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Unit 9 Technology
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
1. turn …inside out:里面翻到外面。彻底地。一般用作状语
He often wears his sweater inside out 他经常翻穿球衫
The new manager turned the old systems inside out. 经理对旧体制进行了彻底的改革。
2. I should be home in about ten minutes.
should 在本句中用来表示一种可能性,相当于 will probably 一般用于对事实的一种比较有把握的判断(多用在将来时)。
例如: — When will I take my photos? 我什么时候取照片?
  — It should be ready at 12 o'clock. 应该 12 点钟会好的。
  The plane should be late for at least half an hour in such bad weather. 在这样糟的天气里,飞机应该可能会迟到至少半个小时。
  He has worked on the book for seven days, he should have finished it now. 他弄这本书已有 7 天了,到现在为止应该已经完成了。
She should be here any minute. 她该马上就到。
Dinner should be ready by now. 此刻晚饭应该做好了。
in about ten minutes [用法]大约十分钟以后,主要用于将来时间
1. throughout,all over,all through 三者都有“遍及,贯穿”之意,但在用法上有所不同。
(1) (1)throughout作介词,接表示时间或地点的名词,意思是“在整个期间”“从一端至另一端”即“在整个地区”。
(2) The news spread throughout the country. 这个消息传遍了全国。
(3) It rained throughout the night. 雨下了整整一夜。
(4) throughout作副词,意思为“到处、全部、处处、始终、彻头彻尾”。
(5) The room is painted throughout. 这屋子全部油漆一新。
(6) The boy remained silent throughout. 那男孩始终保持沉默。
(7) (2)all over意为“在(遍及)……的各部分”,只接表示地点的名词。
(8) Computers will be used more and more in the future all over the world. 将来全世界要越来越多的使用电脑。
(9) The disease spread all over the country. 疾病在全国蔓延开了。
(10) all over作副词,意思为“到处都是、全部结束”。
(11) He is wet all over. 他浑身湿透了。
(12) The war was all over. 战争彻底结束了。
(13) (3)all through意思为“在整个……期间”,后面接表示时间的名词。
(14) e.g. Some cold-blooded animals hibernate all through the winter.
2. add v.加;增加;加起来;又说,补充
If the tea is too strong,add some more hot water. 如果茶太浓,再加点开水。
May I add a point? 我可以补充一点意见吗?
(15) add to 增加add…to…加,往……添加……
(16) His illness added to the family’s trouble. 他的病给家里增加了负担。
(17) Will you add more sugar to your coffee? 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?
(18) Three added to four is seven. 3加4等于7。
(19) add up合计,加起来
(20) These figures don’t add up right. 这些数字加起来不对。
(21) add up to总共有,总计达
His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他所受的全部学校教育加起来不过一年。
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
3. remind v.使(人)想起,使记起,提醒
(22) remind sb.of/ about…使(人)想起……
(23) He reminds me of his father. 看到他使我想起他的父亲。
(24) remind sb.to do…使人想做……,提醒某人做……
(25) I reminded him to work hard.我提醒他要用功。
(26) Remind sb.that…使人想起,提醒,警告
(27) She reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers. 她提醒我还没有浇花。
(28) 4. in case of…在……情形时,万一……;如果
e.g. (1) In case of fire,call 119. 倘若有火灾,就打119电话。
(29) in case在……的情况下,万一……的话;以防,免得;
(30) in case后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词常用一般现在时态,偶尔也要should+v.
(31) In case anything important happens,please call me up. 万一发生什么重要的事情,请打电话给我。
(32) Take your umbrella,in case it should rain. 带伞去吧,以防下雨。
(33) in case还可作副词用,意为“以防万一,免得”。
(34) You’d better carry some money in case. 你最好带些钱,以防万一。
(35) in any case无论如何,反正,不管怎样
(36) In any case,do your best. 无论如何,要尽力而为。
(37) in no case绝不,在任何情形下都不
(38) In no case should you give up. 你绝不应该放弃。(放在句首时倒装)
in the case of介词短语,意为“就……来说”“至于……”。
(39) In the case of the forest program, we leave it for further discussion.
in all/most/particular cases 在任何/大多数/特殊情况下
in the present/the worst/this/that/possible case 在目前/最坏的/这种/那种/可能的情况下
(40) In the present case, what we should do is just waiting.
5. wh-ever的用法归纳
whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句时,可以换成no matter what/which/who/whom,位置可在主句前,也可在主句后。
Take whatever you want.(宾语从句) 你可以拿你想要的任何东西。
Whoever breaks the law should be punished.(主语从句) 不管谁违反了法律都应受到惩罚。
We will complete the work on time, no matter what happens.(状语从句) =Whatever happens, we will complete the work on time. 不管发生什么事,我们都将按时完成工作。
Whenever he goes abroad, he will buy presents for his sister. =No matter when he goes abroad,… 不论何时出国,他都为她的妹妹买些礼物。
However cold it was, he wanted to go swimming. 不管天气多么冷,他都想去游泳。
6. take over 接管;接受
When he retired, his eldest son took over the farm. 他退休后,他的长子接管了农场.
Take 其他搭配:
took an interest; take action to do, take time, take your time,
take apart 拆开;take down 拆掉,拆除,写下;
take in 收留, 欺骗,蒙骗, (take sth in)吸收,改小,Take out 带某人出去,切除(身体一部分);
He was homeless, so we took him in. 他无家可归,所以我们收留了他。
Don’t be taken in by his charm—he’s ruthless. 别被他迷人的风度骗了,其实他冷酷无情。
Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼用鳃吸入氧气。
Take off 起飞,迅速流行,取消,脱掉
Take on 呈现,承担,接纳(乘客)
The chameleon can take on the colors of its background. 变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色。
We’re not taking on any new clients at present. 我们目前不接受新客户。
Take up 占用时间,地方等;开始从事,继续(他人未完成的事)
The table takes up too much room. 桌子占太多地方。
I won’t take up any more of your time. 我不想再占用你们的时间了。
They’ve taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。
He takes up his duties next week. 他下周就要履行职责。
She took up the story where Tim had left off. 她接着讲Tim 未讲完的故事。
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
7. They have to repair machines when they break down.
. break down 1) 破坏;拆散 2) 失败;破裂 3) 精神崩溃;失去控制 4)(机器)损坏 5) 起化学变化
Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。
The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。
Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。
The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。
He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。
Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化
Break 其他搭配:break in 破门而入, 插话, break into 破门而入;break away from 脱离
break off 断开,折断; 中断,停顿;
The back section of the plane had broken off.飞机尾部脱落了。
He broke off in the middle of the sentence. 他一句话说了一半就不说了。
break out 爆发
break through 突破,冲破,战胜
Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.
Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.示威群众冲破了警方的警戒线。
He had finally managed to break through her reserve.他终于设法消除了她的拘谨。
break up 粉碎,破碎,拆开,打散
The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。
Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可以分成从句。
break up (with sb)绝交: She’s just broken up with her boyfriend.
7. come up with 提出;提供;想出;赶上
Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world s food supply.
He walked so fast that I couldn’ t come up with him.
8. succeedvi. 成功 vt.接续;继承
He succeeded in getting the job. 他谋得了那份工作。
The millionaire s eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。
The storm was succeeded by calm. 暴风雨后一片宁静。
9. in the future将来:未来 in future以后;今后=for the future
Who knows what will happen in the future?谁知道将来会发生什么?
I will study hard in future.我今后要努力学习
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
6. (一)单句改错
1.Why not to come to our home for the party?
简析:去掉come前的to。Why not do sth.?是表示建议的常用句型,not后跟动词原形,也可用Why don’t you do sth.?
2.Swimming is a great fun.
3.Computers can be used to doing a lot of things.
简析:将doing改为do。be used to表示被用来做某事,to是不定式符号,其后接动词原形。如果它表示“习惯于做某事”时,to则是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。
4.She gave me a lot of valuable advices.
5.The title boy didn’t dare crossing the street by himself.
简析:将crossing改为to cross。dare作行为动词,后接不定式作宾语。
6.Mr Green’s family are going to London on the holiday.
简析:on改为for。因“go to somewhere for the (one’s ) holiday”,表示“去某地度假”,固定搭配。
1.The motorbike is so nice.I think it costs ___________ ten thousand yuan.
A. in the least B. at most C. no more than D. at least
简析:答案选D。根据题意,应用at least表示“至少值一万元”。
2.___________ we do must be in the interests of the people.
A. However B. No matter how C. Whatever D. No matter what
简析:选C。“No matter…”只能引导让步状语从句而whatever引导名词性从句也可引导让步状语从句。
3.His words remind me ___________ we did during the summer vacation?
A. that B. of that C. of what D. what
简析:选C。remind sb. of sth.意思为“使某人想起某事”。题中缺of的宾语,由what引导的宾语从句作of的宾语。并且what既作宾语从句的引导词,又作动词did的宾语。
4.He practised speaking English with the teacher and his classmates ___________ possible.
A. where B. whatever C. whenever D. whichever
简析:选C。本题意思是“每当可能的时候,他总会与老师及同学们一起练习讲英语”。whenever“无论何时”=no matter when,引导让步状语从句。本句中的“whenever possible”是whenever it is possible的省略形式。
5.Sometimes grass ___________ paper.
A. is used to making B. used to make C. is used to make D. used for making
简析:选C。因be used to do sth. 意为“被用于做某事”,本句还可写为:Sometimes grass is used for making paper。
6. There are _____ five people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents and I.
A. as many B. more than C. not more than D. no more than
简析:选D。not more than意为“不足、少于”;not more than意为“仅仅,正好”;more than意为“超过,不仅仅”。
1.(NMET 2000,6)—What about having a drink?
A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too
简析:选A。对别人的提议表示赞成,为Good idea或That’s a good idea。
2.(2000春招)John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ___________ he phones.
A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that
3.(NMET 2000)I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ___________.
A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time
4. (NMET 2001,春招)A new cinema ___________ here. They hope to finish it next month.
A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built
Unit 10 The world around us
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
1. cut down 砍倒,减少,降低,缩短
The little boy cut down the young tree with an axe.
The doctor told me to cut down on drinking.
Cut 其他搭配:
cut off 砍掉,切掉
引申:cut across/through 取捷径;走近路
cut back 剪枝;修剪 减少;缩小;削减
to cut back on industrial production 缩减工业生产
cut in 插嘴, 超车抢挡;(突然)插入
Don't cut in while I'm talking. 我说话时别插嘴。
to cut in on a queue  加塞儿
cut off 中断,切掉,砍掉,使与外界隔绝(be cut off from )
cut out 剪下;删除;
to cut out smoking 戒烟
cut up 切碎 使受苦
Jean was really cut up when her husband left her. 在丈夫抛弃她之后,简痛苦极了。
2. die out 死绝;消失,消灭
That custom died out years ago. 那种风俗许多年前就消失了。
The lights died out suddenly. 灯突然熄灭了。
die of/from 因……而死
She died of cancer/old age. 她死于癌症(终享天年)。
die from overwork/a wound操劳过度(受伤)而死
die away(声音、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息
The sound of their laughter died away. 她们的笑声渐渐消失了。
Die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐平息
The flames finally died down. 火焰越来越小,最后熄灭了。
die young/happy英年早逝(含笑九泉)
be dying for(口语)渴望……,很想……
He was dying for a drink. 他很渴望喝点酒。
3. adapt v. 使……适应,使……适合adapt oneself to适应…… adapt sth. to sth. 使…….适应……. adapted adj.适合……的;改编成……的
He couldn’t adapt his way of life to the company. 他的生活方式无法适应公司(的要求)。
He is quick to adapt(himself)to new circumstances. 他很会适应新环境。
The play is adapted from a novel. 这是一部由小说改编成的戏剧。
4. the other day,some day,one day,another day
(1)the other day“几天前”(a few days ago)指过去,只能用于过去时态。
The other day I met Mary in the street. 几天前,我在街上碰上玛丽了。
(2)some day“总有一天,某一天”指将来,通常只用于一般将来时或过去将来时,可与one day替换。
We are going to visit the museum some day/one day next week. 我们打算下周某一天去参观博物馆。
(3)one day“某一天,有一天”,可指过去的某一天,也可指将来的某一天(指将来的某一天可与some day互换。)
One day you will be punished. 总有一天你会受到惩罚的。
One day I saw a beggar walking along the street. 有一天我看见一个乞丐沿着大街行走。
(4)another day “改天”,指将来的一天。
I will see you again another day. 我改天会再来看你的。
5. devote vt.奉献
devote sth. / oneself to 致力于,把……奉献给
He has devoted his whole life to science.他把一生都奉献给了科学事业。
I don’t think it worthwhile to devote so much time to discussing the matter.
形容词devoted 意思有两种
(41) 忠实的,慈爱的,恩爱的
(42) 献身……的,专心于……的,专用于…….的,热心的
e.g. a devoted son, mother, father
The newly married couple next door to us are devoted to sports.
The magazine is devoted to science.
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
6. (一)单句改错
1. At the present, we don’t have any trouble in solving the problems.
简析:去掉第一个the, 或在present后加time。
at present是固定短语,意为“现在、目前”。也可用at the present time 来表示。
2. Too much of the deer in the country have been killed.
简析:将much改为many。too much后接的是不可数名词。too many后接可数名词。句中的deer是可数名词,其单复数同形。
3. The sun was disappeared behind the cloud.
4. Some day, I saw some foreign visitors in the park.
简析:把Some改为One。some day和one day都作“有一天”讲。但前者是指“将来有一天”,只能用于将来时态的句子中;后者既可用于“过去的某一天”,也可用于“将来的某一天”。
5. There used to have an old temple in the village.
简析:把have改为be。used to用于there be结构中,即There used to be…意为“过去有……”。
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
1. (1999 上海)My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.
A. way B. method C. manner D. fashion
简析:答案为A。have one’s own way of doing sth. 是习惯用法,意为“有自己做某事的方法”。
2. (NMET 1998)—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?
—I’m afraid ___________day is possible.
A. either B. neither C. some D. any
前句提到Monday or Tuesday, 意为在两者之中选择,故可排除C、D两项。后文用I’m afraid…来回答,显然是否定含义,故选neither,意为两天都不可能。
3. (2002 北京)All the people ___________ at the party were his supporters.
A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important
4. (NMET 2000)—Is John coming by train?
—He should, but he___________ not. He likes driving his car.
A. must B. can C. need D. may
简析:答案为D。must not意为“禁止,不许”;need not意为“不必”;can表推测多用于否定、疑问句中,但can not表“不可能”,与句意不符。只有may not表示“有可能”。




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