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来源:高中英语园地 作者:佚名 日期:2006-01-14 19:43:50
Unit 3 Aamazing people
Part Ⅰ Words:
1.curious adj. 好奇的;奇怪的,不寻常
It is good to be curious about the world around you.
I am curious about what he said just now.
curiosity 好奇心
2.preserve vt 保存,保护,保持,维持
The government has spend a lot of money to preserve places of historical places.
You’d better preserve meat or fish in salt.
It’s the duty of the police to preserve public order.
还可以表示 禁猎
Fishing is strictly preserved.
3.present adj. 在场的,出席的,现在的
Many people are present at the meeting.
At the present time =(At present) more and more people buy cars.
n. 礼物
People would like to send presents on Christmas day.
Vt. 提出,呈现,介绍
When you finish your painting ,you should present it to others.
4.coincidence n 巧合,碰巧
What a coincidence ! I was there at the same time as you .
By coincidence, we studied and lived in the same city.
5.disturb vt 打扰,扰乱
Don’t disturb.
Now he is asleep; don’t disturb him.
Wind disturbed the water.
I have heard some bad news, which has disturbed me very much.
注意 :interrupt 打断,中断
When others are talking ,it is impolite of your to interrupt them.
6.result n. 结果 vi。导致 ;结果
If you obtain good results ,you have to work hard.
He was ill. As a result ,he was absent from school.
He was absent from school as a result of his illness.
Hard work results in success. =(lead to)
Success results from hard work.
7.certain adj. 确定的,肯定的
I’m certain that he will come .
We are certain of our victory.
He is certain to come.
It is certain that he will come.
be sure of/about/to do /that+clause
但是在It is certain that …中certain不能换成sure
8.compare vt 比较
~ A with B 把A和B进行比较
~A to B 把A比作B(打比方)
If you compare your work with his ,you will find out whose work is better.
People would like to compare teachers to guarders.
Compare vi
~ with 与。。。匹敌;相比
He is not better than his partner in the work.He can’t compare with his partner.
Nobody can compare with him in paintings.
9.express vt 表达,表示
No words can express my thanks.
He can express himself in good clear English now after four years' hard learning.
express adj. 快速;快递 an express train
expression n 表达,表情,词句
10.base n 基地,大本营,基础
She used her family’s story as a base of her novel.
His arguments had a good economic base.
The air base was set up in 1980.
base vt
Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay.
One should always base one's opinions on facts.
I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.
11.contact vt
She contacted me as soon as she arrived there.
be in [out of] contact with 和...接触, 有联系[脱离接触, 失去联系]
have contact with 接触到, 和...有联系
lose contact with 和...失去联系, 离开
make contact with 和...接触[联系]
12.survive vi 幸存,残存,生还
Few survived after the flood。
The custom still survives.
Vt 幸免于,经受得住,比。。。活得长
He survived his wife for many years.他比妻子多活好多年。
The house survived the storm.
13.once conj. 一旦
Once you begin you have to continue.
Once you get down to doing something ,you should try your best.
14.prove vt 证明
He has proved his courage in battle.
Facts have proved that the creative power of the people knows no limits. 事实证明人民的创造力是无穷的。
Prove vi 证实(是)
The method / drug proved (to be) highly effective.
My advice proved to be wrong.
15.qualified adj 有资格的;合格的
He is a qualified doctor.
He is qualified for his job.
qualify v 具有资格 qualification n 资格
Can you find our position on this map?
The position is very critical. 情势很危急。
He's got a good position as a sales manager.
What is your position on the new taxes? 关于新税法你有何见解?
17.manage vt/vi
He is old enough to manage his own business.
May I help you with your case ?—Thanks a lot ! I can manage myself.
The pilot managed to circle the city for a long time.
He managed to pass the exam with his classmates’ help.
succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事
try to do sth 努力做某事(不知道结果如何)
18.live vt
He is our model .He can live his own dream by himself.
adj. There is a live concert on TV tonight.(现场直播的)
Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions
1.set sail for some place
2.pay off 成功,带来好的结果
Before exams he worked very hard.And his effort paid off ;He passed the exam.
Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea.
pay 其他的词组
pay sb money for sth. pay back偿还 pay off one’s debts 还清债务
3.a great deal of 许多,大量 后跟不可数名词
a good /great many books a large number of books
quite a few books many a/an +单数可数名词
a great deal of money a large sum of money
3) 两者都可修饰
a lot of =lots of plenty of a large quantity of /large quantities of
4.as well as 也,同时
He as well as his families likes music.
5.have effect on 对。。。。有影响
His words had great effect on me .
6.lead sb to a place
lead sb to do sth lead to sth
7.have something to do with
He said he had nothing to do with the matter.
Have something/nothing/little/much to do with
8.be known as/for make oneself known to others
9.die of 死于
die of a disease/hunger/old age/ sorrow
die from a fall from the bike/an accident/wound/cut/drinking too much
10.fall ill
11.go out
12.the curse of the mummy
13.at the moment of his death
14.punish sb
15.change the world for the better
16.through thoughts and actions
17.win a Nobel Peace Prize
18.in history
19.resting place of the dead
20.wear special clothing
21.empty sth
22.be curious about the world
23.protect sb
24.in advance
25.make a discovery
26.during his lifetime
27.by the 1920’s in the early 1920’s
28.search for sth
29.live on
30.make a great contribution to the world 对世界作出贡献
31.later on
32.would rather do sth
33.spend a great deal of money
34.set foot on a place
35.sail at full speed
36.cause sb to do sth
37.fail to do
38. a scientific explanation
39.show sb how to do sth
40.in his thirties
41.apply for a job
42.go into space
43.make the dream a reality
44.in orbit
45.talk of
46.love science and technology
47.learn survival skills
48.be qualified for the task
49.describe sb as
50.look up to so as
51.choose sb as
52.be proud of
53.go down in history
54.manage to live his dream
55.in control of himself
56.encourage sb to do sth
57.join the army
58.three out of ten candidates
59.go to university
60.rather than 而不是
61.dream of doing sth
Part Ⅲ Sentences and structures
1.He is one of the most famous explores the world has ever known.他是世界闻名的大探险家之一。
2.The preserved bodies are known as mummies.这些经过处理保存的遗体就是世人皆知的木乃伊。
3.It was the most important tomb that had ever been found.
4.We emptied the tomb of everything it contained.
5.The tomb contained more riches ,gold jewels than any of us had ever seen before.
6.Upon entering the tomb, the bird was eaten by a snake.
upon/on sth/doing sth 一。。。。。就。。。。。。
相当于as soon as /the moment /the minute 引导的从句
7.He fell ill with a fever.他发烧生病了。
With 表示原因
He shook with cold.
His face became red with anger.
We jumped with joy.
8.It was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as China’s first astronaut.
强调句型:It is/was+所强调的部分+that +剩下的部分
He and his team found the tom by chance.
It was he and his team that/who found the tomb by chance.
It was the tomb that he and his team found by chance.
It was by chance that he and his team found the tomb.
9.What is certain ,though, is that the mystery of the tomb has never been fully explained.
10.The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei and young people all over the word can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.
Part Ⅳ Grammar
Past perfect tense
When I got to the theatre ,they had sold out all tickets.
He said that he had met her before.
It was the first time that she had been here.
He had studied English for five years before he worked.
By the time I got up,he had prepared for the dinner.
By the end of last year,we had doubled our products.
I had intended to go with you ,but I had something unexpected to do .
一 形式 had done
二 含义 在过去的某一个时间之前就发生的动作(过去的过去)
三、状语 when/before/after/as soon as /until /since /by/ for /already
Part Ⅴ Writing
Page 76 (课本)
Jiang Tianyi ,fist prize winner
Jiang Tianyi , a sisteen-year-old boy from Class 5 Senior High 1 ,has won first prize in the Jianghai Web Design Competition held last week.
A total of 356 contestants from all walks of life took part in the competition ,which required them to use Flash to make a web page.
Jiang Tianyi has been interested in computers for quite some time. He’s slow interested in English .His favorite subjects in school are Maths and Science .In his spare time ,he likes to play football and Chinese chess.
Jiang Tianyi attended the No 1 primary School and No 1 Secondary School in Jianghai City. He dreams of going to the best university when he graduates from high school .His goal is to have a successful career in the IT industry.
课时训练 (P 72)
More and more middle students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend .There are two different viewpoints about it.
Some thinks it necessary .First of all ,it’s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves .Secondly ,it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides ,they can learn a lot more. Others think it unnecessary .For one thing ,students can easily form the habit of dependence .For another ,students need time to time. What’s more ,the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.
In my opinion ,whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends .If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject ,maybe it’s OK for you .but be sure to choose a good sand suitable class or teacher .otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.
Dear Tom ,
I know you are interested in Chinese culture and want to find a job in Nanjing .I read an advertisement in today’s Yangtze Evening Paper “, a local paper here .A Nanjing Ladder Information Company is running a school .They need English teachers ,aged from 35-45,who should be native speakers .What they prefer is a university degree in education or other related fields ,which I’m sure you have .Besides ,a foreign expert certification is also required .I think you are the right person they want .
If you are interested ,please directly call or write to the company.The telephone number is 86-025-8644321,and their E-mail address is :D23@hotmail.com
AB卷 page 59
I think most of what we learn at school is useful. The problem is that we do not always know this from the start.
Take science ,for example. I hated chemistry lessons when I was younger .I I couldn’t see the point in doing boring experiments and learning tables. Now that I want to be a doctor ,I appreciate how important chemistry is .I realize that we have to learn the basics first .I used to think learning English was pointless too ,but now it really helps me a lot in communicating with foreign friends and gaining knowledge.
In conclusion ,I would say that most of what we learn at school is quite useful .I just wish all teachers would make it clear how the subjects we study can really help us later on in life.
AB卷page 68
Dear Editor,
Video games are very popular among the school students .Some students are so interested in the games that they spend all day playing .Sometimes they forget to do their homework and even play truant .Each time they have to pay much money .In order to pay the prices ,they ask their parents for more pocket money. Some even steal money .Too much video game playing requires time ,money and energy ,and it’s not good for the student’s study and health.
I hope the government will do something to stop it.
Yours ,
Li Ming
Dear Mr.James ,
I learn that a lawyer is wanted in your company .I’m very glad to introduce myself to you.
I was born on May 2nd,1968.I’m 1.76 metres tall with black hair ,big eyes and a round face. I never take anything for granted .And I’m careful in my work.
In my spare time ,I enjoy reading .I’m good at English .I often encourage myself with these words ,”Don’t be afraid of the evils .I should work for the interests of the people .
I’m sure I’ll be fit for the position and hope you’ll give me an early reply .Please call me at 6600378.
Yours ,
Wang Hai
1. They even _______ their rooms without any reason.
A. searched for B. searched C. searched out D. searched after
2. I, as well as you, ___________ a lawyer.
A. am B. is C. were D. will
3. The accident _________ his death.
A. lead to B. resulted in C. resulted from D. resulted
4. America is ________ home of baseball.
A. known for B. known as C. famous for D. known to
5. No hotel can ___________ ours in service and price.
A. compare with B. compare to C. be compared to D. be compared with
6 When we reached the airport, we were surprised to find that my uncle’s plane ______ already.
A. landed B. has landed C. landing D. had landed
7. By the time the police________, the robber __________, leaving two knives on the ground
A. had arrived, left B. arrived, had left C. arrived , left D. had arrived, had left
8. We_______ the problem for quite some time, but we _____ any conclusion yet.
A. have been discussing, haven’t reached B. have discussed, haven’t been reaching
C. discussed, haven’t reached D. had discussed, haven’t reached
9. ____________ the school when the bell rang.
A. Hardly did I reach B. I hardly reached C. Hardly had I reached D. I hardly had reached
10. _________ your help, I was able to be admitted into college.
A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Thanks D. Under
11. She _______ her aunt, because she is a great policewoman.
A. looks up to B. looks up C. looks into D. looks out
12. His theory (理论)________ correct.
A. proved B. was proved C. was proved to be D. has been proved
13. With his help, we ______ our task in time.
A. succeeded to finish B. tried to finish C. managed to finish D. successful in finishing
14. We made choices ________ how the products are made.
A. based on B. basing on C. is based on D. according
15. I was so lucky that I ______ the car crash.
A. survived from B. survived C. was survived from D. was survived
16. The report should _______ in greater detail and in clearer language.
A. present B. be presented C. organize D. show
17. ____________ come into the bank _____ the police arrived.
A. No sooner had the thieves , than B. Sooner the thieves , when
C. Soon after the thieves had, but D. No sooner did the thieves, than
18 “ Do you have any clothes ______?” Mother asked. “ Give them to me.”
A. to wash B. to be washed C. washed D. washing
19. The clothes seems green ______ blue.
A. instead of B. more than C. better than D. rather than




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