module 3 unit 1 全单元教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

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Unit 1 The world of our senses教案设计
1. Welcome to the unit
In this part, students are encouraged to conduct a free discussion about the importance of five senses in their studies and daily life. Students are expected to express their opinions boldly and imaginatively.
2. Reading
The reading text deals with a story about what happened to a young lady on a thick foggy afternoon. The reading strategy of this unit teaches students how to comprehend a story better while reading it. Students will practice identifying these elements.
3. Word power
This section has two parts. In the first part, students will learn that many words in English can have different roles in different types of sentences. In the second part, students will review and learn words used to describe different kinds of weather.
4. Grammar and usage
The grammar focus in this unit is on noun clauses. Students are expected to learn what noun clauses are and understand how to use the conjunctions that and if/whether to introduce noun clauses.
5. Task
This section consists of a series of activities which will provide students with opportunities to practice the language skills. And through the three steps, students will learn how to plot a story, prepare a surprise ending and improve their language in storytelling.
6. Project
The project in this unit is designed to help students learn and use English through doing a project. The purpose of this section is to help students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together.
7. Self-assessment
This section aims to help students determine the progress they have made.
Period 1. Welcome to the unit
Teaching goals:
 Encourage students speak out to practice their oral English .
 Arose their interest in learning this unit through activities.
 Let them know the importance of senses in daily life.
Teaching important and difficult points:
Help students prepare for their discussion, making sure that they are fully prepared before the lesson.
Teaching Procedures
Step1. Brainstorming
Ask students the following questions:
1. With what do we see and hear?
2. How do we know whether a dish is delicious?
3. How do we know that a flower has a pleasant smell?
4. What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold?
5. How do we know about the world around us?
As we all know, almost everyone has five senses, which are used everywhere and all the time. We learn about the world through the five senses. We use the five senses to study, work and relax, but there are some people who have lost one or more of their senses.
Step2 Presentation
1.What would happen if you lost one or two of your senses?
A person who cannot see is blind and someone who cannot hear is deaf..
2. Do you know how blind people can read?
(They can read by touching raised dots which represent numbers and letters. This system is called Braille.)
3. How do the deaf communicate with each other?
(They use body language or sign language.)
Step3 Discussion
Look at the four pictures and answer the question below each picture.
1.What can you see in this picture?
2.How would you judge the length of the two lines?
3.How can you prove that the two lines are straight?
4.Can the symbols be read in only one way?
5.Why are people misled by their own eyes?
Step4 Language study
Fill in the blanks with words that have something to do with “senses”:
When he got there, he _________ that there was a dark hole. He ________ into it, but could ________ nothing. He ________ with his ears, he could _______ nothing, either. He _________ it for a long time. He _______ something strange. He ___________ the side of the hole. It ______ hot. Suddenly some noises were ________ from the hole. It ________ like someone was cooking inside.
Step5 Discussion
1. Read the three questions in the short passage and discuss them in groups of four.
2. Report your answers to the whole class.
Step6 Assignments
1. Preview the reading part, do exercise C1 and C2
2. Preview the reading strategy
Period 2 Reading
Teaching goals:
 Improve Ss’ reading ability.
 Enable Ss to master some important language points.
 Make sure Ss can learn to help each other in their daily life.
Teaching important and difficult points:
 Master the use of some language points.
( wish for; reach out ; watch out for; pay back…)
 Retell a story with a surprise ending.
Teaching procedures
Step1: Lead-in
Ask students to talk about the climate or the weather in the place where they live:
What’s the weather usually like in spring in Liyang?
Which season do you think is the best? Why?
Do we sometime have foggy days here? When?
How do you feel on a foggy day?
Have you ever lost your way in the fog? What would you do if you got lost in the fog?
Which city has the name of “foggy city”?
Step2: Reading
1. Ask students to go through the passage as quickly as they can and try to find answers to the four questions in part A.
2. Ask students to read the passage again and complete partsC1and C2.
3. Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the text.
Step 3: Listening
Listening to the text and read together with it.
Step 4: Reading strategy
1. Guide students to read the Reading strategy for the article and teach them the elements of a story.
2. Give students another story to read and practice identifying the essential elements of a story.
Step 5: Practice
Ask students to complete Parts D and E.
Step 6: Assignments
1. Finish A1 and A2 on page 90 of the Workbook.
2. Retell the story in their own words.
3. Find out the difficult points in the passage.
Period 3 Language study
Teaching goals:
 Help students understand fully of the text.
 Deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points
Teaching important and difficult points:
mastering the use of some of language points: in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, pay back, be frozen with, be related to, be linked to, make sense, make the most of, can’t help doing,
Teaching procedures
Step1 Revision
Retell the story:
Help the students retell the story Fog in their own words. Use the chart to help them:
Outside Polly’s working place-----at the bus stop on the street------ in the Underground train-----at Green Park station------- in Park Street------- at the corner of the street----- in the street near King Street------ at 86 King Street
Step2 Difficult sentences
Read and understand the following sentences, then remember in mind:
1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.
2. ‘Sorry, Miss,’ replied the man, ‘the truth is that the fogs too thick for the bus to run that far.
3. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.
4. The tall man was nowhere to be seen.
5. As she walked along, she heard the sound of footsteps, but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.
6. Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm.
Step3 Useful words and phrases
Step 4 Assignment
Finish the learning plan.
Period 4 Word power
Teaching goals:
 Make sure students can know the different roles some words can have in different types of sentences.
 Enable Ss to master the meanings of some words used to describe different kinds of weather.
Teaching important and difficult points:
Train Ss to guess and understand the meanings of the words according to the context and pictures.
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework assigned the day before.
Step2 Brainstorming
Step 2. Brain storming
Write down two sentences on the blackboard:
Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.
“Here we are, King Street.” He stopped.
Which word has two meanings and two parts of speech?
How many other words which have more than one part of speech can you think of?
Step 3. Parts of speech
1. Ask students to read the speech bubbles on page 6. Make sure that they pay attention to the word rest and get them to describe the f=different meanings of it in different parts of speech. Then have them read the instructions for Part A.
2. Ask students first to complete the table in Part A individually and then to discuss in pairs the answers. Encourage students to make different sentence.. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step 4. Practice
Ask students to complete part B according to the instructions. Then have one or two of them read the short report.
Step5. Describing the weather
1.Ask students what words they use to describe different kinds of weather. Write down on the blackboard the word students say.
2. Ask students to practice reading in pairs the dialogue in Part A. They may look at the symbols in Part B for reference.
3. Have students first look at the symbols for different kinds of weather and then let them read the weather report in the first speech bubble.
4. Ask students to complete the second speech bubble by looking at the three pictures below it.
Step6. Assignments
1. Finish the learning plan exercise
2. Review the grammar and usage--- noun clauses.
Period 5-6 Grammar and usage
Teaching goals:
 Make sure the students understand what the noun clauses are.
 Ss should know the different use of noun clauses.
 Learn to use conjunctions that, if/whether.
Teaching important and difficult points:
 Noun clauses can be used as different parts in a sentence.
 The use of that in subject clause and the different use of if and whether.
Teaching procedures:
Step1. Introduction to noun clauses
What is noun?
What is the use of noun?
What is noun clause?(by reading some sentences):
1.When we will start is not clear.
2.Mrs Black won’t believe that her son has become a thief.
3. My idea is that we should do it right now.
4.I had no idea that you were her friend.
Step2. Presentation
1. Ask students to read Part 1 on page8 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used as the subject of a sentence. More sentences can be given to the students.
1) That he will succeed is certain .
2) Whether he will go there is not known .
3) What he said is not true .
4) Where he hid the money is to be found out .
Have students read the sentence in which it is used as an empty subject:
Who will go makes no difference.
= It makes no difference who will go.
That she was able to come made us very happy.
=It made us happy that she was able to come.
2. Ask students to read Parts 2 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used either as the object of a verb or a preposition in a sentence.
1) They know that the habit will kill them.
2) He asked how much I paid for the violin.
3) He made it clear to the public that he did an important and necessary job .
4).I find it necessary that we should do the homework.
Ask students to read the two sentences in which it is used as an empty object.
3. Ask students to read Part 3 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used as the predicative after the link verb be.
1)The question is whether we can rely on him.
2)That’s because we were in need of money at that time .
3)He looked as if he was going to cry .
4)That’s why I was late
4.Explain to students what apposition means. Then have the students read Part 4.
Step3 Practice
Ask the students to read the article on page 9 and to describe the main idea in their own words. Make sure that they know what they need to do and that they can identify all the noun clauses.
Step4 Presentation
Noun clauses beginning with that or if/whether
1.Ask the students to read Part 1, which is about using that to introduce a noun clause.
2. Have students read Part 2, which is about using if or whether to introduce a noun clause.
When do we use if/whether to introduce a noun clause?
When can we only use whether bet not it?
Step5 Practice
Ask students to finish exercises on page11.
Step6 Assignment
1. Finish the exercises in learning plan.
2. Finish C2 on page 92 of the workbook.
Period7---8 Task: Telling a story
Teaching goals:
 Make Ss know the sequence of a story.
 Train Ss’ ability of telling a story effectively by using pictures with speech bubbles.
 Improve Ss’ ability of writing a story by using adjectives and adverbs.
Teaching important and difficult points:
 Make sure Ss know the importance of adjectives and adverbs in the story.
 Enable Ss to write a story correctly.
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Revision
1. Check homework.
2. Do some exercises to revise the noun clauses.
Step 2 Skills building 1: Plotting a story
1. Ask students to read part A on page 13. They need to know what they have been asked to do and what information they should get when listening to the tape. Have them complete the checklist individually, and then ask them to check their answers with their partners to see if they have the same answers. The class can listen to the recording again if necessary.
2. Ask students to listen to the conversation and answer the questions in Part B. After they finish this part, let them check their answers with their partners to make sure that they have got the correct answers.
3. Tell students that they will write the beginning of the story using their answers in Part B.
Skills building 2: identifying different elements of a comic strip
Step3: preparing a story with a surprise ending
1. Ask students to read the guidelines on page 15 and make sure that they know what they need to do. Ask them to first work individually and then to check their answers with their partners. If they have different answers, have them discuss which answer is better.
2. In pairs, ask students to work out a surprise ending from the five pictures given in Part A. They should draw a picture, write a caption and add thought, speech or sound bubbles where necessary. Encourage students to use their imagination and create any ending which is surprising. Choose some students’ pictures and show them to the whole class. Ask students to decide which is the best picture with a surprise ending.
Skills building 3: using adjectives and adverbs in stories.
Step 4: improving your story
1. Have students read the guidelines in Part A on page 17. Ask them to go over the adjectives and adverbs given in the box. Guide them to point out which words are adjectives and which are adverbs. Ask them to first fill in the blanks with the words in the box, and then write the last paragraph of the story using the sixth picture they drew in Step 2.
2. Ask students to think about what good storytellers will do to make others interested and willing to listen to them. Ask students to read the guidelines in Part B. Have them work in pairs to practise telling the story they have just finished. Then ask some students to present their stories in class. The whole class should decide who is the best storyteller.
Ask students to read the story of Part A in Writing on page 97 of the Workbook, and then finish Part B. They can do Part B as homework.
Step5 Homework
1. Ask Ss to write a story.
2. Find out the difficult points in Project.
Period 9 Project: Producing a TV show
Teaching goals:
 Do some reading.
 Improve Ss’ ability of writing.
 Get Ss to cooperate with others.
Teaching important and difficult points:
 Know the general idea of the passage.
 Make sure Ss know how to write an interesting story.
Teaching procedures
Step1 Reading
1. Ask students to read the article Shark attacks and find out as much information as they can about sharks.
2. Have students read the article again and ask them to find out what unique senses sharks have, what senses sharks use to attack humans and what people can do to protect themselves.
3. Ask students to do Part B1 and B2 on page 91 of the Workbook either in class or as homework, so they will have a better understanding of the usage of words and phrases learnt in this section.
4. Ask students to do Parts D1 and D2 on page 93 of the Workbook as homework to review the useful words, phrases and patterns they have learnt in this unit.
Ask students to do the listening exercises in Part A and B on page 96 of the Workbook to learn more about animals’ senses.
Step 2 Language points
I. Deal with some language points for Ss to understand the letters better.
II. If Ss still have questions, help to solve them.
Step3 Producing a TV show
Ask students to work in groups of four. First ask them to discuss and choose which animal they would like to focus on. Have them write down the animal’s name and one of its unique senses. As some students may keep pets at home, they will be quite familiar with some pet animals such as dogs, cats or fish. They can choose one of the animals that they are most familiar with. Students should also choose what type of show they will produce. Each group member will be responsible for researching information about one aspect of the animal.
Students will go to a zoo, watch an animal documentary, read some books or surf the Internet to get the information they need. While they are doing such things, they need to take notes. They will get together to discuss what should be included in their show. They will make a list which focuses on how the animal uses its senses and think about how to present the information.
Students each work on a different part of the TV show. When the different parts are put together, each group member should read the writing carefully, correct the mistakes and add some new ideas.
Each group will take turns presenting their TV show to the class by showing their work and narrating. Students can have a discussion to decide which group’s TV show is the best.
Step 4 Assignment
1.Finish the learning plan
2. Prepare for a test.
Period 10 Self-assessment
Teaching goals:
This part at the end of the unit aims to allow students to determine what they have achieved and what else they can do to improve their study.
Teaching procedures:
1. Do a review test to consolidate what Ss have learned in this unit.
2. Let Ss do the self-assessment. Know the situations and help those Ss who have trouble.




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