
中学英语教学资源网英语教案中考复习指导 手机版

Unit 1 Making a difference
1、单词:undertake; observe; curious; match; research; promising; seek
2、词组:be similar to; work on(work out; work at); go by; be engaged to sb; (be engaged in doing sth); go on with(go on to do ; go on doing); what if; the other way around (on the other hand; on the contrary); turn out
1. The two years had gone by and I was not that much worse. (that=so)
2. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of. (倒装句型)
3. Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. (倒装句型)
3. It is +adj. + of/for sb.+ to do … (不定式句型;it做形式主语)
1. To finish so much homework in a day is impossible. = It is impossible to finish …
2. His plan is to go abroad and continue with his studies.
3. Our teacher promised to do the research with his students.
4. He is looking for a room to live in.
5. To get there on time I got up early.
6. We allow you to enter the hall.
1. There is no doubt that ….
2. I doubt if/whether …
3. It’s hard to say.
一般性的形容词:He is curious/creative/imaginative/confident/brave/kind-hearted…
出生:He was born in/on…
兴趣:He is fond of …/ He is interested in …
身高:He is … tall.
体重:He weighs … kilograms.
1. It _________ no difference to the couple if the baby is a girl or a boy.
A. takes B. makes C. does D. seems
2. Peter’s forecast ________ to be quite wrong. The prices of the computer are much lower than he predicted.
A. broke out B. called out C. turned out D. went out
3. It _________ talent and devotion (热爱、投入)to become a top dancer.
A. takes B. undertakes C. costs D. spends
4. If knowledge is power, ________ Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1579, _______ perhaps creativity can be described the ability to use that power.
A. what/and B. as/then C. which/and D. that/then
5. Mr. Baker is busy these days ________ a new book on how to develop a child’s reading skill.
A. working out B. working on C. working for D. working into
6. It has been raining every day so far. I hope tomorrow will _______ fine.
A. turn to B. turn up C. turn into D. turn out
7. The writer moved to London, hoping to meet some of the best _____ of her time.
A. tops B. heads C. minds D. friends
8. The hotel has improved facilities for _____________. There are new lifts and wheelchair ramps(轮椅用的坡道).
A. a disable B. disables C. the disable D. the disabled
9. My daughter, __________ a nice young doctor two years ago, will get married next month.
A. got engaged to B. got engaged in C. engaged to D. engaged in
10. Readers were pleased _______ that a scientist could write about his research in a way ___________ ordinary people could understand.
A. to find/that B. finding/as C. to find/which D. finding/that
11. __________ we don’t want to spend too much money if we can avoid it.
A. Obvious B. Obviously C. Being obvious D. To be obvious
12. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ______ in making the earth a better place to live.
A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing
13. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but the policeman told him ___________
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to
14. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult.
A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make
15. Rather than ___________ everything to the last minute, Lily always prefers to start early.
A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. having left
Unit 2 News media
1、单词:reliable; present; ignore; tolerate; disappoint
2、词组:go up; burn down; for once; be addicted to; suffer from; even if(=even though); draw attention to; on all sides; change’s one’s mind; look up to(look down upon/on) fall in love with; fall into; keep sb. informed; more than; relate to;
1. He is a writer rather than a teacher. =He is more than a teacher. He writes good novels
2. This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all.
1. I want to write about people addicted to drugs.(作定语)
2. He was terrified at seeing this. (做表语)
3. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture. (做宾语补足语)
4. Once published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line. (做状语)
Ⅱ、比较to do; doing; done作定语和表语。
1) To see is to believe; Seeing is believing.
2) The book is very interesting and I am interested in it.
3) The boiling water; the boiled water
The falling leaves; the fallen leaves
The rising sun; the polluted river
4) The problem to be discussed tomorrow is important.
The problem being discussed now is important.
The problem discussed yesterday is important.
四、备考交际用语:expressing opinions
1. What do you think of …? =How do you like…?
2. I would rather … than …=I prefer to do … rather than …
关于相似之处:be similar to …; both … and …; also; too; be the same as …; have a lot in common; Similarly, …;
关于不同之处:A is different from B in …; There are many/some differences between A and B. On the other hand, …; However, …; but; While等
Unit 3 Art and architecture
1、单词:design; furniture; stand; impress; prefer; convenient; despite= in spite of; decorate; remind(remind sb of ..; remind sb to do …)
2、词组:glance at; fill up with; act as; go against; pull down; belong to; set aside(set up)
1. He is always the first to come and the last to leave.
2. A is to B what C is to D.
3. Seen from space, the earth looks like a blue ball.
4. feel/see/hear/find/notice等感官动词+ sth +done
get/ make / let等使役动词+sth+done
三、备考交际用语:expressing preference
1. I’d rather …; I’d really prefer…; What I like is …;
2. I don’t get very excited about …; I can’t stand …; I wouldn’t feel happy if …
四、备考书面表达:about advantages and disadvantages。
Para 1. Beginning: introduce your topic
Para 2. Both … and … have advantages.
Para 3. Though they have a lot of advantages, they also have disadvantages.
Para 4. (过渡句) I prefer to enjoy …than enjoy ….
Closing sentence:
Unit 4. A garden of poems
1、单词:intend; compare; recommend; absence;
2、词组:put… together; call up(call in; call out; call at; call on; call for; call back; call off); play with; stand out; come into being; send for(send out; send away; send off; send …into); contribute to; apart from…; get through;
1. Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together.
2. Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets.(倒装句)
=The English Romantic poets are greatly loved in China
3. In the eighteenth century it was Alexander Pope who/that wrote the finest poetry in England. (强调句,当强调人是,可以用who代替that )
三、备考交际用语:expressing intention and decision
1. I think it will be too difficult to …
2. I intend to/ hope to/ want to …
Para. 1. Reading poetry / Enjoying songs brings people from different places and different times together. I have read some poems / listened to some songs. My favourite is ______________. It is about …
Para. 2. This poem/song calls up a __________ image. In it, I can see …. I can hear …. I can smell …. I can touch …. Besides, it reminds me of …. Reading this poem/Listening to this song has often led to comparison with ….
Para. 3. The extraordinary thing about this poem/song is, my feelings are special. When I ___________, I turn to this poem/this song. Reading it/Listening to it again and again makes me ….
Para. 4. I think highly of this song/poem because .... Songs/Poems open the door to …. I
sincerely recommend that high school students (should) learn some poems/songs. It
takes a bit of work, but it is well worth the effort.
Unit 5 The British Isles
1、单词:form; influence; judge; employ; approach; namely;
2、词组:consist of=be made up of; be unknown/known to sb.; in general; on the basis of…; make the most of; lie off/in/on/to…; hold together; at one point; run over; have advantages over…; stand for; be of +名词;as it is=in fact; be famous for; as much as one can;
1. Between Britain and Ireland, in the Irish Sea, lies the small Isle of Man. (倒装句型) = The small Isle of Man lies between Britain and Ireland, in the Irish Sea.
2. The climate of the British Isles is mild with a lot of rain.
① That she is still alive is sheer luck. (她还活着,真是太幸运了。)
② I really cannot understand what you said. (我不懂你所说的。)
③ The question is when and where we should build the theme park. (问题是我们在何时何地建主题公园。)
④ The fact that Great Britain is composed of three countries is still unknown to many people. (大不列颠由三个国家组成,这个事实许多人不知道。)
2、名词性从句的连词:1) that
2) if; whether
3) wh-: what; which; who; whose; when; where; why; how等
注意点:1)用陈述语序 2)if只用于宾语从句 3)that 在宾语从句中有省略的现象
四、备考交际用语:expressing agreement
1. Surely you must be …; I believe that you’ve got it right.
2. You must be mistaken. Aren’t you confusing …? Don’t you think that …?
面积:It has an area of … square kilometers. It is almost the same size as ….
人口:It has a population of ….;
位置:It lies in/on/to/off…; It is east/west/north/ south of …
It is surrounded/ separated by …
资源:It is rich in …; … such as … are famous in the world.
景色:It is of beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, which attracts many visitors from all over the world.




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