Unit 15 Reading 知识点讲解学案(人教版高三英语下册学案设计)

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Unit 15 Popular youth culture
1.Around 24,000 Young Volunteers Community Service Station in China are welcoming increasing numbers of Chinese youth who want to __________________________
⑴increasing 作定语,“渐增的,越来越多的”
⑵make a /one’s contribution to /towards
make contributions to / towards
“对------作贡献”其中to /towards 为介词,后接名词或动名词。
Thomas made a great contribution to the world.
It is our duty to __________________________________________________
下面的短语中的to 为介词
be used to_________ be related to_________ get down to________________
lead to____________ object to ___________ put one’s mind to___________
be equal to _________ be opposed to ______ devote oneself to_____________
look forward to_________ pay attention to______ stick to_________________
attend to _____________ lead to ____________ see to ______________
access to _____________ be addicted to __________ contribute to ____________
2.“--- each contribution ¬¬¬---no matter how small --- can help make a difference..”
make a difference
⑴产生差别, 有影响,起重要作用
It makes a difference which you choose . _________________________________
It ________________________ to me whether he goes or not.
⑵(在------之间)予以差别待遇(between +名词)
3.They are also discovering that being a volunteer brings many personal benefits.
benefit [u][c] 利益,恩惠,益处
I got a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language. ________________________
be of benefit to 对------ 益处 for the benefit of 为 了------ 的利益
The new hospital ____________ us enormously.那家新医院使我们受益非浅。
I ______ enormously ___¬¬¬¬¬______ my father’s advice.我从父亲的忠告获益良多。
4.Lu Hao is a middle school student in Guizhou , who _________________________ of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project.
scheme 计划,方案 an important scheme 改良计划
lay out a scheme ______________
They are ___________________ the scheme for expanding their business overseas.
5.He visits an elderly gentleman who lives alone.
alone adj. (作表语) & adv. 独自;单独。alone 不能用very 修饰,可以说very much alone或all alone .
lonely adj. (指人)孤独的,寂寞的;(指地点)偏僻的,人迹罕至的。可作定语或表语。
He is ________ in the house.
He has gone to Paris _________, so she must feel ___________.
6. Mr. Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself _____________________________
赵先生的身体很虚弱, 一做事就头晕气喘,
not --- without 双重否定句式。without 引导的词组有条件意味, 意思是“没有什么,就不可能怎样 ”
At the beginning of learning English he could not speak it without making mistakes.
__________ revolutionary theory there can be ___________________________
没有革命的理论, 就不会有革命的运动。
7.But mostly we just drink tea and chat.
mostly adv. (=mainly) “主要的”,修饰形容词、副词或动词,作状语。
most adj,& pron. “大部分;大多数” adv. “最------”
majority n. 多数,大半
Those who came to dance were ________ young.
___________students are interested in collecting stamps.
________________ was / were in favour of the proposal.
8. He cannot get out to see his friends any more, so he enjoys having company.
⑴no more (= not ---any more ) 强调数量、次数上不再增加和动作终止的结果,常和名词或动词连用。
no longer (= not --- any longer) 指时间和状态上不再延续,常与延续动词连用。
He said he would go there _____________.
China is ______________ what it used to be.
⑵keep sb. company 陪伴(某人), (与某人)同行
in company 与别人在一起时, 一起, 结伴
Behave nicely in company. _______________________________________
They went shopping _____________________ . 他们结伴去买东西。
in company with 与(某人)一起
keep company with 与------ 交往,陪伴(某人)
9. Mr Zhao’s enthusiasm has inspired Lu Hao to ________________________________.
concentrate one’s attention on _______________________
concentrate on one’s work ___________
put one’s mind in
apply oneself to
put one’s heart into
be absorbed in
be lost in
devote to
10. When Lin Ying graduated from Zhenzhou Normal University , she decided not to
apply to sb. for sth. 向------ 申请,请求
I was admitted to a key university _______________________________________.
apply sth. to sth. 应用, 运用
The results of this research can _______________ new developments in technology.
11. I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I’m having a great time.
have a great time / good / bad time in doing sth. 做------快乐/不快乐
have difficulty / trouble / fun / problem in doing /with sth.
They ____________________________________________
The children _______________________________ the festival.
12. Volunteer work often opens up opportunities for young people because employers and education leaders know that it builds confidence, self–awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.
志愿工作常常为年轻人打开机会之门,因为用人单位和教育部门的领导都知道,这项工作能够使人树立信心和自觉性, 能够培养良好的交际技能和领导能力。
open up ⑴打开(房间,门) ⑵ (把道路、土地等)开拓,开发,开放
⑶(店等)开业 ⑷ 倾吐衷情,融洽
open up an unused room / a new restaurant
New mines are opening up. ______________________________
After a few drinks he began to open up a bit. _______________________________
13. Twenty-two of us went without food for 30 hours.
go without vt. Vi 没有------而将就,
I _____________________ lunch today.
There’s no butter left , so we have to go without.
go with (1)和------一起去 May I go with you ?
(2)和------ 相配,互相调和;相称
Do these red shoes _______________ the dress ?
(3) 和(异性)交往
14. in the process she formed strong friendships.
friendship 作为“友谊,友好”是不可数名词,不用复数形式。
本句 friendships 指的是一段友谊。
There is great ______ between the two families.
I never forget old ¬¬¬____________.
15. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.
fit in ( with sb./ sth. ) 与(某物)相适应, 相协调
He’s never done this type of work before , I’m not sure how he will fit in .
Do these plans ______________ your arrangement ?
fit v. This jacket fits me well. n. 合身的衣服
be fit for 合适;适合 (fit 是形容词)
He is the best person _____________________________ for the position.
be fit to do 适合做------
I have no dress _____________ wear in public.我没有适合公共场合穿的衣服。
see / think fit ( to do ) 认为做------ 很合适;决定要做------(尤指傻事)
Do as ________________________ 你认为怎样适当就怎样做。
I wonder why she thought fit to leave so suddenly.
16.refer to
(1) 言及;提示;暗示
Are you referring to me ?
(2) 适用于
This rule refers to everyone
(3) refer sb. / sth. as 把某人/ 物称为
. California _______________________ the “ Golden State.”
加利福尼亚被称作 “黄金之州”
对比: look up
refer to 后跟工具书;look up 后跟所查内容
If you don’t know his telephone number , you can __________ the telephone directory.
If you don’t know his telephone number, you can _________________ in the telephone directory.
如果你不知道他的电话号码, 你可以查询一下电话号码簿。




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