2005-2006年度高考复习教案 Unit 9 Book1A(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

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Unit 9 Technology
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Key words: agree,depend,remind, add, succeed
2. Important phrases: stay /keep in touch with, call for, in case of, according to, take over, break down
3. Classic Patterns: whatever(whoever,whomever, whichever)leads the noun-clauses/ no matter what(who, which…)
4. Differences between words and phrases:
1) Latest/ late/ last/ lately/newest/ later/latter
2) more than/ more…than
5. Grammar: the passive voice of continous
6. Communicative phrases:
Agreement and disagreement
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Have a dictation of the words and expressions.
Step 2 Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions in the text.
Step 3. language points.
1. agree v
with one’s idea (opinion, what sb. said )
to one’s plan / arrangement/ suggestion
on /upon sth. 就。。。。。达成协议/共识
to do sth.同意做某事
that …同意做某事(从句)
agree 的反义词disagree, 名词为agreement
food/ climate… agrees with sb.食物/气候适合某人
The climate here doesn’t agree with sb.
Sth. agree with sth. 与。。。。。。一致
They say your report doesn’t agree with the fact. But I don’t agree with them on this point.
2. depend的用法。depend on/upon是固定词组,意为“依靠”,“依赖”,“信任”,不能用于被动语态或进行时,常见搭配有:depend on/upon sb. to do sth.指望某人做某事;depend on/upon+wh-从句,取决于;depend on/upon it+that从句,指望,对……深信不疑;It/That all depends. 是习惯用语,表示“视情况而定”;dependence n. 依赖;dependent adj有依赖性的;independence n.独立;independent adj.独立的。
31. ——Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation﹖——It all depends on.
32. Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depend on the weather.
33. Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.
34. You may depend on that he will join the club.
35. Health is depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.
3. remind/remember
A.①The story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had.
②I'll have to remind my son to do his homework.
③The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.
4.add vt/ vi
add … to…
add to The bad weather added to our difficulty.
add sth.up/ together
add up to
5. success n cn/ un
succeed in doing sth.
be successful in doing sth.
have success in doing sth.
do sth. successfully
Sb. (Sth.) is a success.
Take off / come off / pay off / work out well
Manage to do sth.
Was/were able to do sth.
5. ①Although many families became separated, people still stay /kept in touch with each other.(=people were still in touch with each other.)
②We have been out of touch with them for about two years.
③They have lost touch with the astronauts in the space ship.They are trying to get in touch with them again.
6. .①This problem calls for careful thought.
②People were calling for freedom of all slaves.
③I’ll call for it on my way home this evening.
④Yesterday I called at his house but he wasn’t at home.I’m going to call on him again this afternoon.
⑤I’ll call you up at about 7 o’clock.(=ring you up)
⑥Lincoln called on his people to fight against slavery.
⑦Because of bad weather, the sports meeting was called off.(取消)
⑧We called in a doctor.(找来,请来)
⑨call out to sb./ call back
7. .①He might not come this evening.In that case, we won’t hold the party.
②You’d better take your umbrella in case it rains.(以防)
③In case it rains, I won’t come back tonight.(如果)
④In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.(假使;如果发生)
⑤ In any case you mustn’t tell a lie.(无论如何)
⑥We will in no case use nuclear weapons first.(=never)
⑦In no case will we use nuclear weapons first.
7. take over 接受,接管;借用,承袭
I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。
take back 拿回来
take back one's words 收回(刚讲的话)
take A for B 把A误认为是B
take in sth 接受;吸收
take in sb 欺骗,领会,理解
take off 起飞,取消;脱下, 完成
take on 呈现,承担
take on sb 雇用 take up 占据(时间,地方),从事于
8. ①A fire broke out last night.
错误:A fire was broken out.
②The First World War broke out in 1914.
③The leaders of Taiwan attempt to break away form another state.
④You should break away from such habits.
⑤The car broke down.So we were late.
⑥A thief broke in during the night and stole some money.
⑦A thief broke into his house and stole some money.
⑧Don’t break in while others are speaking.
⑨The police broke up the crowd in the street.
9. ①I wonder what you call these flowers.
②She wondered why they hadn’t given her an answer.
③I was wondering how to get there quickly.(=I was wondering how I could get…)
④I wonder that she didn’t come to see you.(=I think it strange that she didn’t…)
⑤I don’t wonder at his anxiety.(=I don’t feel strange that he is anxious.)
⑥The Great Wall is one of the wonders that the Chinese people have worked / done.
⑦It’s a wonder that you didn’t get lost in the forest.(说来也怪)
⑧He studied harder this term than last term.It’s no wonder that he got the first in the final term exam.(难怪;不足为怪)
10. Fill the blanks with the words late/later /latter/ latest /last/lately.
1.On TV is broadcasting the ______ news about the war.( latest )
2.I was 10 minutes late for class this morning because I got up late
3.Later he became a lawyer.
4.She is wearing the latest.
5.Which do you prefer, the former or the latter ?
6.Which do you prefer, the first or the last ?
7.Have you ever heard from him lately/ recently ?
late adj. adv. I was 10 minutes late for class this morning because I got up late.
late --- later ---latest
later adv. Later he became a lawyer.
latest adj. the latest newspaper the latest Paris fashion
n. the latest the latest about the war
She is wearing the latest in hats.
at the latest 最迟
late ---latter---last
Which do you prefer, the former or the latter ?
Which do you prefer, the first or the last ?
late ---- lately / recently Have you ever heard from him lately/ recently ?
11. .①That mountain is more than 1 500 meters high.(=over)
②More than one person was invited.
③She is more than pleased with her daughter’s performance.(=very)
④Bamboo is used for more than building.(=Bamboo is not only used for building.)
⑤She is more hardworking than wise.(意为“与其说……,不如说……”, 舍后者取前者)
⑥His whole school education added up to no more than one year.
cf..less than也可以表示“与其说……,不如说……”, 舍前者取后者
而more … than…意为“与其说……,不如说……”, 舍后者取前者.
12. ①You can do whatever you like.(=You can do anything that you like.)
②Whatever you do, do your best.
③No matter what you do, do your best.
④Whatever I have is yours.(=Anything that I have is yours.)




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