until , that C.until , that D.when , then (92)
6.I was disappointed with the film . I had expected ______ to be much better.
A.that B.this C.one D.it (93)
7.It was not until 1920 ______ regular radio broadcasts began.
A.while B.which C.that D.since (94)
8.______is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.
A.There B.This C.That D.It (95)
9.It was only when I reread this poems recently _____ I began to appreciate their beauty.
A.until B.that C.then D.so (97)
10.I hate_____when people talk with their mouths full.
A.it B.that C.these D.them (98)
11.It is the ability to do the job _____ matters not where you come from or what you are.
A.one B.that C.what D.it (2000)
KEYS: 1-5 ACDDB 6-10 DCDBA 11
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish the grammar exercises in Page 36 课课练
Period 6 Integrating Skills
备课时间:Apr. 13th
上课内容:Integrating Skills
课 型:Reading and writing
课堂目的:1.Improve the Ss’ abilities of reading and comprehending;
2.Improve the Ss’ abilities of writing;
3.Discuss “Are we allowed to use animals for such experiments?”
教学重点:1. How to write an argument essay
教学难点:1.words and phrases:
percent, make up, marae, wedding, burial, conference, relation, agriculture, cattle, export, lamb, ship, sail, cottage, seaside, camp ,region has a population of , be marked with, turn to, be of high quality, go sailing, go camping, ethnic group,
Teaching Procedures
Step 1. Revision
Check assignment
Step 2. Lead-in
We have learned something about New Zealand. Today we’ll learn more about it. Now open your books and turn to page 41. Let’s read the passage ----- Life In New Zealand.
Step 3. Reading
Read the passage quietly to do the following exercise.
1. Choose the main idea for each paragraph of Reading Text 2.
a. people and language b. customs
c. agriculture and sports d. belief
A. 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – b B. 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – d, 4 – c
C. 1 – a, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – c D. 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4 – d
2. The word “hui” means _____ .
A. a special day for Maori B. a special place for Maori
C. a special event for Maori D. a special service for Maori
3. Which of the following is wrong?
A. Maori is an official language in New Zealand.
B. New Zealand is an important agricultural country.
C. New Zealand, with its modern cities, attracts tourists from all over the world.
D. Maori people believe that the spirit stays with the dead person for 3 days.
4. When is the summer in New Zealand?
A. from March to June B. from June till August
C. from September till December D. from December till February
5. “Maori children are taught at an early age what to do when they come to the marae.” Shows that _____ .
A. They are good at education.
B. They hope to keep their way of life alive.
C. They want their children to behave properly in the society.
D. They want to keep their children away from the white people.
Step 4. Listening
Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Step 5. Reading aloud
Let the Ss read the text aloud and find out something they don’t understand.
Then explain it to the Ss.
Step 6. Language points
1. population n.
What’s the population of China ?
The population of China is larger than that of Japan.
The city has a population of 1,000,000.
2. take place
come about
3. share sth. with sb.
share sth. between sb.
eg: I share a room with Tom.
Tom and Bill shared the sweets equally between them.
4. with + 宾语 + 宾补
The teacher came in with a book in his hand.
I like sleeping with all the windows open.
With all the clothes to wash, I will be very busy today.
With the boy leading the way, they had no difficulty in finding the house.
With his homework finished, the boy went out to play.
5. while conj.
eg: She is strong while her brother is weak.
Strike while the iron is hot.
While he loves his students, he is very strick with them.
6. turn to
a, 转向(从事或献身某事,如一门学问)如:
Unsuccessful in mathematics, the student turned to biology
b, 开始工作,如:
If you stop playing and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day
c, 向……求助,如:
If you have any difficulty, please turn to your teacher for advice.
7. be of quality
eg: This watch is of high quality.
good / poor / high / low quality
be of + 名词 = be + 相应的形容词
be of + use / help / hope / value
= be of useful / helpful / hopeful / valuable
Step 7 Writing
After discussing ask the Ss to write out their essays..
Step 6 Homework
1. Review the whole unit (Prepare the dictation on words and expressions )
2.Finish the Ex. in Workbook.
Get ready for the next period
Multiple choices
1 Keeping pigs is not difficult, _____ many farmers have made a lot of money.
A. by which B out of that C how D which
2 A ship sank 20 miles _____ the coast of France and more than 60 people lost their lives.
A at B on C off D to
3 Some people waste food, _____ other people haven’t got enough to eat.
A when B until C since D while
4 Do finish off the chicken soup; it won’t _____ in such hot weather.
A last B keep C continue D remain
5 You didn’t really believe me when I said I was going to America, did you ? I _____.
A was a fool B am foolish C only fooled D was only
6 I hate it _____ my parents argue!
A once B if C when D that
7 ---- How’s your daughter _____ at school?
----- Quite well.
A getting B doing C living D looking
8 What one thinks and feels is _____ due to tradition, habit and education.
A mainly B importantly C ordinarily D quickly
9 After 3 months of sailing eastwards they arrived in Australia, a place _____ westerners had never been.
A which B that C where D /
10 I’ve brought an English dictionary which you can _____ if you don’t know the meaning of words.
A get to B come to C take to D refer to
11 With a lot of difficult problems _____, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
A settled B settling C to settle D being settled
12 The farmer keeps 12 _____ of cattle. The cattle _____ fed on grass and corns.
A heads; is B head; are C heads; are D head; is
13 On the other side of the street stand more than 180 houses, _____ are in poor condition now.
A of which half B which half of C half of them D of them half
14 As is natural, a man as old as he _____ be very forgetful.
A can B must C should D would
15 --- Pual, I’d like to have a talk with you at tea break.
---- _____ Have what with me ?
A Yes, please B Sorry? C Thanks D You’re welcome
Period 7 Workbook and Unit test
备课时间:Apr. 14th
课 型: 复习课
堂课目的: 复习巩固已学本单元知识和语言点
教学重点: 单词和词组.
教学难点: 单词和词组的灵活运用.
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework .
Step 2 Workbook
Check the answers in workbook and explain the difficult points.
Step 3 Dictation on Words
1. fisherman 2.northeastern 3.central 4.coast
渔民;钓鱼人 东北的;向东北的 中央的;中心的 海岸
5.surround 6. mild 7.bay 8.harbour
包围;围绕 温和的;不严厉的 海湾 海港
9.landscape 10.volcano 11.spring 12.heat
风景;山水画 火山 泉 热;加热
13.surface 14.settle 15.mainly 16.voyage
17.possession 18.bold 19.paragraph 20.location
21.grassland 22.mountainous 23.surpring 24.secretary
25wedding 26.burial 27.conference 28.relation
29.cattle 30.export 31.lamb 32.cottage
33.seaside 34camp 35.region 36.ethnic




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