Unit 21 Music

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Lesson 81
Teaching objectives and demands:
1. Words and useful expressions: be familiar with; jazz; otherwise; folk; perform; instrument; violin; wedding
2. Everyday English for communication (intentions and decision)
I think at the beginning we’d rather have….
I’d rather have… to start.
I’d rather not have…
Have you decided…?
I’ve decided to….
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points: 1. Everyday English for communication; 2. Words and useful expressions
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises of the previous unit.
(2) Talk about music: How many kind of music do you know? Name some kind of musical instruments. What different types of music are there?
Step 2. Presentation
SB Page 49, Part 1. Talk about the picture and get s to tell what they think is happening. Then read the introductions.
Step 3. Listening
Play the tape of Speech Cassette Lesson 81, and tell the students to listen to the tape to answer the following questions (the italic parts are possible answers):
1.What are Mary and Rik talking about?
They are talking about a music party.
2.What music is Rik supposed to start with at the party?
Some fairly quiet and peaceful music.
3.What music will be played at the end of the party?
After supper, play some jazz or pop music.
4.What instruments does Rik play? He plays the guitar, piano and jazz violin.
5.Do you play any instruments? Do you find it hard?
I don't play any instruments, I think all of them are hard to learn and they need a lot of time to practise.
Step 4. Reading
Read the text and explain the language difficulties if necessary.
(1) Have you decided what music you'd like us to play at the party? 你决定让我们在晚会上演奏什么音乐?
at the party中的介词at,一般各种会议多用at,又如:
at the wedding 在婚礼上 at the conference 在大会上
at the opening ceremony 在开幕式上 at the meeting 在会上
at the fair 在集市上 at the 11th. Asian Games 在第11届亚运会上
at the sports meet 在运动会上 at/in the Olympic Games 在奥运会上
(2) Oh, at the end some songs that everyone's familiar with, then they can join in.噢,在结束时演奏一些大家都熟悉的歌曲,这样大家都能唱。
familair的主语如果是有生命的事物并且表示“与……熟悉”的意思,常接介词with,如果是无生命的事物做主语,并且表示“为……所熟悉”,常接介词to,如:He is very familiar with the names of plants inEnglish. 他很熟悉植物的英语名称。
Suzhou and Hangzhou are very familiar to many Chinese people.
(3) Well, I think at the beginning we'd rather have some fairly quiet and peaceful music. 嗯,我觉得开始时我们宁愿要一些宁静平和的音乐。
It is fairly cool today. 今天相当凉爽。
He was rather angry at my words. 听了我的话他非常生气。
We were fairly caught in the trap. 我们完全掉入了陷阱。
Up till the present time, the blacks of the United States are not always treated fairly.
(4) Otherwise we won't be able to hear ourselves talk. 否则我们听不见自己谈话。
① otherwise 既是连词,也是副词,意为“否则”、“用其它的方法”、“在不同的情况下”,如:He was not treated in time. Otherwise he would not have died.
Obviously you think otherwise. 显然你的想法不同。
The rent is high, but otherwise the house is quite satisfactory.
注意第一例中otherwise所接的是虚拟语气,otherwise 本身相当于一个从句If he had been treated in time。
② hear sb. do 意为“听到某人做了某事”或“听到某人经常做某事”,如:
I heard him step upstairs, enter the room and shut the door.
We often heard the girl recite poems when she was a little girl.
(5) Maybe some folk songs to start with? 或许可以民歌开始?
这是一个省略句,相当于Maybe we can have some folk songs to start with。
folk 除了用作“民间的”,还可以用作名词,与people是近义词,如:
The town folk know him as Mr. Dickey.
Do you like singing Chinese folk songs? 你喜欢唱中国民歌吗?

(6) You have to practise a lot. 你得好好练。
practise 既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,接宾语时如果使用动词,则应用动词的 –ing 形式,而不用动词不定式,如:
Practise speaking English every day, and soon you'll improve your spoken English.
Step 5. Workbook
Get the students to do Ex.2 and 3 and then check the answers with the class.
1.What music we will play at the beginning of the party.
2.how many people will be invited to my birthday party.
3.not to go to his wedding party
4.not to drink too much wine
5.not to smoke at the party
6.have some soup to start with/start with some soup
7.listen to some fairly quiet and peaceful music before going to bed
A: What’s your favourite kind of music?
B: I like Peking Opera.
A: Do you often sing Peking Opera?
B: Yes, of course. I learn many songs from the tape first, and then I practise them with the karaoke on TV.
A: That seems to be lots of fun. By the way, do you play any instruments?
B: Yes, I do. I play Erhu and Jinghu.
A: Is that hard? I mean, Jinghu?
B: Not very hard. But it's hard to play it very well.
Step 6 Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 81 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson82 Music & World Music
Teaching objectives
1. Develop the students’ comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2. Offer the students another chance of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information on the Internet.
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about music, music history and music from different culture backgrounds and cultivate a sense of music appreciation.
Teaching Approach
1.Communicative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching ( class work; individual work ; group work )
Teaching type: Reading comprehension
Teaching Procedure
Step 1. Pre-reading Discussion
Lead the students to enjoy some beautiful music and then ask them some warming-up questions about music.
Step 2. World music
(1) Lead-in
Music plays an important part in our life. Our world will be completely different without music. But have you noticed that people in different nations and areas have different music? They have developed music typical to their own cultures and living conditions. Here we have some classmates with their reports on Music Around the World? I’m sure you will feel interested and learn a lot from it.
(2) Students’ reports
Five groups of students are to give their reports on different music from different nations.
(3) Evaluation
Thanks to these students. You lead us to a vast sea of music. We are able to explore many parts of world in your music.
Step 3. Presentation
Do you know what music was like at the very beginning? Could people learn new songs with this kind of books? (Showing a book full of musical notes to the Ss) Of course not. But how was music learned and taught in the ancient times?
Step 4. Reading Comprehension
(1) Scanning
Ask the students to go through the first part of the text and find out the answers to “How many important kinds of music are there?” and “How was music learned and taught in the ancient times? And why?”(There are mainly two kinds of music-written down or not. first music was not written down. The old folk music was passed down orally from one generation to another. Some old performers of music could even learn hundreds of songs by heart.)
(2) Reading
Get the students to read the Text again carefully and find out the main ideas for each paragraph:
two important kinds of music
folk music
early performers
music in the streets
(3) Retelling
Ask the students to form a short passage about music with the help of some keywords.
written down or not; earn a living;
passed down from … to …; learned from …; be about…
popular and respected; learn by heart; in praise of
performed to passers-by; coins
Step 5. Practice
(1) Listen to the tape of the whole text and do the fill-in exercise:
Fill in the missing words (the italic parts are possible answers):
There are two kinds of music in the world --- one is written down and the other is not . Folk music has been passed down from generation to another. These songs were about country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and sadness in people’s lives.
Early music performers used to learn hundreds of songs by heart. They used to act and sing in praise of heroes on festivals. In this way, stories were passed on from one person to another .
African music plays an important part in people’s lives, especially for work and at festivals and wedding when people dance all night long .Indian music is not written down. But lots of modern music is also written .Caribbean music was developed by the slaves brought from Africa . West Indians make musical instruments out of large oil cans . Jazz was born in America around 1890 . It came from work song sung by black people and had its roots in Africa .
(2) (if time permitting) Give them another topic---film---to talk about. The students are supposed to form out merely the main structure of the passage. They can complete the passage after class.
Step 6. Workbook
Go through the Workbook exercises and check the answers with the students if time permits.
Ex.1 True 3 4 5 6 8  False 1 2 7 9
Ex.2 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 B 7 C 8 C
Step 6. Homework
(1) Ex. 1 & 2 in the Workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 83
Teaching aims and demands
1.Words and useful expressions: flaming; ray; part; memory; fade; soul; ironing board; tin; marry; get married; whisper
2. Grammar: the ing-form used as attribute and object complement
3. Reading practice: analyze a poem.
Key points: grammar and useful expressions
Teaching methods: Reading —discussion----explanation
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
Step 2. Presentation
SB P52, Part 1. Tell the students that “Today we ‘re going to read a poem called ‘A Perfect Day’.” Play the tape for the students to follow and answer the question, “How many times do we have the phrase “perfect day” in the poem? (5 times)
Step 3. Reading
Tell the students to read the poem to answer the following questions:
(1) Is this at dawn or at dusk? (dusk)
(2) Is the writer alone or with someone? (with his friend )
(3) Is the writer meeting someone or seeing someone off? (seeing sb off)
If the ss can answer the questions well, it shows that they can understand the theme of the poem, in which case, we will go further to explore the poem.
Step 4. Theme
Tell the students to read the poem more carefully and find out the theme of poem. Possible answer: love; friendship; saying goodbye.
Step 5. Rhymes of the poem
Tell the students to read the poem and find out the rhymes of the poem:
(1) day; gay; day; ray; day; day; day
(2) thought; brought
(3) heart; part
(4) too; true
(5) fade; made
From above we can see that the poet rhymed the poem in the way of a-b-a-b-a-c-a-c.
Step 6. Language points
Tell the students to read the poem and underline the language points. Talk about the language difficulties with the students.
(1) While the chimes ring out with a carol gay
For the joy that the day has brought...
① chime既是动词,也是名词,意为“谐和钟声”(常用复数)、“奏出和谐的钟声”或“协调”,如:
I like listening to the chimes given out by the old church clock in our village.
She is such a pleasant girl that she can chime in with everyone else in her class.
② carol既是动词,也是名词,意为“颂歌”、“欢乐地歌唱”,如:
The children are caroling happily. 孩子们在欢快地齐声唱歌。
(2) ... When the sun goes down with a flaming ray,
And the dear friends have to part?
① go down相当于set。 ② flame既是动词,也是名词,意为“火焰”、“燃烧”,
如:The sun's flames brightens the earth. 阳光照亮了地球。
The bonfire flamed almost all the evening. 篝火几乎燃烧了整个晚上。
Part: 动词,意为“(让)分开”、“分歧”,如:
The police parted the crowd. 警察将人们分开。
Let's part friends. 让我们友好分手。
On that question I'm afraid I'll part company with you.
They parted at the stone bridge. 他们在石桥分手。
(3) For memory has painted this perfect day,
With colours that never fade, …
fade vt. & vi. (使) 凋谢;(使)褪色;(使)衰落
The strong sunlight faded the curtains. 强烈的阳光使窗帘褪了色。
Soon the flower faded. 花儿很快凋谢了。
Gradually her hopes faded. 她的希望逐渐成了泡影。
Step 7. Word search
SB p52, Part 2. Get the ss to read the poem again and find the words and phrases in it which have the same meaning as listed in this part. Answers:
(1) while the chimes ring out with a carol gay
(2) when the sun goes down with a flaming ray
(3) with colours that never fade
(4) gay; or joy
(5) part
Step 8. Language study
Study Part 3 and 4 with the students and if necessary explain the following to the students. (Part 4 can be done as a translation work)
本单元的三个Practice全部是围绕 -ing 作定语这一问题的。动词的-ing形式作定语,主要注意三个方面:
① 形式(以动词be为例) doing...being done
Who's that boy playing basketball there? 那个打篮球的男孩是谁?
The meeting being held now is about the opening ceremony.
(x)This is the train having arrived.
(x)The boy having been beaten was crying.
② 位置
the burning house 正在燃烧的房屋
the house smoking heavily 正在冒浓烟的房屋
③ 主动与被动
the boy beating the drums 正在打鼓的男孩
the girl reading aloud 正在朗诵的女孩
the rising sun 正在升起的太阳
the changing world 正在改变的世界
the boy being beaten 正在挨打的男孩
the poem being read aloud 正在被诵读的诗歌
the code being changed 正在被改变的密码
注意:一般只有及物动词的 -ing 形式可以改变为被动式being done。
Step 9. Practice
SB Part 5 and 6, get the students to do the 2 exercises individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: See SB P53.
Step 8. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 83, Ex. 1~3. Get the students to do the three exercises and then check the answers with the students.
1. down;from;to ;  2.On;in ;of    3.In;from  
4. In ;in   5.out of;of;with   6.at;with;in
洗衣机  游泳池  写字台   候车室   跳台 舞厅   卧车   
阅读材料  听力练习  吸烟室 信纸   开场白  工作时间  
总结陈述  试衣镜
building material; bathing cap;  washing room;     drinking water;
walking stick;   racing car;   translating machine; changing room;
sowing machine;   booking office; running water;    training class
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 83 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the grammar of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 84
Teaching aims and demands
1. Listening practice
2. Grammar: -ing form used as attributive and object complement.
Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2.listening 3. grammar
Teaching methods: Listening practice; written practice and oral practice.
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the two lessons.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 153 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.
② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 21 with the students. Get the students to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions. Pick out some ss to yell out their sentences to the rest of the class.
Step 4. Word study
SB P54, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Check the answers with the students after they finish them.
Step 5. Writing
SB P54, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a passage using the information given.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 84. Ex.1~2 and the exercises in Unit 21 Revision. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students. Answers:
1.otherwise 2. folk 3. musical 4. performance 5.memory 6.faded 7 drum;hammer 8.notes 9. flaming 10.generation 11. whispered 12. type 13.pattern
Ex.2 the questionnaire can be done in or after class in accordance with the time permission.
Unit 21 Revision
Ex.1 families (家庭)---familiar(熟悉的) folk(人们)---fork(叉子)
thought(思想)---though(尽管) carol(颂歌)---coral(珊瑚)
soul(灵魂)---soil(土壤) marry(结婚)---merry(快乐)
fox(狐狸)---fax(传真) seize(抓住)---size(型号)
brake(车闸)---broke(折断)  charge(收费)---change(变化)
track(跑道)---truck(卡车) carriage(马车)---marriage(婚姻)
majority(大多数)---minority(少数) content(内容)---continent(大陆)
relay(接力)---delay(拖延)   nice(好的)---niece(侄女儿)
circle(圆圈)---cycle(自行车) good(好的)---goods(货物)
Ex.2 1.looking/to look 2. sending/to send 3.exciting  4.playing   5.quarrelling 6.talking  7.entering, picking 8.named   9.locked   10.Followed 11. lost     12. Burnt      13. given  14. Kicked   15.damaged
Ex.3 generation;written;from ;not;by;well;neither;passed;develop;
Ex.4  Hi! Everyone, I'll introduce a piece of music now. It's name is” Going Home”.
I think everyone knows the musician who played this piece of music. He is Kenny G. He is a world-wide famous expert of Saxophone. Some of his musicals are very well known throughout the world. For example, “Spring Breeze”, “Miracles”,” Jasmine.”
  Saxophone is a very popular instrument. It wins people's hearts by its beautiful shape and its special musical sound.
 “Going home” is a very beautiful piece of music. It's full of artistic appeal When you hear it, you will never forget it. When you hear it, you will give your whole heart to it. It's marvelous. It's a great beauty. Now, dear friends, let's listen to it ----“Going home”. I believe you'll at once fall in love with it after you listen to it.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 84 in workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
Evaluation of teaching:




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