Teaching Plan for Senior Two (unit1-10)(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计) |
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Unit One Making a difference The First Period Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the following words: Inspiration, perspiration, undertake, analysis, obvious, within, quote 2.Talk about science and scientists. 3.Listen to the description of some scientists. 4.Do some speaking, describing people and debating. Teaching Important Points: 1.Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice. 2.Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about science and scientists, describing people and debating. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to improve the students’ listening ability. 2.How to help students finish the task of speaking. Teaching Methods: 1.Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in science. 2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material. 3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Procedures: Step I Warming up 1.T: There are many outstanding scientists in the world, who made great contributions to society and science. Now look at the pictures on page 1, tell me what are these scientists famous for? (Bb) Scientists Contributions Maria Curie Radium /Polonium Albert Einstein The Theory of Relativity … 2.T: Well done. I think you are all interested in science and scientists. What do you think makes a successful scientist? Have a discussion in pairs or groups of four. Then report the results of your discussion. (It is the way he uses his tools that makes a successful scientist. A successful scientist must have much imagination and intelligence and he must be creative and hard-working. Asuccessful scientist must be confident, curious and careful. But what I like to know is what made him/her interested in science…) T: Now look at the quotes on page 1.do you know what they mean? And do you agree? 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。 想象力比知识更重要。 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。 分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。 你不可能把一切教给一个人,你只能帮助他在他自己的认知范围内去发现和了解事物。 T: Do you know any other quotes about science and thinking? Wisdom is only found in truth. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Knowledge is power. –Francis Bacon. Step II Listening T: OK. Now lets do some listening practice on P2. We are going to listen to the descriptions of some famous scientists. Read the requirements by yourselves quickly. Listen to the tape for the first time to get a general idea, and then try to finish the exx. T: Now let’s look at the speaking part on P2. Work in groups of five. Each group member represents a branch of science, eg biology, maths, chemistry, physics, computer science. You are going to debate each other to see which branch of science is the most important and useful for society. First you should decide who will represent each branch and then prepare your role card to debate. You can use the expressions. Step IV Language points (computer) 1.It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. 分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。 (1)undertake(undertook,undertaken) vt.承担(工作,责任等),承办+名词 例:He undertook the difficult task willingly. 他欣然承担那项困难的工作。 1 will undertake the responsibility for you. 我会为你负起责任。 vt.着手,进行,企图+名词 例:He undertook a new experiment. 他着手一项新的实验。 (2)analysis复数形式andyses.analyse vt. A chemical analysis化学分析 We made a careful analysis of the problem. 我们仔细分析了那个问题。 (3)obvious adj. (more obvious,most obvious) 明显的,明白的,显而易见的 obviously adv. 例:He told her an obvious lie. 他对她扯了一个明显的谎言。 It is obvious that….…是显然的。 例:It is quite obvious that he didn't do it himself. 显然他没有亲自去做。 It seemed obvious that he suffered from a bad cold. 显然他得了重感冒。 2.There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问 .. 例:There is no doubt that our team will win. 我队获胜是毫无疑问的。 I don't doubt that we will win the game.(否定句用that) 我不怀疑我们将会赢得这场比赛。 Do you doubt that he has passed the final examination ? (疑问句用that) 你怀疑他已通过期末考试了吗? I doubt whether he is the best man for the job.(肯定句用whether) 我怀疑他是否是担任那项工作的最适当人选。 Homework Preview the reading material. Review the words and expressions in this period. Step V The Design of the Writing on the Bb Unit 1 Making a difference The First Period Scientists Contributions Madame Curie Radium/Polonium Edison The light bulb Einstein The Theory of Relativity … The Second &Third Period Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases. 2.Train the students’ reading ability. 3.Let the students learn from Stephen Hawking. Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the following phrases and sentence pattern: work on, go by, be engaged to, go on with sth, dream of, turn out There is no point (in) doing sth. 2.Enable the students to understand the text better. 3.Improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to make the students understand the reading text better. 2.How to make the students understand the following sentence. There didn’t seem much point in working on the PhD. Teaching Methods: 1.Scanning the text to get some information about Hawking. 2.Careful reading to answer some detailed questions. 3.Discussion after reading the passage to make the students learn how to use the scientific method to solve the problem. 4.Individural, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Procedures: Step I Lead-in and Pre-reading T: Yesterday we learnt some quotes from some scientists. Now look at the picture on the screen. Do you know who the person is? ( Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists of our time, A Brief History of Time )Today we are going to learn a passage about Stephen Hawking. It will tell us Hawking’s determination, thoughts and some theories. First let’s learn some new words and phrases. Then turn to P3. Look at the questions in Pre-reading quickly and then scan the text as quickly as possible and find the answers to them. 2 Hawking became famous in the early 1970s, when he and American Roger Penrose made new discoveries about the Big Bang and black holes. 3 In 2002, Hawking visited China and spoke to university students in Hangzhou and Beijing. Step II Reading T: Well done. Now read the passage once as carefully as possible. Then answer some detailed questions on the screen. You may discuss them in pairs if necessary. What did Stephen Hawking do when he was told that he had an incurable disease? 1. How would most people feel when they were told that they had incurable disease? 2. What did Hawking write in 1988? 3. What did Hawking explain in the book ? 4. According to Hawking, how do people misunderstand science? 5. What are the basic steps of the scientific method? 6. What is it that Hawking doesn’t like about his speech computer? Step III language points 1.There didn't seem much point in working on my PhD—I didn't expec to survive that long• 取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活那么久。 PhD(Doctor of Philosophy ) 指“博士学位” 2.There is no point in doing sth.表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。 例:There is no point in arguing further. 继续争执下去没有意义了。 There is no point in protesting.It won’t help much. 抗议没有什么用处,于事无补。 3. that在此处为副词,意为“那么”,可以修饰形容词。this也有此用法。 例:I didn't expect he was that rude. 我没料到他会那么粗鲁。 I have never been out this late before. 我从未在外面呆到这么晚过。 Please cut my hair about this much. 请把我的头发剪掉这么长。 4.Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse. 但两年过去了,我的情况却没那么糟糕。 Go by意思是“(时间)过去”。 例:Time went by so quickly.We are already at the end of our summer holiday. 时间过得真快,转眼我们已经要结束暑假了。 Thirty years went by and her hair was beginning to turn gray. 三十年过去了,她的头发开始变白了。 5.In fact,things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl,Jan Wilde. 事实上,事情发展得还挺顺利。我和一位非常好的女孩简•怀尔得订婚了。 get/be engaged to sb.“与某人订婚” 例:Did you hear they have got engaged last month? 你有没有听说他们上个月订婚的消息? Tom got engaged to Mary,whom he had met on the train. 汤姆和玛丽订婚了,他们在火车上认识的。 Be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.从事(工作)的,忙于……的 例:She was engaged in protecting wild birds. 她从事保护野生鸟类的工作。 Right now I’m engaged. 我现在正忙着。 be engaged (电话等)通话中的,占线中的,相当于美国英语的busy. 例:The line/number is engaged。线路被占用。 engagement n.订婚(to) 例:announce one's engagement to…宣布与…订婚 break off one's engagement解除婚约,解约 engagement ring订婚戒指(戴在左手无名指上) 6.Scientists,on the other hand,Hawking writes,know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong. 霍金写到,从另一个方面说,科学家知道他们的工作是永无止境的,即使是最完美的理论,也可能是错误的。 Turn out to be“结果是”“最后的情况是”+副/+形/+to do/+that.. 例:The weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely. 天气预报说今天下午有雨,其实今天天气非常好。 The lecture turned out to be very dull. 讲座结果很无聊。 Everything turned out well.一切顺遂。 The rumor turned out (to be) true.那谣言后来证明是真的。 It turned out (that) two travelers had been killed 后来证实(查明)有两位旅客丧生。 turn out vi. (为集会等)外出,去。 turn out vt..(可分开用) 关 (熄灭) (煤气,电灯油灯等) turn out vt. (可分开用 ) 生产 (产品),出产 例:The factory can turn out l000cars a day. 这家工厂一天能生产1000辆汽车。 7.Everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. 每个人都有自己的专长和兴趣,只有发现自己的专长,我们才能期望达到自己的目标,真正与众不同。 only修饰介词短语或从句时,要求倒装。 例:Only at that time did I realize its importance. 直到那时我才意识到它的重要性。 Only in this way can you make progress in your English study. 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。 Only when you finish your homework can you go out to play football. 只有当你完成作业你才能出去踢球。 only修饰主语时,通常置于主语之前。 例:Only you understand me.只有你了解我。 only修饰主语以外时,通常置于动词之前(有be动词、助动词时,则置于其后) 例:She only eats vegetables.她只吃蔬菜。 I only lent you the money.那笔钱我只是借给你(不是给你)。 He only works when he's got homework. 他只在有家庭作业时才做功课。 I've only seen him once. 我只见过他一次。 8.Imagine this:you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 想象一下这种情况:你二十一岁是世界最有名大学里的一个有希望的毕业生。 imagine+名词 例:Can you imagine life with out electricity? 你能想像没有电的生活吗? The gir1 tried to imagine the gentleman as her father. 这女孩试着把这位绅土想像成自己的父亲。 imagine+doing想像做•” 例:I didn't imagine becoming a writer in my childhood. 在孩提时代,我并未想像成为一名作家。 imagine+名(人)+doing想像(某人)做… 例:I can't imagine her marrying him. 我无法想像她和他结婚。 imagine+(that)…/wh—想像…;想…,推测 (不可用进行时) 例:Imagine you are a bird. 想像你是一只鸟。 Can you imagine how much 1 was surprised to see it ? 你能想像我看见它后感到多么惊讶吗? Iimagine (that) I have met you somewhere before. 我想以前曾在哪里见过你。 Can you imagine what he is doing? 你能猜测他在做什么吗? (Just) imagine (it) ! 想想看! Imagination (名) imaginative (形) promising (形) 有希望的,有前途的,前途光明的 例:a promising actress有前途的女演员 9.Since then,Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe. 从那时起,霍金就继续寻求关于宇宙特征的问题的答案。 seek+(for after)+名词 搜寻,寻找;寻求,探求;追求 例:They sought shelter from the rain. 他们找寻避雨的地方。 He found it worthless to seek fame. 他发现追求名声是不值得的。 We must seek (for) a solution to the problem 我们必须寻求解决问题的方法。 seek+名 征求,请求 , He sought his doctor's advice. 他向医生请教(征求医生的意见)。 Step IV Listening and Consolidation T: Now I’ll play the tape. You can follow it in a low voice. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Then do exx in Post-reading. Homework T: Learn the words and phrases by heart and try to use them freely and correctly. Read the text fluently and recite some important sentences. The Design of the Writing on the Bb Unit 1 Making a difference The Second Period Useful expressions: work on +n./pron. /doing, go by: pass, be/get engaged (to sb.): be bound by a promise to marry, go on with sth: continue with sth, dream of: imagine, turn out: prove(to be), Sentence pattern: There is no point (in) doing sth.=There is no good reason for doing sth. The Fourth Period Teaching Aims: Review the words learnt in the last two periods. Learn how to explain the words in English. Learn and master the usages of the Infinitive. Teaching Important Points: Master the usages of the Infinitive. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to help the students learn to explain words in English. 2.How to help the students master the usages of the Infinitive. Teaching Methods: 1.Review method to help the students remember what they have learnt beore. 2.Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the usages of the Infinitive. 3.Individual work or pair work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids:the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step I Revision Have a dictation of some words and expressions.. Step II Word Study T: Now let’s do an ex to see how to explain some words in English, according to the meanings of the sentences. Please turn to P5. Let’s do the ex in Word Study. Choose the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence. First we’ll learn a new phrase: use up. Do it by yourself and you can discuss in pairs. Step III Grammar(详解见后) Bb:1. He hoped to visit China again . 2. It took a lot of time to finish the report . 3. Please give the boy sth to play with . 4. He went home to see his sick mother . 5. Her wish is to become a pop singer . T: Tell me the function of the underlined part in each sentence. S: No.1 is used as the object. S: No.2 is used as the subject. It is more usual to use formal subject “it” and the infinitive phrase is usually placed at the end of the sentence, that is “it is…to do sth.”. S: No.3 is used as the attribute. S: No.4 is used as the adverbial for purpose. S: No.5 is used as the predicative. T: Now let’s do an ex on the screen. Group the infinitives according to how they are used. 1.Some things need (1) to be believed (2) to be seen . 2.The doctor told him that he may not have more than twelve months (3) to live . 3.(4) In order to get married ,I needed a job, and (5) in order to get a job , I needed a PhD. 4.Readers were pleased and surprised (6) to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand . 5.He traveled around the world (7) to give lectures . 6.What does it mean (8) to be a scientist? 7.People who listen to Hawking’s lectures sometimes find it difficult (9) to understand him . 8.(10) To explain what they have seen , they build a theory about how things happen and the causes and effects. S: Subject:(8) Attribute(2)(3) Object(1)(9) Adverbial(4)(5)(6)(7)(10) Step IV Practice T: Now let’s do some exercises on P6, Ex2 and Ex3.Rewrite the sentences with “to be done” or “to have been done”. He wanted the nurses to take care of the patient. —He wanted the patient to be taken care of. Because “the patient” is the logical object of “take care of”, the passive infinitive should be used in the second sentence. The car was reported to have been stolen. But when the action expressed by the Infinitive happens before the predicate, the perfect infinitive should be used. Homework TFinish all the exx in Grammar. Preview the content in Integrating skills. The Design of the Writing on the Bb Unit 1 Making a difference The Third Period Phrase: use up Grammar: the Infinitive 1. He hoped to visit China again . 2. It took a lot of time to finish the report . 3. Please give the boy sth to play with . 4. He went home to see his sick mother . 5. Her wish is to become a pop singer. 6. He wanted the nurses to take care of the patient. 7. He wanted the patient to be taken care of. Record after teaching: The Fifth Period Teaching Aims: 1.Revise the language points and grammar—the Infinitive. 2.Learn and master the following phrases: take a look at, what if, the other way around 3.Do some reading and writing practice to improve the students’ integrating skills. 4.Learn how to write a descriptive paragraph. Teaching Important Points: 1.Improve the students’ integrating skills. 2.Help the students write a descriptive paragraph. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to help the students understand the passage better. 2.How to help the students learn to write a descriptive paragraph. Teaching Methods: 1.Doing exx to revise what we’ve learnt before. 2.Asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material. 3.Discussion to help the students understand the passage better. 4.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work. Teaching Aids:1.a computer 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step I Revision T: We know that the infinitive can be used as the subject, object, adverbial and so on. Now let’s do some exx to see if you have mastered them well enough. Look at the screen. 1.(1)To learn about the universe , you need (2)to have a telescope (3)to observe the stars with . 2.It takes time (4)to know a man . 3.Please remember (5)to bring me a book. 4.I’ve got a lot of work (6)to do . 5.(7)In order to catch the first bus ,she got up early. 6.It is important for us (8)to learn English . Subject:(4)(8) Object:(2)(5) Attribute:(3)(6) Adverbial:(1)(7) T: Let’s do another ex. Fill in the blanks, using the Infinitive. 1.The goal of Stephen Hawking’s research is to and to is his biggest dream. 2.The doctor thought he only had three more years to , which turned out . 3.We took a taxi to .We hurried there, only to . We were unhappy to . 4.He studied hard to . 5.Lunch is ready. Let’s stop to . T: Now let’s revise the useful expressions. Do an ex to see whether you have mastered them well. 1.He one day becoming a famous violinist. 2.Tom Ann. 3.Two weeks slowly . 4.His suggestion to be a good one. 5.He his ink. 6.If we don’t finish painting the room today, we can it tomorrow. 7.He a novel. Step II Reading T: There were many scientists in the world in the past, whose discoveries and inventions can help us understand the world better. Can you say out the names of some scientists and their discoveries? …… T: Do you know why and how they made these important discoveries or inventions? The passage tells us what makes the scientists made their discoveries. Turn to P7. Read the passage quickly and then answer some questions on the screen. 1.What’s the characteristic of Galileo Galilei? 2.Why could Stephen Hawking make contributions to science work? 3.What can be described as the ability to use knowledge? 4.What’s the most important thing if we want to make a difference? 5.How can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference? T: I’ll explain some expressions and sentence structures. 1. take a look at 2. what if 3. the other way round 4. …it was only later that the world recognized his greatness. 5. …only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. Step III Listening and Discussion T: Listen to the tape twice. Then discuss the questions in pairs or groups. 1. Of all the characteristics mentioned in the passage, which do you think is the most important? Why? 2. What do great scientists like Stephen Hawking , Galileo Galilei and Zhang Heng have in common? Find out more about them and how they work and think: What is the scientific spirit? How do scientists solve problems? How do scientists make a difference? What can we learn from great scientists? Use the questions below to get started. What is the scientific spirit? How do scientists solve problems? How do scientists make a difference? What can we learn from great scientists? Step IV Writing T: Who is your favourite scientists? Write a paragraph. Before writing, think about what you want to write and what the readers need to know. How can you best describe him or her? What is the most important or interesting fact about the scientist? Why do you like him or her? List an outline of the passage. Then write some useful sentences to help them. Step V Homework Go over all the important points learnt in this unit and finish your writing. Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Bb Unit 1 Making a difference The Fifth Period A good scientists must be curious and careful . Great scientists use their creativity and imagination to come up with new ideas. Scientists must also be intelligent and patient . The experiment proved that her theory was correct. Other scientists were surprised by her discovery and called it a success . She used a model to solve the problem . Record after teaching: Period 6 Review and Exercises. Unit Two News media Period 1 Warming up & Listening Teaching Aims: 1. Talk about news and the media 2.Train the students' listening ability by listening and answering some relative questions. 3. master the following words: reliable, elct, go up, burn down, injure… Teaching Important Points: 1. Master the useful words and expressions in this period 2. Training the Ss’listening and speaking ability Teaching Difficult Points: How to help Ss understand the listening material exactly How to help improve their speaking ability Teaching Methods: Listening-and answering activity to help the Ss qo through the listening material Individual, pair or group work to make the Ss finish the speaking task Teaching Aids:a computer, a recorder, the Bb Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Greet and Lead-in Greet the whole class. Lead in the new unit by asking:the Olympic Games are going on, how can we know the details of the games? For example, how many golden medals have we got? (By reading newspapers and magazines,watching TV, listening to the radio, also by a website.) In Nglish we call it news media. Step 2: Warming up Please open the book at page 9. Look at the pictures and discuss the following questions in pairs: 1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? Why? 2. How are the media above different from each other? 3. How do you know whether what you hear, see and read is true? 4. Do you know how a newspaper is made? (Background information: 新闻媒介的基本类型和特点各是什么? 六种主要的大众传媒:口语、书籍、报纸、广播、电视、互联网。 1.报纸。便于保存和检索;新闻性较强;读者可以反复阅读,认真思考。但是,它受读者文化程度的限制,发行需要一定的时间。 2.新闻杂志,是以传播和解释国内外重大新闻为主要内容的一种杂志,由于出版周期不同,分为周刊、半月刊和月刊等。周刊因为比较符合人们的工作节奏和生活习性,时效性较半月刊和月刊强,所以在世界新闻杂志中占据绝大多数,我国也一样。相对于报纸等其他新闻媒介而言,新闻杂志表现新闻的方式更多的是提供新闻的背景资料(有时提供背景材料比新闻事件本身更重要),并且以此说明新闻的发生对现在以及将来的影响。也就是说,它不是像其他新闻媒介那样着重报道动态新闻,而是对新闻事件进行有纵深、有广度、有背景、有分析、有评论的深层报道。从事新闻杂志工作的业内人士也常说:新闻杂志与报纸相比的一个优势是"后发制人",这种后发制人意味着它的大量的报道必须具有深刻性或者深入性,如同当各种媒介以它们各自的特点关注着露出海面的冰山一角时,新闻杂志则把目光更多地投入到了海面以下那巨大的山体。 3.广播。比报纸具有感染力;不受文化程度限制;传播迅速。但是,其保留性差;无法对文字进行深度开掘。 4.电视。有感染力和说服力;不受文化程度限制;传播迅速。但是,其保留性差。 5.网络“第四大众传媒” 公认的大众传媒主要包括报纸、广播、杂志、书籍和电影等六大媒介。随着数字化技术的发展,电脑硬件的更新换代,互联网技术迅速普及和网站的大量建立,互联网正成为一种新的媒体广泛进入人们的生活。如今,国际上已把互联网纳入六大媒介中,并将其称为继报纸、广播、电视之后的“第四大众传媒”。这说明,人们已经认同了互联网的作用,能够同报纸、广播、电视等新闻媒介一样,广泛地传递新闻信息。 依托于互联网进行的新闻传播活动,具备了其许多的优势,这主要表现在: (1).包容了传统传播媒介的所有信息形式,整合了文字、声音、图象等多种传播的方式,实现了真正意义上的“多媒体”。 (2).传播质量得以提升,受干扰程度降低,接收效果的物质实体有了保证。 (3).能够以不同的方式和手段,灵活的报道同一事件,不致使人产生疲劳感和厌烦。 此外,就网络新闻本身而言,除了具备了网络所共有的优势之外,它还具有时效性强、容量大、速度快、超地域、超链接、可检索等特点,这些都猛烈的冲击着传统的新闻出版方式乃至整个新闻出版产业。) Step 2: Listening(SB page 10) T: Now let’s come to the listening. We are going to listen to two parts of conversations.The first part is an interview; the second part is a dialogue. Listen carefully to what is said in each part. I’ll play the tape twice. (after listening) Please work in pairs to talk about the questions in Exercises 2, 3,4. (Check the answer with the whole class) Step 3 Key Words 1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? 以上的新闻媒体中哪一种最可靠? reliable adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的; 确定的 They are reliable friends. 他们是可信赖的朋友。 Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗? [链接] reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地 reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性 2. The man was fired. 那个人被解雇了。 fire的动词用法 (1) 解雇,开除 The company fired him for not coming to work on time. 那个公司因他不按时上班解雇了他。 (2) 发射 He fired his gun at the big snake. 他开枪打那条大蛇。 (3) 激发(人、感情等),使充满热情 The story fired his imagination. 这个故事激发了他的想象力。 3. The man faced difficulties. (1) face v.t. 面临(困难等),应付, 面对;(危险、困难等)迫近 e.g. We must face our trouble and bear it. 我们必须正视我们的困难并勇于承受。 [短语] be faced with 面临,面对 face up to面对;承担 face the music接受(不愉快的后果或情况) e.g. I was faced with a new problem. She couldn’t face up to the fact that she was no longer young. 她无法面对自己不再年轻的现实。 The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music. 那个男孩被发现考试作弊,不得不接受惩罚。 (2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。 e.g. She learned to speak English without difficulty. 她毫无困难地学会了讲英语。 We will face many difficulties in the future. 将来我们要面临许多难题。 4. The man was generous. generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的 e.g. He is generous with his money. 他出手大方。 He gave me a generous lunch. 他请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。 [链接] generous adv. 慷慨地 generosity n. 慷慨大方 The design of the writing on the Bb: Unit 2 New Media Five news media: website, radio, Tv, magazine, newspaper Useful words and expressions: (step 3) Homework: 1. Read the new words. 2. Keep the Language Points in mind. 3. Get reading for Speaking Record after teaching: Period 2 Listening(WB page 88) & Speaking Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students’ listening ability. 2. Train the students’ speaking ability. Teaching Important Points: 1. Master the useful words and expressions in this period 2. Training the Ss’listening and speaking ability Teaching Difficult Points: How to help improve their listening ability How to help improve their speaking ability Teaching Methods: Listening-and answering activity to help the Ss qo through the listening material Group work to make the Ss finish the speaking task Teaching Aids: a computer, a recorder, the Bb Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greet the whole class. Step 2 Listening(WB page 88) Now let’s come to the listening. The chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists. She is telling them what she wants them to do today. Listen carefully to what is said in the text. I’ll play the tape twice. (Check the answer with the whole class) Step 3 Speaking(SB page 10) Now it’s time for us to be a editor of a newspaper. Here is a list of ten things that happened today( on the screen)You only need to report five of them. Work in groups to diacuss. And then I’ll ask you t act out your dialogue. You can use the useful expressions in your book.. (walk around and give them help if necessary). Step 4 Key Words and Expressions: 1. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. 以下列出了今天发生的十件事。 本句为倒装句,正常语序应为:A list of ten things that happened today is below. below看作副词,表示方位,当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装的结构,即把谓语动词的所有组成部分都移到主语之前。这类作状语或表语的词常见的有:away, down, in, off, out, over, up, above, below, here, there及介词短语与分词。 Here is a seat for you.这儿有你的一个座位。 There goes the bell!铃响了。 Written on the blackboard are the names of those who were late yesterday.黑板上写着昨天迟到的人的名字。 2. France elected a new president. elect v.t. 选举,推选 e.g. They elected a president. / They elected him as President. 他们选举了总统。/ 他们选举他为总统。 注意:若选举某人担任某职位,且该职位只有一个时,通常不用冠词。 e.g. Our classmates elected him as/to be/our/as our monitor. They elected the old man to be chairman of the club.他们推选那位老人为俱乐部主席。 [辨析] elect, pick out, choose elect是指通过正式手续的选举。 e.g. Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the U.S.A.罗斯福四次当选为美国总统。 choose通常指在所提供的对象中,凭个人的判断力进行选择。 e.g. We had to choose between leaving early and paying for a taxi.我们不得不在早点动身和雇计程车中间作出选择。 There are ten to choose from. pick out比较通俗,指按个人喜好或希望进行挑选,多用于有行的东西。 e.g. She picked out a scarf to wear with the dress.她挑选了一条围巾以配上她穿的衣服。 3. Food prices are going up. 食品价格在上涨。 go up上升,增长,提高 e.g. The temperature has gone up. The lift went up to the fourth floor. 电梯升到了四楼。 4. A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.你们镇上一座房子被烧毁。无人员伤亡。 (1) burn down 烧毁;使烧毁【强调破坏性】;(由于燃料烧尽)火力减弱 These houses were burnt down to the ground. 这些房子被烧毁。 The fire is burning down, get some more coal please. [比较] burn up烧尽,烧光【强调动作的结果】;(火,炉等)烧起来,旺起来 e.g. Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up. (2) injure v.t. 使受伤;损害,伤害(感情) e.g. The boy injured his leg. In the accident his back was seriously injured. I hope I didn’t injure her feeling. [辨析] injure, wound, hurt, harm的区别: injure伤害,损害(感情),损害(名誉)。普通用词,常指各种性质的身体上或精神上的伤害。多指事故中人或物的损伤,包括容貌、生理、身体等。 e.g. In the traffic accident, two were killed and three get injured.在交通事故中,两人遇难,三人受伤。 He was so injured in his pride that he stayed at home all day without meeting anyone.他的自尊受到了如此的伤害以至于他成天待在家里,不见外人。 wound使受伤,伤害,损害,主要指外界暴力或用武器造成身体上较重的伤害,像刀伤、枪伤、刺伤等。多指战场上受伤,还可以指精神上的创伤。 e.g. The soldier was badly wounded in the head.这个士兵头部受了重伤。 The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的胳膊。 hurt伤害(感情)。普通用词,没有injure正式,常用于口语。多用于有生命的东西,常指肉体上的伤害,也可以指精神上的痛苦或感情上的伤害。作不及物动词,表“疼痛”。 e.g. Luckily no one was seriously hurt in the car accident. The girl fell off her bike, and one of her legs hurt. harm常用于口语,表示肉体或精神上的伤害均可以,有时可引起不安,不便。 e.g. There was a fire in our street, but no one was harmed. Getting up early won’t harm you! 早起对你没有害处。 Homework: 1. Read the new words. 2. Keep the language points above in mind 3. Get ready for reading. The design of the writing on the Bb: Unit 2 news media Key words and expressions(step4) Record after teaching: Period 3-4 Pre-reading/Reading/Post-reading Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students' reading ability,especially the skills of summarizing and scanning. 2. Study and have a good grasp of some key words and phrases. Teaching Important Points: 1. words and phrases:more than, relate to, for once, be addicated to, on all sides, inform, experienced, switch,etc. 2. Understand the passage excatly. Teaching Difficult Points: How to help the Ss learn more about reporters and newspapers. Teaching Methods: 1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. 2.Careful reading to further understand the text. 3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities in class. Teaching Aids: a computer, a recorder, the Bb Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2 Reading We have talked a lot about news media. Today we are going to read a passage about reporters and newspapers. Scan the text , try to get the general idea of the text. and finish pre-reading.(1 and 6) Now please read the text again carefully, and find the answers to the questions on the screen. 1.Do newspapers and other media simply record what happens? 2.Who were asked to be interviewed? And why? 3. Whom do Why? 4. And what is the person’s job? 5. Is interviewing someone easy? What must a reporter know? 6. When an interview is finished,what should the reporter do? 7. Which of the articles that they have written do they like best? Why? 8. What could they write about if they could write any article? Why? 9. What is the basic task for a reporter? 10.What result can TV programmes and printed articles bring to us? (check the answers) Step 3 Language Points: 1. Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.报纸和其他媒介并不仅仅记录已发生的事情。 (1) 该句中的do是助动词,起强调作用,用以加强说话者的语气。 e.g. Do remember to remind me to return the book I borrowed from you. (2) more than不仅仅;极为,非常;多于;难以;不能 e.g. She’s more than a teacher to us. The boy more than smiled but laughed. 这男孩不仅是微笑,而是放声大笑了。 We are more than pleased with the results. 我们对结果极为满意。 He has more than 300 pictures. This room is three time larger than that one.这个房间比那个房间大两倍。 The old man is two times older than I am. 这个老人的年龄比我大一倍。 That is more than I can tell. 那是怎么回事我实在难说。 2. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report and how to report them.经验丰富的编辑和记者对于该报道什么事件以及如何报道作出明智的决定。 (1) 句中的experienced(富有经验的)和informed(见识广的,有知识的) 都是动词的过去分词作定词,修饰动词。单个的过去分词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前面。 e.g. a fallen tree一棵倒下的树 a broken chair一把破椅子 stolen cultural relics被盗的文物 (2) informed adj. 明智的,有知识的,了解情况的 e.g. He is a well-informed man.他是个消息灵通的人。 es a reporter have to discuss with before he/she decides what to write? inform的用法: inform sb. of sth.告知某人某事 inform sb. that/wh-…告知某人 inform sb.+疑问词+不定式 e.g. The singer informed us of their arrival.歌手们把他们到来的消息告诉了我们。 The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.护士告诉我探病时间已经结束了。 Who informed you when to start? 是谁告诉你们出发时间的? 3. They also make sure that readers can relate to the stories.他们还要确保报道的内容与读者的生活密切相关。 relate v.i. & v.t (和~)相关;涉及;把~与~关联起来 e.g. It is difficult to relate the two cases. 很难把两个案子联系起来。 We should learn to relate the results to the causes.我们应该学会把结果与原因联系起来看问题。 Light industry is closely related to the people’s life.轻工业与人们的生活有密切的关系。 4. The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read in made.两位记者同意交换角色,作一次受访者而不是采访者,让我们了解他们的工作,了解我们读到的新闻是怎样制作和编写出来的。 (1) switch v. 转换,改变 e.g. He is always switching jobs. 他总变换工作。 He switched the recorder to the “off” position.他将录音机拧到“关”的位置。 (2) for once 就这(那)一次 e.g. For once they broke the rule.这一次,他们违规了。 For once our manager came late. 我们的经理这次来晚了。 He beat me for once.他只有一次赢了我。 (2) rather than的特点是连接前后两个平行结构,即要求前后成分要一致。 e.g. He decided to write to rather than (to) phone.他决定写信而不打电话了。 I’d like to go there in autumn rather than in summer.我愿意秋天去那里而不愿意夏天去。 He was engaging in writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper.他正忙着写信而 不是看报纸。 5. After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.采访后,记者一定要提交出组织严密的材料,并确保文章的真实反映事实和舆论。 (1) present vt.呈现;描述;介绍;赠送 e.g. When will you present your report?你什么时候提出报告? The government presented cars to the hospitals. 政府向医院赠送了一些车。 Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you. 请允许我把布朗先生介绍给你。 (3) reflect vt. 反映;表现;反射;映出 e.g. This letter is sure to reflect our real opinion.这封信会反映出我们的真实意见。 Her face was reflected in the mirror.她的脸映现在镜子里。 Mirrors reflect light.镜子能反射光线。 6. My favourite article is the one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.我最喜欢的文章是我写的一篇关于如何努力把被盗的文物带回中国。 (1) 本句中的one是代词,用来指代article。one常用来代替前文提到的一种可数的事物。 e.g. I haven’t a pen. Can you lend me one? 指代可数名词复数用ones。 e.g. On the desk there is a red pencil and two black ones. (2)effort n. [U,C]努力;艰难的尝试;努力的结果 e.g. He did it without effort.他毫不费力地完成那件事 [短语] make an effort努力,尽力 spare no effort不遗余力 7.I want to write about people you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs.我想报道那些你们很少能了解的人,如艾滋病患者或者是染上毒瘾的人。 (1) seldom adv. 很少;不常;难得 [扩展] 表示否定意义的状语位于句首时,句子通常采用倒装句。 e.g. Seldom does he quarrel with others. Never did I dream of seeing him in America. Never before have so many people come to see him. Not a single word did she say. (2)be / get / become addicted to sth. / doing sth.对~成瘾/成癖 e.g. It doesn’t take long to become addicted to these drugs.服用这些毒品不要多长时间就会上瘾。 It’s a pity that her child has got addicted to smoking.真可怜,她的孩子抽烟上瘾了。 Some children are addicted to computer games / TV.(喻)一些孩子玩电脑游戏/看电视上了瘾。 He is addicted to practicing Chinese Gongfu.他醉心于练习中国功夫。 8.We shouldn’t ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.即使人们对一些现象很难接受,我们也不应该无视眼前发生的事情。 (1) ignore v.t. 不理睬;忽视 e.g. You shouldn’t ignore your father’s advice.你不该无视父亲的忠告。 I tried to tell her but she ignored me.我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。 (2) even if / even though即使,尽管 e.g. The young man didn’t lose heart even if he had failed many times in finding a job.这个年轻人没有放弃,尽管他多次未能找到工作。 9.The media can often help solve problems and draw attentions to situations where help is needed.媒介常可帮助解决难题,使人们关注需要得到帮助的情况。 draw attention to关注某事 draw / attract one’s attention引起某人的注意 e.g. This article will draw attention to farmers and agriculture.这篇文章奖让人关注农民和农业问题。 The fallen leaves drew /attracted the worker’s attention.这些落叶引起了那个工人的注意。 He drew my attention to a mistake in my homework.他要我注意作业中的一处错误。 10.The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.结果会使人们更好地了解世界地各个方面,给人们带来一个人人受到尊重,不同观念得到包容地未来世界。 (1) on all sides(=on every side) 在各方面,四面八方 e.g. They were trapped with enemies on all sides.他们四面楚歌。 The enemy were attacking on all sides.敌人从四面八方发起进攻。 (4) tolerate v.t. 容忍,忍受,允许 e.g. I can’t tolerate that loud music / that kind of behavior.我无法忍受那么响的音乐/那种行径。 Cheating on exams cant’ be tolerated. 考试作弊是不能容忍的。 11. I would not believe it, but I might check other sources and maybe change my mind. change one’s mind改变主意 e.g. Since getting to know him better, I have changed my mind about him.更深入地了解以后,我改变了我对他地看法。 [相关短语] bear / keep in mind 记住 call/bring to mind 使人想起 out of one’s mind 精神错乱,发狂 never mind 不要紧,没关系 have sth. in mind 记得某事,想起某事 12.Famous people are often asked for their opinions on current affairs.名人经常接受采访、被问及对时事地看法 current affairs 当前的事件;时事 affairs复数形式表示“重要事件,事务”(常用复数形式,且一般不与定冠词连用) e.g. The minister deals with important affairs of State.这位大臣处理重要的国务。 current adj. 此刻的,现时的,当前的 e.g. current fashions时装 current events时事 Step 4 Discussion Now you must have known about reporters and newspapers better. So let’s have a discussion. Look at the questios3 and 4 on page12, and work in pairs to talk about them..Then I’ll ask some of you to report. (encourage Ss to express their own opinion) Homework: 1. Read the text. 2. Try to remember what have been taught above. 3. Work Book p89-90 The design of the writing on the Bb: Unit 2 New Media Language points (step3) Record after teaching: Period 5 Language Study & Grammar Teaching Aims: 1. Review the words learned in Reading. 2. Grammar Study: The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative Teaching Important Points: How to guess the missing verbs and use them correctly according to the given sentences. Help Ss master the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative. Teaching Difficult Points: How to use the Past Participle correctly. Teaching Methods: Practising to finish each task in Word Study and Grammar. Teaching Aids: a computer, a recorder, the Bb Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2 check homework Step 3 word study do exercise 1 on page 13 Step 4Grammar语法详释(computer) The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative过去分词作定语和表语 过去分词在句中可承担形容词和副词在句中的作用,充当定语和表语。 1.过去分词作定语 (1) 在句中的位置 单个的过去分词作定语时,位于它所修饰的名词或代词前面;过去分词短语作定语时,位于它所修饰的名词或代词后面。 a broken heart一颗破碎的心 a lost dog丧家之犬 a risen sun已升起的太阳 an organized trip有组织的旅行 a broken glass被打破的玻璃杯 a trip organized by the league由共青团组织的旅行 a glass broken by the boy被这个男孩打破的玻璃杯 The excited people rushed out of the building. They found a damaged car at the gate of the park. (2) 所表示的时间 过去分词作定语时,所表示的动作或者在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,或者没有一定的时间性。 The letter posted yesterday will soon reach him.他很快就能收到昨天寄出的信了。 Have you read the books written by the young writer?你读过那位年轻作家写的小说吗? (3) 语法功能 过去分词或过去分词短语作定语时,其功能相当于一个定语从句。 The stolen bike belongs to Jack.被偷的自行车是杰克的。 The bike which had been stolen belongs to Jack. The lecture given by Professor Zhang is about environment protection.张教授所做的报告是关于环境保护的。 The lecture which was given by Professor Zhang is about the environment protection. 2. 过去分词作表语 (1) 过去分词作表语时,多表示主语所处的状态。 The door remained locked.门仍然锁着。 She looked disappointed.她看上去挺失望。 He seemed quite delighted at the good news.听到这个好消息,他似乎很开心。 (2) 常见作表语的过去分词有:upset, disappointed, drunk, amused, frightened, married, excited, experienced, interested, confused, pleased, puzzled, satisfied, tired, worried等。 (3) 有些过去分词作表语时,构成的谓语很接近被动结构。 Everything is settled down.一切都解决了。 Thank heavens! The boy is saved.谢天谢地,孩子得救了。 The town is surrounded on three sides by mountains.这座小镇三面环山。 Do exercises 1, 2, 3 on page 14 Step 5 Language Points: 1. Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. nine out of ten(=nine in ten)十之八九,百分之九十 e.g. Nine out of ten people will not agree with you. 也可以说 Four out of the ten children there can go to school.在那里十个孩子中只有四个可以上学。 2. And I like the way the fans look up to them. look up to尊敬,敬仰(反义:look down on轻视,看不起) e.g. The young should look up to the old.年轻人应该尊敬老人。 3. Americans will fall in love with this game too. fall in love with爱上(表示动作,不延续) e.g. I fell in love with her at first sight.我对她一见钟情。 She fell in love with the house as soon as she saw it. [比较] be in love (with) 相爱,喜欢(表示延续状态) e.g. If you’re really in love with art, you don’t mind hard work. Homework: Try to remember what have been taught above. Do exercises 4, 5 on page 13, and exercises 1, 2, 3 on page 91 The design of the writing on the Bb: Unit 2 New Media Language points (step 5) Record after teaching: Period 6 Integrating Skills Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following : arm, disappoint, etc 2.Train the students' integrating skills. 3. Learn about the five basic elements in a news report Teaching Important Points: Train the students' integrating skills. Teaching Difficult Points: How to inprove the students' integrating skills. Teaching Methods: Asking-and-answering activity to check Ss’understanding of the two reports. Teaching Aids: the Bb Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2 check homework Step 3 Reading and speaking Now please read the two reports on page 15 carefully and compare them. Then discuss the questions in part 1 and part 2.(give SS enough time to do it, and let them express their ideas freely.) Five basic elements in a news report: when, where, who, what and why. Step 4 Language Points: 1. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory… brave and strong是形容词作状语,形容词或形容词短语作状语,通常说明主语行为的原因、方式、伴随状况等。 e.g. Cold and hungry, he decided to stop and have a rest. (表原因)又冷又饿,他决定停下来休息一会儿。 Ripe, the oranges taste sweet.(表方式)这些橘子熟了,味道甜美。 2. The peaceful meeting ended when the company sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens. arm v.t. 武装,用武器装备 e.g. The robber was armed.那个强盗有武器。 The soldiers were armed to teeth.士兵们武装到牙齿 3. I’m sure they won’t feel disappointed. disappoint v.t. 使失望 disappointing adj. 令人失望的 disappointed adj. 失望的 e.g. The book disappointed me.这本书令我失望。 The news was really disappointing.那个消息真令人感到失望。 Are you very disappointed about losing the game?你是不是因为比赛输了而感到很失望? Homework: Try to remember what have been taughtin this period. Review this unit. The design of the writing on the Bb: Unit 2 New Media Language points (step4) Record after teaching: Period 7 Review and Exercises. Unit 3 Art and architecture Period 1:Warming up & Listening Teaching Aims: 1 Improve the students’ listening ability. 2.Improve the students’ speaking ability. 3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions. Important and difficult points: 1. How to help students to improve their listening ability. 2. How to help students to learn to express preferences. Teaching Methods: 1. Discussion 2. Individual or pair work Step 1. Greetings and warming-up Greet the students as usual. Ask the Ss to talk about their hometown and their houses. Qs: where are you from, a city or a small town? Can you describe the buildings in your hometown? What kind of buildings do you live in, a traditional house or an apartment? Show students two pictures, a tall building and a traditional yard T: what can you see in the two pictures? What is the difference between them? (When the Ss describe the pictures, remind the students to think about the differences in the two pictures. The students may have different opinions. Encourage them to think out reasons as many as possible. They may have a discussion.) Suggested answers: Block of flats Traditional house Modern. Convenient. The rooms are big. Every flat has a toilet and bathroom. Not much contact with their neighbors. People often feel lonely. Flat roof. … Old-style. The rooms are small. Sometimes no toilet or bathroom. Life is much more interesting. Neighbors get on well with each other. People can grow flowers in the yard. The roof is sloping. … In which house would you prefer to live? Why? S: I like living in ….because…. I prefer living… I’d rather live… The students should tell others their reasons to support their choices. For example, living in the small house makes me feel warm. I like making friends with my neighbors. It looks like a big family. Encourage them to express their ideas freely. T: Buildings in the different places are different. So what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture? Show the students some different kinds of houses, and ask them to describe them. Collect their answers.( appearance: high, low, great, The palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale.;materials: brick, stone, steel ,glass, wood…) T: If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? What materials would you use? Explain why you made certain choices about your dream house? Architect: one who designs the construction of buildings or other large structures. Give the students enough time to discuss the question. Collect their answers. Step 3 :Pre-listening T: You have already designed your own dream house; it is time to buy some furniture. What kind of furniture will you buy? And why do you prefer them? Have a short discussion in pairs. You can introduce names of furniture, such as heater, air-conditioner and so on. Step 4. Listening. Books open, Page 18, listening part. It is a talk between a young married couple, Danny and Amy and a shop assistant.. They want to buy some furniture for their new house. Ask the students to go though the exercises and make sure what to do. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and finish the exercises by themselves. They may check the answers in pairs. Then play it a third time for the students to check their answers. Check them with the whole class in the end. Step 5.Homework Find out about the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world as much as possible. Share the ideas with others. Period 2 Speaking Teaching aims: 1. To learn how to express one’s preferences. 2. To teach students how to describe a house. Suggestions for teaching: 1. Important and difficult points: (1) To find the proper words to describe a house. (2) To express one’s own preferences in different ways. 2. Suggested teaching methods: Books open, page 18. Ask the students to listen to the sample dialogue and follow the tape. Study the useful expressions. Remind them to learn the structure how to express their preferences. Practice. Ask them to look at the pictures and choose the item they prefer. Try to explain the reasons. Task one and task two: One is to talk about traditional and classical furniture. And the second task is choosing a picture to decorate their room. T: In your dream houses, are there any chairs? (Show some chairs) which one do you like? Why? When they answer the question, encourage them to use expressions in the following table. A moment later, ask them to act out their own dialogue. Useful expressions: I’d rather….. I’m much more interested in……. In my opinion…… I really prefer…… I wouldn’t feel happy if…… I’m not very excited about …….. If you ask me, then….. I prefer something that……. I like seeing something…… What I like is …… I can’t stand…… Sample dialogue: A: which do you like better, classical chairs or modern chairs? B: I prefer modern chairs. A: Why? B: In my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. They are comfortable. A:… Task three: Discussion (group work) Here are some things that are important to some people when they choose a place to live. Try to get the students to discuss in groups, which of the following ideas are the most important. Students can add some other elements to the list when they discuss. (1) close to work (2) close to public transportation (3) attractive building (4) modern kitchen and bathroom (5) reasonable rent or purchase price (6) available parking (7) plenty of space (8) close to shopping This discussion is close to students’ daily life, so teacher can make use of it to make them understand architecture better. Homework: . Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration. Period 3 Reading Teaching aims: 1. To learn something about art and architecture. 2. To give students profiles of some famous artists and architecture. Important and difficult points: To get students to understand the Past Participle used as Object Complement. Step I. Lead –in: Step II. Pre-reading: Do you think the text will be about the following topics? 1.The text is about classical Chinese architecture. ( ) 2.Some modern architecture takes examples from nature. ( ) 3.The text is about parks and gardens. ( ) Step III. Reading:Scanning: Part1( ) A.The differences between traditional.. and modern..,and why ancient architecture had many beautiful buildings Part2( ) B. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas expressed in art and architecture Part3( ) C. Examples of famous architects and great buildings that take examples from nature. Part4( ) D. How and when modernism came into being?Careful reading: 1. Answer the following questions: 1.Why did a group of architects invent modernism? 2.What are the materials of modern architecture? And how about the traditional architecture? 3.What do the modern buildings look like? 4.Who are the two architects mentioned in the text? What inspired them? 5.Where were Antonio Gaodi’s works structured? 6.What is the outstanding feature of Gaodi’s works according to the passage? Balconies look like _________. Walls seem to be covered with the _____ of a _____. The roof looks like the ____ of a _______. Other parts look like ________. 7.What does the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing look like? 2. Multiple-choice: 1.Which of the following belongs to modern architecture? A.Taihe Dian B.The Temple of Heaven C.The Opera House is Sydney D.The great European Cathedrals 2.From this passage we can infer that _____. A.The writer prefers ancient buildings to modern ones. B.The writer prefers traditional materials to modern ones. C.The writer doesn’t like modern architects at all. D.The writer prefers buildings that look natural to ones that look unnatural. 3.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage? A.Ancient architecture is popular. B.Modern architecture is popular. C.Ancient buildings look more beautiful than modern ones. D.Different times, different styles of architecture. 3. True or false: 1.To many people modern architecture equals progress.( ) 2.Many people find modern buildings unfriendly and ugly.( ) 3.Modern architecture stands closer to nature than ancient architecture.( ) 4.Gaudi was a Spanish ancient architect.( ) 5.There are a few sharp corners and straight lines in Gaudi’s designs.( )6.Gaudi only used natural materials, such as stone, brick and wood.( ) 7.Opera House in Sydney makes many people think of seashells.( ) 8.The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing will be made of stones and bricks.( ) 4. Compare ancient architecture with modern architecture according to the passage. Step IV. Post-reading Discussion: Suppose our school needs a new teaching building, now give you a chance to be an architect. Try to use your imagination to design it. And you should tell us why you want to do so. Step V. Homework: After class you should read the text more to understand it better and try to retell it. Period 4 Language points Teaching aims: 1 To learn the useful words, expressions and sentences in the reading. 2.To enable students to use these language points in both spoken and written English. Important and difficult points: 词语学习: 1.I'd rather = I would rather我宁愿 I'd rather live in an older building.我宁愿住在一座比较古老的建筑物里。 I'd rather not live in a modern building.我宁愿不住在一座现代的建筑物里。 2.prefer v.更喜欢….. prefer sth to sth I much prefer dogs to cats.与猫比起来,我更喜欢狗。 prefer to do sth Many people living in cities would actually prefer to live in the country.许多住在城市的人实际上更愿意住在乡村。 prefer doing sth , Peter prefers traveling by train.彼得更喜欢乘火车旅行。 would prefer to do sth We would prefer to live in the US,but l can't get a visa.我们宁愿住在美国,但是我不能得到签证。 prefer doing sth to doing sth I prefer staying home to going out today.我今天宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去。 3.I wouldn't feel happy if…我不会感到快乐,如果… (1)与事实情况相反的句子(假设情况与假设结果均在现在) I would buy a house if I had more money.如果我有更多的钱,我就会买一座房子。(I can't buy a house because I have no money) (2)与事实情况相反的句子(假设情况与假设结果均在过去) I would have called Ellen if I had known her phone number.如果我早知道艾伦的电话号码,我就会打电话给她。(1 didn't call Ellen for l didn't know her phone number.) (3)与事实情况相反的混合时间句(假设情况在过去,假设结果在现在) If l had been more practical, I would have more money now.如果我那时更实际些,我现在就会有更多的钱。(I wasn't more practical so l have less money.) If l hadn't moved here,1 would be living in Italy now.如果我那时没有搬到这儿,我现在就会住在意大利了。(I did move here,so I am not living in Italy.) (4)与事实情况相反的混合时间句(假设情况在现在,假设结果在过去): He would have called you if he weren't so shy.如果他不是如此害羞,他那时就会打电话给你的。(He is shy so he didn't call you.) 4.I can't stand我不能忍受… stand sth. I don't know if I can stand his words.我不知道我是否能忍受他的话。 stand one's doing sth. How can you stand Mary coming home late all the time? 你怎么能忍受玛丽总是很晚回家? 5.preference n.偏好 I must admit I have a preference for romantic movies.我必须承认我更喜欢浪漫电影。 . I asked her where she wanted to go on vacation,but she didn't express any preference.我问她想到哪儿去度假,但她没表示自己的偏好。 In allocating housing,preference is given to those who have young children.在分配房子时,那些有小孩的人有优先权。 Many people choose the train in preference to driving.许多人宁愿选择火车也不愿选择自己驾车。 6.sale n.销售 --Excuse me, are these for sale? 请问这些卖吗? --No,the particular item is just on show.不,这个只供观赏。 Peter's department store is having a sale this week.这星期彼得百货商店大减价。 Stephen King's new novel will go on sale next week.史第芬•金的新小说将会卖到下星期。 I could only afford to buy the CD player because it was on sale.我只买得起CD机,因为它在降价大甩卖。 7.Stuff n. [U] 东西;材料;事情 What's that stuff you're drinking? 你在喝什么东西? What kind of stuff do you like to read? 你喜欢读什么样的材料? I've got so much stuff to do this weekend.这个周末我有许多事情要做。 8. impress vt & vi.给…留下印象 What impressed us most about the book Was its vivid language.这本书给我们印象最深的是它的生动的语言o We're very impressed with the standard Of children's work.孩子们作业的标准给我们的印象很深。 Father impressed on me the value of hard work.父亲使我知晓努力工作的价值。 8.despite prep.不管,不顾 Despite all our efforts to save the school,the headmaster decided to close it.不管我们花了多少努力来挽救这所学校,校长还是决定关 |
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