Unit 8 first aid Listening and speaking教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计) |
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Topic Unit 8 First aid Teacher Yuexiang Wei Chengdu Experimental Middle School of Beijing Normal University. Period 1st period listening & speaking Goals Enable the students to know about the types of common accidents . Enable the students to learn how to give fist aid correctly. Enable the students learn how to avoid the accidents happening. Enable the students to give suggestions or orders. Approaches Listening & speaking strategies, communicative approach, Aids CAI courseware, Board Writing Unit 8 First aid types first aid prevention cuts wash… ;dry…;wrap…. …careful, never … drowning traffic accidents burns bleeding choking animal bites Teaching Procedures Procedures Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Designing ideas Step 1 Leading in 1. Perform some actions. 2.Collect the answers. 3.Ask for their experiences . 1. Enjoy the performance and guess what happened to the teacher. 2. Brainstorm the types of the accidents in our daily life. 直接引入主题,为后面学习事故的种类作铺垫。 Step 2 Warming up 1.Show some pictures. 2.Let the Ss know the types of the accidents. 3 Read the new words and ask the Ss to repeat. 1.Look at the pictures. 3. Learn to distinguish the types of the accidents. 3.Remember the new words. 图片展示帮助学生更直观形象的了解常发事故的种类。 Step 3 Presentation 1. Ask the Ss some questions. 2. Make two models for dealing with the accidents. 3. Give the definition about First aid. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Talk and get to know what to do first when the accidents happen. 3. Watch and learn the definition about First aid. 1.教师表述并配合肢体语言,使学生明白遇到不同事故可采用相应的急救措施。 2.学生学会用语言描述急救的方法和过程。 3.设计中有意识让学生关注他人,培养他们的爱心与责任感。 Step 4 Group work 1. Ask the Ss to work in groups. 2. Ask the Ss Speak out their ideas. 3. Show the Ss some video films. 1. Work in groups . 2. Talk about how to give First aid. 3. Speak out their ideas. (Watch the video to clear about the correct way of First aid. ) 1.通过小组讨论、合作表演、观看影片进一步让学生懂得如何采用正确的急救方法。 2.培养学生用英语思维和表达的能力。 2 .Play the tape. 1 Listen to the tape and get the key points. 2. Listen again and finish off the exercises. 1. 通过听力练习, 复现First aid 的过程与方法。 2 .知识延伸,为下一步衔接作铺垫。 Step 6 Presentation 1. Tell the Ss First aid is necessary and useful. But the most important is to avoid the accidents effectively. 2. Present things can be dangerous at home. Ask the Ss to think about how to prevent them happening. 3. Lead the Ss to use modal verbs to give the correct suggestions 1. Look at the pictures and know how to avoid the accidents. 2. Learn to use “should must ought to shouldn’t mustn’t to give their correct suggestions. 1.通过教师展示图片和学生的自由讨论使学生了解有效防范家庭中常见事故发生的措施.为后面的讨论起到引路的作用。 2.让学生就家庭内注意人身安全这一话题提出肯定或者否定的建议,使学生能够熟练使用should, ought to, must,have to以及它们的否定形式。 Step 7 Practice (pair work) 1. Show the Ss a chart . 2. Have the Ss discuss in pairs: Safety around us. 1. Have a discussion in pairs to be clear about what they should do and what they shouldn’t do around them. 2.Speak out their opinions. 通过讨论培养学生的语言综合能力,同时使学生明白更重要的是预防, 树立安全意识。 Step 8 1. Summary 2. Homework 1. Make a summary 2.Assign homework. Listen and remember the instructions for homework. 1 通过教师总结进一步点明本节课的学习任务。 2 家庭作业是课堂的巩固练习及延伸。 Flow chart Presentation Practice Summary Homework Homework: 1. Fill in the chart below with some phrases we learned. 2. Choose one of them to write a short passage. types first aid prevention cuts wash… ;dry…;wrap…. …careful , never… drowning traffic accidents burns bleeding choking animal bites Unit 8 First aid Listening & speaking (1st period) 这是一堂听说课. 高中英语新课程标准明确指出:高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。听说是学习英语的一项重要的语言实践活动。 本单元以First aid为话题,使学生了解相关急救知识,学会遇到不同的意外事件能采取相应的急救措施。本节课作为本单元的第一堂课,主要是为后面的阅读和写作作铺垫。因此我充分挖掘和整合教材,将本堂课设计成三大环节: 1、了解生活中常见意外事故的种类; 2、面对意外事故如何进行简单有效的急救; 3、 关键是在日常生活中要尽力避免意外事故的发生。 a) 新颖的导入,激发学生的学习愿望和兴趣 采用教师装扮成受伤者让学生猜测可能发生在教师身上的事故,直奔主题。且不同的猜测又为后面学习常见事故种类作了铺垫。当学生明白老师并非真正受伤而只是joking时既消除了课堂的紧张气氛,又激发了学生的学习兴趣。 b) 采用“任务型”的教学途径,发挥学生的主体作用,培养其综合运用语言的能力。 根据学习内容设计的每一步(听、说、讨论和pair work group work )均以完成不同的任务而展开,且层层深入。注意发挥学生的主体作用,采用多种课堂交际方式,设计了内容丰富、形式多样、有趣又有实效性的课堂活动与任务。 1 如:在How to give first aid ?环节中,当他人遇到意外事故时,do something to help them, 培养学生的爱心与责任感。 2 在第三大环节中,如何避免意外的发生,培养学生树立安全意识和防范意识。 d) 有效发挥多媒体的作用,提高课堂教学效益。 注:本教学设计是于2005年11月23---25日参加北师大附校系统青年教师优质课巡讲展示活动时所设计的一堂高二英语听说课,分别在北京140中学、北京大兴榆垡中学和河北唐山市第23中学作了展示,但由于这三所学校的学生层次均不同,因此授课时根据对象不同做了部分细节改动。 |
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