module 2 unit 3 language points(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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1. of all time 自古以来,有史以来
2. the world “世界上的人,人类”作主语,谓语用单数。
全世界的人都在关注着这次奥运会。 watch the Olympic Games.
3. ever adv.
Faster than ever // work as hard as ever
①曾经,以前(用于疑问句,if从句)② 无论什么时候都(否定句)③到底,究竟(特殊疑问句)④永远(肯定句)
(1) Have you ever heard of such a thing?
(2)None of us will ever forget this unusual day.
(3) If you ever have any problems, let me know.
(4) You will find me ever ready to help you.
4. adventurous adj. ①(人)有冒险精神的②(事)充满危险的,惊险的
那是一次惊险的旅行。That is______ journey.
她的生活方式充满刺激。 She lives in _______lifestyle.
她不够胆大。She isn’t_______ enough.
5. bright adj. 光明的,明亮的,鲜艳的,聪明的, 快乐而生气勃勃的
The leaves on the trees are bright green in spring.
Don’t be so sad about your future. You should see the bright side of things.
The doctor has a bright future before him.
His teacher didn’t think Edision bright.
She gave me a bright smile.
The sun is brighter than the moon.
6. curious adj.①好奇的,求知欲强的 be *curious about sth , be curious to do, be curious that
小孩子会自然地对周围每一件事感到好奇。Children are naturally curious about everything around them
我很想知道他们在谈论什么。I’m curious to know what they are talking about.
我很想知道他如何处理这事的。I’m curious how he will deal with it.
②奇特的,难以解释的 It is/ was curious that -----
真奇怪,他不辞而别。It is curious that he left without saying goodbye.
curiously(副词) curiosity (名词)
Don’t be too about things you’re not supposed to know.
A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious
If you are about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.
A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious
7. set sail for sp. 启程去某地 have / take a sail
他们绕岛进行了一次航行。They took/had a sail around the island.
sail vi. 航行,起航 He likes go sailing.
船何时起航?When does the ship sail? 船沿着海岸航行。The ship sailed along the coast.
他已乘船去纽约了。He has sailed for/ to New York.
set about sth/doing sth 开始/着手做....
set sth aside (为…)留出,节省(某物)/ 把。。。放到一边 set some money for the holiday
set off (vi)动身,起程
(vt)使爆炸 The bomb could be set off at any time.
引起,触发 His words set off a wave of anger.
Set out 起程动身 set out for
Set out to do sth 开始做某事
Set up 竖起,建立
8. gold/golden
gold coins/ gold medal
golden crown/ golden hair
9. by the 1920s , he had become an explorer, searching for the …
by: no later than or before
Mike must have made some friends in his school by now.
The new suspension bridge _________ by the end of last month.
A. has been designed B. had been designed C. was designed D. would be designed
By the time (conj.) doctor arrived, the woman had given birth.
By the time (conj.) you get there, it will be dark.
10. preserve v. ①保护,维护 preserve … from …保护…以免…②保持,维持原状
我们必须保护视力。We must preserve our eyesight.
盐能防止食物腐烂。Salt preserves food from decay.
人类应保护森林。Man should preserve forests.
他设法保持住自己的独立性。He has managed to preserve his independence.
Football is no longer the preserve of men .
No hunting is allowed in the preserve.
Preservation (n)保存,保护,储藏
11. be known as/for/to
Einstein was known for his Theory of Relative.
Is he known as a poet or novelist?
The West Lake is known as the paradise on earth.
It is known to all that theory comes from practice.= As is known to all, theory comes from practice.
12. riches n. 财富
Reaches are worth nothing without health.
works sands manners arms times papers goods means
rich:adj 富有的,肥沃的,
be rich in…
enrich his mind with knowledge
13. as well as conj.
①as well as 连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致;若连接并列谓语,后一个动词用动名词形式。
A,B as well as C (×)
② A as well as B and C (√)
A and B as well as C (√)
besides(prep.) = as well as
③ as well (adv.) = too=besides (adv.)
as well as (well adv.) 做的一样好
Tom plays football as well as basketball.
Tom plays football as well as playing basketball.
A as well as B (侧重点在前)

not only B but also A (侧重点在后)
14. empty v. &adj.
我向教室里看了看,但发现里面空无一人。I looked into the classroom but found it empty.
她把包里的书都拿出来了。She emptied the bag of the books.
on/upon(doing) sth.
as soon as/once
the moment/minute/second/…
no sooner…than
在no sooner…than, hardly…when结构中,主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时;若no sooner, hardly置于句首,须用部分倒装语句。
16. lead v.带领,通往,导致,过(某种生活),领先
If you lead, I will follow.
All roads lead to Rome.
His actions lead me to distrust him .
I want to lead a quiet life .
He leads his class in physics.
lead sb by the nose
If you take the lead in this, others will follow.
adj. leading 重要的,
v. mislead adj. misleading
17.present ①adj.出席,到场(做表语或后置定语);现在,目前(做前置定语) ②n. 礼物;目前,现在
at present / for the present
All the people at the party were his supporters.
A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important
Oxygen is present in the air. How many people were present at the meeting?
In the present case, we can do nothing but wait. He is in Shanghai at present.
I can’t remember it for the present. I buy it for a present. They exchange presents at Christmas.
18. fall ill with a fever
fall ill with 患病(终止性动作)
be ill with 患病(延续性动作)
fall in love with 爱上某人(终止性动作)
be in love with sb. 爱上某人(延续性动作)
fall asleep 睡着(终止性动作)
be asleep 睡着(延续性动作)
19. die of 因…而死,死于疾病,情感,饥饿,寒冷,年老等原因
die from 因…而死,死于除了疾病,情感,饥饿,寒冷,年老等原因以外,尤指环境,事故等
die for为…而死; die out(物种)灭绝,(风俗)消失 ;die off 相继死去
die down渐渐减弱平息; die away(声音,风,光线)渐渐消失
be dying for 极想得到。。。。。。
be dying to do sth 极想做某事
20. have something/nothing/much/little/a lot
to do with
The suspect insisted that he had nothing to do with the murder. He said he was at home at that time watching TV.
你与那场事故有关系吗? Do you have anything with the accident?
爱迪生问了许多与功课无关的问题。Edision asked many questions that have nothing to do with his lessons.
21. the resting place of the dead.
(1)“the + 形容词/现在分词/过去分词”相当于名词,指人时,做主语时谓语动词用复数
如:the rich(富人),the young(年轻人),the public(公众),the wounded(伤员),the employed(被雇者),the dying(即将死的人)等。
如:the beautiful(美),the good(善),the true(真),the right(是),the wrong(非)等。
22. When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses.
(1) change the usual or natural condition of something
A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.
She has disturbed all his plans for going abroad.
(2) make someone worry; to upset someone
He was disturbed to hear her illness.
(3) move something or change its position
Don’t disturb the papers on my desk.
(4) interrupt someone, especially a person who is working or sleeping.
Did the storm disturb you in the night?
adj: disturbing 令人烦恼的
disturbed 情绪紊乱的,不正常的
n : disturbance动乱/干扰/精神紊乱
23. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.
=If (the viruses are ) breathed in, they can cause illness …
He will come if (he is) asked. If (it is) taken correctly, the medicine should work.
result in造成某种结果,导致=lead to / cause / bring about
车祸导致两名乘客死亡。The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.
如果不治疗的话,这病将导致完全失明。The illness will result in total blindness if (it is) left untreated.
result from由于…而产生,作为….的结果=be caused by
Illness often results from eating too much. / Eating too much results in illness.
as a result 结果……
as a result of …的结果(后接内容为原因)
=because of
It rained heavily; as a result we had to stay at home. We had to stay at home as a result of the heavy rain.
24. though在本句中作副词,意思、为“可是,倒是,然而”(=however),一般置于句尾,常与句子用逗号隔开。
20. pay off ①(尤指冒险的计划或行动)成功,奏效,达到目的,回报②遣散,解雇pay sb. off③vt.付清,还清
长远看,辛勤劳动最终会有好结果。Hard-working pays off in the long term.这确实冒险,但有效果。It was a risk but it paid off.
他通过努力工作把债务还清。He paid off his debt by working hard. vt. ~ … to… ~… with/ to …
He began to compare himself with the other students. Young people are compared to the rising sun.
The poet compared his lover to a rose.
compared with/to 与…,作状语,可放于句首或句末
(1) the size of the whole world, the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big.
A. Compare B. when comparing C. Comparing D. When compared
22. express 表达,表现 express … to sb, express oneself
我发觉难以表达我的感情。 她向我们致谢。
我无法用语言表达当时的感受。 他仍然不能用英语表达他的意思。
23. would rather 情态动词“宁愿”①would rather … than ②后接从句,用虚拟语气,用一般过去时表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表过去。
我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去。 我不想游泳,我宁愿打网球。
我真希望你昨天在那里。 我宁愿你留在家里。
---Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?
--- .
A. I’d rather you didn’t ,actually. B. Of course not, It’s not allowed here.
C. Great! I love pet D. No, you can’t.




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