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Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
Language goal: talk about likes and dislikes.
Teaching aims: What do you think of…?
I love /like/don’t like/ don’t mind/can’t stand it/them.
Language function: Give opinions
Learning strategies: self-evaluation and personality
Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, radio and objects
Teaching design:
Step 1 Pre-task
Ask some students to make a survey chart and bring some things they like or dislike.
Step 2 Warming up.
①duty report.
2.explain some words.
Step 3 Presentation
T :(show them some objects or pictures)
Do you like…?
S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
T: What do you think of…?
T:I like it.
T: What do you think of…(point to don’t like)
Ss: I don’t like …..
Use the same way to teach love, can’t stand, don’t mind
Step 4 Drill
T : What do you think of…?
S : I ….
(Answer according to what the teacher point to)
S:What do you think of…?
G1 G2: What do you think of …?
G3.G4: I ….
Work in pairs , use their own things or movies
Step 5 Presentation-drill
T: As we know, most of you like watching TV. What kind of TV show do you know ?
S : Talk show.
T: Great . Look at the screen. The picture is from Tell it like it is. It’s a talk show.
Ss: Talk show.
(Use the same way to teach soap opera, sports show, game show and sitcom then drill the target language using the new words.)
Step6 Practice
Make a survey.
Step7 summary :
What do you think of…?
I can’t stand…
Step 8 Games
T: Now, let’s play a game. If I ask in English. You must answer in Chinese. While I ask in Chinese , you must answer in English.
Step 9 Homework:
Read English Weekly.
Collect the names of some TV programmes.



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