Unit 13 Healthy eating 整单元教案(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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—. 教学目的和要求 ( Teaching aims and demands )
I: Topics 1. Talking about healthy food and junk food.
2. Talking about eating habits and health.
II: Functions
看病 ( Seeing a doctor )
Patient Doctor
I’ve got a pain here. Lie down and let me examine you.
This place hurts. Let me have a look.
I don’t feel well. Where does it hurt?
There’s something wrong with my back/ knee/arm. Drink plenty of water and get some rest.
提出建议和忠告 (Giving advice and making suggestions)
What can I do for you ? Can I help you? What’s the matter?
I advice you to ….? You’d better…. I think you should…
Why not …? I suggestion you should… Why don’t you …?
III: Vocabulary
1.Words: fat stomach fever salad peach ripe ought examine plenty soft bar fuel diet pace bean fibre mineral function chemical balance fit unit digest gain sleepy brain peel tasty mushroom steam boil bacon lettuce mixture spoonful slice
2.Phrases: junk food ought to plenty of keep up with make a choice
now and then roll up
IV: Grammar
情态动词(1)----- had better, should, ought to
1. 就某事向某人提出建议或发表自己的观点-----使用 had better(not)
You had better get some rest. or You’d better get some rest.
2. 劝说某人做某事或不要做某事, 向某人提出忠告-----使用should(not) 或ought(not)to
You should /ought to be careful with fruit.
You should not /ought not to eat so much junk food. or You shouldn’t /oughtn’t to eat so much junk food.
二. 能力训练 (Ability training )
1. Through the learning of Warming Up, Listening and Speaking, let Ss skillfully master and use the expressions of seeing a doctor, talking about eating habits and health.
2. Through the learning of the passage, develop the Ss’ reading comprehensive ability.
3. Master the patterns of giving advice and making suggestions.
三. 德育渗透 (Moral training teaching)
Through the learning and talking, let the Ss know the importance of balance eating and healthy eating and develop the good eating habits.
四. 美育渗透 (Art training teaching )
Develop the Ss’ good sentiment of loving their life and health and have good living habits.
五. 课时安排 (The arrangement of teaching periods )
The First Period New words and Warming Up
The Second Period Listening and Speaking
The Third Period Reading (1)
The Fourth Period Reading (2) Language points
The Fifth Period Language Study and Grammar
The Sixth Period Integrating Skills
The Seventh Period Workbook and Unit Test (课课练讲解)
The Eighth Period Unit Test (课课练讲解)
The Ninth Period Unit Test ( 英文报纸讲解)
六. 备课时间 2005-2-22 星期二
七. 上课时间 2005,2,24---------- 2, .
八. 教学步骤 (Teaching Procedures)
Period 1 New words and Warming Up
Teaching Aims
1. Learn the new words and expressions.
2. Learn the Warming Up to arouse the Ss’ love in talking.
Important Points in Teaching
1. The use of some words: fat vitamin snack fever ripe plenty of
2. Sentence pattern: I think…
Difficult Points in Teaching
1. the use of the words
2. talking in English
Teaching Methods
1. Reading and speaking
2. Pair/group work, individual work, class work
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard tape-recorder, computer
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Learning
1. Learn the new words and expressions.
Ask some Ss to read the New words and expressions, then correct some mistakes if there are any.
2.Explain some uses of the words.
① junk n.[U] things that are considered useless or of little value.
废弃物,旧货,垃圾 a junk dealer/man 旧货商
a junk shop 旧货店 junk food 垃圾食品
n. [C] (平底的)中国帆船,舢板
② fat (1) adj. 胖的,肥的,脂肪多的
Aren’t you a little fatter than when I saw you last ?
The doctor told him to stay away from fat foods.
(2) n. 肥肉, 脂肪,食油
I don’t like fat.
Fried potatoes are cooked in deep fat.炸土豆是在很多油里炸的。
(3)v. fatten 养胖,摧肥
Have some more cakes! You need fattening up.
③ vitamin n. 维生素,维他命
A healthy diet is full of vitamins.
④ plenty n.很多,好多,足够
Would you like some more? No, thank you. I’ve had plenty.
in plenty 很多, 处于优裕环境中
There was food and drink in plenty.
Some people live in plenty, while others haven’t enough to eat.
plenty of (只用于肯定句) 很多,大量(可修饰可数和不可数名词)
You have plenty of time to catch your train.
There are plenty of men out of work.
adj. plentiful 丰足的,绰绰有余的
The dinner was well cooked and plentiful.
Step 2 Presentation
Every day we have food. Food makes us feel full and happy and it also helps to build our bodies. But have you ever thought what you eat is junk food? Today we’re going to learn something about food.
Step 3 Lead-in
Revise the names of different foods we eat.
Step 4 Warming Up
I. Talk about the pictures on Page 1 by asking and answering the following questions:
What food is it ?
What kind of food is it ? Is it healthy food or junk food? Why ?
Do you like it? Why ?
II: Ask your partner what they eat for breakfast, lunch, snack and supper and say if what they eat is junk food or not ?
Step 5 Exercises
I: Choose the best answers
1. I think eating habits are very important, ________ ?
A. don’t I B. do you C.don’t they D. aren’t they
2. When I was planting trees, I discovered a pot ________a lot of coins.
A. that contained B.that is contained
C. that is included D. where had
3. The doctor is very busy _____ the patient.
A. testing B. checking C. looking over D. examining
4. What did he have _____ for lunch today? He didn’t feel like _____ anything?
A. for, eat B. at, eating C. at, to eat D. for, eating
5. Don’t keep the child standing there_____ ?
A. all the times B. at times C. at a time D. from time to time
Keys: 1—5 DADDA
Step 6 Homework
1.Read and recite the new words and expressions.
2.Finish the Ex. in (课课练)Page 1 No.I  “在空格内填入适当的词”
3。Get ready for the next period.
Period 2 Listening and speaking
Teaching aims :
1. Do some listening to improve the Ss’ listening ability.
2. Do the speaking to train the Ss’ speaking ability.
Important points in teaching
1. the listening ex.
2. the speaking ex.
Difficult points in teaching
1. Answer the questions after listening.
2. Speaking in English.
Teaching methods
1. Listening and speaking
2. Pair work , class work
Teaching aids
Textbook, blackboard, tape-recorder, computer
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework.
3. Check the new words and expressions.
Step 2 Listening
I: Listen to what happened to Mike and answer questions:
1. What’s wrong with Mike?
2. What did Mike eat for breakfast?
3. Can you give Mike some advice? What should he eat less of ?
II: Listen to what Mike did next and then answer the questions:
1. Which side of Mike’s stomach hurts ?
2. Does Mike have a fever?
3. What does the doctor tell Mike to do?
Step 3 Speaking
1. List the useful expressions used when one see the doctor and the expressions when one gives advice.
2. Choose one of the situations and let the students make up a dialogue.
3. Ask some pairs to act it out before the whole class.
Step 4 Consolidation
I. Do some Ex. in Workbook Page 72, 73 . Check the answers.
II. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms.
1. Tomorrow_____ (be) Friday.
2. The geography teacher told me the earth _______ (move) around the sun.
3. He thinks it _________ (grow) taller next year.
4. He is always____________(think) of himself never thinking of others.
5. How ______ you_________(get) along with your classmates?
6. Look! There ___________(come) a bus.
7. The girl practices____________(play) the piano for two hours every day.
8. Now it’s your turn to make a __________(decide)
9. You’d better eat the fruit that is ________(ripen).
10. Can you tell me how to improve my English? Sorry, I don’t know. You can ask Mr Smith for some _____________(advise).
Step 5 Homework
1. Make up a dialogue between the doctor and the patient.
2. Get ready for the next period.
Period 3 Reading(1)
General reading: Understanding of the reading material.
Develop the students’ reading ability.
Teaching difficulty: inferring according to the reading material.
Teaching methods: 阅读、归纳、推理、判断
Teaching procedures
Step 1.Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. Which of the following gives you the most energy: a banana, a soft drink or a bar of chocolate?
2. How many meals do you have every day? Which meal do you think is the most important? Why?
3. How much water do you drink every day ?
4. What kind of snacks do you take?
Step 2. Fast reading
Read the passage as quickly as possible, and then make the correct choice
★★★Which can be the proper meaning of the title “We are what we eat” ?
A. Your values and views are decided by what food you eat.
B. You should keep a balanced diet or your health will suffer.
C. Your health, looks, and happiness have much to do with the kinds of food you eat.
D. There are many kinds of food and snakes to choose from and we should be careful about our choice.
(key: C)
Step 3. Listening
Listen to the tape and follow it.
Then try to answer the following questions:
★1.According to the passage, the 21st-centruy person should ______.
A.not be too careful with his food. B. have a healthy and balanced diet
C.be changing his eating habits all the time.D.keep his traditional diets and eating habits
★★2.In the text, vegans are people who______.
A. prefer traditional diets B. have good eating habits
C. prefer organic vegetables D. eat no animal products
★★3.If a person wants to build up his body and make himself stronger, he should______.
A. buy some supplements B.eat more bread, rice and noodles
C. eat more fish, meat and beans D.eat more vegetables, fruit , fish and milk
★★4.From Passage 1 we can infer that______.
A. traditional diets have too much fat and sugar
B. companies and stores offer all kinds of supplements
C. healthy foods are those with less fat and sugar
D. the author of the passage is against supplement
★★★5.Which is correct about the sentence “The same goes for ‘crash diet’ that some companies say will make us lose weight fast.” ?
A. It s suggested that people should eat healthy food in the right amounts.
B. The underlined part refers to the fact that people should buy some supplements.
C. In the sentence the phrase “go for” means “move from one place to another”
D. It can be inferred that the writer advises readers to lose weight fast.
(keys: BDCCA)
Step 4. Reading
★★★★Read the text once more and try to find out the main idea of each passage.
1. We must change our eating habits to keep up with the times.
2. Our bodies need different kinds of nutrients to grow and stay health.
3. The choices we make when we eat take into consideration what society expects us to eat.
4. Having a balanced diet is the best way to stay healthy.
5. A good diet will help us lead a more successful and happier life.
Step 5. Post-reading
After reading, discuss the following questions in groups:
1. What does the word “fuel” mean in the text above?
What about the word “green”? Can you find any other words used in the same way?
2. The text gives examples of how people make choices about what they eat. list the examples and the reasons why people eat or don’t eat certain kinds of food.
3. How have our eating habits changed? Try to think of as many examples and reasons as possible.
4. Why do people go to fast restaurants?
5. Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat?
6. Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?
7. What can we do to keep a balanced diet?
Step 6. Practice
★★★According to the passage , fill the blanks with proper words.
见课课练Page 1
Step 7. Homework
Read the text fluently and try to recite one or two paragraphs.
Period 4 Reading (2) Language points
备课时间:2月25 日
Teaching Aims
1. Improve students’ knowledge
2. Consolidate the understanding of the text
Important Points in Teaching
1. Retell the text
2. Learn some useful words and phrases
Difficult Points in Teaching
The usage of the words and phrases
Teaching Methods
1. individual work , class work
2 practice
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan
Teaching procedures
Step1 Review
1. check assignment
Step2 Explain the usage of the words and phrases.
1 examine vt. 检查,审查;强调对身体或某物的检查,看是否有毛病;也指对物品的检查, 看受否有违禁的东西。
I had my chest examined by the doctor.
My bags were examined when I entered the country.
vt. 考试,考核
The teacher examined the students in chemistry.
n. examination
2 advise
⑴ 接代词或名词
The doctor advised a complete examination.
⑵ 接由“宾语+不定式 ”构成的复合宾语
I advise you to leave immediately.
⑶ 接由“宾语+疑问词+动词不定式”构成的双宾语
They advised me what to do next.
I advised him where to stay.
⑷ 接从句,用虚拟语气,should+动词或直接用动词原形
I advised that she (should) work harder.
⑸ 接动词ing形式
He advised finishing the work ahead of time.
n. advice
give advice to
take/ get / follow one’s advice
3 plenty n. 充足,大量,富裕
常构成短语 plenty of ,用作定语,且多用于肯定句中,在疑问句和否定句中常用enough
There are plenty of good books to read.
There is plenty more of it in the kitchen.
Is there enough food?
注: in plenty “许多,丰富” 一般用作状语
This district has oil in plenty.
They live in plenty.
4 diet 和 food
diet 和food 意思都是 “事物”, 但前者是抽象名词,常指 “饮食” 而言, 或指一个人被规定,特别是被医生允许的或限定的食品; food是一般用语,比较广泛,凡是吃的喝的都是food.
Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.
Healthy foods include fruits, eggs, vegetables and some soft drinks.
a balanced diet
be / go on a diet
She is on a special diet to lose weight.
5 pain, ache , hurt
都表示 “疼痛”, pain 一般用作名词,其复数形式pains, 还有 “麻烦, 努力” 的意思; ache通常作动词,作为名词时常出现在复合词中;hurt只能用作动词,它既可以表示身体某部位的疼痛,也可以对感情的伤害。
I have a pain ( pains ) in the neck.= My neck aches / hurts.
He has got much pain in his tooth.= He has a bad toothache = His tooth hurts badly. = His tooth aches badly.
Mary took great pains with her English lessons and got high marks.
No pains, no gains.
My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt.
I was much hurt at his words.
6 become / be part of 成为是……的一部分
It’s part of the work of a university.
We are very pleased that ha has become part of us.
7 go for 适用于,应用于
What he said about you goes for me too.
Your brother is a hardworking boy. And the same goes for your elder sister.
Step3 Practice
★ ★ⅰTranslate the phrases into English
1 胸部疼痛 have a pain in the chest 8 均衡的饮食 a balanced diet
2 午饭吃面条 have noodles for lunch 9 减肥 lose weight
3 吃药 take the medicine 10 增肥 _gain weight
4 跟上,赶上 keep up with 11 保持健康 keep fit
5 现代生活的快节奏 the high pace of modern life 12 把……切碎 cut … into pieces
6 对……有害 be harmful to 13 做出选择 make a choice
7 提……建议 offer advice on/ about 14 以……为基础 base on
Step4 Homework
1 Finish off lead-learning plan
ⅱ Multiple choices
1 ★★ After I had been in bed for two days, Mother ____ going to see a doctor at once.
A stopped B agreed C suggested D made
2 ★★ Julie is one of the women who always ____ the latest fashions.
A make up for B get along with
C keep up with D put up with
3 ★★★ Even after hours of work his ____ never seems to give out.
A energy B force C power D fuel
4 ★★★ Swan Lake is a famous ballet in four acts ____ on a German fairy tale.
A basing B based C bases D to base
5 ★★ The old man can walk only at a very slow ____.
A pace B step C foot D manner
6 ★★ She has stomach trouble and had to follow ____.
A strict food B a strict food C strict diet D a strict diet
7 ★★ ----Tell the men that they can rest for an hour.
----Does that ____ me , too?
A do with B go for C come with D fit for
8 ★★ Don’t hesitate any more. You have to ____ a choice.
A take B receive C give D make
9 ★★ A ____ diet should contain some fat, some fibre, a little salt and so on.
A balance B balanced C balancing D balance of
10 ★★★ I ____ the habit of eating between meals when I was at kindergarten.
A created B developed C equipped D invented
11 ★★★ A hurricane hit the city last night and a large ____ of damage was done in a very short time.
A number B deal C amount D sum
12 ★★★ I am ____ money this week; can you lend me some?
A lack of B lacking for C short of D short for
13 ★★★ ----Why , you look tired.
----Yes. I ____ awake the whole night.
A was stayed B was staying C have stayed D stayed
14 ★★★ This soup ____ chicken but I thought you said it was vegetable.
A tastes B tastes of C is tasting D is tasting of
15 ★★ ---Would you like some more chicken?
----No, thanks. I am ____ a diet and I’m trying to ____ weight.
A on; lose B on; put on C in; have D in; lose
2 课课练 p4 Ⅲ Ⅳ
Period 5 Language Study and Grammar
备课时间:2月25 日
Teaching Aims
1. Review the important words and expressions in this unit
2. Learn how to use the modal verbs : “had better”, “should” “ought to ”while giving advice
Important Points in Teaching
1. Consolidate the usage of the important words and expressions
2. Learn the modal verbs
Difficult Points in Teaching
Grasp the usage of some modal verbs
Teaching Methods
2. Individual work , class work
2 Practice
Teaching Aids
Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Word Study
Find the proper words that fit the descriptions in Page5.Textbook
Step 3 Explain the usage of the modal verbs ------had better ,should , ought to
情态动词(1)----- had better, should, ought to (详见Page151—154)
1. 就某事向某人提出建议或发表自己的观点-----使用 had better(not)。 had better 无人称和数的变化,后接不带to的不定式,语气比should 或 ought to 更委婉。
You had better get some rest. or You’d better get some rest.
2.劝说某人做某事或不要做某事, 向某人提出忠告-----使用should(not) 或ought(not)to
You should /ought to be careful with fruit.
You should not /ought not to eat so much junk food. or You shouldn’t /oughtn’t to eat so much junk food.
3. ought to + have done 表示该做的事情没有做或者某件不该做的事情已经做了,并且无法挽回。情态动词should和 ought to 用法差不多,但在语气上要弱一些。Should 还是情态动词shall 的过去式。
I ought to have finished the task earlier.
Step 4 Practice the grammar exercises in Page5-6
Step 5 Additional exercises about grammar
1. ★Which of them do you think _____to go to the meeting?
A. should B. must C. ought D. be
2. ★★★----You ought to have called her yesterday .
----Yes , I know I ____.
A. ought to B. ought to have C.ought to have done D.ought to have called
3. ★★He suggested that he ___there by train.
A. should go B. went C. going D.will go there
4. ★★★I was really anxious about you .You ____home without a word.
A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left
C .couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave
5. ★You ___eat so much junk food.
A. had not better B. had better not
C .had better to not D. had better not to
6. ★★The manager said that such silly things ___allowed to happen again .
A. ought not be B. ought to be
C. ought not to D. ought not to be
7. ★★★ Jenny , you ___play with the knife , you ___hurt yourself.
A. won’t ; can’t B. mustn’t ; may
C. shouldn’t ; must D . can’t ; shouldn’t
8. ★★★Why did you keep it a secret from me ? I ____about it .
A. ought to have been told B. should be told
C. should have told D. ought to be told
9. ★★---When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.
----They ___be ready by 12:00.
A. should B. can C. might D.need
10. ★★A left-luggage office is a place where bags ___ be left for a short time , especially at a railway station .
A. should B. can C. must D. will
11 ★★.---Where is he ?
----He ____books in the library .
A. must read B. must be reading C.must have read D.read
12 ★★These machines ought ____once a week .
A. to be cleaned B.to cleaned C.clean D. be cleaned
13 ★★It is nearly seven o’clock . Jack ____be here at any moment .
A . must B. need C. should D.can
14★★ .----Are you coming to Jeff’s party?
----I’m not sure .I____go to the concert instead .
A. must B. would C.should D. might
15★Since the animals are endangered , human beings___protect the environment.
A. can B. will C. ought to D.had better
( The keys : C B A B B D B A A BB A C D C )
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish the grammar exercises in Page 74 Workbook
2. Finish 三 in《课课练》
Unit 13 Healthy Eating Period 6
上课内容:Integrating Skills
课 型:Reading and writing
堂课目的:1.Improve the Ss’ abilities of reading and comprehending;
2. Improve the Ss’ abilities of writing;
3.Talk about healthy eating habits.
教学重点:1. How to write a resipe
2.Read about healthy eating habits.
教学难点:1.words and phrases:
steam, now and then, give sb. a chance to do sth.
as much as sb. used to be low /rich in combine with
2.sentense structures
Not all of these are bad for us, of course, but they make it more difficult for us to control what we eat.
Teaching Procedures
Step I. Revision
Step II. Integrating skills
A. Play the tape for the Ss to listen.
B. Fast reading.
After fast reading , do the following True-or-False exercises.
1. Our body doesn’t need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main 4 meals.
2. Good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar.
3. Fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins
4. Most fruits need cooking.
5. Fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.
1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F
C. Give the Ss some explanations when necessary.
now and then=(every)now and then/again=a little now and a little then 有时、偶尔、时常
from time to time /at times
Now and then she checked to see if he was still asleep.
He promised to come back and see his mother now and then.
Step III.WB P74.Reading
A. Read the text following the tape and then answer the following questions.
1. What do recent studies show?
Recent studies show that an increasing number of us are leading an unhealthy life.
2. What is a mouse potato?
A mouth potato is a person who sits in front of his or her computer all day and eats junk food instead of regular meals.
3. What is a couch potato?
A couch potato is someone who spends too much time in front of the TV and eats too much junk food.
4. What is junk food?
Junk food is food that has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
5. What is a healthy diet?
A healthy diet should include a variety of food, most of which should be rich in nutrients.
6. What is the difference between junk food and healthy food?
Junk food gives us too much fat, sugar and other unhealthy things but not enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Healthy food, such as vegetables and fruits, gives us few calories but lots of vitamins and minerals.
B. Go through the text and explain the difficulties to the Ss.
C. Difficulties
Not all of these are bad for us.(=Some of these are bad for us, but some of these are good for us.
也可写为All of these are not bad for us. 此句为All of these are bad for us.的部分否定句。全部否定形式为 None of these are/is bad for us.
部分否定和全部否定形式除了all, every, both,等代词以外还有 often, always 等副词也有。
Step IV Assignment: Translation
With the development of modern society, people are caring more about their health.
First of all, we should develop healthy eating habits.
3. 吃新鲜的蔬菜水果对我们有很大的帮助。
Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will do us a lot of good.
4. 我们最好不要吃含有过多糖份和脂肪的食物。
Besides, we had better not eat the food that contains too much sugar or fat.
5. 喝太多的酒和咖啡对我们的身体有害。
Drinking too much wine and coffee is harmful to our health.
6. 医生建议我们每天睡八小时,这样我们第二天就有活力。
Doctors suggest that we sleep for about eight hours every night so that we will be active the next day.
7. 更重要的是,我们每天必须进行体育锻炼。充足的体育锻炼可以锻炼我们的肌肉,还能使我们更好地工作。
What’s more, we should take exercise every day. Plenty of exercise helps to build our muscles and make us work better.
8. 保持健康对每个人都很重要,因此我们在日常生活中要养成良好的饮食习惯。
Keeping healthy is important to everyone, so we should develop good habits in our daily life.
Period 7 workbook
课 型:
Period 8 《课课练》
课 型:
1. fat 2. stomach 3. have a fever 4. a ripe peach 5. examine
6. plenty of 7.energy 8. soft drink 9. a bar of chocolate
11. keep up with 11. the high pace of modern society
12. make the right choices 13. fibre 14 mineral 15. function
16. chemical 17. a balanced diet 18. digest 19. gain weight
20. brain 21. now and then 22. tasty 23. steam 24. mixture
25. spoonful 26 对 有害 27、服药 28、建议某人做某事
29.从 中挑选 30、以 为基础 31、强健身体
32、养成健康的饮食习惯 33、节食 34、减肥 35、含 丰富
Period 9 《学英语》
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