Unit 23 Telephones

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Lesson 89
Teaching objectives and demands:
1. After learning the dialogue, the students are required to mater the following words and useful expressions: dial; excellent; have…on; get together; chat; all the best; have a word with
2. The students are supposed to use freely the set phrases of making telephone calls.
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points:
1. Everyday English for communication.
2. Words and useful expressions
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises of the previous unit.
(2) Talk about the equipment in a modern office: How many kinds of facilities you may meet in an office?
Step 2. Presentation
SB Page 61, Part 1. Talk about the picture and get s to tell what they think is happening. Then teach the new words dial; chat; excellent if necessary.
Step 3. Listening
Play the tape of Speech Cassette Lesson 89, and tell the students to listen to the tape to answer the following questions (the italic parts are possible answers):
1. Who want to speak to Pippa?
2.What was the main idea of the telephone message?
It was about the lecture on Thursday evening.
Step 4. Reading
Read the text and explain the language difficulties if necessary.
(1) I think I dialled the wrong number. 我想我拨错号了。
Please clean the telephone set including the dial.
Please dial the police station at once.
(2) Would you like a word with her? 你要与她说几句话吗?
(have) a word with sb. 与某人说几句话 speak to/with sb.
May I have a word with your manager?
Would you like a word with Papa?
word for word 逐字地(翻译)
by word of mouth 口头地
take sb. at his words 把某人的话信以为真
have the last word 作最后的辩驳
eat one's words 食言
upon my word/my word upon it 我发誓
in one word 简言之
in short words 简言之
in other words 换句话说
(3) I called to ask you if you'd like to come to a lecture on Thursday evening at the college. 我打电话是想问问你是否想来学院听星期四晚上的一个讲座。
① called表示“刚刚打电话”,是过去时间。又如:
I called my husband just now, but he was not in his office.
② come/go to a lecture 意为“来/去听讲座”,也可以用attend a lecture。
③ 注意on Thursday evening中的介词 on。英语中指某一天的上、下午或夜晚必须用介词on,如:
I'm coming back on Christmas Eve.
He was killed in an accident on the evening of April Fool's Day.
④ at the college是特指彼此心目中都知道的那所学院。如果泛指“在学院”,则常用at college。
Step 5. Oral practice
SB P61, Part 2, get the students to match the 2 halves in pairs and after most of the pairs have finished, call out some of them to yell out to the rest of the class.
Step 6. Workbook
Get the students to do Ex.1 and 2 and then check the answers with the class.
1.Could/Can/May I speak to Bill, please There is no Bill here I think I dialled the wrong number
2.Is that Jim This is Peter  Is Bill there Would you like a word with him; Hold on        I'll go and get/call him
3.I called to ask you if you have time to visit
9:00 to 11:00 this Friday morning or 1:00 to 4:30 next Tuesday afternoon
Just a minute/moment, please.     Which time is convenient for you
I have to ring off now.      Someone is waiting to use the phone.
1.B;A   2.D;C   3.E;G   4.F
Step 7. Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 81 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 90 Telephones
Teaching objectives
1. Develop the students’ comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2. Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the facilities in the offices outside the class.
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the modern office equipment.
4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.
Teaching Approach
1.Communicative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)
Teaching type: Reading comprehension
Teaching Procedure
Step 1. Pre-reading Discussion
Lead the students to discuss the facilities in the office. Talk about the use of telephones the duplicating machines and fax machines and so on.
Step 2. Skimming
Tell the students to read the text quickly and answer the following questions:
(1) How was one telephone connected with another in the past?
(2) How is one telephone connected with another today?
Step 3. Listening
Play the tape for the students to following and answer the question: How does a telephone work? Get some students to tell the class their answers.
Step 4. Language points
Now read the text and explain the following language points if necessary.
⑴ How a telephone works is a question not everyone can answer. 电话是如何工作的不是每个人都能回答的。
How a telephone works是主语从句,not everyone can answer是定语从句,修饰a question,中间省略了关系代词that/which。参见下面的带有主语从句的复合句:
What he said was true. 他所说的是真的。
How he came to the United States was a mystery.
⑵ The earliest telephones were not popular and it took a long time before people began to hire or buy them. 最初的电话并不普及,过了很长时间人们才开始租用或购买它们。
That is the place where you can hire boats. 那是你们可以租船的地方。
All the hired clerks are to perform their duties well.
Have you paid for the hire of the hall? 你们付了会堂租金了吗?
We're going to employ 100 more air hostesses next month.
He quarreled with the boss, and as a result he was dismissed/fired.
⑶ In those days, to make a call, you had to wind a handle at the side of your telephone. 那时候为了打电话你得摇动电话机旁的摇柄。
① to make a call是插在时间状语和主句之间的目的状语,为了避免累赘,用逗号隔开,也可以将它移到句末。目的状语修饰句子时常被放在句首或句末,如:
To go to university, he has been studying very hard every day.
Or we may say:
He has been studying very hard to go to university.
He reached out for the gun.
Bob bought a camera to take pictures.
The couple worked day and night so as to pay off their debts.
② make a call 打一次电话 place a phone call; call (up) 作动词时也表示“打电话”,但没有几次的概念,因此如果表示具体的一次,或更多的次数,常常使用make a call/place a phone call,如:
Last night, I made three calls/placed three phone calls to your house, but you were not in. 昨晚我给你家打了三次电话,但你都不在。
表示打电话,还可以用动词 phone (to)/telephone (to) sb.或phone to/telephone to a place的结构,如:The moment the accident happened, someone phoned to the police station. 事故一发生,便有人给警察局打电话。
③ wind vt. & vi. 转动;包紧;迂回曲折 wind作为动词使用时,其过去式或过去分词有两种形式,即winded和wound[wu:nd]。如:
My watch has stopped for I didn't wind it last night.
She wound a little cat in her arms. 她抱着小猫。
The man is winding in the line. 那男子正在收线(钓鱼)。
The winding stairs lead to the top of the tower. 旋转楼梯通向塔顶。
The little river winds its way through our village.
⑷ There have been great advances in telephone equipment in the last quarter of the twentieth century. 在20世纪的最后25年里电话设备发展迅猛。
① 注意与in the last/past+ 时间名词组成的状语结构连用时,常用现在完成时,如:Some Asian youths have immigrated to other countries in the past ten years. 在过去的10年里,有些亚洲青年移民他国。
What have you done in the last few months?
Lots of roads have been rebuilt or widened in the last few years.
② advance既是动词,也是名词,主要意思是“前进”、“进展”、“进步”等,如:There have been great advances in telecommunications in the 1990's.
The Austrian soldiers were advancing towards the Italian troops.
⑸ The first telephone directory was printed in a town in the USA in 1878. 第一本电话号码簿于1878年在美国的一座小城里被印刷出来。
① directory n. 姓名住址录
Can I borrow your telephone directory?
Can you direct me to the post office?
② print是一个多义词,既是动词,也是名词, 其主要意思是“印刷”、“印刷品”、“印刷字体”,如:
The child's feet printed the sand. 孩子的脚在沙滩上留下了足迹。
How many copies shall we print off from the negative?

⑹ They need to be strengthened every 3~4km. 每隔3至4千米这些信号便需要被增强。
strengthen意为“增强”、“加强”。它由strength + en构成,strength由形容词strong变化而来。有些形容词可加-th构成名词,如:
en-前缀或-en后缀和一个形容词或一个名词可以构成一个及物动词,如: enrich/richen 使富有
encourage 鼓励
enable 使……能够
enforce 加强
sharpen 削尖 → sharpener 削笔刀
broaden/widen 扩宽
deepen 加深
⑺ Redirection. If you are out of the office, you can have all calls redirected to another number. 转移呼叫。如果你不在办公室,你可以把所有呼叫你的电话转到另一个号码上去。
The officer directed his soldiers to charge at the enemy.
Step 5. Discussion
SB P63, Part 2, divide the students into groups or four and get them to discuss the seven questions. If time permits, call out some groups to report to the class.
Step 6. Discussion
SB P63, Part 3, divide the students into groups or four and get them to discuss the two questions as we did in the previous step. If time permits, call out some groups to report to the class.
Step 7. Workbook
Go through the Workbook exercises and check the answers with the students if time permits.
1B   2.A   3.B   4.C   5.B   6.A
1.frequently       2.directly;redirection
3.strength;strengthen     4.chemistry;chemical
1.A mobile phone can be very useful and convenient. It’s very easy for us to get in touch with others. It helps to shorten the distance between people and helps to strengthen the relation ship between people. It also plays an important part in developing our country's economy. The most important is that it has no limitation of time and place.
 2.A car is useful mainly in transportation. It makes transportation easy and full of fun. It helps to strengthen the relations in a family. It helps the development of the city for its houses can be built far away from the working places. It helps the development of the country's economy, for more cars are sold, the country can get more profit.
 3.A color TV is useful. It helps to widen people's knowledge, it help people to get more information. From it, we can watch a football match without tickets, which we long to watch but there are not enough tickets for all the fans. So is a concert, a film and so on. It helps people to get good relaxation, let people relax in a meaningful way and reduce the crime rate.
 4.A computer is becoming more and more popular. It can help people a great deal in many ways. With a computer, you can do everything without leaving your home, such as shopping, financial management, making friends all over the world, playing games and so on.
Step 8. Homework
(1) Ex.1 & 2 in the Workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 91 Mobile telephones
Teaching aims and demands
1.The students are asked to master the following words and useful expressions: mobile; smart; cordless; in other words; distant; lately; interrupt; remind; lack; due to; income; announce; sew; bargain; needle; thread
2. Grammar: the students are supposed to use the noun clause collectively.
3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.
Key points: grammar and useful expressions
Teaching methods: Reading —oral practice----explanation
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
Step 2. Presentation
SB P65, Part 1. Tell the students that “Today we ‘re going to read a passage about the mobile phone. Teach the word mobile if necessary or get out a mobile phone and tell the students that we are going to learn something about mobile phone.
Step 3. Reading
Tell the students to read the poem to answer the following questions:
1.What is a mobile phone?
A mobile phone has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag.
2.What is the difference between a mobile phone and an ordinary phone?  
A mobile phone can be carried about, while an ordinary phone can’t, for it has wires.
3.What is a cordless phone?  
A cordless phone also has no wires. It can be useful in the office or the factory. It can't be taken far away from its original place.
4.If you are a businessman, which kind of telephone do you want most?  
A mobile phone.
5.What can the new model do? Why can it do so?
You don't have to look up the number of the person you want to ring. You say the name the person you want to ring and the phone can recognize the name and dial the number. It can do so because it has a small computer in it.
Step 4. Language points
Tell the students to read the poem and underline the language points. Talk about the language difficulties with the students.
⑴ A mobile phone has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag. 移动电话没有导线,你可以放在口袋或提包里携带。
a mobile telephone 一部移动电话
mobile troops 机动部队
a mobile house 活动房屋
mobile expressions 易变的表情
automobile 小汽车
Although the salary is fairly large, I dislike the mobility of the job.
⑵ Someone can also ring you, either from a mobile phone or from an ordinary one. 别人也可以用移动电话或普通电话机给你打电话。
either...or... 是并列连词,注意前后结构必须相对应,如果引导并列主语,需采取就近原则。如:
We're planning to go to either Mexico or Cuba to spend the holidays.
Either you or I am to go to talk with them.
⑶ If you have a cordless phone, you can carry it with you and look up the information that your caller wants.
① cordless adj. 无绳电话 cordless由cord(细绳)加否定后缀-less构成,类似的单词还有:
② 注意thread, cord, rope的粗细是逐渐增加的,thread表示“细线”,cord表示“细绳”,rope表示“绳子”。
⑷ In other words, you can walk to a distant part of the office or factory to check the information without putting the phone down. 换句话说,你可以到办公室或工厂的其他地方去核查产品资料而无需将电话搁下。
in other words意为“换句话说”,在句中用作状语。

⑸ One new model has lately been developed for business people. 最近为业务人员研制出一种新机型。
Plants develop from seeds, but many animals developed from eggs.
It is high time that we developed our industry and agriculture.
In the past fifteen years or so, China has developed into a powerful country.
Have you developed my films yet? 我的胶卷你洗好了吗?
a developing/advancing country 发展中国家
a developed/advanced country 发达国家
⑹ With his phone, you do not have to look up the number of the person you want to ring. 有了这种电话机,你不必查找对方的电话号码。
look up 查阅;抬头看
When I went into the room, he did not even look up from his pages.
Please look up the number in the telephone directory.
look up后面介词不同,语义也不同,如:
He said he looked up to Chopin. 他说他崇拜萧邦。
We looked up at the sky and saw the comet. 我们抬头看天空,看见了彗星。
Step 5. Oral practice
SB P64, Part 2. Tell the students to work in pairs to make a telephone conversation between two business people using the given phrases and sentences.
Step 6. Practice
Work in pairs to join two parts to make sentences. Tell the students that we are practising the predicative clause. Check the sentences by pick out some eloquent students to yell out their answers.
Step 7. Practice (noun clauses)
① 单个的主语从句作主语时其谓语动词一般用单数,两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语则用复数,如:
What he said was true. 他所说的话是真的。
When and where he was born has not been found out.
② 注意what和that的区别。在名词性从句中,what是代词,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。而that只是连词。如:
What surprised me most was that he had become so old.
③ 注意其他wh-疑问词和that的区别。在表示疑问的动词、形容词结构后面用wh- 疑问词,在表示肯定的动词或形容词结构后面使用that,如:
I wonder whether it will clear up tomorrow.
I'm not certain who will be sent to Belgium. 派谁去比利时,我不清楚。
I'm sure that she will win the championship. 我确信她会得冠军。
④ 是否用虚拟语气,是should+ 动词原形虚拟语气还是过去式虚拟语气。 在insist, ask, suggest 后面注意是否是虚拟语气还是直陈语气,如:
He insisted that the results were satisfactory.
He insisted that I should go to Vienna to study music.
他坚持要我去维也纳学习音乐。在表示建议、命令、要求、请求、渴望的动词和形容词结构后面使用should+动词原形,如suggest, propose, order, command, ask(请求),require, request, demand, be anxious 等等。如:
He suggested that we should hold a press conference.
在wish, would rather, it's (high) time 后面使用过去虚拟语气,如:
I wish I could become a superman. 但愿我能变成超人就好了。
I'd rather you talked with them. 我宁愿你与他们交涉。
It's high time that you worked hard. (该句型也可用should+动词原形,should不省略) 你早就该用功了。
We will discuss your request that your salaries should be raised.
Are you in favour of the suggestion that we should build another reservoir?
一般 should+ 动词原形的虚拟语气结构中可以省略should。
SB P65, Part 4, tell the students to fill in the blanks with the words given, and check the answers with the students by picking out some students to yell out their answers.
Step 8. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 91, Ex. 2~3. Get the students to do the three exercises and then check the answers with the students.
Ex.2 wires;  about;  ring;   press;  put;  take;  wherever; useful;distant; caller; developed;With;   look   ring;  it;    phone;dials;  who;   forgets; phone;  remember
Ex.3 1.what   2.how much   3.that    4.why   5.how   6.How many   7.Which 8.Who   9.Where    10.Whether  11.Whose
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 91 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the grammar of noun clauses in this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 92
Teaching aims and demands
1. Listening practice
2. Grammar: -ing form used as attributive and object complement.
Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2.listening 3. grammar
Teaching methods: Listening practice; written practice and oral practice.
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the two lessons.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 155 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.
② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 23 with the students. Get the students to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions. Pick out some students to yell out their sentences to the rest of the class.
Step 4. Word study
SB P66, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Check the answers with the students after they finish them.
Step 5. Writing
SB P66, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a passage to answer the letter in the workbook Ex.3. (a possible version: See below.)
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 92. Ex.1~2 and the exercises in Unit 23 Revision. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students. Answers: Ex.1.
1.have a word with  2.free of charge     3.turned into    4.instead of
5.Even though     6.have got something on 7.get together   8.all the best
Ex.2 1.dialled  2.hire  3.directory   4.frequently   5.mobile  6.lately
Ex.3 (a possible version)
Dear Li Yimin,
Hello! I'm very pleased when you said that you're interested in our new mobile phone. Model SVK 200 was developed this year. It can be used all over the world by satellite, and we can make sure that you can get clear signals everywhere. You can buy it from any telephone equipment shop and you can order it from our factory. It costs 1000 yuan
                             Fada Factory
Unit 23 Revision
1.how you look up the meanings of a word in a dictionary
2.That they don't know how to learn English through/by listening and reading
3.many girls in the countryside can't receive good education
4.we should use good learning methods and form good living habits
5.knowledge is strength
6.to make friends with good books will help you all your life
7.Whether the teacher should teach the students knowledge or learning methods
8.We have to develop not only reading and writing skills but also listening and speaking skills
Ex.2 1.recover   2.smart  3.connect   4.excellent  5.income   6.sew 7.strengthen 8.wind  9.bargain   10.interrupt  11.remind   12.lack  13.due
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 92 in workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
Evaluation of teaching:




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