Unit 1-15 全套教案学案(泰兴三中)Unit3 The land down under (人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Period 1 Words and expressions
1. Pronounce the words correctly and fluently.
2. Grasp the usages of some words and expressions.
Step I Usages of some words:
1. Strait ( n.)    
e.g. The ship passed through the ________ between two islands.
2. fellow (a.)
(n.)= fellow in good fortune, misery
3. criminal ( n.)   a __________ case
crime   C. U.
v. + n. commit/ do a ________,confess a ________,
a. + n. a major / minor ________
prevent / wipe out _________
C.    e.g. It’s a __________ to waste food.
4. diverse ( a. )
(n.) diversity
e.g. She has a great __________ of interests.
5. immigrate v.
immigration 1) restrictions on __________
__________ controls
2) go/ pass through__________
immigrant      Irish immigrants
6. wilderness (n.)
 (a.) live a wild life
7. break out
break away ( from ) sb./ sth.
break down (Negotiation)(the door) 
break into
(sb.) break off
break sth. off (the door handle)
break out
break through
break up
break up with
8.mine n.   vi.
a coal mine,open up a mine   mine for silver
9.roast (vt.) ________ meat /potatoes
(vi.) The meat is roasting nicely.
roasted (a.) __________beef
roasting (a.)
logic (n.)
e.g. It seemed the only logical thing to do.
11. claw vt. vi. (scratch)
__________ a hole in his shirt;
__________ at the door;
claw one’s way across,up,through;
claw their way up the cliff
__________ his face
(n.) a lobster’s claw
12.medium (a.)
a medium-sized cabbage
(n.)Television can be a __________ for giving information.
Step II. Exercises.
1. Read and translate the following words.
strait transform
fellow immigrate
claim pronounce
criminal strength
governor concept
resemble chew
diverse entire
lemonade barbecue
steak barrier
2. Form-changing
crime (a.) ___________________ govern (n.) _________________
pronounce (n.)________________ diverse (n.) ________________
wild (n.) _____________________ transform (n.) __________________
roast (a.) ______________________ immigrate (n.) _________________
logical (n.) ____________________ pointed (v.) _______________
differ (n.) ______________________ bush (a.) ______________

Period 2 Reading
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn about the outline, history and language of Australia.
2. Further develop the Ss’ reading ability and reading skills.
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings.
Step II.Revision.
Step III Lead—in and Pre-reading.
Now open your books at Page 21. There’re 9 questions about Australia. Please work in pairs to discuss which questions will be answered in the passage and tick them.
Step IV. Language points.
Read the following sentences and translate them into Chinese.
1. The house was surrounded by high walls.
2. He went on a long train journey.
3. Those so-called friends of hers are a bad influence on her.
4. A complete change of climate transformed the area from desert into a swamp.
5. They went walkabout in the bush in Australia.
6. As a consequence, she lost everything she owned.
7. Smoking is harmful to your health.
8. She is suffering from loss of memory.
9. She claims (that) she is related to the Queen.
To be related to the Queen.
10. In Britain, elected representatives of the people govern the courntry.
11. She resembles her father in looks.
12. Her interests are very diverse.
13. The brothers differ widely in their taste.
14. make it +n./a.( for sb.) to do / that
She made it clear that she objected to the proposal.
He made it his duty to help others.
15.I won’t leave till / untill he arrives.
Not until he arrives will I leave.
It’s not until he arrives that I leave.
Step V. Read the text and learn the important sentences by heart.
Period 3 Reading
Step1 Revision
Read each sentence and underline the Predicative ,then translate it
1. She looks nice in her new dress.
2. The eggs have gone bad.
3. His idea proved to be right.
4. The problem remains unsolved.
5. The milk tastes sour.
Step2. Reading.
Para1 .be made up of
 be surrounded by
 be located between A and B
  stand for =represent
Para2. create complex societies
 Be highly developed
 some…others ….
Para3  claim theeast coast for the British Crown
  Make it possible for …to do….
 as a consequence
 have their land taken away
Para4  enjoy the same rights
 It would be many years until….
Para5  have influence on …
 Experience economic unrest
Para6  differ in….from…
 be sure to do….
Step 3 Read aloud
Read the useful phrases and expressions aloud and try to remember them.

Period 4 Grammar Predicative
Teaching aims: Language study
Teaching important points: the use of the Predicative
Teaching procedures:
Have a dictation about the words and sentences.
Step2 Word study on page 24
Finish the exercises and check them.
Step3 Grammar
1.be He is strong. (adj)
The man is here .(adv)
He is a strong man .(n)
Mary is un the house .(prep)
2. become After ten years’ hard practice he finally became a successful pianist.
3.seem,appear,look She looks nice in her new dress.
He seemed much younger than he really was.
4 go, turn , fall .get ,grow
The eggs have gone bad.
Her face turned red when she was asked to speak.
He fell ill and had to stop the work at hand .
5 feel ,smell, taste, sound ,look.
The rose smells sweet.
The milk tastes sour.
6. prove, remain, stay, keep, stand , lie
His idea proved to be right.
The problem remains unsolved.
7. to do sth My job is to teach the disabled children.
To see is to believe.
8.V-ing The story sounds very moving.
His work is training animals.
9. V-ed He looked worried after reading the letter.
Are you prepared?
10. Clause This is how I cooked the fish.
The question is whether he will come or not.
He looks as if the storm is coming .
The reason is that he played too much.
Step4 Consolidation work
1. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ____it more difficult.(make)
2. Cleaning women in big cities often get ______ by the hour.(pay)
3. Which do you think ________ best? (taste)
4. His suit has become loose . He seems ________weight.(lose)
5. ----Where is Tom ?He said he would meet me here at 3:00
---- He seems ________ with Mr Brown in the office. (talk)
  Period 5 Integrating skills
Teaching aims: Train the students’ integrating skills, especially writing skills
Teaching Important points: Learn to write a paragraph about one animal
Teaching procedures:
Step1 revision
Read each sentence and underline the Predicative ,then translate it
6 She looks nice in her new dress.
7 The eggs have gone bad.
8 His idea proved to be right.
9 The problem remains unsolved.
10 The milk tastes sour.
Step2. Reading.
Task1 Ask and answer.
1. Why does Australia have so many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world?
2. Why do kangaroos carry their young in a pocket of skin on their stomach?
3. In what way is Australia different from all the other countries in the world?
Task2 Language points
Para1 as old as time
feed …on
feed on
give birth to
Para2 in area
Para3 metals wines
where there is enough water
Para4 keep out …
for the task of ….
round up the cattle
Para5 depending on the area
all the year round
such a climate
roast a steak
on an open fire
go hiking
for holidays
Task3 Key sentences
1. Having been separated from other continents for …..
2. the USA has more than 14 times as many (as Australia has )
Step3 Writing
There are many unusual animals in Australia . Use the information to write a paragraph about one such animal.




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