Module 10 Holidays教学设计(外研版九年级英语教案教学设计)

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广西师大附属外国语学校 李 影
Topic: Holidays
Grammar: “like” followed by V-ing; simple future tense
General analysis on teaching content:
Unit 1:本单元的主要任务是听和说。通过听力材料学习该单元的主要句型“What do you like doing on holidays?” “I like doing…” 并谈论假日里喜欢做的事情。 这是学生比较感兴趣并易于发挥的话题,教师应该创设一些口语任务或情境,让学生乐于开口,培养学生的口语能力。
Unit 2: 本单元的主要任务仍为听和说。这也正体现了在起始年级 “听说领先,读写跟上”这一语言学习规律,重视培养学生的语音语调以及听说能力。通过教师的引导以及小组的合作学习,学会用一般将来时谈论各自的假日计划。
Unit 3: 本单元的主要任务是读写和听说。教师要善于整合课程资源,不能仅仅依赖教材,要不断开发课本以外的符合学生实际的课程资源,充实课堂,让学生感受到英语的实用性。
Unit 4: 这一单元的阅读和填词是对前几单元学习成果的有效检测。同时通过这个任务拓宽学生视野,进行跨文化意识的培养。这里可以采取Task-based Approach 任务型教学。
Unit 1 What do you like doing on holidays?
Teaching content: listening and speaking
Language knowledge:
 new words and phrases: museum, countryside, city, shop, restaurant…
 “like” followed by V-ing.
 talking about holiday activities
Character building: help the students to develop team work and a positive attitude towards life.
Culture awareness: to know what people like doing in different holidays.
Teaching aids: multi-media
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Warming-up activities
(Suppose there will be a holiday in the following days.)
T: Well, you look happy and excited these days. Why?
Ss: Because the holiday is coming.
T: Do you want to have a nice holiday?
Ss: Of course!
T: I have lots of new and good ideas for a nice holiday…
(通过幻灯片把一些有趣的假日活动展示出来,问学生“What do you like doing during holidays?”这些活动包括本单元要求掌握的如visiting the museum, going to the beach等短语,还可以向课外延伸,列举一些比较流行而学生又比较熟悉的活动如bungee jumping, rock climbing, go hiking等等,这样更能激发学生的兴趣。)
Step2 Listening Task
1.Listen to people talking about their holidays. Then complete the following chart with the information you hear.
People Things they like doing during holidays.
Mary swimming and going to the beach and countryside, watching football, going to the restaurants in the city.
Feifei visiting museums
Li Jie visiting parks
Tan Mei going to the city and looking at the shops
2. Listen to the tape for a second time and check your answers. Then listen again and repeat sentence by sentence. (Focus on the students’ pronunciation and intonation)
3.Retell what these people like doing during holidays in your own words with the help of the information above.
Step3 Speaking Task (Pair-work)
Show some public holidays in both China and Western countries (For example, Spring Festival, Christmas Day, Mid-autumn Festival, Thanksgiving Day…) on the screen. Ask the students to guess what people like doing in these holidays so as to get some background knowledge. And then work in pairs, choose one of the holidays as a topic to make up a dialogue.
S1: What do you like doing during Spring Festival?
S2: I like …
S1: Do you like…?
S2: No, I don’t like… but I like…
(本单元里,笔者将课本里的一些活动整合或提前,不拘泥于课本,目的是尽量创设贴近生活的情景,进一步提高学生的口头表达能力,并通过一些跨文化信息激发学生的兴趣,让学生感受到学习英语和合作学习的乐趣。 在输入文化信息的时候,要有充分的幻灯片资料。)
Unit 2 What are you going to do?
Teaching content: listening, speaking and writing
Language knowledge:
1. new words and phrases: cousin island have a barbecue go to the cinema take photos go sailing play badminton…
2. talk and write about holiday plans with simple future tense
Learning strategies: develop a good habit in English learning
Teaching aids: multi-media
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision
(Get the students to guess what the teacher likes doing during holidays)
S: Ms/Mr XXX, do you like visiting museums during holidays?
T: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t…
Step2 Pre-listening activities
Tell the students your holiday plans to lead in simple future tense.
T: This holiday, I am going to do something new. I am going to…
(在这个环节里,教师通过讲自己的holiday plans,拉近和学生的距离,增进沟通。同时,可以把本单元要求掌握的新短语通过幻灯片图文并茂呈现出来。对于起点较高的学生,教师尽可能的给学生输入更多更新的信息。)
Step3 Listening task
 Listen to the tape and answer: what are Xiao Xing and Sally going to do this holiday? How long are they going to stay in…?
 Listen for a second time, then repeat to improve pronunciation and intonation.
Step4 Writing task
 Pre-writing preparation: give some useful phrases and expressions that the students may use in writing by slides and get the students to read them aloud.
 Get the students to write about what they are going to do this holiday with the title “My holiday plans”, using be going to …
Step5 Speaking task (Pair-Work)
Using the information in writing, make up a dialogue about holiday plans. Then show the dialogue to the class.
Unit 3 We are going to go to the Great Wall.
Teaching content: reading, listening and writing
Language knowledge:
 new words: train hotel place first second next then lastly
 further study: simple future tense
Culture awareness:
Learn to name some places of interest in our country and know more about Chinese culture.
Teaching aids:
Multi- media
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision
Play a piece of music in Task 5 of this Unit to review simple future tense.
Step2 Pre-Listening activities (Task 4)
 T: Our motherland is a great and wonderful country. A foreign friend Simon is going to visit China. Can you guess which cities Simon is going to visit? (Then get the students to discuss in groups for a few minutes)
(通过幻灯片展示一幅中国地图,先不要把Simon 所要参观的城市名展示出来,而是把该城市的一些标志性建筑物,名胜或特点等在地图中标示出来,让学生猜。目的是调动学生参与课堂的积极性,激活学生的英语思维并加深对祖国文化的了解。)
 Ask some students to come to the blackboard, point to the map, and say:
I can see five goats in the picture, and the city is in the south, so I think this is Guangzhou. Simon is going to visit Guangzhou….
Step3 Listening
 Listen to the tape and number the cities Simon is going to visit in the order you hear.
 Listen again and check the answers.
 Retell the cities Simon is going to visit with the help of some consequence words first, second, next, then, lastly.
Step4 Reading (Task 1)
 Pre-reading: help the students to name some places of interest in Beijing: the Forbidden City, Tian’anmen Square, the Great Wall, Beihai Park…
 Read about Wei Ting’s plan for her holiday and fill in the gaps with suitable words. Then check the answers and answer some more questions.
Step5 Writing (Task 3)
 Pre-writing: free talk to exchange ideas about how you are going to spend the money you won in a competition.
 Write about the things that you are going to do with the money.
Step6 Assignment
布置学生以3-4人为一个小组,通过上网或到图书馆查阅资料的方式,获取关于下个单元一些城市(Beijing, Hong Kong, New York, London, Sydney, Paris, Rome…,每个小组只需选一个城市)的基本信息,下节课进行介绍。有条件的话,最好制作成幻灯片。
Unit 4 One day, I am going to travel to America.
Teaching content: speaking, listening and reading
Language knowledge:
 new words and phrases: travel cartoon character photographs…
 consolidate the use of simple future tense
Culture awareness: get some background knowledge about some popular vacation spots around the world; broaden the students’ horizon of knowledge.
Character building: develop a positive attitude towards foreign culture.
Teaching aids: multi-media
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision
Ask some students to read what they’ve written in the writing task.
Step2 Reading
 Pre-reading
T: From your writing, I know that most of you are going to travel with money. Now I would like to show you around some nice places all over the world.
(Then show students the places mentioned in reading.)
 Read about other’s plans for traveling and fill in the gaps with proper words. Then check the answers.
Step3 Listening
Guide the students to read the city names correctly, and then listen and number the cities in correct orders.
Step4 Speaking
 Students show their work: introduce the information you get about the city.
 After listening to the introduction of all the cities, talk about your favourite city and what you are going to do in the city .
 My favourite city is…, one day, I am going to travel to…, I am going to…
(本单元主要采取了任务型教学。事先给学生布置任务,给学生充分的时间完成,并给学生展示才能的舞台。互联网丰富的课程资源让学生体会到自主学习、探究学习和合作学习的愉快。总之,教师应当是课堂的引导者,在教学中要注重培养学生的学习能力、学习策略和创新能力,体现learners-oriented的原则。对于一些基础比较薄弱的学生来说,要很好地完成这些任务有一定的困难,这就需要教师的指导和鼓励,帮助他们克服困难, 消除怕讲英语的心理障碍,树立对英语学习的信心。)




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