Unit 4 Feed the world

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Ⅰ. Teaching objectives and demands:
1. After the learning of this unit the students are supposed to master the following words and expressions:
Café; menu; oxen; waitress; wipe; ham; hot dog; sauce; pie; jam; regret; now and again; help oneself to; goose; geese; farmland; day by day; agricultural; irrigate; salty; pest; storage; ruin; damp; in a word; loss; whichever; ownership; politician; in debt; repay; cash crop; raise; butcher; hilly; mountainous; make sense; jar; solve; spoon
2. The students required to understand and also be able to use the daily expressions in communication:
What would you like to…?
Would you like something to eat?
I’d like…
Help yourself to some…
I’m full, thank you.
3. Grammar: in learning the unit, we are going to revise Noun Clause.
4. Language use: the students are got involved in listening, speaking, reading and writing practice to improve their language use abilities.
5. Ethics teaching: after learning this lesson, the students are supposed to learn something about the food problem; the shrinking of the farmland; the population problem and the like.
Ⅱ. Time arrangement:
This unit is going to be finished in 6 teaching periods, including a unit test and period of listening.
Ⅲ. Key and difficult points of this unit:
1. Grammar: the noun clauses
2. Words and useful expressions
3. Daily expressions in communication
4. Listening and writing practice

Lesson 13
Ⅰ. Teaching objectives:
1. Students are required to master the following words and useful expressions:
Café; menu; oxen; waitress; wipe; ham; hot dog; sauce; pie; jam; regret
2. Students are supposed to master and use the everyday English for communication: dialogue presentation.
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice for the students to use the language.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids: tape recorder; slide show; computer; multimedia education software
Ⅲ. Key points:
1. Dialogue presentation
2. Vocabulary and grammar usage in real-situation dialogues
3. Free dialogue making
4. Learn the expressions used in a restaurant.
Ⅳ. Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Revise the expressions used in a restaurant: a customer and a waiter or a waitress.
(2) Revise the way of fixing a date.
Step 2. Presentation
SB Page 19, Part 1. Tell the students to talk about the picture and ask the students what they think Wang Bin and Carl were.
Step 3. Listening
Now listen to the dialogue and find out this information:
① Where were they? (In a restaurant)
② What was Wang Bin going to eat? (Hot dog and potato salad)
③ Where was Wang Bin going to work? (At a Farm institute)
Pick out some students to answer the questions loudly to the rest of the class.
Step 4. Reading and explanations
Now get the students to read the dialogue in pairs and underline the difficulties and the key points that they think.
(1) Have you ordered yet? 您点菜了吗? I’ll take your order. 请您点菜。
(2) Be excited about.
(3) All the same. = Even though
Step 5. Practice
SB P19, Part 2. Tell the students this part is compiled to practice the expressions usually used between a customer and a waiter or a waitress. Tell the students to work in groups to make up a dialogue using the sentences given.
Step 6. Consolidation
WB Ex.1, get the students to do this exercise orally in pairs to consolidate the dialogue that we learned in Part 1.
Step 7. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 13, Exx.2 and 3. Get the students to do the exercises individually and then check the answers with the students.
Answers: See Wb P85.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 13 in the workbook.
(2) Preview the next lesson if the students have time.
Ⅴ. Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 14 Feed the World (1)
Ⅰ. Teaching aims:
1. After learning the text, the students are required to master the following words and useful expressions:
regret; now and again; help oneself to; goose; geese; farmland; day by day; agricultural; irrigate; salty; pest; storage; ruin; damp; in a word; loss; whichever; ownership; politician;
2. Revise the grammar: the noun clauses.
3. Get the students to read the text using the following reading skills: skimming and note taking.
Ⅱ. Key points: 1.Words and grammar 2. Reading comprehension
Ⅲ. Teaching methods: Reading: skimming and note taking.
Ⅳ. Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of Lesson13.
Step 2. Pre-reading report
Get the students to discuss the “Food Problems” according to their knowledge. Pick out some students to report to the class their result of their discussion.
Step 3. Scanning
Now get the students to read the text and answer the following questions:
① Why is the area of farmland in the world getting smaller?
② What are some of the ways of increasing food production?
Step 4. Note making
Tell the students to read the text more carefully to find out the specific information. Then fill in the blanks with appropriate information from the text. After they have finished the work, get some students to yell out their answers to the rest of the class.
Step 5. Language points
(1) 5. It is thought that one billion people, that is half the world's workers, earn their living by farming. 据认为有十亿人,也就是全世界劳动人口的一半,是靠务农谋生的。
① 本句的句型结构是 It is thought + that-clause。其中的 it 是形式主语,代替真正的主语 that-clause。在这个that-clause 中有一个插入句(that is half the world's workers),用以说明前面的one billion people.
It is thought + that-clause 的意思大体相当于 People think + that-clause。(人们认为......,据认为......)。例如:
It is thought that our basketball team will certainly win. (= People think that our basketball team will certainly win.)
It is thought + that-clause 句型结构中的谓语动词 think 还可以
believe, know, report, say, suggest等,构成 It is believed / known / reported /said / suggested + that-clause 句型,分别相当于 People believe/know/report/say/suggest + that-clause的意思。
② earn one's living 是“谋生”、“挣钱过活”的意思。例如:
He began to earn his living at the age of twelve. 他12岁就开始自谋生活。
They earned their living by hunting. 他们靠打猎谋生。
She earned a hard living (by) washing ten hours a day.
(2). For one thing, two thirds of the earth's surface is water, although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish. 首先,地球表面的三分之二是水,尽管水的确提供了大量的可作食物的鱼类。
for one thing 作“首先”,“一则”解,用来列举理由。后面有时跟 for another (其次,再则)。例如:I can't go. For one thing, I have no money; for another, I have no time. 我去不成。一则没有钱,再则没有时间。
We should invite Jenny to the party. For one thing, she is fond of dancing and singing.
I don't want to buy the coat. For one thing, I don't like the colour, and for another, the price is too high.
(3). First, it is being built on. 第一,在耕地上搞建筑。
本句中的 it 指上文的 farmland, is being built 是现在进行时的被动语态(be + being + p.p.),后跟介词 on。全句的意思相当于Various kinds of buildings are being built on the farmland.
注意:原句中的介词 on 不可省略。类似的例句如下,其中的介词不可省略。
All the most urgent matters are now being attended to. (= We are now attending to all the most urgent matters.) 最紧急的事情现在全都在处理中。
This question is being much talked about. (=People are talking much about this question.)
Step 6. Reference
SB P20, Part 4. Get the students to tell which words and phrases do the words printed in bold in the text referred to. Do orally with the class if time permits.
Step 7. Workbook
Get the students to do the wb exercises individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: See Wb P86.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 14 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Ⅴ. Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 15 Feed the World (2)
I. Teaching objectives (the students are supposed to master the following items and conduct the following practices):
1.Words and useful expressions: damp; in a word; loss; whichever; ownership; politician; in debt; repay; cash crop; raise; butcher; hilly; mountainous; make sense; jar; solve; spoon
2. Grammar: Revise the noun clauses.
3. Reading practice: reading and discussion.
4. Ethic teaching: after learning this lesson, the students are supposed to learn something about the food problem; the shrinking of the farmland; the population problem and the like.
the students are supposed to learn from Madame Curie of her devotion to science and her love of her motherland.
Ⅱ.Key points: grammar and useful expressions
Ⅲ.Teaching methods: Reading — practice
Ⅳ.Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
Step 2. Presentation
Tell the students that this lesson will continue to tell something about the “Food Problem” in the world.
Step 3. Scanning
Tell the students to read the text carefully and answer the questions on Wb P87. Do orally with the class. Answers: See Wb P87.
Step 4. Language points
Tell the students to read the text and underline the language points. Talk about the language difficulties with the students.
(1) What can be done in order to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry?
go hungry 作“挨饿”解。 go + adj. 表示“转变成......”,go 是连系动词,作“变得”解。这个结构常表示变坏。例如:
The machines go wrong. 机器出了毛病。
He went almost mad when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时几乎发疯了。
His illness is going worse. 他的病情正在恶化。
(2). the European Union (EU) 欧洲联盟(简称欧盟)
(3). It has been proved that the way to produce the most food is to let farmers grow crops either to feed their family or to sell, whichever they choose. 事实证明,要生产出最多的粮食的办法,就是让农民种庄稼,或是为了供自家用,或是为了出售,由他们选择。
① 这是一个 it is thought that ... 的句型。从句 whichever they choose (= no matter which they choose)是让步状语从句,修饰 grow.
② whichever 在这里意思是“不论哪一个” (no matter which),引导让步状语从句。又如:
You can either keep the book for yourself or give it to your friend, whichever you choose. 你可以把这本书留给自己或是送给朋友,悉听尊便。
It has the same result whichever way you do it.
(4) 在课文的第三段有二个含有虚拟语气的句子:
1) If the peasants could farm the land themselves, food production would be much higher.
(5). They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it resulted in a fairer society.使自己的土地和财产遭受损失的事,他们是不会投赞成票的,即使这样做的能导致一个更为公平的社会。第二个句子都使用了虚拟语气,即:对当前的情况作相反的假定。在这种句子中,条件从句的谓语用一般过去时(be动词用were),如第1)句中的 could farm, 第2)句中的 resulted in, 第3)句中的 were grown; 主句用 would / could / might + 动词原形。例如:
I'm busy. If I had time, I would go.
So you have to leave. How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer!
那么你不得不走。 要地你能多呆一会儿该多好!
If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.
If I were you, I would not give up. 如果我是你,我就不会放弃。
What would happen if she were told about it?
(6). Many less-developed countries are in debt because they borrowed money from richer countries in order to develop industry.
① less-developed 是一个“副词 + 过去分词”的结构,作定语。
② (be) in debt 作“欠债”解。例如:
Han Meimei is now is debt to Li Lei for more than one hundred yuan.
He was in debt when he was poor, but has been out of debt since he got rich. 他穷的时候欠过债,但变富以来就不负债了。
(7). Unfortunately they find it difficult to repay this money.
句中的it是形式宾语,用以代替后面的真正宾语(to repay this money)。形容词difficult 是宾语的补足语。英语中有一些动词 (如 consider, feel, find, think等),后面可以跟带形式宾语 it 的复合结构。即consider / feel ... + it + adj. / n. + 不定式短语。例如:
I found it very hard to understand what he said at the meeting.
Do you think it possible to finish the work in time?
We consider it a waste of time and money to go on with the project.
(8). Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle. 许多西方国家饲养并屠宰大量的肉牛。
句中 raise 作“养育子女”,“饲养(牲畜)”解。例如:
Both the husband and wife had to work hard to raise their children.
Another nature park has been built to raise more milu deer.
A large number of pigs and ducks are raised on this farm.
Step 5. Practice---- grammar revision
SB P23, Part 2~4, Tell the students to do the exercises about the noun clauses in groups and then get a reporter to report to the rest of the class.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 15, Ex. 2~3. Get the students to do the three exercises and then check the answers with the students if time permits. (Noun clauses used in the sentences as subject, predicative and appositive)
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 15 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the grammar of noun clauses.
(3) Ethic teaching: Discussion ---- What should man do to solve the food problem?
Ⅴ. Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 16
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Provide the chance for students to have a listening practice
2. Revise the grammar with the students: noun clauses
3. The students are required to practice the words and useful expressions in Checkpoint 4.
Ⅱ. Key points: 1. Grammar; 2. Listening 3. Useful expressions.
Ⅲ. Teaching methods: Listening — practice
Ⅳ. Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises. (2) Revise the previous two lessons.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 136 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions. ② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 4 with the students. Get the students to make up sentences using the useful expressions if time permits.
Step 4. Word study
SB P24, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Check the answers with the students after they finish them.
Step 5. Writing
SB P24, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a paragraph by completing the notes from the text. Assign the work as their homework.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 16. Ex. 1~3. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students.
(1) Finish off the wb exercises of Lesson 16.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit. (3) Writing: See Step 5.
Ⅴ. Evaluation of teaching:




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