Unit 22 A Tale of two cities

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Teaching objectives and demands:
1. After the learning of this unit the students are supposed to master the following words and expressions: tale; revolutionary; cart; servant; let...in; mad; brave; cruel; have a test; disturb; mental; noble; tax; fortune; spy; deed; prisoner; in peace; strength; attend; marques; fall in love with; make sure of; suffer from; in public; set fire to; burn…to the ground; court; do wrong; sentence… to death chemist; be eager to; do a good deed
2. The students required to understand and also be able to use the daily expressions in communication:
You must have been….
She can’t have been....
She may/might have done....
You might have done….
3. Grammar: in learning the unit, we are going to deal with the grammar “-ing form used as attribute and adverbial.
4. Language use: the students are got involved in listening, speaking, reading and writing practice to improve their language use abilities.
5. Ethics teaching: learn some history about the situation in the 18th century France by learning the content of the text the students are aroused to have the sympathy to the peasants in the country and the poor in the cities.
Time arrangement:
This unit is going to be finished in 6 teaching periods, including a unit test.
Key and difficult points of this unit:
1. Grammar: the ing form used as attribute and adverbial
2. Words and useful expressions
3. Daily expressions in communication
4. Listening and writing practice

Lesson 85
Teaching objectives:
1. Students are required to master the following words and useful expressions: tale; revolutionary; cart; servant; let...in; mad; brave; cruel; have a test; disturb;
2. Students are supposed to use the everyday English for communication (conjecture of the past event):
You must have been….
She can’t have been....
She may/might have done....
You might have done….
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice for the students to use the language.
Key points: Everyday English for communication (conjecture of the past event)
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises of the previous unit.
(2) Start a topic about the French history to lead to the French Revelation.
Step 2. Presentation
SB Page 55, Part 1. Talk about the picture and get the students to tell what they think ids happening. Teach the new words of tale; revolutionary; cart; castle etc. if necessary.
Step 3. Listening
Now listen to the dialogue and find out this information:
① Where does the story happen? (In France)
② Where were they going? (Into the castle)
③ Did they succeed? (Yes)
Pick out some students to answer the questions loudly to the rest of the class.
Step 4. Reading and explanations
Now get the students to read the dialogue in pairs and underline the difficulties and the key points that they think.
(1) It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden.
It is as light as feather. 这轻如鸿毛。
We only carried some light weapons. 我们只携带了一些轻武器。
She likes light blue. 她喜欢淡蓝色。
(2) ...I persuade her to help me. 我说服了她,让她帮助我 。
persuade是及物动词,意为“说服”。persuade 主要用于三种结构,如:
How can I persuade you of my honesty? 我怎样才能使你相信我的诚实?
We persuaded him to give up smoking. 我们说服他戒烟。
① advise表示“劝告”动作,不看结果,而persuade强调“已经说服”,如:
I advised him to go to a doctor, but he wouldn’t listen.
I persuaded him to say sorry to the teacher and so he did.
② advise可接动词的-ing形式作宾语,也可接that引导的宾语从句(必须用should虚拟语气),而 persuade不可接这两类宾语。如:
I advise waiting for a few minutes more. 我建议再等几分钟。
Our teacher advised that we should listen to English radio every day.
Step 5. Practice
SB P55, Part 2. Tell the students that Part is compiled to practice conjecture of the past events. After the oral practice, get the students to practice the given topic in pairs.
Step 6. Consolidation
WB Ex.1, get the students to do this exercise orally to consolidate the content of the dialogue, the following italic parts are possible answers.
1. The two revolutionaries are talking about what they have done recently.
2. B hid in a farmer's cart that was taking vegetables into the castle.
3. A servant opened the door to fetch some wood.
4. She was brave. She knew I was not an enemy of hers.
5. They lit a fire that could be seen for many miles.
Step 5. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 85, Exx.1~3. Get the students to do the exercises individually and then check the answers with the students.
Answers: Ex.2
hiding;  hidden; waited; came; fetch;  spoke;  persuaded;
was;   knew;  was;   was;  helped;  light;  could be seen
Ex.3 1.D   2.A   3.E   4.B   5.C   6.F
Step 6. Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 85 in the workbook.
(2) Look up “Charles Dickens” in an encyclopedia or a literature history book.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 86 A tale of two cities (1)
Teaching items:
1.Words and useful expressions: mental; noble; tax; fortune; spy; deed; prisoner; in peace; strength; attend; marques; fall in love with; make sure of; suffer from; in public
2. Grammar: ing form used as attribute and adverbial
3. Reading comprehension: skimming and scanning
Key points: 1.Words and grammar 2. Reading comprehension
Teaching methods: Reading—practice
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of Lesson 85.
Step 2. Pre-reading discussion
Divide the students into groups of four and discuss the following 2 questions:
(1) How do you know about the French Revolution?
(2) How do you know about Charles Dickens?
Step 3. Scanning
Now get the students to read the text and answer the question at the head of the text. Find out the main characters in the novel. (Dr. Manette; Lucie Manette; Charles Etc)
Step 4. Scanning
Tell the students to read the text more carefully to find out the specific information. Pick out some students to yell out their answers to the rest of class.(the italic parts are possible answers)
1.When and where did this story happen? This story happened in 1775 in Paris.
2.Who was Monsieur Defarge? The owner of a wine shop.
3.Who was Dr Manette's daughter? Lucie Manette.
4.What's the relation between Monsieur Defarge and Dr Manette?
Monsieur Defarge had been a servant to Dr Manette before.
5.What news did Lucie Manette hear?
Lucie Manette heard that her father was still alive and living in Paris.
6.What happened to Lucie when she was a baby?
Her mother died, her father disappeared.
7.Where had Dr Manette been kept a prisoner?
In the Bastille, Paris's most important prison.
8.How was Dr Manette when he was set free?
Dr Manette had been mentally disturbed by his long years alone in prison and his hair had turned white.
9.For what reason had he been sent to prison?
Dr Manette had been put in prison for no good reason. One day he had been called out to attend a young peasant and his sister, Dr. Manette realized that the sister must have been badly treated. Her brother had been wounded in a fight by the Marquis St. Evremonde's brother. Both brother and sister died within a few hours. Dr. Manette was put in prison so that he would keep silent over this matter.
10.What happened to Lucie after her father returned to England?
After the return of Dr. Manette to England, two men fell in love with Lucie Manette, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton.
11.Whom did Lucie marry? Charles Darnay.
12.What did Sydney promise to do for her?
Sydney promised Lucie Manette that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness.
13.Why had Charles Darnay left France to live in England?
Charles left France because he hated the cruel deeds of the French nobles and the way they treated the peasants.
14.What kind of person was Marquis St. Evremonde? He was a cruel man.
15.How many persons are mentioned in this story? Who are they?
Six. Dr Manette, Lucie Manette (daughter of Dr Manette), Charles Darnay (the nephew of the cruel Marquis St. Evremonde, married Lucie Manette), Sydney Carton (loved Lucie Manette, looks very like Charles Darnay), Monsieur Defarge (the owner of a wine shop), Marquis St. Evremonde (had Dr. Manette put in prison)
Step 5. Language points
(1) ...there was a wine shop, the owner of which was Monsieur Defarge.
the owner of which引导的非限定定语从句表示所属关系。表示所属关系的定语从句有两种方法,如:This is the house whose windows face the north.
This is the house the windows of which face the north. 这是座窗户朝北的房子。
因此上面的句子也可写成: ...there was a wine shop, whose owner was Monsieur Defarge.
(2) One day an English man and an English woman, Lucie Manette, called at the wine shop. 有一天,一位英国男士和一位名叫露西•莫奈特的英国女士来到这家酒店。
call at 意为“拜访(某地)”注意 call at与call on的区别,call at后接地点名词,而 call on后面接人物,表示“拜访(某人)”,另外,call on 还表示“号召”,如:On the way home, we called at the antique shop.
Last weekend, we called on our grandparents. 上周末,我们拜望了祖父母。
The government calls on us to keep the city clean.
(3) Dr Manette had been mentally disturbed by his long years alone in prison and his hair had turned white. 由于多年被单独关在牢房里,莫奈特医生精神失常了,头发也变白了。
mental arithmetic 心算
after mental labour 在经过思索以后
mental age 心理年龄
mental illness 精神病
a mental home/hospital 精神病院
It seems that the boy is mentally weak. 似乎这男孩智力较弱。
(4) Now he could not live in peace unless his door was locked. 他的房间要是不上锁,他就心里不安。
in peace是介词词组,意为“平静地”,如:
My only wish is that I can live in peace without being disturbed by the press.
in peace与前面所学到的in surprise, in silence, in excitement, in a hurry一样,都可以作状语或表语。
(5) Dr Manette had been put in prison for no good reason. 莫奈特医生被关进监狱是没有什么正当理由的。
for no good reason 是介词词组,意为“没有正当的理由”。reason一般不和because/because of连用,如:
He went to Spain for some political reasons. 他因为政治原因去了西班牙。
The reason why we have put off the conference is that we have not got ready.
注意reason与cause的区别,reason强调理由,可能是人为编造的,而cause是真正的原因,如:The police is looking into the cause of the fire.
(6) ...two men fell in love with Lucie Manette, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton.
fall in love with意为“爱上某人”。这是一个瞬间动词,因此不能与延续性状语连用。
The moment he saw the American actress, he fell in love with her.
They had been in love with for four years before they got married.
(7) Strangely, they looked as if they were twins, for they looked so much like each other. 奇怪的是他们如此相像,好像双胞胎似的。
strangely在句中作评注性状语,与前面所学到的luckily, fortunately, happily, gradually, unfortunately, unluckily一样,所以不再赘述。
as if引导的从句在这里是表语从句,它也可以引导状语从句,要特别注意语气,如:It looks as if it is going to rain. 天看上去要下雨。(可能性很大,直陈语气)
It looks as if she has been ill for a long time.
She treats the child as if it were her own.
He talks as if he had really been to Rome.
(8) The peasants had to pay heavy taxes and suffered greatly from hunger. 农民要负担重税,还要忍饥挨饿。
suffer可作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“蒙受;承受;遭受;忍受”。注意suffer表示受某种疾病的折磨时,常用suffer from,如:
He was suffering from the loss of the memories.
Today I'm suffering from a stomachache. 我今天胃疼。
His business suffered when the scandal came to light.
How can you suffer such unfair treatment? 你怎么能忍受这样不公平的待遇?
The Spanish ships suffered terrible loss during this sea battle.
Wars bring a lot of sufferings to ordinary people. 战争给老百姓带来灾难。
I wonder how much suffering there is in this world!
(9) So he left France, preferring to give up the fortune that would one day come to him,...
one day意为“(过去)有一天;(将来)某一天”,如:
One day, a fox saw some ripe grapes on the shelf.
One day we will be able to travel to Mars. 将来有一天,我们能去火星旅行。
表示将来的one day可用some day替换。
(10) ...that the nephew of the old Marquis was living in England under an English name,... 老候爵的侄子用了一个英国名字住在英国。
When he is abroad, he travels under the name of Mr. Smith.
Many war criminals are still living in South Africa under false names.
Step 6. Notes
SB P57, Part 3. Get the students to fill the blanks with proper words and then check the answers with the students. It is suggested to tell the students the relationships between the characters in this novel. Pick some students to tell the plot to rest of the class if any of them have read the novel of “A Tale of Two Cities”.
Step 7. Story telling
SB P57, Part 4. Get the students to put the sentences in correct order. One possible answer: 10-6-11-8-5-9-7-2-4-3-1.
Step 7 Workbook
Get the students to do the wb exercises individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: Ex.2
1.B   2.C   3.D   4.A   5.C   6.B   7.B   8.A
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 86 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 87 A tale of two cities (2)
Teaching objectives (the students are supposed to master the following items and conduct the following practices):
1.Words and useful expressions: in public; set fire to; burn…to the ground; court; do wrong; sentence… to death chemist; be eager to; do a good deed
2. Grammar: ing form used as attribute and adverbial.
3. Reading practice: reading and discussion
Key points: grammar and useful expressions
Teaching methods: Reading — practice
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
(3) Revise the plot of the novel that we learned in the previous lesson.
Step 2. Presentation
Get the ss to tell their partner what they think the story may end. Then read the last part of the story to see if it is the same as what you have imagined.
Step 3. Scanning
Tell the students to read the text now more carefully and answer the following questions. (The italic parts are possible answers.)
1.What did the peasants and the poor people in cities do in the revolution? Why?
The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles. In the country the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles' castles and burnt them to the ground.  That's because of their having lived a hard life for long.
2.Why did Charles Darnay return to Paris from London?
Charles Darnay found at a bank in London a letter from France addressed to him, or rather to the Marquis St. Evremonde. On reading it, he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own. So he returned to France to try to rescue him.
3.What happened to him on his arrival in Paris?
On his arrival in Paris he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison.
4.Why was Dr Manette allowed to visit Charles in prison?  
Dr Manette, because he had been a prisoner and was a hero of the revolutionaries, was able to visit Charles in prison.
5.What did Dr Manette describe in his letter that had been hidden behind a stone in the prison?
In the letter Dr Manette described the terrible things that the Marquis St. Evremonde and his brother had done to the peasant boy and his sister many years before.
6.For what was Charles sentenced to death?
People thought the St. Evremonde family had done much wrong. He was regarded as a member of the family.
7.What did Sydney Carton do while Charles was in prison?
While Charles was in prison, Sydney Carton had also arrived in Paris. Considering that Charles would be sentenced to death, he went to a chemist's shop and bought some special medicine. Then he went to Defarge's wine shop where he learned why they were so eager to have Charles sentenced to death.
8.Why were the Defarges so eager that Charles should be sentenced to death?
Because Madame Defarge was the sister of the peasant boy and girl who had been badly treated by the Marquis St. Evremonde brothers.
9.How did Sydney save Charles? Why did he do so?
After Charles had been sentenced to death, Sydney managed to get into the prison to visit Charles. He persuaded Charles to change clothes with him without giving a reason. Then he used the special medicine to send Charles to sleep. Charles, who looked very like Sydney, was carried out of the prison and taken home. The next day he left Paris with Lucie and Dr Manette. Meanwhile, Sydney, who had taken the place of his friend Charles, had his head cut off. Because he wanted to carry out his promise that he had made before.
Step 4. Language points
Tell the students to read the text and underline the language points. Talk about the language difficulties with the students.
(1) ...took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles. ……拿起刀枪开始杀富有的贵族。
take up arms/guns and knives 意为“拿起武器/刀枪。 take up在本单元中与pick up同义,take up还有一些其它的含义,如:
When did you take up Japanese? 你何时开始学日语的?
I won't take up much of your time. 我不会占用你太多的时间。
The wardrobe takes up too much room. 这衣柜占的空间太大。
I'll take up the story where I finished yesterday. 我将接着昨天的故事讲。
(2) In the country the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles' castles and burnt them to the ground. 在乡村,革命者放火烧毁了贵族的城堡,把它们夷为平地。
set fire to 意为“点火”,如:
Who set fire to the factory has not been found out.
Having set light to the letters, she cried. 点火焚烧了信件后,她哭了。
He set a match to the gas stove and the flames burst out.
The young composer set the poem to music. 这位年轻的作曲家将这首诗谱了曲。
Leaders should set good examples to the ordinary people. 领导应该以身作则。
burn sth. to the ground 一为“将……烧为灰烬”。to the ground是一个结果状语,类似的结构还有:
fall to the ground 掉到地上
drop sth. to the ground 将……掉在地上
fall to one's full length 全部落下(头发等)
sentence sb. to death 宣判某人死刑
move sb. to tears 使某人感动地流泪
tear sth. to pieces 将……撕成碎片
burn sth. to the ashes 将……烧成灰烬
(3) Some time later, Charles Darnay found at a bank in London a letter from France addressed to him, or rather to the Marquis St. Evremonde,...
An English professor will address the meeting. 一名英国教授将在会上发表讲话。
Please address your reasons to the manager. 请向经理陈述你的理由。
The letter was returned because of being wrongly addressed.
Is there any letter addressed to me today? 今天有我的信吗?
(4) ...that a servant of the family on France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own. ……法国家庭中的一个仆人并没有任何罪过却被关进了监狱。
through no fault of his own意为“决不是因为他自己的错”。through可以引导表示作用、工具、理由的状语,如:
I learned of the position through an advertisement in the evening newspaper.
The accident happened through no fault of yours. 这次事故的发生决不是你的错。
We lost ourselves through not knowing the way.
It was all through you that we were late. 我们迟到全怪你。
He learned English through the radio. 他通过无线电学习英语。

(5) Charles was sentenced to death and would have his head cut off the next day.
本句中的have one's head cut off不是表示叫人砍头,而是表示一种不幸的遭遇,又如:
The deer had his antler broken by the bush. 那头鹿的角被灌木钩断了。
He had his house broken into last night. 昨晚有人闯进了他的家。
The old lady had her handbag stolen on the bus yesterday.
(6) ... Sydney managed to get into prison to visit Charles. ……悉尼设法去监狱探望了查尔斯。
manage to do sth. 意为“设法做了某事”。注意manage to do sth.与succeed in doing sth. 意义相近,而不同于try to do sth.,后者只表示“企图”或“尝试”,不强调结果。
Though he had no key, he managed to get into the house.
He tried to open the case, but failed. 他企图打开箱子,但失败了。
manage还可以表示“经营”或“管理”,与run, operate, control是近义词,如:
She cannot manage her naughty sons. 她管不住她的淘气的儿子们。
Can you manage a sailing boat? 你能驾驭一只帆船吗?
Richard is managing his firm very well. 理查德将他的商行经营得很好。
I can manage it myself. 我自己能应付。
(7) Meanwhile, Sydney, who had taken the place of his friend Charles, had his head cut off. 与此同时,代替朋友查尔斯坐牢的悉尼却遭到了杀头之祸。
take the place of sth./take one's place 意为“替代某物或某人”。注意这个词组不同于take place(发生),试比较:
Nowadays plastics have taken the place of many materials.
Who will take your place? 谁将接替你?
The May 4th Movement took place in Beijing in 1919.
Step 7. Grammar learning and practice
(1) Present a brief introduction to ing form used as adverbial. Give some examples to the students. -ing form 作状语:
① 注意-ing形式表示主动动作,如:
Walking along the streets, the little girl was fascinated by the colourful ads.
Having watched TV, the boy went to have a shower.
无论是walking还是having watched,这两个动作都是由句中的主语发出,也就是主动的动作。这是动词的-ing 形式与过去分词的区别所在。
如果表示被动,则用被动形式being done和having been done。注意having been done可以为过去分词结构done所替代。如:
Being whipped, the slave bit his lips tightly to prevent himself from giving loud cries. 尽管受到鞭打,那奴隶紧咬嘴唇不让自己叫出声来。
(Having been) Defeated by the South Korean Team, they were in low spirits.
② 注意动作是否同时,是否有先有后,是否有主次。如果是同时,用一般式的-ing形式;如果有先后,则用having done表示发生在先前的动作;如果有主次,一般用动词的-ing形式作次要的状语,而将主要动作作为谓语动词结构。如:Driving on the smooth highway, the young driver couldn’t help whistling.
(driving和couldn't help whistling是同时发生的动作)
Having cooked lunch, Mum sat down to do some knitting.
(having cooked是先发生的动作,sat down to do some knitting是后发生的动作)
Lots of college students were sitting on the lawn, enjoying the bright sunshine.
许多大学生坐在草坪上,享受着明媚的阳光。(were sitting是主要动作,而enjoying是伴随动作)
③ 注意动词的-ing形式的位置,一般原因状语、时间状语、条件状语宜放在句首,而结果状语宜放在句末。伴随状语前后不限。如:
Being ill, she had to stay in bed. 因为生病,她只好卧床休息。(原因状语)
The poor man died in an accident, leaving his wife and son alone in this world.
(2) Practice: SB P59, Part 3, use the right verb in its ing form to complete each sentence. Check the answers with the class. Answers: 1~8 Working; Knowing; hearing; Being; Having; arriving; discovering; saying or knowing.
(3) Practice: SB P59, Part 4, filling the blanks with proper ing form. Get the ss to do it first individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: 1~5 Having mentioned; Having quarreled; Having admitted; Having demanded; having folded
Step 8. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 87, Ex. 2~3. Get the students to do the three exercises and then check the answers with the students. Answers:
Ex.2 Having;  made;  would do;  could;  was;    thought;  looked; went;   used;  had;     carried; had taken; had;    cut;
Ex.3 (分词作状语,doing动作与谓语动作同时发生;having done动作发生在谓语之前。) Answers: omitted.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 87 in workbook.
(2) Finish off the wb exercises.
(3) Revise the grammar of ing form used as advervial.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 88
Teaching aims and demands
1. Provide the chance for ss to have a listening practice
2. Revise the grammar with the students: -ing form used as attribute and adverbial.
3. The students are required to practice the words and useful expressions in Checkpoint 22.
Key points: 1. Grammar; 2. Listening 3. Useful expressions.
Teaching methods: Listening — practice
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the plot of the novel in the previous two lessons.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 154 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.
② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 22 with the students. Get the students to make up sentences using the useful expressions if time permits.
Step 4. Word formation
SB P60, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to translate the following into Chinese. Check the answers with the students after they finish them. Pay close attention to the use of –ing form used as attribute and adverbial.
Step 5. Writing
SB P60, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a paragraph by putting the 11 sentences into correct order. Assign the work as their homework.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 88. Ex. 1~3 and the exercises in Unit 20 Revision. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students.
1.revolutionary   2.mentally   3.fortunately;fortunate   4.arrival
5.prison      6.silence   7.death
a sleeping baby;  a smiling face;  an interesting film;  the rising sun;
the coming year;  living things;  a developing country;  a moving story;
boiling water;   surprising news; a singing star;     waving branches.
Ex.3 (a possible version)
Charles Darnay was the nephew of the cruel Marquis St. Evremonde. Charles had left France because he hated the cruel deeds of the French nobles. He left for England, preferring to give up his fortune. In England he fell in love with Lucie Manette and then married her.
  One day he found at a bank in London a letter From France addressed to him, or rather to the Marquis St. Evremonde. At that time his father and uncle were both dead, so he got the letter. On reading it, he knew a servant to his uncle had been put in prison through no fault of his own. He decided to go back to France to rescue him. However, on his arrival in Paris, he was recognized as a noble and was put into prison and was sentenced to death.
  Sydney Carton who looked very much like Charles arrived in France too. He bought some special medicine. Then he managed to get into prison, persuaded Charles to change clothes with him, used the medicine to send Charles to sleep and had him sent out of the prison, the next day, Charles left Paris with Lucie, Sydney took the place of Charles and died.
Unit 22 Revision
1.tales   2.cruel   3.disturb   4.noble   5.tax   6.fortune   7.deeds 8.attend  9.court   10.excited  11.strength      12.Suffers
1.London and Paris.
① They had come from England, having heard the strange news that Dr Manette, Lucie's father, was alive and was living is Paris.
② His father had disappeared a short time before his wife's death and no one knew what had happened to him. Lucie's mother died when she was a baby. That’s Lucie hadn't heard from his father for a very long time.
③ Before, Defarge had been a servant to Dr Manette.
3. Dr Manette had been mentally disturbed by his long years alone in prison.
4.He hated the cruel deeds of the French nobles and the way they treated the peasants.
5.He knew the peasants had to pay heavy taxes and suffered greatly from hunger. He hated the cruel deeds of the French nobles. So he left France, preferring to give up the fortune that would one day come to him.
Ex.3 The writer's opinion: The greatest gift a parent can give a child is to show him that learning is important and that there are rules about it.
My opinion: I Can't agree with the writer any more.
My reasons:
(1) Parents are the first teachers to their children.
(2) The environment can affect children deeply.
(3) A human being doesn't have any ability when he was born. He has to learn every thing to do so; he’ll find the ways of learning and form the habit of learning all through his life.
(1) Finish off the wb exercises of Lesson 88.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
(3) Writing: See Step 5.
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