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sing along with 伴随...歌唱 go on vacation 继续度假 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事on display  展览;陈列
to be honest (作插入语)老实说;说实在的 be bad for 对……有害,有坏处的stay away from (与某人/某物)保持距离
be in agreement 意见一致go trekking 长途跋涉 consider doing sth 考虑做某事in general 通常,大体上,一般而言
provide … with … 供应某人某物as soon as possible 尽快地 come ture 实现;达到cheer up 使振奋、高兴
clean up 打扫干净set up 摆放,建立 come up with 提出(问题) hand out 分发,发放 put up 建立,发布
run out of 耗尽,用光 take after 与…相像 fix up 修理 give away 赠送,分发 work out 制定出,算出
give out 发放,消耗尽 be similar to 与…相似 at once 立即,马上 be used for 用来做…… by mistake 错误地
by accident 偶然 according to 根据……,按照fall into 落入,陷入 in this way 这样 knock into 撞上
go off(闹钟)闹响come out 出来,出现run off 迅速离开,跑掉on time 准时 break down 损坏,坏掉
show up 出席,露面 set off 出发,开始 get married 结婚
Unit Six
1. Rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle. 2. I love singers who write their own music.
3. We prefer music that has great lyrics. 4. I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.
5. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 6. I have never seen an Indian film.
Unit Seven
1. A: Where would you like to visit? B: I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.
2. A: Where would you like to visit? B: I hope to go to France some day.
3. A: Where would you like to visit? B: I’d love to visit Mexico.
4. That would be wonderful. 5. But there’s not much to do there. 6. Living in Singapore is quite expensive.
7. It’s also a wonderful place for shopping. 8. My family and I want to take a trip.
Unit Eight
1. He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up. 2. We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.
3. We need to come up with some ideas. 4. We can’t put off making a plan.
5. You could volunteer in an after-school study program. 6. I take after my father.
7. Your parents must be proud of you. 8. I need to come up with some ways of getting money.
Unit Nine
1. A: When was the car invented? B: It was invented in 1885.
2. A: When were the electric slippers invented? B: They were invented last year.
3. A: Who were they invented by? B: They were invented by Julie Thompson.
4. A: What are they used for? B: They’re used for seeing in the dark.
5. Some friends of mine had one TV set. 6. In this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.
Unit Ten
1. By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom.
2. By the time she went outside, the bus had already gone.
3. By the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching.
4. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.
5. I don’t want to stay up too late.
1.though (1)adv. 副词,用于口语中,in spite of this ; however ;意思是“尽管如此,然而”,放在句尾。(2)conj. 连词,although ; despite the fact that 意思是“虽然,尽管”,放在句首或句中,不与but连用。
2. remind sb of sb./sth. “提醒某人某事;使某人回想起或意识到某人(某事)。例如:Reading the text reminds me of its author Lu Xun. 读这篇课文使我想起了它的作者鲁迅。remind sb. to do sth. 意为“提醒某人去做某事”。例如: Mother often reminds me not to be late for school. 妈妈常提醒我上学不要迟到。
3.be on display相当于be on show,意为“展览、展出”。在英语中,on+名词,往往含有“正在进行”之意。如:on duty“值日”,on business“在办事”,on show“被展览”,on leave“在休假”,on fire“在着火”,on sale“在出售”等。
4.whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever等疑问词,可引导状语从句,表示“无论……,不管……”之意。在口语中还可用no matter + wh一词来代替。例如:Whatever I did ( =No matter what I did ), no one paid any attention. 不管我做什么事,都没有人注意。
5.“It is said + that从句”,意为“据说……”。也可以用“They say + that从句”或“People say + that从句”替换。
6.touristy为形容词,是由tourist加后缀-y而构成的。相当于full of tourists 意为“(贬义、口语)游客很多的,吸引游客的”。例如:The coast is terribly touristy now. 海滨区现在到处都是游客。
7.on vacation 意为“在度假,在休假中”,这主要是美式用法,英国人常用on holiday. 其中的介词on是表示状态、方法等,意思是“进行中,在……中,于……状态”。例如:
The Smith family is now on vacation. 史密斯一家正在度假。(也可用on holiday)
8.go +on(或for)+名词,常表示“去……”。例如:
They’d like to go on a picnic this weekend. 这个周末他们想去野餐。
Would you like to go for a swim after school? 放学以后你想去游泳吗?
9. hope作动词,也可以作名词,表示“希望”,“愿望”。作为动词,hope后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句。hope还可以与so,not用于简略回答中。hope作名词时,既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词。
10.somewhere常用作副词,意为“到某处,在某处”。与之类似构成的单词还有:anywhere(在任何地方,到任何地方),nowhere(无处,到处都没有),everywhere(到处,处处)。somewhere用于肯定句,而在否定句、疑问句、if(whether)从句中,则用anywhere。 somewhere有时与修饰语或短语连用,或成为宾语而当名词用。这时候,其修饰语或短语要置于somewhere之后。例如:
They need somewhere to stay. 他们需要找个地方呆一会。
即使形式为疑问句,但说话者心中的肯定意识较强时,或实际上表示请求劝诱时,有时不用anywhere而用somewhere。例如: Shall we go somewhere else? 我们去别的地方好吗?
12.get around意为“观光,到处走动”。其中的around可作介词,也可作副词,表示“在各处,朝……四处,遍及”等意思。
13.be supposed to在这里相当于should,意为“应该,理应”。例如:The teachers are supposed to know a lot. 这些老师应当知道很多。
14.fix up在这里意为“修理”,是一个动副词组。另外fix up还有“为某人安排或提供……”的意思。
15.try to do sth意为“设法或努力去做某事”,而try doing sth.意为“尝试着做某事”。
16.by mistake为介词词组,意为“弄错,无意中(做错了事)”。例如:I took his backpack by mistake. 我错拿了他的书包。另外make mistakes为动宾词组,意为“犯错误”。例如:He often makes a mistake in his spelling. 他经常在拼写上出错。
17.go off在这里的意思为“(闹钟)闹响”。另外go off还有“离开;消失;坏了”等意思。
18.marry sb表示“嫁给某人;与……结婚”。例如:John married Mary last week.上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。marry的其他常见用法还有:
①be/get married to sb表示“与某人结婚”。如: Jane was married to a doctor last month. 上个月简和一位医生结婚了。
Rose got married to a teacher.罗斯和一位教师结婚了。
②marry sb to sb表示“(父母)把(女儿)嫁给某人”或“为(儿子)娶媳妇”。如: She married her daughter to a businessman.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。
③marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。例如:She married very early. 她很早就结婚了。
She married at the age of 22. 她二十二岁结了婚。
(1)would like与want
二者都有“想要”的含义,但would like较want更加委婉。二者后面都可接“名词或不定式”,也可接“名词+不定式”的结构,would like在口语中常说成“’d like”,可适用于所有人称;而want则要根据人称和数的变化而变化。在语言表达中,二者大多可以互换使用,但在语气的委婉程度上是有差别,这一点在具体的语言环境中要注意。例如:
She wants a cup of coffee. = She’d like a cup of coffee. 她想要一杯咖啡。
His uncle would like to buy a new car. = His uncle wants to buy a new car. 他叔叔想买辆新车。
My friends want to play soccer after school. = My friends would like to play soccer after school. 我的朋友想在放学后踢足球。
show的使用范围很广,也常用在非正式场合。例如:Please show me your hands. 请把手伸出来看看。
This last sentence shows you what will happen.最后一句向你展示要发生什么。
例如:The peacock is displaying its fine feathers.这只孔雀在展示自己美丽的羽毛。
The train is running through the tunnel. 火车正从隧道中穿过。
It’s dangerous to go across the road when traffic lights are red. 红灯亮时过马路很危险。
(3)because, as, since, for
Why am I leaving? I’m leaving because I want to. 为什么我要离开?因为我想离开。
as, since用于表示理由是已知,而理由以外才是叙述的重点,两者皆多用于句首。但要注意:since更重形式,as多表示理由以外才是重点。例如:
Since you have no license, you are not allowed to drive. 因为你没有驾驶执照,所以你不可以开车。
As it is raining, let’s stay at home. 因为下雨,我们就留在家里吧。
I’ll follow his advice, for he is a doctor. 我会听从他的劝告,因为他是医生。
hope与wish后都可接动词不定式,但wish后还可接“sb. + to do sth. ”的结构,而hope则不可以。如果用hope表达主语希望别人做某事时,后面要接宾语从句。例如:
Jim hopes to get a baby horse for his birthday. 吉姆希望在生日那天能得到一匹小马。
The little girl hopes her mother will come home from work earlier today. 这个小女孩希望她妈妈能早点下班回家。
My aunt wishes to find her lost watch somewhere. 我姑姑希望在什么地方能找到她丢失的手表。
The little girl wishes her mother to come home from work earlier every day. 这个小女孩希望妈妈每天早点下班回家。
We hope to visit this place again. 我们希望能再度探访此地。
We hoped to save more money. 我们希望能存更多的钱。
(5) be used for, be used as, be used by, be used to
be used for意为“被用来做……”,介词for表用途,后面加名词或动名词。例如:Stamps are used for sending letters. 邮票是用于寄信的。
be used as.意为“被用作……”,介词as表示“作为”,后面接名词。例如:English is also used very widely as a foreign language in many other countries in the world. 在世界上许多国家里,英语也作为一种外语被广泛使用。
be used by意为“被使用”,介词by后面接动作的执行者。例如:English is used by travelers and business people all over the world. 世界各地的旅行者和商人都使用英语。
be used to doing sth.意为“习惯做某事”;be used to do sth.“被用来做某事”。例如:
The foreigner has been used to living here.那位外国人已经习惯了居住在这里。
Knives can be used to cut apples.刀可以用来切苹果。
(6)find out, discover
find out指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相。一般指主观有意识的动作。例如:Think it over, and you’ll find out the way to solve this problem. 仔细考虑,你就会发现解决问题的办法。
discover指发现的对象是本来存在的,只是以前不知道;也可指发现新奇或意外之物或某种情况。例如:Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。
(7)happen与take place
①happen作“发生”讲,主要指偶然发生,而且多指整个情况。例如:How did the accident happen? 事故是怎样发生的?
②take place作“发生”解时较为正式,不带有偶然之意,并经常用来指经事先安排的事情。例如:“The May Fourth Movement” took place in 1919. “五四运动”发生于1919年。
(1)If you are looking for entertainment, stay at home and watch TV. 如果你正想找乐趣,就呆在家里看电视。
这是if 引导条件状语从句。意为“如果,假使”。例如:If you are ill. you must see the doctor. 如果你病了,就必须去看医生。
在if引导的条件状语从句或when引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句是将来时态,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:Lucy will see a film, if she has a time. 如果Lucy有时间,她就去看电影。
(2)Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. 一定要看这次在Lido Gallery的展出。
[用法]be sure to do sth.用在祈使句中,不是表示判断,而是表示对对方的要求,意为“务必要”,“一定要”。例如:Be sure not to forget it!千万别忘记呀!
由be sure构成的句型有:
①be sure+of/about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握”。例如: He is sure of success. 他自信会成功的。
但是如果后面要接反身代词时,则只能用be sure of,即be sure of oneself,意为“有自信心”。例如:Joan will have an examination next week, but she is not sure of herself. 琼下周要参加一个考试,但她对自己没有十分把握。
②be sure+不定式,意为“必定”、“必然会”、“准会”。例如:It is sure to rain. 天一定会下雨。
③be sure+宾语从句,意为“确信某事一定会……”。例如:I’m not sure whether I’ve met him before. 我不能确定以前是否见到过他。
(3) For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Singapore? 你为什么不考虑到新加坡度下一次假呢?
①consider + 从句。例如:Li Lei began to consider how he could pass the exam. 李雷开始考虑如何通过这次考试。
②consider + doing sth 例如:I am considering changing my job. 我正考虑换个工作。
③consider + sth(名词)。例如:You should consider the matter very well. 你要好好考虑这件事。
(4)Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spending time doing what I love to do. 关于帮助别人,我不但感觉很好,而且我开始花时间做我喜欢做的事。
not only … but also意为“不但……而且”,其中also可以省略。它的用法如下:
①它可以连接句子的主语、谓语、表语、宾语等,强调but also引出的内容。当用来连接主语时,谓语应与最近的主语保持一致。例如: I went to see not only him but also his brother. 我不仅是去看他,而且去看他的弟弟。 (连接宾语)
Not only the students but also their teacher likes football. 不仅学生们喜欢足球,老师也喜欢。(连接主语,谓语likes与teacher的人称和数保持一致)
She can not only sing but also dance. 她不但会唱歌而且会跳舞。(连接谓语)
②当Not only位于句首时,前一个分句倒装,即谓语或部分谓语提到主语前面。但连接并列主语时除外。例如:Not only did he come, but also he was very happy. 他不但来了,而且很高兴。
(5)Although tea wasn’t brought to the western world until 1610, ……。尽管西方世界直到1610年才有茶叶,……。
although意为“虽然……,(但是)……”,用作从属连词,引导让步状语从句。although(虽然)与but(但是)不能同时用。另外在英语句子中,because与so,little, few与no都不能同时出现在一个句子中。例如:①Although he is very old, he still works hard. =He is very old, but he still works hard. 他虽然年纪很大,但是他仍然努力工作。
②Because Kate got up very late, she missed the train. = Kate got up very late, so she missed the train. 因为Kate起床很玩,所以她没赶上火车。
(6)Walles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story. Walles(说的)很确信,因此有数百人都相信这个故事。
so+形容词或副词+that ...引导结果状语从句。意思是“如此……以致于……”。例如:When the football fans saw Beckham, they got so excited that they cried out. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于大喊大叫。
“so … that”结构可以用 “too…to”结构或者 “…enough to…”结构来替换,从而把一个复合句变成简单句。方法有:
①如果that从句是肯定的,一般用enough to 改写。如:
The ice here is so thick that we can skate on it.
→The ice here is thick enough to skate on.
David was so careless that he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper.
→David was too careless to find the mistakes in his test paper.
当主句和从句的主语不一致时,要在不定式前加上逻辑主语for sb.。例如:
The problem is so hard that I can’t work it out.→The problem is too hard for me to work out.
1.【原文】I love singers who write their own music.我喜欢自己写音乐的歌手。
【考例】--- Do you know the lady _____ is interviewing our headmaster? --- Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
2.【原文】Few have stranger names than this band.几乎没有比这个乐队更奇怪的名字了。
【考例】A lot of girls have tried, but _____ have passed the exam.(2004乌鲁木齐)
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
【解读】 a few, few修饰可数名词的复数;a little, little修饰不可数名词,根据句子意思排除C、D项。又因为有表示转折的连词but,说明上下句是转折关系,所以应用表示否定的few填空。答案为B。
3.【原文】I’m having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai.虽然我不得诚实地说我比较喜欢上海,但是我在香港玩得很高兴。
【考例】--- How do you like the concert given by the “Foxy Ladies”?
--- Exciting, _____ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well.(2004安徽)
A. so B. though C. because D. and
4.【原文】I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course.我很幸运在这里学了六个月的英语。
【考例】My brother has a _____ son.(2004湖南益阳)
A. four-years-old B. fourth-year-old C. four-year-old D. four-year-olds
5.【原文】Some people say they’re boring, others say they’re great.一些人说他们很乏味,另一些人说他们很好看。
【考例】--- How about the movie you saw yesterday?
--- Some people think it’s boring, _____ think it’s exciting.(2004北京)
A. others B. other C. each D. another
【解读】some… others…意思为“一些……,另一些……”,是固定搭配。other一般作形容词,后面要跟名词;each强调个体,指每一个;another指另一个。所以答案为A。
6.【原文】Why not consider visiting Singapore?为什么不考虑参观新加坡?
_____ _____ come to school earlier?
【解读】why not do sth意思为“为什么不做某事”。所以此题的答案为Why not。
7.【原文】…, but there are many things to do.……但是有很多事情要做。
【考例】--- Shopping with me?
--- Sorry. I have a lot of clothes _____.(2004南昌)
A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. to be washed
【解读】不定式作定语时,一般放在被修饰词的后面。wash和被修饰词clothes存在逻辑上的动宾关系,但句子的主语和动词 wash又有逻辑上的主谓关系,所以不用不定式的被动。答案为A。
8.【原文】It is easiest to get around the city by subway.乘坐地铁观光这个城市最容易。
【考例】(动词形式填空)We are students. It is our duty _____(study) hard.(2004贵阳)
【解读】不定式作主语时,往往用形式主语it代替,而把不定式放后面。所以此题答案为to study。
9.【原文】I want to go somewhere really cool.我想去凉爽的地方去。
【考例】We want _____ a trip to Guilin this summer vacation.(2004甘肃)
A. take B. takes C. taking D. to take
【解读】有些动词后面要用动词不定式作宾语,如:hope, plan, decide, want, would like等。本题答案为D。
10.【原文】You need to pack warm clothes if you go there.如果你去那里(上海),你必须装一些暖衣。
【考例】 I’m not sure if it _____ tomorrow. If it _____, we won’t climb the South Hill.(2004西宁)
A. will snow; snows B. will snow; will snow C. snows; snows D. snows; will snow
11.【原文】 No, we can’t put off making a plan.不行,我们不能推迟制定计划。
【考例】Our sports meeting has been _____ till next Monday because of the bad weather.
A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down(2004南京)
【解读】动词put后面跟不同的副词时,意思不同。put on意为“穿上”;put up“举起”;put off“推迟”;put down“放下”。根据句子意思的要求,此题答案为C。
12.【原文】On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes.星期一他告诉点播台记者,为了买旧的自行车他花光了钱。
【考例】--- What do you usually do _____ Sundays?
--- We enjoy ourselves at the guitar club.(2004北京)
A. in B. at C. on D. of
13.【原文】In fact, there are many ways.事实上有很多方法。
_____ _____, I don’t mind what you said.
【解读】in fact是一个固定词组,意思为“实际上;事实上”。根据汉语意思,此题答案为In fact。
14.【原文】An hour later, the mother saw the two boys playing.一个小时以后,这位妈妈看见这两个孩子在玩耍。
【考例】When they went into the park, they saw someone _____ Chinese Kongfu.(2004黑龙江)
A. plays B. played C. to play D. playing
【解读】动词see后面可以用省略to的不定式作宾补,构成词组see sb. do sth.“看见某人做某事”;也可以用动词的现在分词作宾补,即see sb. doing sth.“看见某人在做某事”。根据句子的意思和句子结构,本题答案为D。
15.【原文】Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western world until 1610.尽管茶叶到1610年才被带到西方世界。
【考例】It was a very long day for Jack. He didn’t get home from school _____ six o’clock.
A. since B. to C. by D. until(2004杭州)
【解读】句型not… until意为“直到……才”,not后常用短暂性动词。本句的意思为“他(Jack)直到六点才从学校到家。”答案为D。
16.【原文】The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.这位皇帝注意到水里的叶子发出一种好闻的味道。
【考例】(用所给词的适当形式填空)A big ship for another country _____(produce) in Dalian last year.(2004辽宁大连实验区)
【解读】动词produce意思为“生产;制造;产生”,根据句子的意思,应用被动语态,时间状语是表示过去的last year,应用一般过去时的被动。答案为was produced。
17.【原文】And in this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.用这样的方法,世界上一种著名的饮料被发明了。
【考例】(改错)Yantai is one of the most beautiful city in Shandong.(2004山东烟台)
【解读】one of后面跟可数名词的复数,意思为“……中的一个”。D项是错的,应改写为cities。
18.【原文】I prefer lemons to oranges.比起橘子我更喜欢柠檬。
【考例】---Which do you prefer, English _____ science?
--- I prefer English _____ science.(2004四川资阳)
A. or; to B. to; to C. to; or D. or; than
19.【原文】By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.我出来时,汽车已经开走了。
【考例】--- Why didn’t you go to the movie yesterday? --- Because I _____ it before.(2004山东烟台)
A. had watched B. have seen C. have watched D. had seen
20.【原文】She had left her backpack at home.她把书包忘在家里了。
【考例】--- Why don’t you have a notebook with you?
--- I’ve _____ it at home.(山东烟台)
A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. found
【解读】表示“把某东西忘在什么地方”应用动词 leave;forget往往构成词组forget to do sth,表示“忘记做某事”。根据句子的意思,答案为C。
21.【原文】Can you think of any differences between British and American English?你能想出英国英语与美国英语的不同点吗?
【考例】(用所给词的适当形式填空)Do you know the _____(different) between the two words?(2004山东烟台)
22.【原文】…, or a quarter of the world’s population uses English.或者说世界人口的四分之一用英语。
【考例】(找同义词)One-fourth of the students in our class are fans of F4.(2004新疆建设兵团)
A. Several B. Some C. A lot of D. A quarter
23.【原文】…, and as many as one billion people are learning it.并且有十亿人在学英语。
【考例】I don’t believe the young man could run _____ fast _____ 20 kilometres an hour.
A. as; as B. as; like C. much; as D. so; like(2004广东)
【解读】 as…as“……和……一样”,是固定词组,中间可以用形容词或副词,也可以用有形容词修饰的名词。本题答案为A。
第一卷 选择题部分 (共四大题,40分)
( )1. The traffic is very heavy in rush hours in Beijing. A. big B. busy C. free D. not light
( )2. I would like to go to the Great one day. A. hope B. had better C. want D. expect
( )3. There are a large number of children playing in the park on Sundays. A. a few B. a lot C. several D. many
( )4. The girl liked dancing better than singing. A. prefers, to B. preferred, to C. prefers D. preferred
( )5. Jim is taking care of his little brother. A. looking after B. looking like C. looking at D. looking for
( )6. Spaceman Yang Liwei visited Hong Kong and the people there gave ______ a warm welcome.
A. he B. she C. him D. her
( )7. ---Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? ---______.
A. No problem B. I hope so C. That’s all right D. That’s a good idea
( )8. Spring Festival is coming. I’ll ______ up my room. I don’t want to live in a dirty place.
A. cheer B. clean C. set D. turn
( )9. I don’t like stories ______ have unhappy endings. A. who B. that C. where D. those
( )10. I hope to go to Beijing some day ______ there are many places of interest. A. when B. if C. because D. whose
( )11. I think the car was invented ______ 1885. A. on B. of C. at D. in
( )12. By the time she got outside, the bus _____. A. went B. gone C. has gone D. had gone
( )13. ---Can you come and play football with me? ---______. I have a lot of homework to do.
A. Excuse me B. I’d like to C. I’m afraid not D. It’s a pleasure
( )14. I like these photos and they can ______ me _____ the life living in the country.
A. think…of B. remind…of C. let…down D. wake …up
( )15. ---I don’t think the movie is well-made. ---No, it’s the ______ I’ve ever seen.
A. same B. different C. best D. worst
( )16. ---I don’t like cats . Cats aren’t friendly enough. --- ______ do I. A. So B. Neither C. too D. and
( )17. ---Have you ever been to Water World , Tom ? ---No . I’ve ________ been there.
A. ever B. already C. never D. still
( )18. ---_______ pictures have you been drawing since you started to draw pictures ? ---About five hundred.
A. What B. How much C. How many D. How old
( )19. If it ________ tomorrow , we _______ go to the park .
A. rains , won’t B. will rain , won’t C. rains , don’t D. will rain, will do
( )20. You don’t need to describe her . I ______ her several times. A. meet B. have met C. met D. will meet
三、完形填空 (10分)
We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They 21 us many things, such as wood, oxygen, rubber, medicines and many other things. They can 22 tell us a lot about our climate. The following are the reasons. If you 23 a tree, you can see that it has many rings(年轮). Most trees grow one new ring 24 year. Because of this reason, we know 25 a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred 26 . When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually 27 . When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the 28 changed suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree, we can learn about the 29 for a hundred years. We can see 30 our climate is changing today.
( )21. A. tell B. ask C. give D. get ( )22. A. not B. too C. to D. also
( )23. A. cut down B. climb up C. walk past D. look at ( )24. A. many B. every C. the first D. from
( )25. A. how big B. how long C. how old D. how much ( )26. A. trees B. leaves C. people D. rings
( )27. A. big B. thin C. small D. thick ( )28. A. climate B. trees C. things D. animal
( )29. A. people B. things C. climate D. life ( )30. A. how B. why C. when D. while
Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water into the deserts, so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time. Why is more and more land becoming desert? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth. Some places on the earth don’t get much rain. But they still don’t become deserts. This is because some plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don’t let the wind blow the dirt away. When a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.
( )31. Deserts _______
A. get very little rain B. never have any plants or animals in them
C. can all be turned into good land before long D. both A and C
( )32. Small green plants are very important to dry places because _______.
A. they don’t let the sun make the earth even drier B. the don’t let the wind blow the earth away.
C. they hold the water D. all of the above
( )33. Land is becoming desert because _______.
A. plants can’t grow there B. there is not enough rain C. people haven’t done what scientists wish them to do
D. scientists know little about the deserts
( )34. Which is the main idea of the first three sentences?
A. Scientists know how to change desert into good land
B. Land is becoming desert faster than scientists can change it back into good land
C. If scientists can bring water into desert, people can live and grow there.
D. More and more places are becoming deserts all the time.
( )35. After reading this, we learn that ________.
A. plants can keep dry land from becoming desert B. it is good to get rid of the grass in the desert
C. all places without much rain will become deserts D. it is better to grow crops on dry land than to grow grass
Mexico’s neighbors are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south. Mexico is about one quarter the size of the United States. More than 90 million people live in Mexico. The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country.
Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7,349 feet high. This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population of Mexico City grows bigger every day. About 30 million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo.
Mexico also has its special plants. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous for its cactus plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country!
( )36. Which of the following pictures is true according to the passage?
M — Mexico, US — the United States, B — Belize
( )37. Mexico city is _________.
A. the highest capital city in the world B. the largest city in the world
C. the capital of the United States D. the city with the largest population in the world
( )38. We can tell from the passage that ____.
A. Mexico is north of the United States B. Mexico is the world’s largest country
C. many foods come from Mexico D. English is the language of Mexico
( )39. “Maize” may be ____.
A. a kind of language B. the name of a city C. a kind of food D. a kind of animal
( )40. Which of the following statements about Mexico is NOT true?
A. Mexico is four times as large as the United States. B. Mexico has the most kinds of cactus plants in the world.
C. The US is four times as large as Mexico. D. Chocolate comes from Mexico.
第二卷 非选择题部分 (共五大题 60分)
1. The knife on the table is used for _____(cut) wood. 2. I think eating fruits is much _____(good) than eating meat.
3. What’s this called in English? It’s a _____(fly) disk. 4. The dog is _____(hunger). Please feed it quickly.
5. We can’t put off _____(have) the English exam. We must have it on time.
6. Yesterday I had uncle Wang _____(repair) my bike. Now it’s OK.
7. The girl wants to become a _____(profession) dancer when she grows up.
8. In the _____(twenty) century, our hometown changed a lot.
9. ---How many _____(light) are there in your classroom? --- Six.
10. The ice on the river is much _____(thin). I think you can’t walk on it.
11. Do you know who i_____ the computer first? 12. Who can o_____ the cutting machine in your factory?
13. After the fire, very little r_____ of her house. 14. The farmers worked hard to p_____ good crops from poor soil.
15. The pretty girl gave me a p_____ smile.
1. I liked playing basketball very much one year ago, but now I don’t want to play it.
I _____ _____ _____ playing basketball.
2. I like gym class best. Gym class is _____ _____.
3. Mr. King is very busy. He can’t go to the concert. Mr. King is _____ _____ _____ go to the concert.
4. Peter failed the maths exam. Peter _____ _____ the maths exam.
5. --- I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights. ---Me too.
---I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights. --- _____ _____ _____.
6. ---I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. --- I’m not allowed to go out on school nights, either.
_____ I _____ you _____ allowed to go out on school nights.
七、补全对话 (12分)
A:Hi, _1__________ ?
B:I’m playing football. _2___________ ?
A:Sorry, I’m busy at the moment. By the way, 3 _____________.
B:Why not?
A:It’s too dangerous. Can’t you see there is too much traffic?You must be careful.
B:Oh, thanks. Why are you so busy? _4________________ ?
A:I’m going to Uncle Wang’s. He’s mending my TV set. _5_____________ . Oh, I must go now, it’s late.
B:_6_____________ . You mustn’t ride too fast.
A:OK. Bye-bye.
Do you find yourself tired all the time although you get enough sleep? Then maybe this is for you. When you’re feeling weak and tired, the worst thing to do is to take a nap. It won’t restore your stamina(精力、耐力), on the contrary (相反), what happens then is that your body loses even more energy than it had before, making you even more lethargic(昏睡的).
You may also have these poor habits that worsen(使变得更坏) the problems. Do you stay in the same small area without getting up to more around? Does your job require that you sit down the whole day in front of a computer? Any or all of these reasons might be the cause of your energy level low.
What should you do, then, at those moments when you feel so tired even though you’ve got enough sleep? A cup of coffee won’t help much either, as it is easy to get addicted(使沉溺) to the caffeine. The best and most natural thing to do is to take a brisk walk. Doctors recommend(推荐) the activity because it will increase the heart rate. This increased heart rate will lead to several hours of alertness(活跃、机灵). Moreover, a regular exercise routine(常规、惯例) can make your fatigue problems disappear forever.
______(1) this passage if you find yourself tired all the time though you get enough sleep. When you’re feeling weak and tired, _______(2) take a nap. It won’t make you feel better, but more tired and _______(3).
Both _______(4) in the same small area without getting up to more around and sitting down the whole day ______(5) a computer may lead you to lose your energy and keep your energy level low.
______(6) a cup of coffee is not _______(7), as it is easy for you to rely _______(8) it. You’d better take a brisk walk because it will make your heart _______(9) faster. It will lead to a _______ (10)hours alertness. And it will restore your stamina.
1. 简况:学习英语已有3年多。起初觉得英语难学,发音不好,单词拼不准确,不会语法规则,后来,在老师和同学们的帮助下取得了很大进步。
2. 体会:要在短时间内获得最佳的学习效果,非下苦功夫不可。课内外要多听、多说、多读和多写。
3. 建议:对同学提出适当建议,以供他们学习参考。

一、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A
二、6. C。give是动词,后面应用代词的宾格;Yang Liwei 是一位男士,用him。7. A。在所给选项中,只有 No problem可以回答Could you please…? 8. B。根据意思进行选择。9. B。that引导一定语从句,修饰先行词stories。10. C。because引导原因状语从句。11. D。在表示年代的名词或数词前面用介词in。12. D。动作go发生在get前面,表示“过去的过去”,用过去完成时。 13. C。如果对别人的请求做不到时,用I’m afraid not回答。14. B。remind sb. of…“提醒某人……”,是固定词组。15. D。 “我认为这部电影不好”。“是的,这是我看过的最坏的”,根据意思应用worse。16. B。因为陈述句是否定的,所以用neither表示“也不”。17. C。在所给选项中,只有never表示否定。18. C。表示“多少”,修饰可数名词的复数,用how many。19. A。if引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。20. B。“不用描述”的原因是“我见过她几次”,用现在完成时表示。
21. C。我们知道树可为我们提供木材、氧气等。提供用 “give”表示。22. D。本句意为“树还能告诉我们关于气候的一些事情”。also用于句中表示“也”。23. A。cut down意为“砍倒”,正合题意。24. B。我们知道树每年都有一个新的年轮。每年用every year表示。25. C。由于一个年轮表示一年,所以依此可以判断树的年龄。26. D。通过上文可以推知一百年,树就有一百个年轮。27. B。根据常识可知气候干旱、寒冷,年轮就小。由下文If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick提示,用thin表示。28. A。由短文可知:年轮的大小变化,也就意味着气候的变化。29. C。年轮与气候有关,那么看年轮我们就可知气候。30. A。本句意为“我们可以看出气候是如何变化的”。“如何”用how表示。
四、(A) 这是一篇科普性说明文,说明沙漠蔓延是人类自身的原因,人类破坏了植被造成沙化,形成沙漠。31. A。利用排除法。沙漠并非从来就无植物或动物,排除B。沙漠不可能不久就会变成良田,排除C、D。32. D。短文后四句,都讲述了green plants的重要性。33. C。从文中可知,土地沙化是人类破坏所致,与C一致。34. B。…but more and more…becoming desert…说明陆地沙化比治理快。35. A。与2题类似。
(B) 36. B。文章开头已经交代the United States在墨西哥的北面,Belize在南面。37. A。文章第二段交代This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world。说明墨西哥城是世界上最高的首都。38. C。由第三段Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico.可知。39. C。由Foods like beans, maize, avocados…可知maize是一种食物。40. A。文章开头说Mexico is about one quarter the size of the United States.即墨西哥有美国的四分之一大。所以A的说法是错误的。
五、A:1. cutting 2. better 3. flying 4. hungry 5. having 6. repaired 7. professional 8. twentieth 9. lights 10. thinner
B:11. invented 12. operate 13. remained 14. produce 15. pleasant
六、1. used to like 2. my favorite 3. too busy to 4. didn’t pass 5. So am I 6. Neither, nor, are
七、1. What are you doing 2. Would you like to join us 3. you mustn’t play football on the street 4. W here are you going 5. I want to get it back/I’ll go and see if he has finished mending it 6. Be careful
八、本文是一篇议论文,对“锻炼和精力”这一话题展开议论,为什么睡眠充足却仍感到疲惫。其实恢复精力最好的方法是轻轻地散散步,有规律的体育锻炼会使你的疲劳永远消失。1. Read. 这是个祈使句。意思为“如果你睡眠充足却仍感到疲惫,那就读一读这篇文章吧!”2. never. 根据原文第三句“当你感到虚弱疲劳时,小睡一会儿会再糟糕不过了。”即建议人们此时千万不要小睡,因此填never。3. weaker. 由原文最后一句可知,那样的话你会觉得更加虚弱。故用weak的比较级。4. staying. 原文第二段分析了导致精力下降的两个因素,其中之一是长时间呆在一个狭小的空间里,而不起来转悠转悠。这里要用动名词作主语,故填staying。5. before. 原文中的in front of= before。6. Drinking. 原文第三段说明喝咖啡也不能使你恢复精力。用动名词作主语。7. helpful. 根据原文A cup of coffee won’t help much either…喝咖啡也不能使你恢复精力。8. on. rely on“依赖”。9. beat. 原文第三段倒数第三句说散步能够增加心率。beat一词用来表示心脏的跳动。10. few. 心率增加能够带来几个小时的精神振作。several可用a few替换。
九、One possible version:
How to learn English well
It is more than three years since I began to study English. At first I found it quite difficult. I couldn’t pronounce well, spell the words correctly or remember the rules of grammar. With the help of my teachers and classmates. I have made much progress. Now I am getting on well with my English.
Three years’ study has taught me that one cannot learn English well without hard work. We must do m ore listening and speaking both in and out of class. And do more reading and writing as well. That is “Practice makes perfect”.
So, in my opinion, we should work hard at English. That’s the most important thing. And we should also practice using it as much as possible.




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