Module 1 School Life 教学设计(外研版七年级英语必修一教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

首都师范大学附属桂林实验中学 陈艳华
Topic/Theme: School Life
Grammar: 1. Present simple tense: There are fifty students in the class.
2. Questions with ‘How’: How many students are there in the class? How long are the lessons? How long does the journey take? How do you go to school?
3. Questions with ‘What’: What’s your favourite…? What time is break?
4. Answer the questions above。
Functions: 1. Introducing others
2. Talking about your school life
3. Discussing favourite things
New words: of course, journey, very(much/nice/kind), each(day), school life, Spring Festival, the same as…, some, usually, break, history, best, teach, lesson, excellent
Real-life task: Talking about your school life
第1单元:通过苏姗和菲菲的对话来体现菲菲的校园生活:There are 50 students in the class. The lessons are forty-five minutes long. The teachers are very nice. Her favourite subject is English. 通过对话学习,开展听、说、读、写的教学活动。
第2单元:接 Unit1 的Part 1,菲菲介绍苏姗认识顾明后,苏姗与顾明的谈话更增强了彼此间的了解。学生通过对话学习进行各种形式的听力、朗读和口语训练。
第3单元:通过萨拉与苏姗的对话学习,进一步强化学生的听、读训练,也巩固前面所学的词汇和句型。通过Part 2的听力练习,获取Sam在美国的校园生活信息,让我们对中美两国的教育有所了解,培养学生的跨文化意识。
1. 知识目标:
能认读并且准确运用of course, journey, very(much/nice/kind), each(day), school life, Spring Festival, the same as…, some, usually, break, history, best, teach, lesson, excellent等生词和How many students are there in the class? How long are the lessons? How long does the journey take? How do you go to school? What’s your favourite…? What time is break? 等句型及回答。
2. 能力目标:
3. 情感目标:
1)掌握of course, journey, very(much/nice/kind), each(day), school life, Spring Festival, the same as…, some, usually, break, history, best, teach, lesson, excellent等生词。
2)掌握How many students are there in the class ? How long are the lessons? How long does the journey take? How do you go to school? What’s your favourite…? What time is break? 等句型及回答。
Unit 1 There are fifty students in the class.
Step 1 Warming-up
T: Nice to meet you! S: …
T: Do you have a good Spring Festival? S: …
T: What do you do in Spring Festival ? S: …
(从生活入手,就学生熟知的 Spring Festival,引出话题,活跃课堂气氛。师生进行一对一的口语操练,鼓励学生大胆表达。)
Step 2 Listen and read. Then say.
 Books closed. Get the students to try to answer the question: How many students are there in Feifei’s class?
 Play the tape again. Check the answer: Fifty.
 Teach: Spring Festival, of course, lesson, the same as… journey, take, subject. Have the students open the SB and listen to the tape once more, then answer the next questions: How long are the lessons? How does Feifei go to school? How long does the journey take? What’s Feifei’s favourite subject? Check the answers: forty-five minutes/by bus/30 minutes/English.
 Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue.
 Let the students practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue for the whole class.(在两人小组的角色扮演中,老师给予适当的鼓励,让学生感受成功,增强自信心和求知欲。)
Step 3 Pronunciation
 Tell the students to close the books and repeat.
 Listen and repeat again. Make sure they put the stress in the right place and pronounce the words correctly.
(请学生跟读录音,注意句子中重读的单词和两个元音/ i /和/i:/的准确发音。)
Step 4 Listen to the tape and complete the table.
Step 5 Work in pairs.
 Make up a dialogue in pairs according to the next questions:
How many students are there in your class?
How many lessons do you have each day?
How do you go to school?
How long does the journey take?
How do you like your school?
 Ask several students to make dialogues in front of the class.
Step 6 Homework
Unit 2 What’s your favourite lesson?
Step 1 Lead-in
Get some students to make reports according to their surveys.
Step 2 Listen and read. Then say.
 Books closed. Listen to Part 1. Get the students to try to answer the questions: How many lessons do they have each day? Do they have break in the morning?
 Teach: lesson, break, favourite, history, best, usually, teach, teacher
 Books open. Listen again and answer the questions: what time is break? What’s Gu Ming’s favourite lesson? What’s Susan’s favourite lesson? Who’s Gu Ming’s favourite teacher?
 Let the students practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue for the whole class.
 Discuss in groups: what’s your favourite lesson?
Step 3 Pronunciation
 Tell the students to close the books and repeat.
 Listen and repeat again, make sure they put the stress in the right place and pronounce the words correctly.
(请学生跟读录音,注意句子中break, favourite, history, English等单词的重读和两个元音/e/和/æ/的准确发音。)
Step 4 Work in pairs.
The answers are: How many students are there in your class?
How long are the lessons?
How do you go to school?
How long does the journey take?
How many lessons do you have each day?
What time do we have morning break?
What is your favourite lesson?
Who is your favourite teacher?
Do more practice.
Step 5 Homework
Unit 3 I love basketball.
Step 1 Lead-in
Show the students a picture of school/class and get them to describe it. Then ask: Do you like your school/class?
Step 2 Listen and read. Then say.
 Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions: how does Susan like her new school? Are the teachers nice? Are the classes big? How does Susan go to school? How long does the journey take?
 Listen again, then check the answers: She likes it very much. / Yes, they are. /She goes to school by bus./The journey takes twenty minutes.
 Read the dialogue in pairs, then get some of them to act out in front of the class. (听音,跟读,模仿)
Step 3 Listen and complete.
 Tell the students that Sam is a student in America. Let’s get something about his school life. Books closed. Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions: how old is Sam? Does he like his school? How many students are there in his class? What’s Sam’s favourite lesson? How does he go to school? How long does the journey take? What does Sam love?
 Listen to the tape again, then check the answers.
 Books open. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in the passage. Check their answers.
Step 4 Read and write.
According to the questions, ask the students to read and write down the answers about their school life.
Step 5 Listen and read. Then sing.
Step 6 Homework
Unit 4 It’s nice to meet you.
Step 1 Revision
 Revise how to introduce others.
 Revise how to describe your school life.
Step 2 Read and complete.
Fill in the blanks with the right words in the boxes. The answers are: meet, our class, nice, this, pleased.
Step 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions in Part 2.
First, the students must work in pairs. If it is possible, they can ask some more questions. E.g: what time do you get up ?What time do you go to bed ? Then some of pairs should ask and answer the questions in front of the class.
Step 4 Read and guess. Then listen and write.
Get the students to read the questions and sentences below. Have them guess the missing words and try to write them down on a piece of paper. Then listen and write down the right answers in the blank. At last check the answers together.
(画笑脸, 分别用Excellent, Very good, Good, Try harder进行评价激励。)
Step 5 Look and write
 Ask the students to work in groups. Look at the table, according to the pictures, write down two or three sentences for each picture.
 Get some students to read their sentences aloud.
Step 6 Homework
Get the students to write a short composition about his/her ideal school life.




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