Unit 2 Crossing limits语言点详解(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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▲take possession of占领,占有/get possession of拿到,得到
The capitalist is in possession of a large fortune.那个资本家拥有大宗财产。
A large fortune is in the possession of the capitalist. 大宗财产掌握在那个资本家手中。
▲in the name of以……的名义,代表
I arrest you in the name of the law.我以法律的名义逮捕你。
The prime minister spoke in the name of the King.部长代表国王讲话。
I opened an account in the bank in your name.我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。
He escaped under the name of Tom.他化名为Tom逃跑了
by name用(靠、按)名字,名叫;by the name of名叫……;name after以……命名
▲masses of/a mass of+countable noun(pl form)/+uncountable noun
in the mass总体上,总的说来/the mass of大多数的/mass education群众教育/a mass meeting群众会议
The young dancers worked so hard so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took masses of pictures of them.(许多)
▲be rich in/be poor in
Oranges are rich in Vitamin C含有丰富的维生素
a TV play rich in humour 富有幽默的电视剧
▲do research on a state key project就国家重点工程进行研究
▲lose the lives of many people/risk their lives
Have you got an alternative=another suggestion?你有没有其它建议?
Caught in the act,he had no alternative/choice but to confess/did nothing but confess.
This was the only available room.这是唯一可以利用的房间。
You will be informed when the book becomes available.这本书有货时就通知你。
Tickets are available at the box office.票房有票。
You’d better equip your bike with a head light.你最好在自行车装个前灯。
They have equipped the army with modern weapons. 他们已经为部队装备了现代化的武器。
The army has been equipped with modern weapons. (被动语态)
▲accurate adj.精确的,准确的,正确无误的
His information was accurate.他的信息很准确。
accurate强调“精确无误”。an accurate calculation精确的计算
correct按一定标准没有差错。a correct answer正确的答案
right很多情况下可与correct互换,但常有道德上认可的含义.the right course of action正确的行动方针
▲search for
They are searching for the robber in the village.
They are searching the village for the robber.
Cf:The policeman is searching the robber.
▲have contacts with/contact to有接触/联系
▲find one’s way
feel one’s way摸索着走/fight one’s way奋勇前进/force one’s way挤着向前走/wind one’s way曲折前进/make one’s way去……途中/lose one’s way迷路
▲in exchange for交换,互换
He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。
They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.他们用劳动换取食物和栖身之处。
▲take sb prisoner逮捕/capture sb 俘获,捉拿
put sb in prison,take sb to prison,send sb to prison把……关进监狱/throw sb into prison把……投进监狱
▲wander through Arabic countries穿过许多阿拉伯国家
The children wandered around the town with nothing to do.那些孩子无所事事,在街上闲逛。
The boy wandered the neighbourhood,looking for the dog.那孩子走遍了邻里街坊,找他那条狗。
▲reach out to sp./reach sp./come to sp.arrive at(in) sp.
▲date from/back to
The castle dates back to/dates from the 14th century.这座城堡建于14世纪。
By the beginning of the 15th century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.到15世纪初大型聚会的时机成熟了。
Was the peach ripe or green?那桃子是熟的还是生的?
▲prosper under a new dynasty在新的朝代下繁荣昌盛(prosperity)
The business is prospering.生意兴隆。
He wished the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity.他祝这对新人生活幸福,万事如意。
▲renew relations with恢复同…..的关系
▲excite one’s curiosity激起……的好奇心
▲send a message to sb向……发出邀请/信息
▲response非洲统治者的反应非常慷慨The response of African rulers are very generous.
▲challenge/at home
Ming court belied that its greatest challenges and opportunities were at home.
国内外 at home and abroad
▲.various adj. 各种各样的,不同的
He analysed the various factors.他分析了各种不同因素。
Of all the various ways of cooking an egg,I like boiling best.
various,varied都可作“各种各样的”解,大部分情况下可通用,但varied可表示“正在变化之中的”,a varied life。
▲.suggest vt.
(1)提议,建议。后跟动名词、that从句(从句中谓语动词用should do,should可省略)
suggest sth.to sb.
He suggested the idea to me.他向我提出那种想法。
I suggest going there at once.我建议立刻去那里。
The teacher suggested that we do our homework now.老师建议我们现在就做作业。
His pale face suggests that he is ill.他的苍白的脸色表明他病了。
▲.accomplish vt.达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划)
This task is accomplished by great effort.完成这项任务花了很大力气。
He accomplished a great deal during his first year.第一年他就取得了很多成绩。
It is the workers who will accomplish this task.就是工人们将完成这项任务。
accomplish指做到底,实现一个计划,如:to accomplish a trip完成一次旅行
finish指完成日常的事,如:He finished the homework.他完成了作业。
complete指加上缺少的部分,如:to complete the sentence把句子补充完整
▲.apart from 除……外
He works until nine o’clock every evening,and that’s quite apart from the work he does over the weekend.
Apart from the salary,it’s not a bad job.除工资(偏低)外,这工作不错。
Apart from you and me,I don’t think there was anyone there under thirty.除你我之外,我认为没有人在30岁以下。
There can be no knowledge apart from practice.不可能有脱离实践的知识。
归纳拓展:apart from,in addition(to),besides ,as well(as),except for,except,but
(1)apart from这个复合介词兼有“除外”和“包括”的双重意义。
in addition(to) besides,as well (as)
(3)以下短语或单词均表示“除……之外没有……”这一“排除”意义。except for except but
▲.arise vi.出现,发生;由……引起,由……发生
A difficulty arose right here.困难就在这里。
How did the quarrel arise?这次争吵是怎么引起的?
Originally,organic compounds were thought to arise from life processes.最初有机化合物是由生命过程产生的。
rise vi.升起,上涨;raise vt.举起,提高,提升,提出;饲养(羊、鸡等),抚养(子女等),招募(军队等),募捐(钱等)。
▲.bring up教育;养育;提出;引出;呕吐;to bring up the question提出问题
She was brought up by her grandparents.她是由爷爷奶奶带大的。
He brought up all the food he had eaten.他把吃下的食物都呕吐出来了。
归纳拓展:bring in获利;赚;bring about带来,引起;bring down使……降低
The boys bring in £60 a week.这些男孩子每周赚60镑。
How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year?去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?
The Internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.因特网使我们的工作方式发生了很大变化。
We’d better wait till they bring down their prices.我们最好等他们降价。
▲.run out of 用光,用尽
We are running out of water.我们的水要用尽了。
We ran out of petrol yesterday.昨天我们用光了汽油。
比较:All our supply of food has run out.我们所有的食品供应都用光了。
We decided we had better go home,before our money ran out.我们决定最好在钱用光之前回家。
表示“用光、用尽”的还有:use up,give out
All those I had are used up.我所有的都用光了。
They have used up their money.他们用光了钱。
The fuel gave out.燃料用光了。
You can’t have a hot bath—the water will give out.你不能洗热水澡了。要没水了。
从以上例子可看出,虽然这些词组都表示“用光、用完”,但use up,run out of 为及物动词,而run out,give out为不及物动词。
归纳拓展:run into遇上,偶然遇到;陷于,碰上(困境、麻烦等)
I ran into Emma on my way home.我在回家的路上碰到了Emma。
If you run into difficulties,try to overcome them.如遇困难,要努力去克服。




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