Unit 1 That must be a record语言点详解(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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settle an argument about sth解决关于……的争论/争端
start/put forward an argument for against就赞成/反对……展开辩论
argue v.
argue with sb about /over sth
Do what you are told to and don’t argue with me.
argue for/against为(支持)……辩护/反驳
argue a matter out把某事辩个水落石出
argue sb into/out of doing sth=advise sb(not)to do sth
▲conclude vt.推断(推论)出(后跟that-从句)缔结,议定;vi.come to an end结束,终止
The talks were expected to conclude on Sunday.会谈预计星期天结束。
What do you conclude from the facts?从这些事实中你得出了什么结论?
Transactions were concluded on a wide variety of light industrial goods.
conclusion n.
come to/draw/reach/arrive at a conclusion得出结论(from the facts)
jump to conclusion匆忙地/草率地下结论
bring sth to conclusion使……结束
in conclusion总之、总而言之、最后
There was a time when this song was very popular. 曾经一度时间这首歌很流行。
She is very popular with her students.
He told him to listen to young people’s music and to watch the most popular television shows
---This reference book is no more popular with the students than that one.
---You mean they are both little thought of ?
There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved.
And the growing popularity51 of shopping centres led 52 in turn to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.
hire/employ sb=take on sb.→fire/dismiss sb=give sb.the snack
hire 日常用语,指按工作量计酬来雇佣人手employ指商店或公司长期雇佣人手
He fired these four workers and he hired ten more workers,because he thinks the four workers are not fit for thei posts.
hire out a bike(to sb)租出
rent a farm/house from an owner
▲fade vt.(使)褪色,(使)凋落;vi.逐渐消失,变微弱,变暗淡
The strong sunlight had faded the curtains.强烈的阳光使窗帘变色。
All memory of his childhood faded from his mind.
fade next to逊色于
Successful as he is,he fades next to his brother.
He was diagnosed with cancer.他被诊断患了癌症。
The book diagnoses our present economic ills.这本书切中了我们现在经济的时弊。
Curiosity is part of child’s nature好奇是儿童的天性.
Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to
write the Guinness Book of World Records……(p.4)
a curiosity shop古玩店
I’m curious to know what she said.我非常想知道她说了什么
She’s always so curious about my work.她总爱打听我的工作。
It’s curious that he didn’t tell you.他没有告诉你实在反常。
contact sb和……联系
be in/out of contact with和……保持/失去联系
get in touch with/keep in touch with
make contact with the ship by radio用无线电与船联系
keep track of/lose track of与……保持联系/失去联系
keep track of还有:记录,掌握……的线索,了解……的动态,看清,听清等意思
He could not escape because the police kept track of him.
To a scientist,the most important thing is knowing he does not lose track of what he is
Please keep track of every cent you spend.请记录你花掉的每一份钱。
keep an eye on照看;keep faith with对……守信用;keep in mind记住,放在心上
▲account n.账户;解释,说明;vi.说明……的原因
I bought the bike on account.我赊账买了这辆自行车。
We could not go on account of the rain.因为下雨我们不能去。
On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals.
It is a matter of great account.这是一件重要的事情。
We must take local conditions into account.我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。
We must take account of the interests of the State.我们必须考虑到国家的利益。
No one could account for the disappearance of the money.
Smokers account for 20 percent of the whole population in the world.
attempt to do sth=make an attempt to do sth = make an attempt at doing sth =try to do sth
make an attempt on/upon试图夺取
The customs officer inspected my passport.海关官员检查了我的护照。
inspect sb/sb’s head for lice检查某人头部有无头虱
The visiting president inspected the troops.来访总统检阅了部队。
examine/investigate/look into
▲confirm vt.证实,确定;确认,批准
What you say confirms my opinion.你的话证实了我的看法。
The King confirmed me in my possession of the land.国王批准我拥有这片土地。
▲set down 放下;写下,记下;规定
Set down your heavy bags and have a rest.
The bus driver set the passengers down here.
I will set down the story as it was told to me.
The price limits were set down by the government.
set about sth/doing sth开始做/着手做;set aside拔出,把……置于一旁;
set back退步,挫折,阻碍,妨碍,使……倒退;set off出发,启程,引爆,燃放;
set out出发,,着手/开始(to do),栽(幼苗);set up建立,开办
▲stand out杰出、突出,显眼、醒目,坚持、不屈服
The road sign is easy to read because the words stand out.
The students agreed that they must stand out against the decision to cut down the trees.
stand by在场、支持,stand down退出(竞选)、(士兵)撤下岗,
stand for代表、表示、主张,stand up站起、经久、耐用
▲achieve one’s goal实现目标
I’ll try to achieve my goal of becoming a scientist.实现做科学家的目标
▲in the first place首先、原本、第一
In the first place ,you must think over this plan.首先你必须考虑这个计划。
▲in a row
Please stand in a row.请站成一排。
This is the third Sunday in a row that it’s rained.这是接连着的第三个星期天下雨了。
▲apply for
About 100 people have applied for the position.大约有100人申请了这一职务。
1.一本畅销书 答案:a best-seller 2.从那以来 答案:ever since
3.被分类 答案:be put into categories 4.面积达…… 答案:with an area of
5.导致 答案:lead to 6..创一项新纪录 答案:set a new record
▲burst vi. 爆裂,突然发作
It was so cold yesterday that my water-pipes froze and burst.
A rat burst into my room last night.昨天一只耗子窜进了我的房间。
He put too much air into the balloon and it burst.他往气球中充得气太多,结果爆了。
The funny story made the children burst their sides with laughter.
On hearing the sad news,she burst into tears.一听到那个悲惨的消息,她就大哭起来。
相关短语:burst into tears/laughter突然大哭/大笑; burst into song 突然唱起歌来;burst into angry speech大发雷霆; burst into bloom开花; burst into view/sight景象/奇观突然出现; burst into the room突然闯入房间; burst out/forth laughing/crying大笑/哭
▲head down to the park (补充)
head for=move toward:He headed straight for the bar.他径直朝酒吧走去。
head sb/sth off:get in front of sb/sth so as to turn him/it back or aside拦阻
head off a flock of sheep:prevent them from going in the wrong way拦住
▲familiar adj.熟悉的,通晓的,随便的,非正式的
French was as familiar to him as English.他通晓法语就像通晓英语一样。
I’m very familiar with your name.我很熟悉你的名字。
sth./sb.be familiar to sb.某物/某人为某人所熟悉;
sb.be familiar with sth./sb.某人熟悉某人/某物
分析课文中的句子(补充):The X Games are like Olypic Games for sports that are less familiar to us than sports like fottball and basketball.极限游戏比赛就像奥林匹克运动会上有些不如足球和篮球那样为我们所熟悉的比赛项目一样。
▲delight vt. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜;n. 快乐,高兴
The circus delighted the children.马戏团使孩子们欣喜。
I have read your letter with delight.我高兴地读了你的信。
He takes great delight in teaching his students.他以教他的学生为乐。
Your visit last week delighted us.上星期你的来访使我们很高兴。
The news delighted the whole nation.这个消息使全国一片沸腾。
I delighted to read novels.我高兴地读小说。
The old man delighted in doing little things for others.那位老人高兴为别人做些小事。
To his great delight,his novel was accepted for publication.使他高兴的是,他的小说得到了公众的认可。
delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的
相关短语:be delighted at 因……而高兴;be delighted by/with sth.(sb.)喜欢某物(人);
be delighted to do因做……而高兴; be delighted that...很高兴……
▲center on将某人(某物)当作中心或重点
concentrate on专心致志于
attend on侍候……,看护……,照料; call on访问(某人),号召(to do);
count on依靠……,期待……(sb.to do);depend on取决于……,依靠……,依……而定;
feed on 以……为食,用……喂养;fix one’s eyes on 盯住……,凝视……;
go on继续,上台演出(the stage), keep on(doing) 坚持……;
live on靠……生活,以……为食; look on看待(sb.as...),观察……,面朝……;
wait on 服侍……,招待……
The patient has three nurses attending on him.那位病人有三位护士看护他。
I tried to concentrate my attention on my chemical research.我试图专心于化学研究。
She centered her attention on the problem.她把注意力集中在这个问题上。




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