北师大 unit 5 Culture Corner(北师大版高一英语教案教学设计)

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Culture Corner
New Zealand Factfile
Teaching Objectives:
1.To make the students know more about “New Zealand”.
2. To improve the students’ skimming and scanning abilities.
3. To further learn how to describe a place.
4. To learn to write an article about how to describe a place.
Teaching Difficult Points and Key Points:
1. To improve the students’ skimming and scanning abilities.
2. To learn to write an article about how to describe a place.
Teaching Aids:
a tape—recorder, the Bb
Teaching Methods:
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
Teaching Steps:
Step 1:Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2:Revision (ORAL)
(1)China has a large population of 1.3 billion.
=The population of China is 1.3 billion.
(2)Our school is located in a small town.
(3)Shanghai is the largest city of /in China.
(4)Beijing,the capital of China,is a beautiful city.
(5)It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine here.
Step 3:Reading (1)
Read the text quickly and do some oral questions.(Ex,2)
(1)In what ways was New Zealand advanced in the area of human rights?
(2)What is the most important part of New Zealand ‘s economy?
(3)Why are there some strange animals in New Zealand?
(4)What kind of lifestyle do most New Zealanders have?
(5)What is there for tourists to see in New Zealand?
(1) New Zealand was the first country to give the vote to women.
(3) Because New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for a long time.
(4) An outdoor lifestyle.
(5)Beautiful scenery.
Step 4: Reading(2)
Read the text again ,this time carefully, pay attention to some details.Do Ex,1.
Location: in the South Pacific Languages: English and Maori
Population: 3.6 million Weather: North Island :warm; South Island :cooler, a higher rainfall
Step 5:Listening
Listen to the tape. Do Ex,3.
New Zealand’s national rugby team----------the All Blacks
New Zealand people----------the Europeans,the Maoris
the highest mountain in New Zealand----------Mount Cook
the symbol of New Zealand----------a large bird,the kiwi
the first people of New Zealand----------the Maoris
Step 6: Writing
1、澳大利亚位于太平洋(the Pacific)的西侧,是大洋洲(the Oceania)最大的国家,面积为760万平方公里;
4、悉尼(Sydney)是澳大利亚一大城市,有许多名胜,其中悉尼歌剧院(Opera House)闻名于世。.
Step 7:Note making and Discussion (Homework)
Read the text carefully and make notes in the two columns.Discuss your notes in groups of four.
(weather, government, language, wildlife, geography……)
has its own government
consist of some parts
has some unique animals and plants
has no own offical head
the first country to give the vote to women
a smaller area
Writing on the Bb
Culture Corner
New Zealand Factfile
Revision New Words
(1)a population of vote
(2)be located in be cut off from
(3)the largest consist of
(4)the capital of an area of
(5)climate ,plenty of, sunshine



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