2005-2006年度高考复习教案 Unit 7 Book1A(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

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Unit 7 Cultural relics
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1.Key words: represent,limit,include
2.Important phrases: bring…back to life,pull down,give in
3.Classic Patterns:
It is said/reported/believed…that…据说/据报道/人们相信……
4.Differences between words and phrases:
5.Grammar: Attributive clauses
6.Communicative phrases: 提出意见和建议
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Have a dictation of the words and expressions.
Step 2 Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions in the text.
Step 3. language points.
1.Represent v. 代表,象征;作为(某人)的代表或代理人
The rose represents England.玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。
The Queen was represented at the funeral by the ambassador.大使代表女王参加了葬礼。
A dove represents peace.鸽子象征着和平。
represent的同根词是:presence n. 出席,到场;present adj.出席的,到场的。
limit n.[c]限度,限制,极限 vt. 限制,限定
limited adj.有限的
unlimited adj彩无限的
There is a speed limit of 30 miles per hour in towns.城里限速每小时30英里。
Our holidays are limited to two weeks.我们的假期被限制在两个星期。
We must limit our spending.我们必须限制我们的开支。
As we a11 know,a person's life is limited,but knowledge is unlimited
inelude vt 包括,包含(侧重包含的范围)
contain vt 含有,包含(侧重包含的内容)
The story book contains 100 stories.这本故事书里包含有100篇故事。
My job doesn't include making cake for the boss.
Detailed instructions are included in the booklet.小册子中有详细说明。
Hundreds of people were killed in the accident,including 20 women and children/20
women and children included.数百人在事故中丧生,包括20位妇女和儿童。
【考题】The book cost me 12 yuan in all, postage ________.
A.included B.including C.includes D.is included
A 从句法分析看,题干是一个简单句,句子后半部分是名词加分词构成的独立结构,而postage与include是动宾关系,所以需用过去分词,相当于including postage.
4.bring…back to life的用法
bring...back to life意为“使恢复”、“使苏醒”、“使生动”,back可省略。
bring...back to health使……恢复健康
come(back)to life苏醒过来,恢复生气
They did aIl they could to bring him(back)to life.他们尽一切努力使他苏醒。
When the man came(back)to life again,he found himself in a hospital bed.
bring…back to life是主语,使(别人)苏醒(恢复),而come back to life则是主语(自己)苏醒(恢复)过来。
The doctors did a11 they could _______ him__________.
A.to bring;back to life B.bring:back to life
C.bring;to life D.to bring;to living.
A 动词不定式作目的状语,bring sb back to life使某人苏醒,为一固定短语。
5.pull down的用法
pull down拆掉;摧毁(=destroy);(疾病使体质)虚弱
The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down.她常去的那家电影院已经拆除了。
His long illness had pulled him down.他因长年患病身体很虚弱。
pull down 拆掉,推掉,使身体虚弱,使价格降低 pull off 脱衣帽 pull off a plan 实现计划
pull out 拔出,离开,度过难关,恢复健康拔出,抽出;(车、船等)驶出
to pull out of the garage 从车库开车出来
pull through 渡过难关,使从病中恢复过来
pull up 车子停下,拔起(树、草),pull up the curtain
pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸
pull into (车等)进入,驶入
pull down的本意是“拉下”。
【考题】(2005年武汉三月考)A lot of old and dangerous houses and buildings have been _____ in Wuhan central city areas in the past a few years.
A.brought down B.pulled down C.put down D.turned down
B bring down降低价格,pull down拆除,put down放下,turn down将音(光)调小。根据题意可知答案为B。
6.give in的用法
give in屈服,让步,投降(后常接to sb./sth.)
give up(sth./doing sth.)放弃;中止;认输;自首,投降
You can't win the game.so you may as well give in.这场比赛你赢不了的。还是认输吧。
I've given up that idea long before.我很久以前就放弃那个想法了。
He has given up playing football.他不再踢足球了。
give away 分发,赠送,颁发,背叛,出卖,暴露
give back 归还
give in 屈服 give in to sb./sth.让位于。。。,被。。。。。所取代
give off 放出(气体,光)
Those flowers look pretty but don't give off a nice smell. 这些花看似漂亮,但是气味并不好。
give out 使人筋疲力尽 ,用完;分发,宣布,散发出=give off
Some restaurants give out an odor that reaches to the street.
一些餐厅里面的气味飘到了街上。 odor 是指比 scent 更浓更清楚的味道。
give up 放弃,停止做某事
He resolved to give up smoking. 他决心戒烟。
give over 让位于=give way to被取代
give away to 被取代 ,让步,屈服
give rise to 引起,导致
give a hand 帮忙
give sb. a lift 准某人搭便车/give sb. a ring给某人打电话
give in为不及物动词短语,而give up为及物动词短语,后须接宾语n
--Smoking is bad for your health.
--Yes.I know.But 1 simply can't ________.
A.give it up B.give it in C.give it out D.give it away
A give up意为“放弃、戒掉”,其他短语的意思不符合题意:gjve in屈服,give out分发,give away赠送,泄露。
7.It is said/reported/believed/thought...that....
It/Sth.is said...to do/be/have done/have been..。.
It is said to be the best book.but I don't find it interesting.
(It is said that it is the best book,...)据说这是最好的书,但我发现它没有意思。
President Bush is reported to have won the election.
(=It is reposed that President Bush has won the election.)
hope不能用于be hoped to do/be结构。
It is hoped that he will come to the meeting.(right)
He is hoped to come to the meeting.(wrong)
【考题】(2002年全国)__________in Australia there is more land than the government knows what to do with it.
A.People is said B.It is said C.It says D。People are said
B 本题考查句型It is said that...的用法。It is said that...=People say...
destroy vt.摧毁,毁坏(某物)
ruin n.[u]毁坏,破坏;[常用复数]废墟,遗迹 vt.毁坏,毁灭
in ruins成为废墟
damage n.[u]损害,损失;[c]破损的地方 do / cause damage to
He has destroyed my hope.他破坏了我的希望。
The earthquake destroyed a lot of buildings.地震毁坏了许多楼房。
The storm ruined the crops.暴风雨毁坏了庄稼。
The house across the street is in ruins.街道对面的房子已是一片废墟。
The bridge was damaged by the flood. 那座桥梁被洪水损坏了。
【考题】(2004年全国Ⅲ完形)Finally the police caught me_______a phone box that
had taken my last one pound coin.and I was ordered to see a psychiatrist(心理医生).A.destroying B.using C.stealing D.emptying
A从上文仅仅因为电话m殴打老板判断,作者在投完硬币,无法继自打电话时,发生了不理智的行为。catch sb.destroying...“抓住某人破坏……”。
【变式题1】An eaahquake struck this area,________a lot of damage.
A.making B.causing C.done D.caused
B.从搭配来看,mak与damage不搭配;“造成损失,损害”^do/cause damage;此处的动词与前面的句子构成逻辑主谓关系,所以需用现在分词充当结果状语。
I have seen the film many times.这部电影我希过好多次了。(对内容很熟悉)
I have written a novel since last year.白去年以来我一直在写一本小说o
态变化用be来表示。即现在完成时的被动语态的构成形式为:. . been+过去分词。 has

【考题】1.(2004年北京春招)I can’t see any coffee in this cupboard.___________?
A.Has it all been finished B.Was it all finished
C.Has it all finished D.Did it all finish
A 因对现在造成了影响(橱框里没有咖啡),所以用完成时态。C项语态不对。
2.(2004全国Ⅲ)-The window is dirty. -I know. It __________ for weeks.
A.hasn't cleaned B.didn't clean C.wasn't cleaned D.hasn't been leaned
D 本题考查时态和语态it指上文提到的窗户,它和clean之间是动宾关系,所以句中应当采用被动语态。the window is dirty可看出窗户到目前还脏的,所以应当用现在完成时。,
【变式题2】一Do you know our town at all?
-No.this is the first time I __________ here.
A. am sent B.was sent C.have sent D.have been sent
D this is the first time后从句中常用现在完成时态,根据句意,要用被动语态.
现在完成时的被动语态有人称、时态的变化,第一、二、三人称复数形式作主语时,谓语动词用“have been+过去分词”,主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词用“has been+过去分词”。
10.(1)提出意见和建议(Giving advice&Making suggestions):
What sha11 we…? Maybe we could….
Shall we...? I’d 1ike to....
Can't we...? What/How about…?
Should we...? Why don't you…?
Let’s…. Why not...?
All right./OK.That’s al1 right.
Certainly./Sure. Good idea./That'S a good idea.
That sounds great. That sounds(1ike)a good idea.
I’d like/love to...‘
I’m afraid that… I’m sorry,but…
I'd like/love to, but... It(That)sounds nice,but…
【考题】(2001年上海春招)一Let’s go swimming,shall we?一 ___________. ‘
A.It’s my pleasure B.It doesn't matter
C.Yes,1et's go. D.I agree with you.
C 当对方用Let's…征求意见时,可以回答Yes,let's.…
【变式题3】一what about having a drink? —____________.
A.Good idea. B.Help yourself C.Go ahead,P1ease D.Me.too
A 。Good idea是接受建议的交际用语;Help yourself是就餐时的交际用语;Go ahead,please是回答别人请求的交际用语。
Unit 7语言点练习
1. --Daddy, what does the sign "V" mean?
--It________the word" victory?
A. presents B. shows C. represents D. means
2. My English knowledge is very_________though I have learned it for six years.
A. limit B. limits C. limiting D. limited
3.--How many people will attend the party?
--Ten, two children __________.
A. include B. to include C. including D, included
4.Science has brought ________ many changes in our lives.
A. up B. back C. about D. to
5.Many old houses were _________to _________ room for new buildings.
A. pulled out; take B. pushed down; make C. pulled down; make D. taken down; make
6.Blackmail is something that should never be ______; but that's easier said than done.
A. given up B. give in C. given up to D. given in to
7. that a new project will be started in our town.
A.It is believed B. We are believed C. It believes D. We believed
8.His bike was so badly_________ that it couldn't be repaired at all.
A. destroyed B. ruined C. damaged D. damaging
9.A large number of tall buildings ___________ in the past few years.
A. has been built B. have been built C. were, built D. have built
10.--Shall we begin now?
--Yes. All the preparations for the task ________ , and you may start,
A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed
11.--The room is so dirty, _______ we clean it? --Of course.
A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do
12. 1 am shocked to hear that your house ____ into.
A. has broken B. was broken C.has been broken D. have been broken
13.(2001年上海春招)一Let’s go swimming,shall we?一 ___________. ‘
A.It’s my pleasure B.It doesn't matter
C.Yes,1et's go. D.I agree with you.
14.一what about having a drink? —____________.
A.Good idea. B.Help yourself C.Go ahead,P1ease D.Me.too




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