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来源:高中英语园地 作者:佚名 日期:2006-01-12 16:19:51
Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained
Part 1 Words
1.puzzle vt 使迷惑, 使为难
What puzzled me most was that he hadn’t shown up all the day.
No maths problem can puzzle him
I was very puzzled at the puzzling news.
n . 难题 谜 ;困惑;迷惑
The students are doing a word puzzle.
The police are in a puzzle about the case.
2.search v 搜索,搜寻
The police searched the forest for the lost child.
I’v searched my memory ,but I can’t remember that man’s name.
He who would search for pearls must dive below.
They searched him but found nothing.
I’m at present in search of a new house.
So far ,they have been unluckily in their search for gold and have no money at all.
3.witness vt
He witnessed the accident.
We witnessed great changes in the city.
n 目击者 证人 证据
These facts are a witness to his carelessness.
He was one of the witnesses of the accident.
Nowadays the scientists are busy researching into/on our surroundings.
The doctors researched into/on the cause of his death ,but no luck.
do /make carry out research into /on sth
5.case n 案子 ,案件;事情;箱子
in this case 如果这样
in that case 如果那样
in case 以防 万一
in no case 决不
in any case 无论如何
6. charge
1)n 负责 责任
After his father died ,he took charge of the firm ,and now he is in charge of the firm ;that’s to say ,the firm is in the charge of him.
2) n /vt 收费,要价
You can visit the exhibition free of charge.
How much do you charge me for the use of telephone?
3) 控告 使担责任
The court charged him with murder.
7 murder vt /n 谋杀 凶杀
He was charged with an attempted murder.
He was murdered on a cold evening.
He murdered the whole work .
n murderer 杀人者 凶手
8 convince vt
He convinced me that I should study law.
He convinced me of his honesty.
convinced /convincing
People became convinced that they should prevent rivers from being polluted.
You should give convincing evidence to make yourself convinced.
9 disappoint vt
We shouldn’t do anything that will disappoint our parents.
What disappointed me most was that I couldn’t go home .
He was disappointed at the news that our team was defeated.
The weather is disappointing.
He is a disappointing man; nobody would like to stay with him.
10. lately =recently
多用于否定和疑问句]近来, 最近
I haven't seen him lately.
Have you been there lately ?
注意:be late for school (adj)
get up late (adv)
11.mystery n 神秘
Yesterday I read a story of mystery.
Many problems that used to be mysteries to people are now solved.
mysterious adj. 神秘的
12.support vt 支撑,支持;搀扶;赡养
She supports her husband on the money she earns from teaching.
He has a large family to support.
Don’t worry ! I support you .
Which football team do you support?
During that election ,he won much support.
13. exist vi
One cannot exist without air.
No living things can exist on the moon.
n existence
Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions
1.step up
走近 逐步提高 加速 增加
When John realized it was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.
We decide to step up production to try to meet the increased demand.
2.due to =because of
Due to his carelessness ,he failed in the exam.
The flight was cancelled to the fog.
3.show up =appear=turn up
He showed up only after everyone else had finished eating.
Why didn’t you show up at the meeting yesterday?
注意:show up 还有揭穿,揭露的意思
Someone showed him up as a thief.
4.according to 根据 按照
According to him ,he has finished his job by himself.
According to the weather report, it is going to rain tomorrow.
5.rule out 排除
The police couldn’t rule out the possibility of murder.
The scientist ruled out the possibility that there were living things on the moon.
6.look into 向里看 调查 观察
He looked into the room , but found nobody.
He promised that he would look into the matter.
Before you make a decision ,you’d better look into all the problem.
注意:look 其他词组 look for look down (upon) look up look out look forward to doing sth look after ….
7.make up
Two doctors and four nurses made up that medical team.(构成 组成)
He made up an excuse for his absence.(编造)
Because of his illness ,he has to make up the missed lessons.(弥补 补偿)
You can’t make up for what you have lost.
Why don’t you make up with him ?(和解)
Before she went out,she made herself up.(化装 打扮)
8.take charge of
9.make progress
China has made great progress in space exploration so far.
10.run after
11.on average
12.tales of the unexplained
13.advanced science and technology
14.a sunken ship
15.run into =come across/meet with/knock into
Yesterday on my way home ,I ran into a friend.
Suddenly the car ran into the truck.
16.the reason for coming late
17.believe in /believe
He is an honest boy . He is a a person to believe in .I believe his words.
18.go missing
My watch is missing/lost/gone.
19.show great interest (n) in his disappearance
have /develop/take/lose
20.stay out
21.get ready for bed
22.go straight to his room
23.put on his favourite CD
24.an impression of sth
25.do research on/into
26.have nightmares about sth
27.get frightened
28.give up (doing sth)
29.with the launch of the first artificial satellite
30.unmanned spaceships
31.orbit the earth
32.so far 与现在完成时连用 另外还有 up till/to now in the past/last/recent few years
33.dream of doing sth
34.come true
35.separate 。。。from 。。。。/divide …into…
36.pick up sb 接某人
37.take off their suits
38.observe sb doing /do
39.take photos of
40.be tired from with sth (由于。。。劳累)
41.take the underground
42.get sth done
43.avoid doing sth
44.at a time
45.ignore his mistakes
46.conduct a survey
47.greet sb
48.in an appropriate manner
49.in return
50.take turns to do sth
51.intend to do sth=mean to do
52.analyse statistics
53.draw a conclusion
54.be willing to do sth
55. in remote areas
56.report seeing a wild man-like creature
57.produce similar descriptions of the animal
58.be similar to sth /be different from /be the same as
59.attach villagers
60.with amazing speed
61.live on
62.become convinced
63.make one’s way to
64.have a chance to do sth
65.see sth with one’s own eyes.
Part Ⅲ Important sentences or structures (Try to recite):
1. Police have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing .
2.Police found that Justin did in fact return home .
其中did 起强调作用,对谓语内容加以强调。
He does like sports.
Yesterday I did do my homework.
3.People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky.
4.Standing inside were lots of while-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes. (到装句)
5.I haven’t been sleeping well since I returned home.
6.Police have not ruled out the possibility that he was taken by aliens.
7. We will not give up until we find convincing evidence.
8.I’m worried that something bad has happened to him.
9.No evidence of life has been discovered on any of the planets so far.
10. People have reported seeing a wild man-like creature .
11.The footprints are much larger than those of a human
12.The footprints could have been made by people playing a joke.(_那些脚印可能是人们开玩笑踩出来的)
13. If it really exist ,we might have the chance to see one with our own eyes.
Part Ⅳ Grammar and usage
Present perfect tense
1.His failure has made him unhappy.
2.I have know him for a long time.
3.I haven’t heard from you for a long time.
4.This is the first time that I have seen such a good film.
5.They have finished their work by now.
构成: have /has +done
时间状语: already just yet ever never up to/till now so far by now recently/lately for +一段时间
present perfect continuous tense
1.He has been touring Egypt for two months.
2.I have been studying English for five years.
3.He has been working all the morning.
构成: have/has been doing
时间状语:不可与never /ever /already/yet连用
两者的区别:现在完成时可表示动作刚结束 /现在完成进行时表示动作仍在继续
I have been reading this book for two hours. (内在含义:我已经看书两小时并且还在看)
He has finished reading this book. (内在含义:他已经看完书了,动作已经结束)
Part Ⅴ Writing
Page 93(课本)
Dear Jim ,
I had a strange experience last night .It was unusually dark .I noticed a light in my back garden and walked to the door to take a look .A UFO had landed in my garden and opened it’s door ! I couldn’t believe my eyes .An alien was walking down the stairs of the UFO .He walked up to me and said ,”Now ,I’m taking you to a new place ” With that ,he led me into the UFO and we flew to the Moon and then to Mars .Just as I began to enjoy the ride ,the alien brought out a torch .All of a sudden ,a strong beam shone in my eyes .I had to keep my eyes shut to avoid the light. Guess what ? It was sunlight shining on my bed .What a dream !
Yours truly
Page 20(AB卷)
A few days ago ,Miss Zhang was going home by bike .While she was riding in the street ,she saw a man with a knife in his hand and his face covered with a piece of cloth running towards her .The man had taken her handbag out of the basket of her bike and run away before she could do anything .There was no one she could turn to for help at that time .For it was very late at night .Luckily ,she had her mobile phone at hand .Immediately she took it out and phoned the police .She told them what the man was like and in which direction he had run .The policeman came very quickly and caught the robber. Miss Zhang got her handbag back and thanked the police for what they had one for her .
Page 28 (课时训练)
I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purpose(s) of surfing the Internet .The girls’ favorite is chatting ,but few boys like it .What the boys like to do most is playing games ,and the girls also like it .Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet .Maybe they think it’s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends .As for studying ,the numbers of boys and girls are equal ,but altogether only several of them will use Internet as a tool to study.
Yours sincerely,
Jim Lee
Exercises :
1.________ the workers insisted on was that they ______ more pay.
A What ;must be given B That ,should give
C What ,be given D that, could be given
2.With the demand for cars increasing rapidly ,the car factory is making efforts to ______ production.
A step up B step out C step down D step forward
3.The reporter said that the UFO ____ for east to west when he saw it .
A was traveling B traveled C has been traveling D had traveled
4Peter promised to attend our party ,but he has not ____.
A showed off B turned out C showed up D come up
5.The injured mountain climber gathered all his _____ to climb up the high rock ,where he might be seen by someone passing by.
A strength B power C energy D force
6.Cheese ____ in hot weather .You’d better put it in a fridge .
A tastes nice B goes bad easily C sells well D is kept longer .
7.You don’t need to describe her .I ____ her several times .
A had met B have met C met D meet
8.Alice is said ___ a new computer programme recently ,but I wonder whether she will get through her task this week .
A to design B to have been designed
C to have been designing D to have designed
9.I’ll never forget those days _____ I lived in the army with the soliders ,which ______ my life greatly .
A when ,has influenced B which ,influenced
C when ,had influenced D that ,is influencing
10.The _______ expression on her face suggested that the question was too hard _________.
A puzzled, to answer B puzzling ,to answered
C puzzled, to be answered D puzzling, to be answered
11.The _____ necklace made the police and its owner ________.
A gone, puzzled B missing ,puzzled
C missing ,puzzling D lost ,puzzling
12.By the time I see you again ,I ______ from that school.
A have graduated B graduated
C will have graduated D graduate
13.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _____ when he ____ at he party.
A left ,had arrived B left ,arrived C had left ,had arrived D had left, arrived
14._________ ,there was a doubt whether the construction was worth supporting.
A At a time B At one time C At times D At other times
15.Let’s start off as soon as it _____ raining.
A stop B stopped C has stopped D will stop
16.--Mary ,I have cleaned the room for you .
---Thanks .You _____ it .I could manage it myself .
A needn’t do B needn’t have done C mustn’t do D shouldn’t have done




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